Effective Business Communication For Business Stakeholders

Module 1: Effective Business Communication and Ethical Communication

Describe about the Effective Business Communication for Business Stakeholders.

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Business communication is anointed as one of the key drivers of business in the present scenario. The role of communication in context of business has been diversified over the years as organizations realized the expansion of their activities. As organizations gathered substantial assistance from the revenue gathering strategies, the emphasis of organizations on other vital aspects of business such as stakeholders, sustainability and generation of dynamic capabilities was minimal (Kaul, 2014). Therefore, business organizations had to include plausible integrations in their strategic principles in order to cater to the varying changes in the business environment such as varying customer behaviors and economic disturbances as well as social conflicts. The use of business communication is associated with various outcomes such as establishment of flexible corporate culture, efficient supply chain management and functional stakeholder management. However, the domain of business communication has been characterized by the inclusion of varying categorization for types of communication, the induction of unconventional communication channels and revising the traditional norms established for business communication (Grunig, 2013). The new concepts related to the guidelines for business communication emphasize on flexibility and identification of new concepts observed from the works of different researchers and academics. The following report illustrates references to six major concepts related to business communication with explanation of rationale as well as apprehending the key concept furbished in the article (Kuehn, 2016).

Effective Business Communication & Ethical Communication: Module 1


The definition of ethical communication can be described in context of business organizations with distinct references to ethical behavior and efficient communication.       Business organizations have to apprehend the significance of ethical behavior in communication in order to acquire sustainable advantage. Ethical communication and its objectives can be realized only if an organization is capable of maintaining favorable levels of honesty with customers as well as employees (Guffey & Loewy, 2012). The information communicated by the organization must be relevant and should be validated from the perspective of distinct receivers. Paralanguage can be defined as the technical apparatus or the physical gestures intended for communication. Devices used for business communication such as PDAs as well as the body language of managers are also accountable for inclusion in paralanguage. Paralanguage is considered as productive especially in situations of face-to-face conversations where ethical behavior can be aptly addressed. Therefore ethical communication and paralanguage are interrelated and the interplay between them could lead to prolific strategic management advantages (Locker & Kienzler, 2015).

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Module 2: Audience Analysis and Communication Apprehension

Journal Article:

Ewing, J 2014, ‘Communication (applied science)’, Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, Research Starters, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2016.

The article primarily emphasized on the varying implications of paralanguage in ethical communication. Though paralanguage can be considered as non-verbal language used for communication, the development of technology has led to other forms of non-verbal communication such as text messaging and IP messaging. Therefore these forms of paralanguage are also subject to scrutiny in context of ethical behavior by an organization in event of business communication (Ewing, J 2014). Business communication has been largely argued to derive potential benefits from the implementation of ethical behavior and paralanguage in perfect unison.

Analyze and explain: In my current job I will be able to use the concept of ethical communication and paralanguage for improving communication skills as well as body language which could assist me in excelling in the requirements demanded by the organization. The technical innovativeness observed by me in modern-day equipment for communication has created flexible scope for my organization’s employees to utilize paralanguage for business communication (Varner & Varner, 2014). However, the use of paralanguage has to be coordinated with respect to the context of ethical communication. My manager has to ensure that information is shared among all sections of the organization with a comprehensive understanding of the information being communication. Business communication is associated with ethical concerns related to relevancy, credibility and authenticity of the information being delivered. Employees have to consider the training in paralanguage aspects which could enable them to understand the varying domains of ethical communication. Body language of communicators must be characterized by limited scope for offensive language, amiable behavior and expressive nature (Bell & Muir, 2014). Ethical considerations have to be addressed through being assertive of the confidentiality of the information being exchanged. Furthermore, different types of understanding of paralanguage by varying individuals could lead to ambiguities related to ethical communication (Barringer, 2012).

Application: I will be able to use the concepts of paralanguage and ethical communication as the most potential resources in my future as a manager. Ethical communication is stringent and paralanguage is non-verbal in nature and hence I will be able to implement both entities in a flexible fashion so that ethical concerns of business communication are not violated through the use of paralanguage (Bell & Muir, 2014). Managers must assume specific attention to the coordination among proper standards for paralanguage and the flexibility of communication channels to ensure effective communications alongside compliance to ethical standards.

