Effect And Limitations Of Online Coverage For TV Broadcast In The Horn Of Africa | Research Proposal

The report aims at establishing the effect of TV broadcasting in the war-torn Horn of Africa for both Al-Jazeera and BBC. Online content has been the best way to cover the war-torn region for various reason in the war-torn part of Africa. The beginning of the 21st century was not the best period in the history of television. The proliferation of online technologies has dealt a serious blow to the positions of TV, previously (along with the newspapers) the main source of news and other information for most people. Many now prefer to choose their online sites for credibility. When compiling an entertainment program, an increasing audience relies not on the broadcasters, but on their own, and searches for content on platforms like YouTube. To keep the position, TV companies and content producers for TV began to develop their online services (like Netflix), and TV manufacturers are introducing new features into their products. The result of this development was the appearance on the market of Online TV platforms, combining the possibilities of traditional TV and network resources. They can be divided into two categories: TVs with built-in “online” capabilities and add-ons that extend the functionality of classic TVs.

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Both classes of devices offer users similar opportunities: viewing traditional ether in combination with Internet services. However, they have differences, due to both design features and nuances of exploitation. What is better to buy, a TV with Online TV functions, or a conventional TV and a prefix to it – is difficult to say, since both options offer some advantages, but are not without flaws. Which option is still preferable – now we will find out, having analyzed the critical differences between these solutions.

Aims & Rationale

The research proposal aims at addressing the effect and limitation of online coverage for TV stations in the Horn of Africa; the overreaching question is; what are the limitations of using online TV content in direct TV broadcast especially in a war tone region like the horn of Africa. The advantage of TVs with Online TV functions is their greater convenience when installing the operation, especially online TV content. For BBC and Aljazeera, in case of dangers during a shootout, they can upload the edited content on their online digital content like the Youtube and their respective websites (Aledavood, et al., 2015). “Online” TV contains everything you need and does not require additional equipment.

By purchasing Online TV, you get a set of tuners for viewing terrestrial, cable and satellite TV, a processor, memory and operating system for working with online services, a media player for viewing content from external storage devices, USB connectors for connecting them, and so on. The management of all these possibilities is carried out with the help of one remote control (Barrett and Orlikowski, 2016). A bunch of ordinary TVs and online set-top boxes are somewhat more cumbersome and difficult to control. The power of a bundle of two devices requires two consoles, which is not always convenient. We must also try to fix the Online TV set-top box so that neither she nor the sticking cables are not conspicuous.

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The war tone region of Somalia and Eritrea has been on constant war since the overthrow of the then Somali land president Sied Barre in early 1990. Since then Somali and the horn of Africa region has seen constant tussle between regimes and rebels trying to control the region. Reporting and especially digital journalism has seen challenges with tens of journalist been killed in the region. It is one of the most dangerous areas in the world for a journalist. However, BBC and Al Jazeera have been in the for a front of reporting about the chaos, and the online digital platform has been the best method for this.  

It can be stated that regarding ergonomics and ease of installation, a TV with Online TV functions is better than a separate set-top box. But there is one nuance: there are set-top boxes equipped with a full set of TV functions (including those containing tuners), and many modern TVs and monitors automatically go into sleep mode when there is no signal. For such a bundle, you do not need two remote controls, so regarding convenience, it is not inferior to a multifunctional “online” TV. It remains only to decide how to securely (or unnoticeably) fix the media box.

Financial component

A conventional TV, like Online TV, contains about the same set of hardware components (tuner, processor, memory), the only difference is that in online devices they are more functional. Therefore, equipping the TV with an online platform raises the cost of the gadget, but insignificantly. After all, the main and most expensive component of TV is the matrix, which accounts for more than half of the cost of the device.

Modern Challenges

An online platform has many hard challenges especially in installation, internet, and online upload system. One universal device is often cheaper than a bundle of a TV with similar screen quality and a set-top box that extends its capabilities. From the perspective of economic benefits, the advantage is on the side of the “online” TV. Of course, there are budget Chinese media boxes, the price of which is less than $ 50, but the set of their capabilities and speed of operation are often far from ideal. A multifunctional device with a built-in tuner, a powerful processor, ample memory, a fresh and constantly updated OS can pull by $ 200 or more (Brynjolfsson, et al.,2018). If you consider that the most budgetary Online TV costs about $ 300, and more functional – from $ 500, it turns out that a good Online TV console pulls at half the cost. If you consider a variant with an IPS monitor used only for picture output, and a media box that performs all functions, you will have to pay at least $ 500. This is more than a small modern Online TV costs up to 32

