Effective Business Strategies And Co-operative Workforce

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Write an essay on effective business strategies and co-operative work force.

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This case study is based on the analysis of team work of a given company. According to (Miller 2013), team work is very important to have the opportunity of becoming a successful business organization by the use of effective business strategies and co-operative work force. In each of the business organizations of the present world, there are different sections for different types of business operations. The employees working in different sections of a business organization can be considered as individual teams. The employees of each should work together in an efficient and co-operative way to achieve the corporate goal of the business organizations. The teams should work with co-operations with the other teams of the organization. In order to get the desired level of success, the management of a business organization should focus on the activities of the individual groups and the overall workforce of the organization (Tracy 2013). In this context, the management of the big business organization should analyze the ability of the team work if any kind of failure occurred in their business operations.

This case study is about the critical analysis of the team work management style of Calgary Oil Share Technologies. Inc. In this report the case study has been analyzed by answering the three questions regarding the team work, business strategies. After analyzing the situation of the case study, some advises are given to the company for the further improvement in their strategies and the team work plan (Employee job satisfaction and engagement 2012). The analysis of the case study will help to understand the problems occurred in the team work of the company and the way of recovering the situation to have better opportunity in the future through the team work.

Calgary Oil Share Technologies Inc. (COST) is a subsidiary of an international company which gives the services of oilfield. The company works in the area of technology and data mining for the oil extraction and use. At present the company is providing the services regarding the technology and data management tools for maximizing the oil recovery in Utah, Colorado and Alberta. As mentioned earlier the case study analysis is about the team work management of the company. The main problem behind the case is the clashing between the scientists and the laborers (Calgary Oil Share Technologies Inc. 2016). The scientists are the employees who work at the back end of the company for developing the services and products for the business operations. The labors are the employees who work at both front and back end of the company.  They help the scientists by the effort required in various types of works as well as providing the front line services and many other works. These two types of employees of the organization can be seen as two different teams. In order to get the desired level of success in the business operations a high level of cohesion is required between the two teams. In order to solve the problem, Algoma Howard was hired for implementing a team work program. She got Carlos Debrito for joining her cause. This person was in the company for 26 years. The main reason of taking his man in the team development plan was that he had worked in all the sections of the company in his career.

Algoma Howard and Carlos Debrito phased in permanent cross-functional teams in Alberta. What types of teams are the “fireside chats” and “problem-busting teams”? Through what stage of stages of team development did these groups evolve?

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Stages of team operations

The main aim of the teamwork plan was to bring people together. The distance between the employees of the company was the main reason of the problem they were facing in the business operations. In this context, the distance between the employees of different sections should be minimized and they should understand the working criteria and problems faced by the employees of other sections. In order to achieve the desired goal of the teamwork plan 3 functional groups were developed. They were operations, below ground and equipment maintenance (Aarabi, Subramaniam and Akeel 2013). The employees who work in the maintenance and other logical operations were in the group of operations. The engineers, geophysicists and geologists whose main job was to figure out the place of drilling were in the group of the below ground employees. The third group of employees was consisting of employees ready to support on call.

Fireside chats and problem busting team were two initiatives taken by Algoma Howard. Fireside chats were the optional meetings. In these meetings, all the employees were invited. The place of the fireside chats was the cafeteria. The time of these meetings were late afternoon. The main motive of the fireside chats was to develop a relaxed environment among the employees. The reason behind this was to develop an environment in which the employees can freely discuss the problems faced in their workplaces (Slater 2013). The meetings were also effective in solving the unresolved issues. The idea of developing problem busting team was implemented from the fireside chats. This team created once every employee participated in the fireside chats. The problem busting teams were basically some temporary teams developed on the basis of the problems identified in the fireside chats. The teams can be called as the special purpose teams. The team members of the problem busting team were from the 3 functional areas and dissimilar hierarchies (Stack 2013). An employee who was trained regarding the team development and worked as a first line supervisor was assigned as the leader of the team. The existence of a team teams were till the solution of the particular problem for which the team was developed. Once the problem was resolved, the teams were disbanded.

The stages of team operations:

1st stage: Discussion regarding the requirements of the groups for working in their workplace. In this stage, the problems faced by the employees of other groups at their own works.

2nd stage: The second stage was regarding the rules of engagement, which was to focus on the issue not on the person related to that issue. This rule was applicable for all groups of employees.

3rd stage: Lively problem solving discussion based on the issues found in all the three groups.

4th stage: Discontent when distributing responsibilities and decision making with the lower level employees.

5th stage: Leader had to recognize the problems or issues and enhance the commitment within the teams.

6th stage: basically team member are jointly focusing and managing the task with the coordination of their employees to entire chronic problems of the organization is denoted as success.

Carlos Debrito’s role in the organization

7th stage: After getting the work experience of 1.5 years within a problem busting teams, the entire workforce needs to organize within permanent functional period of time. Then the team was organized as a cross functional team.

In the company Debrito is one of the similar partner who is working hard for the organization. Carlos Debrito is responsible for the success of the Colorado’s project which is supportive to reduce the conflict between working professionals and labor of the company (O’Brien and Thomas 2013).

