Effective Communication And Cultural Diversity Strategies For JKL Organization
Strategies for Effective Communication
In the current technological society, there is a need for JKL to manage ideas and information in the organization to accomplish tasks and realize their individualistic development and contentment. JKL management team is required to understand how to effectively utilize equipment, expertise and plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim to control the amount of information that is obtainable and to establish as well as share or exchange information and ideas (Serrat, 2017).
As a communication consultant at JKL, it is recommendable that JKL should have revised and updated strategies, policies and processes to manage communication and the flow of information in the organization. There is a need for making sure that approach and methods are available to communicate information that is in relation with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers. For effective communication, it is a requirement that opportunities should be established for workers to present in their views. It is necessary that all co-workers can obtain information and ideas. Information at JKL is required to deliver through various methods continually. It will ensure that the workers can predict what is likely to occur and where to get the necessary information. Communication should maintain a constant and timely flow of information. The communication techniques should be reviewed from time to time and evaluate their efficacy to make sure that information is received (Serrat, 2017).
The consultation process needs to be created to ensure that the workers have the chance to subscribe to issues that are in connection to their work functions. There is a need for JKL to develop and execute successful consultation mechanisms which inspire cooperation and engagement of workers and management. In various occurrences, consultation is a must and a requirement by law. There are essential advantages connected with the execution and preservation of the consultation culture and cooperation among workers in the organization. When JKL executes the consultation practice, it will acknowledge the benefits of the constant search for opinions as well as perspectives from workers, through individual consultation and among co-workers. The workers’ consciousness and participation in, the decision-making practices will result in a more productive JKL which is an outcome of the final consultation and teamwork. It will ensure that JKL gets a superb and more knowledgeable making of decisions and more effective execution of ideas. Consultation processes will engage as well as keep skilled and affirmative workers. Consultation among co-workers in JKL will ensure an adequate working environment that can adapt to adjustments. JKL workers will have reduced disputes among themselves as well as minimize worker claims against the organization (Serrat, 2017).
There is a need for JKL to facilitate feedback to workers on the results of the consultation processes. Feedback is inexpensive, and a management device used below its optimum level. It enables co-workers to stick on the course and performs as a model to help individuals to know the way in which others become conscious of their production. Feedback in JKL will immensely inspire and give vitality and enthusiasm to workers in the organization. It has a powerful connection to workers contentment and efficiency. The workers at JKL will feel connected and recognized by the organization. The moment JKL workers get the slight feedback they will be critical in an unduly disapproving manner since they will be dependent on events as compared to appropriate feedback to estimate their success and influence (Serrat, 2017).
Importance of Consultation Mechanisms
There is a need for JKL to establish processes to make sure that matters rose are settled in time or directed to the appropriate personnel department. The problems facing workers in JKL should be defined and broken down until descriptions of are found of variously related complications. The issues raised should have priority. The more important problems at JKL should be advanced tackled. The issues should channel to the right personnel who are in charge of the department where the question arose. The processes that ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly should also look to avoid problems in the future and that JKL operations return to normalcy. JKL needs to adopt an organized approach to solving difficulties and the making of resolutions (Serrat, 2017).
To guarantee that the workers in JKL act ethically then the organization must establish a culture of ethics by providing adequate tools. The workers at JKL should have sufficient and suitable training, consultation, models as well as guidance. There is a need to establish policies which guarantee the following of cultural diversity and ethical values of JKL industry. JKL industry recognizes the importance of its function as an answerable corporate citizen. The organization operates with uprightness and in conformity with the fundamental beliefs of the organization. There is a need for workers at JKL to enthusiastically take up the cultural diversity inventiveness with the goal of establishing a workplace that includes every worker. A diverse workforce in JKL will mean that it is an ethical desire. As a communication consultant in JKL, I would advise that the managers must ensure that the cultural diversity resolves in a way that ethical issues that may arise are solved promptly. A workforce that is diversified will include individuals with distinct religious beliefs. The pluralistic policies of the organization should not clash with the religious beliefs of the workers. JKL should ensure that the opinions of their staffs are respected (Serrat, 2017).
