Effective Communication Training And Development For Multicultural Employees In Marks And Spencer

Challenges of Cross-cultural Barriers and Ineffective Communication in Multinational Workplace

Discuss about Corporate Training Strategies for Vital Componentthe .

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With the rapid progress of globalization business organizations are not restricted within a specific geographical boundary. In order to draw the attention of global customers organizations have to expand their entire business process in multinational countries. Communication is one of the most prominent issues due to which organizational service providers have to face immense barrier in maintaining effective rapport with the customers. Marks and Spenser is one of the most prestigious British multinational retailers occupying dominant place in various geographic locations (Marksandspencer.com, 2018). While making an effective communication inside and outside the workplace professionals are facing immense barriers due to the entrance of cross-cultural barriers. People from various geographical backgrounds and attitudes would have to focus immense challenges in sharing views and thoughts with each other due to communication barrier. However, this very specific study has focused to give in-depth overview on how effective training and development session on communication skill would be more effective for enhancing professional skill and competency level of professionals.

As per the socio-cultural environment of Australia, it has been observed that people from diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes are associated with the business organizations of Australia. Marks and Spenser is not exceptional to that. This particular organization based on the skills and competency level of employees has hired the people from different cultural backgrounds as well as attitudes. As a result, communication barrier is one of the most prominent issues based on which the organizational productivity is getting hampered. As per the opinion of Sawitri and Muis (2014), effective communication helps an organization to maintain a good rapport among the employees. People belonging to various geographical backgrounds and attitudes may not be flexible in sharing necessary information regarding the business services due to language barrier (Murphy, 1995). As a result, customers have to suffer immensely in getting the services within proper time. Organization has to face difficulties in achieving the peak of success. In this kind of situation, human resource managers have to take an initiative on training and implementation program.

The most significant reasons for undertaking training development needs assessment are as follows:

  • Training development needs assessment on communication skill helps to enhance the professional skill of the employees. Employees feel comfortable to exchange their views and thoughts regarding the business goal. As a result, both the business employers and business employees get equal priority and response (Brewster, 2017). Business managers do not have to face difficulties in taking collective decision with each other. Organization would be able to expand their business beyond going regional boundary.
  • With the rapid growth of globalization business organizations are targeting the customers from various geographical boundaries (Kissane et al., 2012). While grabbing the attention of global customers, the service providers of Marks and Spenser should render multi-lingual flexibility for drawing the attention of people from various cultural backgrounds. As a result, an effective training is needed based on which the employees would be flexible to deal with cross-cultural people.

In addition, effective communication helps to build personal rapport among the employees. In order to provide effective services towards the business organization employees need to keep up their enthusiastic zeal. Otherwise, the employees would be able to provide their best effort towards services. An effective communication and development training would enable the employees of Marks and Spenser in maintaining effective rapport with each other. As a result, they would not have to stay with monotonous workflow. As a result, both the customers and the employees would be equally satisfied from the employers (Moser, 2012). It is undeniable however that the business sustainability of an organization is highly dependent on the flow of communication that is followed at the workplace. Based on the business sustainability the image and reputation of the brand would be highly dependent.

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Importance of Effective Communication for Organizational Productivity

While conducting communication development plan Marks and Spenser has decided to use group communication method in order to involve the employees from diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes. Group communication is primarily constituted with two major ways including small group communication and large group communication. In small group communication plan, employees are familiar to each other Curtis et al., 2013). Generally, people from a specific team are involved in small group communication method. On the other hand, in large group communication method participants may not know each other. In this kind of situation, the trainer has to take major initiative in interacting with every single participant effectively.

However, Marks and Spenser primarily follows small group communication method for developing the communication skill and competency level of the employees. By involving one particular team from each department, the trainers like to provide effective guidance on how to improve communication skill. In a group communication, every participant has equal right to share their views and thoughts with each other. Trainers like to raise a specific topic based on which participants tend to maintain an argumentative conversation (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). As a result, employees who were not very much familiar to other members due to invert nature become expressive after sharing their thoughts and views.

While maintaining this very specific group communication method, trainers tend to follow relevant communication models, which help the communicators extensively in understanding the entire communication flow (Ruck & Welch, 2012). The model of Shannon and Weaver implies that sender tends to encode the message by using a specific channel to the decoder. If the receiver gives an effective reply to the sender, the entire communication would be successful.