Even though for convenience, ease of use and financial performance, a universal TV with a function Online TV is better than a bunch of conventional TV and set-top boxes, there is one parameter by which the configuration of the two devices looks more interesting. This – maintaining the relevance and the possibility of the upgrade. Buying an “intelligent” TV, you need to be prepared for the fact that the current set of functions will remain with him always. Manufacturers periodically release software updates, but they cannot fundamentally change the functionality of these updates (Fisher, and Appelbaum, 2017).

Financial component

Given that progress in the field of electronics does not stand still, and TVs are accepted to buy for ten years, or even more, over time Online TV can “turn into a pumpkin.” Even if the TV retains the ability to display a picture of high quality, thanks to a good matrix, its online functions run the risk of becoming irrelevant. Changing the set-top box on Android will permanently support the modern set of online TV functions (Brooks, et al., 2006). Changing the prefix on Android will allow you to constantly support the modern set of online TV functions. Photo: HI-TV.com For bundles of conventional TV or monitor and Android Online TV, the device is more flexible. You can immediately choose a high-quality TV or a monitor equipped with a good matrix, to update the “online” component as soon as possible. A pair of a good TV with an IPS screen and a media box will cost more than a universal device, but when the hardware or software of the set-top box becomes obsolete – it can easily be changed to a newer and more functional one. If you turn the TV every few years, do not want to (it’s very expensive if it’s about large models for a couple of hundreds of thousands of rubles), then it’s worth to look specifically at the option with a bundle of TV and set-top box (Joshi and Garcia, 2018).

After all, a good IPS screen can please a clear picture and after 5-10 years of operation, and the periodic change of the media box to a more current model will support an advanced set of functions. If the most advanced feature set is the primary requirement for a TV, the TV itself, focusing on the quality of the screen, and separately – the media box, focusing on its parameters and capabilities? There is, of course, a third option, the most expensive, but also the most versatile. For the first time not to get used to a bunch of two devices, you can buy the Online TV, offering top-end functionality and the highest picture quality. And after a time when its online functions become obsolete, you can buy a media box of the latest model, refreshing with it the functionality of the gadget.

Quality of preparation of issues. Although on the Internet and there are many blogs, reports, comments on various, including sports topics, but not usually of rather low quality and professionalism, and do not go to any comparison with the TV releases. Transmissions on any channel are carefully prepared, edited, verified. In the end, viewers receive a product of the highest quality, which cannot be said about the Internet;

Availability of exclusive materials. Only a good channel can offer such material, which is unlikely to be reached by any other source. Signed agreements on partnership, interaction, help good channels to get the freshest of the world of sports, the right to conduct unique broadcasts (Gomez, et al., 2018);

Experienced commentators who have a lifetime relationship with the world of sports and can tell the audience a lot of interesting things. Such clear and hitting the very point of comments, as on a good channel, it is still worth looking. But at the same time, the Internet is gaining more and more fans, because now there is such an opportunity as a TV online. Now everyone who has access to the Network can watch the broadcast of matches from the TV in high quality right through the Internet. You no longer need to run to the TV at the set time, so as not to miss anything. All you need is Internet access. And what is most pleasant, even the usual mobile coverage is now quite enough to comfortably watch matches even on the street from your online phone or tablet.

Modern Challenges

Who benefits from using this opportunity? Yes, virtually every person. After all, television imposes many restrictions: viewing only at a certain time, only where there is a TV, etc. The Internet hears all these restrictions. Here you can watch live TV in good quality 720 without applying any special efforts and without paying any money. Simply make a connection to the web and watch any match with your favorite players and teams in the same place and from the device that will be most convenient for you. High-quality image, sound, stable signal without any glitches and hindrances will make viewing just beautiful and wonderful time, which you will want to repeat again and again.