Analyzing and Explaining the Concepts


The concept of audience analysis with respect to business communication is effectively realized from the perspective of distinct audience selected for communication. A business organization’s communications plans are largely directed towards the customers and employees. Customers are communicated for conveying information about new products and services and employee communication is essential for implementation of new organizational strategies. Evaluating an audience prior to the communication would assist in preparing relevant material to be communicated and thus ensure plausibility of the desired communication outcomes (Varner & Varner, 2014). Communication apprehension can be defined as the hesitation to communicate with a specific audience group and is defined by the attributes such as context of the communication, personality traits of the speaker, situation and the nature of the audience. Customer apprehension is also associated with augmenting factors such as familiarity, formality, perceived similarity and novelty (Varner & Varner, 2014).

Journal Article:

Clowers, M, & And, O 1995, Uniting Traditions: Incorporating Group-Based Exercises in the Basic Public Speaking Course, n.p.: ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2016.

The argument presented in the article was profoundly indicative of the various forms of anxiety observed in case of business communication and especially in public communication ventures. However the interrelation between audience analysis and communication apprehension has been referred to in detail in the journal publication which is also a prolific indicator of how evaluation of the audience characteristics helps in reducing communication apprehension (Clowers & And, 1995). The implications of communication apprehension have created formidable setbacks for the organizations as they were not sure of prolific results from the supposed communication strategies.

In my current job I will be able to use the concepts of audience analysis and audience apprehension to improve my abilities to communicate with larger groups and hence enhance my exposure within an organization. I will be able to interact with diverse audience in the organization which could further assist me in developing acquired skills. However, the effectiveness of a communication strategy is highly dependent on the capability of the communicator to inform all relevant details to the audience. The audience should be analyzed on the basis of their behavioral preferences alongside the composition of age, gender and cultures prevalent in a specific audience group (Thill, Bovée & Chatterjee, 2013). Determining the details of the audience could enable the speaker to understand the exact things that need to be conveyed to the audience. I realize that this phase is complemented by the factors of novelty, perceived similarity, familiarity and formality which help in determining the level of communication apprehension permitted for a specific audience (Kharat, 2012). The situations which lead to realization of communication apprehension can be reviewed from the behavioral perspective of different speakers which would land up a perfect choice for conducting business communication. The settings of communication are also impactful on the communications objectives of an organization as the speaker becomes uncomfortable while dealing with situations involving unwarranted flow of information and new information or audience contexts.

Application of the Concepts

Application: I will be able to use of the concepts of audience analysis and communication apprehension in my future career as a manager as they are widely considered in political communications and large corporations could utilize these entities for business communication. The application of audience analysis could serve as a reasonable platform for me to understand intricate aspects of the organization such as supply chain, employees, financial resources and customers (Barringer, 2012). These entities must be analyzed precisely in order to prepare a plan of communication for suppliers, customers and employees when required. Managers could inhibit communication apprehension through consideration of measures such as vying for moderation of context factors such as novelty and familiarity to the advantage of the organization.

Understanding the Verbal and Non Verbal communication process: Module 3

Definition: The process of communication is characterized by the various underlying processes such as verbal and non-verbal communication. Communication can be considered as the crux of majority of business activities being executed all over the world. The classification of business communication into varying categories and its recognition as a significant contributor to long term sustainability of an organization are prominent features noticed in communication in the domain of business (Law, Buhalis & Cobanoglu, 2014). Professional communication can be characterized by ethical behavior which is being neglected in many industrial contexts. However, the requirement of executing professional communication in context of real world scenarios which involve organizations taking up on consistently changing market situations is clearly imperative (Howes & Sallot, 2013).

Journal Article: Butt, M, & Shafiq, M 2013, ‘Significance of Non-Verbal Communication in the Teaching-Learning Process’, FWU Journal Of Social Sciences, 7, 1, pp. 27-32, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2016.