JKL must have an all-inclusive gender where all sexes get equal chances in the working area. The management department in JKL should ensure that the policies of the cultural diversity and ethical values get attended. The rights of the workers in JKL have to be safeguarded to enable efficiency in the diversity initiatives. The cultural diversity and moral values apply to all members who work in the organization or on behalf of the organization, customers and clients (Serrat, 2017).
The policies on cultural diversity and ethical values of JKL must be per the state laws of Australia. The systems must be of a positive influence and should be of non-discrimination. The policies should favor all individuals willing to work at JKL (Serrat, 2017).
The health, safety and rehabilitation policies at JKL displayed at various workstations should be functional and must be adhered to at all times. The JKL department responsible for health should acknowledge that the health and safety of the JKL workers supports the capability of the organization to attain their strategic objectives. The policy at JKL is required to describe the organization’s dedication to provide a secure and all right working environment for all workers in accordance with the safety acts which include: Work Health and Safety Act 2011(NSW), state health and safety Acts that apply in Australia, Workers compensation Act 1987(NSW), Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998(NSW). The executives and workers in the JKL organization should all be responsible and encourage a safety culture in the workplace (Serrat, 2017).
The Significance of Feedback
As a consultation expert, I recognize that managing cultural diversity and ethical values is a process that needs observation. The moral values that a worker in JKL possesses must be in association with the behaviors of JKL industry. Communication policies established in JKL should ensure that the organization’s cultural diversity and ethical values adhered. The procedures should be non-discriminatory and should be per the organization’s cultural diversity. The communication resources at JKL have need handling in a professional, ethical and accordance with the law. The resources have to be limited in use in that they should only be used to perform JKL businesses (Serrat, 2017).
Trust and confidence is a value that is expected to be built professionally among colleagues, clients and customers in the JKL industry. The communication policies must state clearly what actions are acceptable in the organization and what should never happen. The plans at JKL should cover openness and ensure that co-workers disclose fundamental issues, activities as well as resolved procedures and outcomes that develop. Information that relates to a client should be sealed and private except if there is a drafted consent. The co-workers at JKL are required to work in good faith and without hidden agendas. Due diligence is expected in all colleagues in the organization as everyone is required to take the ultimate care in resolutions and responsibilities. The workers at JKL industry should acknowledge what the industry needs from them and should never fail to fulfill or undertake their responsibility (Serrat, 2017).
Workers in the JKL industry should adjust their interpersonal communication styles to be per the industry’s cultural diversity and ethical values in both the internal and external environments. The mode of communication among colleagues and clients should build relationships and should safeguard workers and potential customers as well as any other person that transacts with the JKL organization (Serrat, 2017).
JKL new communication policies should encourage the management and development as well as maintenance of established networks and relationships. JKL industry is required to acknowledge and take advantage of the beneficial relationships to gain progress and attain the objectives. Colleagues in JKL are needed to work as a team with the rest of the employees to be knowledgeable of possible needs of the time still to come. Workers in JKL are expected to consult each other in the organization and contribute to issues as well as presenting the underlying issues. In this way, it will enable individuals in the organization to build relationships as well as improvement in networking among colleagues as the workers will feel that there is inclusivity in the industry’s decision-making. Networking and building relationships in JKL organization will create the notion of common objectives that need achievements. Collaboration in JKL organization will enable workers to work with efficacy with co-workers and energize in their responsibilities and will have the potential to operate as a network. JKL policies are required to encourage positive connections within the workplace as well as with other clients who transact with the company. Collaboration with others in the workplace will help workers attain a common outcome. The advantages for interconnection in workers in JKL will help employees to acknowledge how professional networking operates as well as learn how to create and develop a relationship. The communication policies in JKL should help workers to establish and maintain relationships in the workplace as well as help employees advance in their career skills (Cristofoli, Markovic, and Meneguzzo, 2014).
