Effective Communication: Theoretical And Practical Aspects

Personal Analysis of Communication Skills

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Communication can be described as an effective tool which plays a major role in determining how an individual needs to interact with other people present in the given scenario. The given essay will be discussing the different aspects of communication aspects and analyze the same using theoretical as well as practical examples. Communication in business plays an effective role and it is very important for the business to ensure that they communicate effectively and present their case in business domains so that they are able to crack the deal (Broadbent, 2013).  Hence, it lies the duty of the individual and the university to train the different students and assist them in acquiring the different communication skills.

The given essay follows a structured format whereby the different components of the communication have been discussed. The given assignment comprises of a diagnosis and reflection of the various tools which I had undertaken previously. The second part is a review of literature whereby the different communication issues which had been identified earlier will be discussed. The last part is an action plan whereby the different courses and steps taken by me will be effectively recorded.

For the purpose of personal analysis, I made use of five diagnostic tools to analyze my communication ability (Coombs, 2014).  These tools were as follows; Self-Perceived Communication Competence Questionnaire, Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension, Non Verbal Immediacy Scale Self Report, Talkaholic Scale and the Tolerance for Disagreement.  Each of these scales possess the capability of examining the different aspects of my personality and went a long way in assisting me to understand the various requirements in communication which I would be required to undertake.

As stated earlier, for my personal analysis I made use of five different tools in order to analyze the communication in different scenarios. In the first tool which was the Self-Perceived Communication Competence Questionnaire I got a score of 76. The given tool is generally used to indicate the manner in which people make use of their own communication competence when they are confronted by situations where there are a wide variety of receivers present to undertake the information.

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The second tool which I undertook was the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension which tends to measure an individual’s feelings and his easiness when the individual communicates with people belonging to a varied cultural and diverse background. The score reflects how an individual would behave in scenarios where he would require to undertake an action. I got a score of 14 in this aspect (Habermas, 2015).

Diagnostic Tools for Communication Analysis

The third tool which I used for analysis is the tool of Non Verbal Immediacy Scale Self Report. The given tool is a tool which helps in the analysis of non-immediacy. The non-immediacy can be described as powerful indicators which help in indication of the cues which help in indication of the positive feelings towards another person. The given tool has more diverse items and hence for this purpose it tends to have a greater validity. The scores of male and female are different in the given aspect. In the given tool, I achieved a score of 101 which is relatively on the higher side.

The fourth tool which I use was the Talkaholic Scale which determines the measurement of compulsive communication. It is believed that some people or individuals are driven to talk more than others and they cannot stay quiet for a very long time. These group of people need to be differentiated from the ones who are labelled as talking too much because they are different and these people speak sense and others like to listen to them as well. People scoring 30-39 are borderline talkaholics whereas below the score are the ones who can usually control themselves. A score below 30 is ideal. The compulsive communicators are the ones with scores above 40. In the given aspect, I achieved a score of 27

The last tool which I used from the diagnostic tool set was the tool of Tolerance for Disagreement. The given tool has been popularly designed to measure the degree to which an individual can tolerate or communicate politely to another individual who reflects upon what the first individual believes to be true. It is often believed that the individuals may not agree with one another in this regard however,             generally people with high argumentativeness tend to disagree with others more often than the ones with lower argumentativeness. When an individual scores above 46 in the given scale he seems to possess a high tolerance for disagreement whereas when he scores low the tolerance is low as well. I got a score above 50 in this domain which reflected that I had a good tolerance for disagreement which means I am not that argumentative in nature.

The results which I received from the various questionnaires were quite accurate and through these tools I came to know about my communication style as well as preference. According to the results I could understand that I am most comfortable when talking to my closed ones and possess the fear of talking in public. In the same manner on the other hand, though the intercultural measurement dimension tool I understood that I need to improve upon my intercultural communication, Furthermore, I got to know that I have a high tolerance for disagreement and generally prefer listening to talking more. In the Talkaholic meter I scored a low score which helped me in understanding that I am not a talkaholic.

Results of Communication Analysis

Hence, from the given tools it could be figured out that the two main areas that I need to concentrate on are areas related to improving my intercultural communication and inability to present my argument in front of others.

In the previous section, I reflected upon the findings that were undertaken from the diagnostic tools and the two major issues which were identified were related to the inability to communicate effectively for intercultural people who seem to belong to a different culture than that of mine. My communication apprehension becomes primarily a concern and one of the communication problems.

The second problems which I identified was the problem related to the lack of argumentative skills. Although I believe that a low score in the given dimension can be considered to be fairly accurate, however this is not the case. In a business environment it becomes extremely important for any business to reflect upon the different negotiation and arguments which take place. They go a long way in helping the individual to understand the real game of business. If an individual is unable to understand the primary context behind it then he or she might not be able to given in their whole effort.

Hence, in areas of improvement I would like to improve in the two given aspects.

Hence, as I identified that I face problems with respect to two scenarios which are the scenarios relating to communicating with intercultural people and unable to present m argument. I will be narrating to personal experiences in the given section which further strengthen the argument that I require development in the two given areas.