The argument placed forward in the article is reflective of the opportunities which can be derived from the theoretical aspects of professional communication. The distinct implications of verbal and non-verbal language alongside the predicted outcomes of analyzing different types of communication behavior exhibited by individuals at workplace prove to be major highlights of the reading (Butt & Shafiq, 2013). The argument can be validated by apprehending the explanation of the issue in accordance with the theoretical aspects related to it.

in my current job, I will be able to use the concepts of professional communication which can be helpful in determined from various forms of interactions between employees and managers. I came to know that different managers face considerable difficulties while determining possible methodologies for communicating with employees. Even though managers have the authority to use desired modes of communication such as verbal and nonverbal communication, the analysis of employee preferences can be termed as a reasonable aspect for inducing promising communication routes within the organization (Sharp & Brumberger, 2013). As per me verbal communication has to be implemented in a cordial manner and use of higher tone except in certain cases where some of the dominant considerations which must be assumed by managers for answering the communication requirement of the organization. Higher involvement with employees shall also be complemented with acquisition of details pertaining to the personal life of employees alongside their habitual and behavioral preferences which could facilitate a viable option for preparing strategies to communicate with them. Managers must also acquire substantial inferences from the aspects of non-verbal communication which would enable them to cater the communication needs of employees of an organization which could be especially helpful in event of a change (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2015). Change management strategies would require a supportive non-verbal approach from managers which could ensure flexible and productive communication.

Application: I will be able to use professional communication in my future career options as a manager through utilization of the nascent opportunities that can be used for determining the proficiency of communication strategy of an organization. Methods followed by an organization for addressing the communication needs must be inclusive of references to the various forms of communication and the possible risk factors which could create unwanted troubles at the workplace (Barringer, 2012) The emphasis of contemporary communication requirements on people has created the urgency of adopting interactive forms of communication primarily comprising of non-verbal approaches to communication.

Definition: The efficiency of communication is realized in the life cycle of a message. The message originates from the sender and traverses through various communication channels to reach the receiver. The receiver must acknowledge the information and interpret it in order to substantiate the purpose of communication. However, the conventional norms used for executing the various processes of communication and the traditional communication channels implemented by an organization are responsible for insufficiency to cater the complicated requirements of communication in the modern business settings. Visual communication has turned out to be a major improvement introduced in the domain of business communications as the use of audiovisual aids for explaining the intentions of communication has turned out to be functional in conveying the exact motive behind a message (Bandhiya & Joshi, 2016).

Journal Article:

Koulouri, T, Lauria, S, & Macredie, R 2016, ‘The influence of visual feedback and gender dynamics on performance, perception and communication strategies in CSCW’, International Journal Of Human – Computer Studies, Science Direct, EBSCO host, viewed 24 September 2016

The argument presented in the article is directed towards the preference of visual communication over conventional verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Visual communication is enhanced through the provision of visual aids which are considered as more effective on the psyche of audience than textual information (Koulouri, Lauria & Macredie, 2016). The efficiency of visual communication methods has to be evaluated from the perspective of other considerations such as dependency on technical expertise and the lack of emphasis on statistical evidence.

Analyze and explain: In my current job I will be able to utilize visual communication to improve my presentation and documentation skills. I will also be able to identify technical expertise in many emerging technologies such as presentation application software.  Communication with the help of audiovisual assistance could prompt the receivers to acquire a mental picture of the various entities in the form of pictorial representations. Bar graphs, histograms and charts form a very cognizable alternative to convey business related information to employees and the recent developments in computer programs have led to creative solutions for presenting information visually. Time-lapse photography and other creative entities have been utilized for conveying the business information of the company especially in the marketing department. Visual perception of a message is also responsible for increasing the probabilities of the receiver memorizing the message. The impact of visual messages is higher as compared to conventional text messages or other forms of verbal and nonverbal communication. The use of visual communication has to be considered from varying aspects such as the relevancy of representing company information in the form of visual aids, the acknowledgement of stakeholders for the revised communication plan and limitations drawn in context of the organization’s ability to respond to the technical expertise needed for the task.

Application: I will be able to use the application of the visual communication approach for business communication in my future managerial roles. I can also integrate my skills of conclusive emphasis on acquisition of data and interpretation to present viable visual information (Guffey & Loewy, 2012). I believe that further scope for development of appealing visual communication plans should be facilitated by organizations in terms of support and financial backing.

Definition: The definition of written business communication can be found in the various written documents which are exchanged for communication purposes. For examples, emails and messages exchanged at the workplace account for written business communication. The other examples include applications and informative reports which reflect written business communication (Guffey & Loewy, 2012). The use of documents in communication is an example of non-verbal form of communication. However, the scope of written business communication is limited by the inclusion of behavioral preferences for understanding the messages exchanged in the communication (Ainsworth, 2013). Generally, it is observed that written business communication delivers minimal effectiveness if not implemented in accordance with the understanding capabilities and preferences of the audience.