Research proposal

The purpose of the research is to provide BBC and AL Jazeera with an analysis and a clear guideline on the challenges and gaps with the use of the online digital platform in TV broadcast in areas like North of Somalia and Mogadishu.  The research also analyses the reputation of the region in TV broadcast and engagement with relevant authorities and the community. The objective is to provide strategic development of TV broadcast through online digital content.  Not so long ago television was for most people the main way of spending leisure time, and the TV in the evenings collected all the family from its screen. Today, everything has changed dramatically, because now the era of the Internet. However, even today many people regularly watch TV programs, news on TV, TV shows and all kinds of shows. That is why companies like MTS are implementing separate services aimed at satisfying the needs of customers who prefer to watch television. So the “MTS TV” option appeared, which we plan to consider in detail in our today’s article. Advertising What is “MTS TV” This service, as it is easy to guess, allows MTS subscribers to access the viewing of TV channels and content broadcasted on TV from their online phone, tablet or computer. It is noteworthy that the service is offered for use in the Multiscreen format so that you can view content in the paid subscription right away on several devices (Kim, Yahoo! Inc, 2014). Having connected “MTS TV”, you can view it, for example, on your online phone, home TV, on your child’s tablet, online phone or other relatives’ computer. “MTS TV”, this is the ideal solution, which is suitable for many situations: Ask a question! If you have any problem on this article, then do not hesitate and ask in the comments.

We will try to respond promptly.  However, if you have an old Online phone or even a more or less advanced button device, the use of MTS TV will be available to you. However, in this case, access to viewing will be opened only when using the browser version of the service. (Hawkins, et al., 2016) By the way, the operator implemented a special service for checking the devices for compliance with technical specifications (Kenney and Zysman, 2016). Make sure that the video is playing on the screen and there is a sound on it. If this happens, the device used is suitable for use in conjunction with the service. The same resource should be used in the case of watching television on laptops and desktop computers.

Relevance and upgrade

RQ: General characteristics of communication. Types, functions, and sides of the conversation. Communication as an exchange of information in online digital connection and what are the effects?

SQ1: what are the current industry sectors?

SQ2: stakeholders in the online TV broadcast

SQ3: Priority areas of investment.

General characteristics. Communication is such a kind of contact when the interacting parties are living beings (in a broad sense). Interpersonal communication is a process that is carried out with the help of speech and non-verbal means, involves interaction between several people, as a result of which psychological contact and certain relations between participants (in a narrow sense) arise.

As complex research, there are various methods of collecting the data. The online digital effectiveness includes; observation, interviews, and questionnaires. There are many theories on where the types of communication considered. If the content of the process is taken as a criterion, then we can distinguish the following types: 1. Material communication – exchange of objects of activity. 2. Cognitive communication is the exchange of knowledge. 3. Emotional communication – the exchange of emotional states. 4. Motivational communication – the exchange of all components of the motivational sphere of the individual. 5. Activity communication – the transfer of actions. If the motive of communication takes the criterion: 1. Modal dialogue – the purposes of the participants lie in the real discussion. 2. Digital communication – the purposes of participants lie outside the limits of communication – instrumental. If the means of communication are taken as the criterion: 1. Direct and Mediated. 2. Direct and indirect – the presence of personal contact (direct). Through the intermediary – indirect. 3. Verbal and non-verbal. If a psychologist takes the criterion. A distance between partners: social-role, business, intimate-personal (Hänninen, and Paavola, 2018.

Communication functions: 1. Contact – establishing the state of readiness for receiving and transmitting a message, as well as maintaining the relationship. 2. Information – information exchange. 3. Incentive – stimulating a specific activity of the partner in communication so that he realizes a particular type of business. 4. Coordinating – implementation of mutually organizing actions in the performance of joint activities. 5. The function of understanding is an adequate understanding of each other. 6. Emotional – through communication we can change and create certain emotional states in ourselves or with a partner. 7. The function of establishing relationships – through conversation, each of us can be aware of and fix their place in the system of relations. 8. Impact function – we can change the behavior, opinion, partner settings.

Data collection and sampling techniques are essential in the research. The selection and sampling are based on the following; Parties of communication: communicative (information exchange); interactive (exchange of actions) and perceptual (perception). Cooperative communication (between participants): 1. study included; 2. an analysis of the contribution to the attainment. Regulation of joint activities and communication as an instrument of knowledge. 3. Discussion as an initial tool for the formation of consciousness. 4. Communication arises as a means of self-determination of the individual. Structural analysis of communication: An analytical model of the communication process identifies three interacting sides: 1. The communicative side is the exchange of information. 2. The interactive side is communication as interaction. 3. Perceptual side – the perception and understanding of each other’s partners. In details. Specificity of human contact: A) Subject is a subjective process – in the human communication there is an active exchange of information, information is not simply transmitted and accepted, but also develops, that is, is formed, changes. Active feedback. B) Mutuality of partners – impact. C) Partners in a successful communication environment should have a common understanding of the situation context. D) Existence of special human communication barriers (Krikorian, et al,2016):