The role of an efficient trainer would be maintaining coordination between sender and receiver. Due to the language barrier, encoder sometimes fails to transmit messages to the receiver. Trainer in that situation plays the role of an intermediary who helps to reduce the communication gap between two employees (Keep, 2014). As per the initiative taken by human resource manager of Marks and Spenser, the appointed trainers by using interactive method try to enhance the communication skill of the employees who have linguistic barrier. As a result, the communication barrier that actually happened between two persons of different cultures was overcome. In addition, employees after getting guidance from a professional trainer can get the opportunity to improve their skills and competencies (Eggenberger, Heimerl & Bennett, 2013). As a result, customers get immense systematic response from the service providers, which ultimately left a positive impact in achieving business success.

Group Communication Method for Enhancing Communication Skill and Competency Level

While focusing on small group communication method the trainers have to face immense challenges as well. Mort Feldmann, Level and Liu (2013) emphasized that while employees are involved in a small group communication, trainers do not get the scope in evaluating the performance level of an individual. In some cases, it has been observed that an individual due to introvert kind of nature is unable to express point of views in front of large number of people. While participating in a group communication that employee is still unable to expose in front of everyone. In this kind of situation, the trainer is unable to enhance communication skill of that individual. However, Buabeng-Andoh (2012) opined that interpersonal communication method is more effective in improving the performance level of an employee. Interpersonal communication method enables to maintain an effective face-to-face communication with each other. In this very specific conversation, the employee can expose personal issue to the trainer. After identifying the issue, trainer can select appropriate training and development method for that individual. Therefore, it is observed that these particular employees would be able to rectify the mistake more quickly.

As per the opinion of Brewster (2017), training and development on interpersonal communication skill is a long-term method. Organization has to bear large amount of money for providing individual training in quest of developing communication skill and competency. As a result, human resource managers of Marks and Spenser would have to face innumerable barriers in implementing individual training and development session. However, after making an in-depth evaluation about the various aspects of training and development session it can be concluded that group communication method is very much effective in making collective decision. As per the opinion of Bratton and Gold (2017), with the help of an effective group communication method, employees get the opportunity to enhance personal skill and knowledge. In addition, with the help of participative form of decision making managers do not have to face challenges in taking any kind of strategic decision. In addition, every organization tends to fix up a certain amount of budget for training and development purpose. Therefore, individual training method on communication skill may be expensive for Marks and Spenser.

Brewster (2017) stated that arranging training and development session is not the ultimate. The organization has to focus on planning and implementation program. In order to plan an effective training on communication skill human resource managers have to be concerned on using some of the major training instruments such as technological devices, necessary physical equipments, an organized room and so on. After arranging these props, the human resource managers have to plan on how to implement this training program so that it can be effective for the employees. Buabeng-Andoh (2012) opined that if the technological devices were not well set up within training room, the trainers would not be able to show their demonstration with the help of audio-visual aid. Trainees would feel bore if the entire training method is based on lecture and verbal presentation.

Evaluation of Training and Development Process

In order to make an effective audio-visual presentation the technological devises would have to be active and prominent. In addition, the trainers should have the competency in overcoming any kind of technological barrier. Eggenberger, Heimerl and Bennett (2013) opined that trainer should have alternative props as well based on which they can handle the technological barrier and continue the development program. In addition, due to the lack of proper physical equipments such as chairs, pen-drives, black boards, electricity and on the entire planning method can be demolished. Therefore, the human resource managers have to make a major concern regarding those training instruments.

Moreover, barrier may arise on the planning, method training, and development program as well. If group communication method does not become fruitful for developing the competency level of employees of Marks and Spenser, the trainer would have to use alternative method as well. Otherwise, the objectives of training and development program would be meaningless. In addition, Marks and Spenser would have to focus on needs and demands of the employees as well. Bresnahan and Johnson (2013) opined that if group communication method does not become effective for the employees, the entire budget allocated for the training and development plan would be fruitless. Therefore, Marks and Spenser should follow alternative development plan as well based on which the trainers after facing any kind of crisis at the workplace can easily overcome the challenge.


The entire study has provided detailed analysis on how training and development session on communication skill would help the employees of Marks and Spenser in evaluating their competency level in dealing with the customers. Communication is one of the most prominent issues due to which organizational service providers have to face immense barrier in maintaining effective rapport with the customers. People from various geographical backgrounds and attitudes face difficulties in dealing with the service providers of Marks and Spenser due to communication issue. Therefore, human resource managers of this organization after identifying the issue of communication have focused to provide training and development session on communication skill. As a result, people of diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes are able to communicate with each other effective. In this very specific study, various importance of arranging this kind of training and development session is discussed. The methods that are used for conducting the training and development session effective are discussed effectively.

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