Once when I was visiting a restaurant outside of my country, I wanted to place an order at the counter. However the individual present behind the counter did not understand what I wanted to say and as he belonged a culture which was different from one, he insisted on being clear so that he was able to understand what I needed. However, I was not accustomed to the accent and was unable to understand his demands (Utzinger et al., 2015). This fear in me made me fled away from the restaurant and I could not face the individual even though he was just trying to be helpful and assist me in taking my order. While purchasing other items as well, I am unable to deal with people who are differently cultured and this often leads to frustration and anger in me.

Areas of Improvement

The second example of the scenario, where I faced communication issues is related to the time when I was working in a group project with some of my classmates. With a relatively high score in tolerance for disagreement and low argumentative nature, I was unable to stand for myself. The leaders and other members present in the team tried to conspire against me and they stated down various requirements in front of me, which became necessary for me to abide by. Secondly, while dividing the group project, I was given a part which I was no comfortable in (Ruesch et al., 2017). This further lead to a problem in my scores as I was not comfortable in doing the section of the project which was allotted to me and this lead to a further deficiency in my image in front of the given colleagues and my tutors as well. I believe that as I am not argumentative in nature, this is often taken up as a negative point in my personality and I often face problems due to this. However, this should not be the case as I believe, I am unable to argue because I believe that peace is the right path and this is what gets misunderstood.

The given section will be consisting of relevant literature with respect to the two communication issues which were identified. The review will be based on relative theories and frameworks which shall help in identification of relevant aspects. I will be using relative authors for the review in order to be successful in identifying the issues and the probable theoretical solutions for the given scenario.

One of the major issues being identified is the above reflection is the presence of non-argumentative behavior that is leading to the issues in between the business deals and interactions with others. In this case, there are number of opinions and theories being given by different authors that can help in overcoming the challenges (Cocks et al., 2014). According to Dwyer, Hogan and Stewart (2014), the most effective measure or concept that should be followed in this becoming more argumentative is initiating the critical thinking skills. This is due to the reason that initiation of the critical thinking skills will help the person to have enough argumentative data or information that can be used as evidence in the time of the business deals or interactions. The authors have also stated that non argumentative behavior of the students or anyone emerges when they do not have enough evidence in relation to the particular case. Thus, it is important for me to effectively organize the information in relation to the issue or case. The next step according to the authors is to structure the reasoning for the respective information or data. The more reasons can be gathered, the more will be the options to open up in the time of the interactions with different arguments. Moreover, as per the authors, it is also important to have evidence for every reasons or arguments due to the reason that without the use of evidence, the reliability and authenticity of the arguments will get reduced. Thus, it is also important for me to have the proper evidence for my arguments. If I can come up with proper evidence, then it will become easier for me to convey my opinions in the time of the business deals or interactions.

Examples of Communication Issues

Another view regarding the initiation of the argumentative skills is given by McNeill, Gonzalez-Howard, Katsh-Singer and Loper (2016). According to them, one of the major and most effective ways to initiate the argumentative behavior is go have the access to larger, vast and diverse set of knowledge. This is due to the reason that according to the authors, it is important for the particular entity to have the diverse knowledge in order to come up with diverse set of arguments. It is also being stated by the authors that the major challenges faced by the students or any others in time of argumentation is the pseudo-argumentation. This refers to the concept of initiating the argumentation without having proper knowledge domain behind it. Thus, according to the authors, lack of knowledge will lead to the ineffective argumentation process. It is also being stated by the authors that there are number of instances where the fear of not having enough knowledge as evidence caused barrier in the initiation process of argumentative behavior. Thus it is important for me to gather and garner enough and more diverse set of knowledge in order to come up with more authentic and effective arguments. Moreover, it will also help in overcoming the fear of lack of evidences if I have the access to more set of knowledge.

In the previous reflection section, it is also identified that ineffectiveness in dealing with people from other cultures is one of the major challenges for me. In this case, one of the most effective measures is stated by Castaneda and Bateh (2013). According to them, the first and most primary step in overcoming the challenge of dealing with people from other cultures is mitigating the concept of stereotyping (Laske et al., 2015). This is due to the reason that according to the authors, in the majority of the cases people tends to stereotype different cultures and this caused fluctuation impression or perception among them. For instance, if someone perceives that a person from another particular culture will be harmful only due to the reason that he is from a certain culture, then at the very first stage of communication process, the environment will be negative and not favorable. Thus, according to the authors, it is important for the communicators to not stereotype different cultures in order to not have any pre-determined perception. This will help in having effective communication with the people from different cultures from the initial stage. Therefore, it can be concluded that if I have to reduce my ineffectiveness in communicating with the people from different cultures then I should not stereotype and initiate the communication process in more flexible manner.