Journal Article: Addams, L, & Allred, A 2015, ‘business Communication Course Redesigned: All Written And Oral Communication Assignments Based On Building Career Skills’, Academy Of Educational Leadership Journal, 19, 1, pp. 250-265, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2016.

The argument laid out in the article is chiefly descriptive of the considerations needed for evaluating the receiver and their preferences which would enable framing of suitable written messages. Organizations should emphasize on the preferences of audience which is reflective of audience analysis also (Addams & Allred, 2015). This would enable the managerial personnel to apprehend the future course of action to be followed for written business communication in the company.

Analyze and Explain: In my current job I can use the concepts of written communication in formal and informal settings to improve my non-verbal communication facet characterized individually with the acquisition of skills related to writing. The scope of written communication is also subject to other modifications when it is considered in context of business. Business applications need an organization to ensure that communication is sustained on all professional levels within the organization (Ainsworth, 2013). As per me, verbal communication has a substantial impact on the performance of employees. However, the reliability on verbal communication could lead to issues such as procrastination without the lack of written authorization. The issues which can arise from verbal communication cannot be limited completely and therefore written business communication can serve as proven and documented evidence of organizational activities. Furthermore, written communication would induce a sense of urgency in the receiver to acknowledge the message delivered in the message. Finally, the use of written business communication must be realized with respect to the execution of a review of organizational communication.

Application: I will be able to use the application of written business communication in my perceived future responsibilities as manager and my skills can be augmented with the implementation of specific genres for certain business contexts. While some organizations prefer communication in the form of descriptive reports or memos, others are involved in communication through emails (Ainsworth, 2013). Therefore, the suggested recommendations for an organization to improve it written business communicating capabilities should be primarily focused on the evaluation of the preferences of the audience and preparation of a plausible message in the format accepted all over the organization.

Definition: The communication between two individuals can be described as interpersonal communication. The use of interpersonal communication has been feasible in many instances such as dialogues between major corporations, interaction among managers of different business departments and interaction among employees. The role of interpersonal communication can be aptly observed in the proliferation of creative communication channels which exist exclusively among certain groups or individuals (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2015). The significance of interpersonal communication can be realized through the various trends observed in the various references which indicate interpersonal communication in an industrial context.

Journal Article:

Beebe, S, Beebe, S, & Redmond, M 2005, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others, N.P.: Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2005. CQ University Library Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 September 2016.

The argument placed in the journal indicates that various types of behavioral preferences are accountable for changed introduced in interpersonal communication. The implementation of aggressive, passive and assertive communication types in interpersonal interactions could be moderated for dealing with distinct situations (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 2005). The article emphasizes on the recognition of distinct approaches to deal with the issues which emerge in the domain of interpersonal communication. The resolution of the issue can be possible through establishment of standard implications related to types of communication and the context in which they are implemented.

Analyze and explain: In my current job I could be able to use the concepts of interpersonal communication to improve my ability for apprehending the interplay of various factors involved in the simple interaction between two individuals. The implementation of interpersonal communication is successful only if the non-verbal aspects of the communication are aptly moderated. For example, the body language, appearance and facial gestures of the speaker have a formidable influence on interpersonal communication. While many observers consider the verbal statement delivered by the speaker to apprehend the meaning of the message or the purpose of communication, many others are concerned with the body language, tone of voice or facial expression. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication can be aptly realized only through the consideration of the individual components associated with-it such as message, communicator, barriers, channel, feedback and the context in which the message in delivered (Barringer, 2012). While the communicator is liable to understand the process of communication and its complexity, the message must be completed with the communicator’s ability to infuse body language, facial expressions and other non-verbal behavior which strengthen the probabilities of functionality of the message.

Application: I will be able to utilize the application of interpersonal communication in my future career since I could develop improvisations in my communication methods as per the feedback and the context. The modern requirement of business communication is flexibility which can be accomplished only through comprehensive review of the context in which the communicating has to be executed so that the communicator can present relevant information (Howes & Sallot, 2013).


The report conclusively highlights the various concepts related to business communication as observed in reading materials provided for the report. The identified concepts were reviewed from the perspective of definitive aspects and applications in real situations. The application of the identified elements of business communication has to be aligned with the determination of audience preferences and ethical standards suggested for communication process. Emphasizing on the audience would ensure that the purpose of the communication is achieved and hence business communication can benefit substantially from analysis of audience preferences since the revised communication plans could be comprehended by the audience exactly in the context intended by the communicator.


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