Handling Issues and Establishing Ethical Standards
There is a need for continuous planning to guarantee that successful internal and external organization relationships are established and preserved. JKL needs to have an affirmative communication plan to ensure efficiency in the workplace. JKL should make the workers aware of the reason why they need to maintain a perfect relationship both internally and externally. JKL needs to understand that the attitudes, as well as communication of the workers, affect the reputation of the organization and its collaboration with its external environment. The workers should be made aware of their contextual relationship of the organization. It will enable the workers to be familiar with what is anticipated of them (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
The workers at JKL should be made aware of what is likely to occur when the industry fails to maintain a good network and relationship in and out of the organisation. Employees at JKL should be made to understand that substandard relationships and networks will dent their reputation and thus affect the industry’s organization in a negative way (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
The employees in JKL should be made to realize that they are the brand representatives of the company. It will make all workers protect the image of JKL and thus maintain its good relationship with others.
JKL employees should be made aware of the need of the organization to participate in social activities of the affected communities. The company should express its dedication to its workers by helping them such as sponsoring the community or by donations.
JKL should develop a method of assembling the discernments of workers and their understanding. JKL needs to seek information from workers to know their thoughts on the possible results of the industry’s activities on the surrounding environment. This information will help JKL to improve as well as prevent spoiling its reputation with the community (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
Good relations and equipment in JKL will help the organization improve its production. However, it is a requirement that JKL establishes strategies which guarantee that challenges in the workplace relationships get realized and settled.
Worker production analyses are an adequate method used to realize challenges in the organization. The worker is the best individual to understand possible problems that should require tackling as he experiences the issues on a daily life basis at work. JKL may use questionnaires, conduct surveys as well as interviews to collect information on potential difficulties (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
JKL managers are more knowledgeable about the industry and can as well offer the relevant information on the dangers likely to occur during the worker’s activities. JKL should ensure that they avail and equip the workplace with the correct standard equipment for use. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations can assist JKL to realize if the material available is of a quality standard. JKL should warn employees of places where accidents are likely to take place (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
JKL should conduct group assessments to identify difficulties in the workplace. The departmental evaluations will assist JKL to identify various problems experienced within the industry’s departments.
JKL should assess risks to realize the processes that result in a threat to the workforce. After assessing the probable risk, assessment should be done to approximate the event of happening and intensity of the possible dangers to know what strategies are required to be availed to avert the threat from occurring (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
Manage conflicts in JKL: JKL is required to develop systems which guarantee that battle is realized and managed in the correct method in alignment with the industry’s policies and processes. JKL is necessary to identify conflicts and the sources of the disputes to achieve them. A conflict management procedure is deliberately adjusted and modified to bear the requirements of JKL industry founded on this factor. JKL Workers need to be trained to create awareness which minimizes the negative influence of conflict at the organization during operations. JKL should use a neutral third-party intervention to assist in solving the dispute before it escalates and worsens. JKL should consider a supportive infrastructure to champion its capability to affirmatively control and reduce the dangerous impacts of conflicts at the workplace (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
Providing guidance in JKL: JKL should choose to offer advice and counseling and support to help the employees in resolving their challenges at the workplace. JKL ought to have a proper guidance and counseling team that assists its workers when they are facing hardships in the workplace. The counselors will provide valuable information to JKL staffs who are struggling with work and life options. The counselors will help JKL regarding their personal and professional needs (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
JKL should establish and execute an action plan to settle any recognized challenges. JKL is required to identify the origin of the conflict. It will create a favorable ground for JKL to solve the problem. JKL should manage conflict by looking beyond the dispute. They should then look at how the difference can resolve between the conflicting individuals. JKL can then help solve the conflict by the rival workers agreeing on common ground. There should be an agreement made between the participants in the conflict. The plan to resolve conflicts should be a lasting solution to solve and prevent any similar conflict from happening. Individuals can be made to sign a contract. JKL should advise the conflicting parties on the importance of cooperation and collaboration among the co-workers and the benefits of functioning as a team. Difficulties experienced should have a lasting solution and should find a method of prevention and control to prevent the escalations which may be harmful and unhealthy for JKL industry (Cristofoli et al., 2014).
JKL needs to engage its industry in an efficient workplace policy which adheres to its cultural diversity and ethical values.
Cristofoli, D., Markovic, J., & Meneguzzo, M. (2014). Governance, management and performance in public networks: How to be successful in shared-governance networks. Journal of Management & Governance, 18(1), 77-93.
Serrat, O. (2017). Harnessing creativity and innovation in the workplace. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 903-910). Springer, Singapore.