Review of Literature

According to House (2014), in the case of intercultural communication, it is important for the involved stakeholders to have the effective and proper use of language and speaking tone. This is due to the reason that in the process of intercultural communication, language plays an important role in creating negative or positive impression. The authors have also stated that improper use and lack of knowledge in different set of languages will deter the communicator to initiate the effective process of intercultural communication. Same language and speaking tone may have different meanings in different cultures. Thus, it is important for the communicators to have the knowledge of different knowledge prior to the initiation of the intercultural communication. The authors have also stated that in different cases, communicators face the challenge in the intercultural communication process due to the fact that they do not have the idea about how to use different and proper language that will help to effectively and properly communicate the message to the target audience (Marinho et al., 2017). Thus, the communicators should have the diverse skills of language in order to communicate properly with the people from different cultures. In the case of mine, I should also initiate the process of garnering more skills regarding the use of proper set of language and vocabulary along with the proper use of speaking skills. If I have these skills, then it will be more beneficial for me to overcome the challenges in intercultural communication process.

Therefore from the above review of literature it could be identified that, these two relative issues which are being faced by me form an essential aspect of the characteristics which an individual is required to possess and thus for this purpose, it becomes relatively important for an individual to ensure that the right skills are present in him (Interpersonal Communication in Workplace: Importance, 2015). I have identified that I will be required to improve upon these skills and undertake relevant classes for the same. Therefore, the given section will be discussing the various skills and courses which I will be undertaking in the next six months along with the time frame for each and the performance measurement techniques (Viterbi & Omura, 2013).  According to me, undertaking the given skills will go a long way in assisting me to achieve my targets in a right manner and be able to achieve the success which is very important, in today`s business scenario.

Overcoming Non-Argumentative Behavior

The action plan which has been created is as follows. The first step which I have identified is that I will be keeping a journal. The given journal would go a long way in assisting me to achieve my target and also be helpful in helping me to target my progress (Wenger, 2014). Through the given journal, I will be able to track my progress and understand where the gap actually lies in the given domain.

The given journal would also help in acting as a measurement tool which shall assist in guiding and acting as a token of how I started on this journey to development and where I have reached till date. The given plan has been formed for a mere period of six months. Although I believe that six months is quite a short span of time and that I must be able to effectively continue the learning process for a larger span of time but this will not be the case and I need to have certain well defined targets for the framework for future planning.

The next thing which I aim to do in the given scenario is appointing a mentor to track my progress. Through the mentor`s guidance and expertise I will be able to overcome my disabilities which are a lack of cultural communication skills and the lack in argumentative nature. Although I scored a moderate score of 50 in the Tolerance for Disagreement scale, I believe that I can perform a lot better in future. Hence, I aim to hire Jack Phil as a mentor who holds a Professional Diploma in Intercultural Coaching and has over 15 years of working experience. He will be assisting me and tracking my progress in the given field.

Under his guidance, I plan to participate in an 8 week training program which will help me to improve my communication skills and help me to attain relevant skills which shall assist me in understanding how to interact with the different cultured people. When I will be attending these classes, I will also be meeting different cultured people who will then help me in being able to communicate freely with one another (De Vries, Bakker-Pieper & Oostenveld, 2010).

I also plan to read other books like Intercultural Communication in context by Martin and Nakayayama.  I plan to read another book named Communication persuasion by Hovlind and Janis. These books would go along ay in assisting me to build my argumentative skills as well as remove my fear of cultural barriers.

Improving Intercultural Communication

Furthermore, after the given course stated above, I have planned to enroll myself in another course provided by a private tutor the given tutor is known to have a long experience in teaching students how to ace in arguments and communications without having an impact on the personal relationships. I believe that this shall assist me in maintaining relationships (Hartman & McCambridge, 2011).

Lastly, I would be participating in various debates which will be held in local and college levels as these will help me achieving better experiences and guidance from expert. This shall also have a two way effect as it shall also help me in improving my communication skills by interacting with various other cultured people.

As a token of measurement, the journal and the mentor would go a long way in assisting me to achieve success and be able to track my progress. Furthermore, the feedback received from my colleagues and tutors will also assist me in understanding my progress and achievement.

Sr. No

Action undertaken

Resources required

Time frame

Measurement of success


Journal writing


6 months

Analysis at the end


Mentor appointment


6 months



8 week training program

Fees and effort

8 weeks

Scores obtained


Book number 1

The book

2 months

Feedback at the end of the book


Book number 2

The book

2 months

Feedback at the end of the book


Private tutor

Tutor fees

4 months

Feedback from tutor



Debate participation fees

6 months

Result from the debate

Gantt chart

Major Stages or activities

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4



Month 6

Journal writing

Mentor appointment

8 week training program

Book number 1

Book number 2

Private tutor



Therefore from the given analysis it could be stated that communication plays an effective role in different aspects of life. Whether in context of the business domain, or in the context of a personal life, if an individual is able to communicate effectively, he can be achieve success. The given essay discussed the various aspects of my communication skills and identified the gap that existed in them. Furthermore this analysis was done using various tools and skills which then helped me to identify my shortcomings. I have developed a personal development plan for myself which will help me in achieving success and overcoming all my shortcomings.


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