Debrito basically uses several key for the horizontal team structure for the perspective of meeting of a specified group within a particulars period. Handling a horizontal team will be helpful for the group of employee to follow same type of hierarchy level with the specialization of various types of specification within a given period of time. The Carlos Debrito had basically two specific roles in the organization. First for all, he is following all the job responsibility of task specialist. He is also influenced by the different higher level management, for his talent regarding achievement of organizational goals with the proper negotiation for initiating better innovative job ideas. Debrito is also supported most of their team mates and employees are emotionally (Dessler 2013). He is also participated in different recreational task and refreshment activities of the company for balancing the workability and issues of human resource management of the organization within a specified period of time. The technical requirement of their organization is need to be satisfied as per the task with their socio economical factors and scenarios. These entire collaborative activities are applied by him for reducing the organizational conflicts and employees coordination within their work activities. The leadership style of Debrito can be characterized by the values like caring, relationship development, collaboration and inclusion. The main aim of his leadership style was to share the ideas with the subordinates and give chances to the team members to participate in the organizational decision making process.

In case of agreeing with the fact that partner like Debrito would help Howard to achieve success in Colrado, it can be said the fact is true. Rather, Carlos needs to be shifted to Colorado within guaranteed period of time to become a successful one. He is holding experience of more than 26 years with his co operational nature and professionalism activities (Rhodes and McGuire 2013). The organizational higher authorities are aware about this that if Deborito will be in Colorado, he will be able achieve the success within given duration of time with the coordination of workers. Carlos Debrito was the key of developing the horizontal team, which was made by the employees belong to similar level in the hierarchical structure of the company but from different sections and expertise. This horizontal team was the key of success in every sections and it would also help to get the desired level of success in Colorado.

According to the overall case study analysis, it is showing that there are several kind improvement required for the company to survive longer period of time in the market (Mangula and Israel 2013). Also there are several changes which cannot controllable and structured within a operational period of time of the company. Those are following in nature

The Howard’s team required to directly contact to the higher management authorities of the company. But at the same they also required to use their best approaches to handle better situational activities within a specified period of time (Nielsen and Hunter 2013).

There are several situational scenarios like worker as like Debrito did not exist in Colorado. At that point of Time Company need to plan some alternative plan and objects to support the Howard’s team for enhancement of their better recognition within a short span of time (Kleinbeck and H”cker 2013).

As per the work cultural of the company, they need to remove the concept of compulsory attendance. This will be helpful for the company to better coordinate with the team mates and enhance their problem solving approaches (Lavigna 2013).

At the beginning of the operational activities, it is shown the scenario of the company has been divided into two different teams on the basis of various norms and regulation. The horizontal team of the company basically find different problematic scenario to deal with endless arguments and conflict resolving ideas (Eshetu 2012). The Norming scenario is the basically played better attributes to create peaceful and harmonized relationship within team with unity. These techniques are particularly followed by Carlos and they have successfully able to resolve the conflict between several groups and teams within a specified period of time to become a successful together.

There are several opinions given by the Algoma regarding Carlos Debrito that their similar and traditional techniques can make the business activities successful, and they will get the similar outcomes what they have expected at that point of time on the basis of their luck and interest of employees. There are huge amount of difference are recognized between the processing activities of Colorado and Alberta (Casullo 2012). It is also showing that Alberta basically force their employee to work in their operational processes. On the other hand Colarado teams basically involve in their work process naturally. Both the team lead Debrito and Howard efficiently guided the team and also has been provided better experience to gathered success for their team mate and other people involve in the business activities.

It is also important decision making technique for the Algoma Howard to create better trust and bonding between their team mates in the organization situated Colarado. The team members also need to participate in creation of different business strategies to address and solve the problematic scenario faced by the company within a specified period of time (Brown 2012). The continuous participation between employees of the company will helpful for the company to take better decision in terms after evaluation of innovating strategies provided by the organization within a specified period of time.

There are innovative strategies which need to be addressed for solving different operational and business related problems with the better coordination of teams. Team of Debrito required applying business strategies like providing better leadership strategies and their willingness to accept aspects within a specified period of time. It is also recommended for organization Colorado plant is having culture of different facility in Alberta with their different experience which is required various agenda to discussion regarding operational activities of the company (Bohlander and Snell 2013). The overall scenarios of the company is also showing that company is required to diversify their business activities in different parts to sort out their problems and improve the trust factor of within their departments through trust and enhancing respectfulness of their desired position within a specified period of time. There are differences between two operational teams of the company. They need to work with better coordination and monitoring their day to day recognition within a given period of time (Schweinle and Sorenson 2013). The managerial activities of the organization are really important with the coordination of their team members specially. The realistic approaches, gain recognition and specified collaboration to solve organizational problems and operational hindrances.


The case study of Calgary Oil Shale technologies has been analyzed in this report. The case study was regarding the problems faced by the company regarding the team work among the employees of different sections of the company. In order to resolve the communications and understanding gaps among the employees of various section of the company, they hired Algoma Howard. Carlos Debrito was a senior employee of the company who helped Howard to implement the team management strategy and resolve the issues of the company. The overall case study is about performance analysis of Deborito and Howard’s performance in the Alberta in Colorado.

It is about his performance to motivate employees, enhancement of their performance and organizing various types of recreational performance and activities to make better understanding between employees of the company. According to the overall activities done by the Deborito is for the benefits of employees as well as organization by creating strong bonding between both the parties. On the other hand, Howard was pressurizing their employees to work within tight scheduled and also charging penalties for minor mistakes. After reviewing both the perspective and work culture of the companies is showing that due to friendly and supportive behavior towards employees and workers makes their organization successful within mentioned span of time.


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