Effect Of Media On Behavior, Cognition, And Psychology

Relationship between Media and Human Behavior

The paper will help in discussing the singular effect of the media on cognition, behavior along with psychology of those who consumer the same. The technologies based on media is becoming an integral part of the society of today and the media psychology tries to focus mainly on the relationship between the media along with the human behavior. Furthermore, this helps in studying the overall interaction between the groups, technology and the different individuals in the entire society (Bell, 2016). Over the years, this has been seen that there is huge impact of the media on the different individuals and the impact is being discussed on viewing such kinds of contents on media as well wherein there is huge viciousness in the media and the effect of the same on the different individuals as well.

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On the other hand, there are different other arguments wherein this can be seen that media create a major impact on the individuals who are inclined towards the different actions along with behavior which are being portrayed in the different sources of media and the media technologies are becoming an integral aspect in the society in the present scenario. Moreover, in order to analyze and understand the effect of media on society along with the different individuals, this is essential and necessary to view the different types of approaches which helps in analyzing the media (Hepp, Hjarvard&Lundby, 2014).

This has been seen that there are various examples in which this has been argued that the consumption of the violent media by the different individuals is one major problem and this is affecting their well-being in a negative manner  (Ferguson& Olson, 2014). On the other hand, there are different other theorists have commented and opined that the media do not have or create any kind of direct impact on the individuals as the viewers have the practical knowledge regarding the aspects which will be appropriate for their viewing and this will help them in filtering out the different kinds of inaccuracies in the content which is being shown through media as well.

There are different theories of mass media which is inclusive of Limited Effects Theory which has helped in proving that the different individuals have the sense wherein they will be able to understand that the level of the inefficiencies in the different kinds of shows which are being shown in the television or any other media modes. The major implication of the mass media’s limited effects theory which creates a major influence on the opinion of the different individuals (Dunwoody& Peters, 2016). Despite the different consensus among the different experts, the lay kind of individuals do not understand that the violence which is being caused by the media is violent in nature and this contributes towards the more violent society.

Impact of Violent Media on Individuals

There are various inappropriate kinds of reporting which are done in the media and this affects the individuals in the society (Huang et al., 2014). The inaccurate kinds of reporting in the different press which are popular in nature may take into the account the different kinds of debates over the decade wherein this is shown in the television that the cigarette or smoking/Cancer is the controversy which persisted wherein this is known by the individuals that it causes cancer, still there is no such impact of the same on the nature of the individuals (Fardouly et al., 2015). On the other hand, the aggression researchers have tried in adopting and analyzing the strategy known as triangulation which is helpful in examining the different effects of examining the different aspects of the violence in the media.  

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For instance- On the other hand, there are different viewpoints of the other authors wherein this can be seen and analyzed that there is huge negative impact of the different television shows along with the usage of the internet on the career of the children (Boxer, Groves& Docherty, 2014).

Weakness- The different studies have tried in revealing that the violence is normal for them and this is affecting their growth in the career in a negative manner (Pavlik, 2015). The overall amount of the violence in the different video games along with the different movies are scary and this is taking a huge part in the overall society. This has been noticed that there are long hours wherein the teenagers waste and spend their time on the different video games and the violence becomes reality.

Strengths- There has been different introduction of the different kinds of videos which are aggressive in nature and this creates a huge effect on the minds of the individuals in a negative manner and violence becomes the reality of the different individuals especially of the young age in a negative manner (Tsay-Vogel,Shanahan&Signorielli, 2018).

For instance- Tsay-Vogel,Shanahan&Signorielli, (2018), has opined and hypothesized that there are different concepts among the different kinds of the killing along with other kinds of ineffectiveness which are leading to the different kinds of risky behavior among the different individuals mainly the youth in the organization.

Weakness- There is growth of different kinds of tendencies among the different individuals which is inclusive of the psychiatric disorders along with neighborhood violence which affects the overall efficiency among the different individuals.

Strengths- There is no direct link between the video games and the thinking of the youth regarding the killing options which can be found in different games.

Theories Regarding Mass Media Influence on People

For instance- Weakness- Moreover, this has been noticed that the different individuals are insensitive towards the violence which is being caused as there are many times when the individuals who are the consistent viewers of the different violent shows or plays violent kinds of video games are the ones who become totally insensitive towards the different shows which are being broadcasted in the television or other medium and this creates that they have lost their humanity in a negative manner (Bonsón, Royo& Ratkai, 2015).

Strengths- There are different countries wherein the playing of the video games are the most common aspect and they feel that this helps them in becoming more developed and modern by playing such games.

However, from the above point, this can be analyzed and illustrated that the media do not have the direct role or influence in managing the individual’s perceptions. The main aspect of the problem starts from the different kinds of mental state which is pertaining inside the minds of the individuals and this is affecting their thoughts after watching such violent videos in a negative manner. The video games are the most popular aspect in the present era and only a few individuals perform such violent actions after watching the video games or other violent aspects.

In order to analyze the impact of singular media on the individuals or the society is required to be analyzed after influencing the behavior of the different individuals and trying to analyze the various other factors which will be responsible for the overall negative impact on the different individuals especially the young generation and other individuals who are addicted towards the different kinds of other violence (Bell, 2016). Media does not have any kind of direct impact on the psychology of the different individuals in the entire society in which this can be seen that the major factors are required to be considered which create such nuisances on the health and well being of the different individuals in a negative manner.

The recent theory regarding the aggression of the different human beings suggest that there are two methods which can be used as the source in reducing the aggression among the different individuals which is inclusive of the reduction of the exposure to the violent kind of media objects and changing the different negative attitudes of the children towards the different kinds of violent kind of media activities which can be ineffective approach towards the status of the different individuals.


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Dunwoody, S., & Peters, H. P. (2016). Mass media coverage of technological and environmental risks: A survey of research in the United States and Germany. Public understanding of science.

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Tsay-Vogel, M., Shanahan, J., &Signorielli, N. (2018). Social media cultivating perceptions of privacy: A 5-year analysis of privacy attitudes and self-disclosure behaviors among Facebook users. new media & society, 20(1), 141-161.

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