There are various methods of collecting data or information. They include both qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting information. The main one was observation. It included;Newspaper and magazine (press) online digital journalism. Historically, it is precisely the printed word in the periodical press that is primarily associated with the notion of online digital journalism. It originated in its depths, and for a long time, it was the only channel of a public release of professional online digital-critical thought. History has preserved the wealthiest legacy in this field of creativity, which continues to be replenished. Contrary to fears of skeptics who believe that the future is only for electronic media, and the rest will wither away, in the unrelenting interest in the printed word – guaranteeing its value for the long-term (Ramon and Haynes, 2018).

– Social communication barrier – the very fact of belonging to a particular social group may or may not contribute to communication.



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Senior researcher/



Research assistant x .4FTE for first 25 days, then .2 for 15 days



Database access x3 months












Refreshments / snacks x12 groups






Communication cannot be regarded only as the sending of information by some transmitting system or as receiving it by another system because, unlike the simple movement of information between two devices, we are dealing here with the ratio of two individuals, each of which is an active subject: mutual information They involve the establishment of joint activities. This means that every The participant in the communicative process assumes activity also in his partner, he can not treat him as an object. The nature of the exchange of information between people, and not cybernetic devices, is determined by the fact that through the system of signs, partners can influence each other. In other words, the exchange of such information necessarily implies an impact on the behavior of the partner, that is, the sign changes the status of participants in the communicative process. This means that in the exchange of information, the type of relationship that has developed between the communication participants changes.

Research Timeline

This research in the Horn of Africa will take only six months.

Reserch Activity



Set up

$ 300,000

2 months

Research and data collection

$ 1,000, 500

3 months


$ 150,000

1 month

Nothing like this happens in purely information processes. Communicative influence as a result of information exchange is possible only when the person sending the information (communicator) and the person receiving it (the recipient) have a single or similar system of codification and decoding. “Everyone should speak the same language.” This is especially important because of the communicator.

The current situation in the worldwide online digital process is different. The spheres of scientific and critical thought about online digital are quite clearly demarcated: at one pole academic online digitally – theses, monographic studies, articles in scientific collections, on the other – strictly online digital journalism. Journalism also functions in different forms, within which there is a specificity.

Firstly, in the traditionally written output through the periodicals – magazines (hence the name of the kind of activity and profession), the newspaper, and also through any printed word available to it, for example, a wall seal or leaflets Secondly, in the guise of journalism oral. It realizes itself mainly through electronic means of mass communication, namely radio and television (Lilleker, and Koc-Michalska, 2015).

The third channel for the release of modern online digital journalism is the rapidly growing Internet.

Online digital radio and TV journalism. Electronic media – radio and television – are intensively mastered by all forms of journalism. For online digital journalism, there is also an immense creative space. This is especially true of TV. Being, on the one hand, a brilliant information channel, on the other – it is a popular artistic channel, capable of illustrating any conversation with versatile, full-fledged online digital and online digital-theatrical material. And what, it is asked, can be more valuable for applied online digitalology? The main tool of the online digital journalist is a word (Seiffert-Brockmannet al,., 2017). Pronounced in the air, especially from the screen, the word has the most significant opportunities; it has its magic of influence. That is why on television all over the world, speaking online digitalis such as composers, conductors; performers perform with such success.

It is known that for several years of his brilliant television appearances, Leonard Bernstein changed the attitude of America towards online severe digital literally! Public conversations about online digital and online digital life are a huge and responsible field for professional online digital journalism. Especially when the interlocutor of everyone on the other side of the screen is a famous performer, a popular online digital critic, an educator, a commentator, a presenter, a narrator. Thanks to the “effect of participation” – the most important achievement of television aesthetics – the viewer has the opportunity to be not just a passive observer of what is happening. He is drawn into a living thought process, actively interacts with his counterpart on the screen not only intellectually, but also emotionally. Online digital TV journalism, of course, has its specificity. Being not only a word, an idea (as written journalism), but also an “audiovisual,” television journalism exposes the requirements of other professional qualities and techniques.


On its basis, professional online digital television journalism can unfold in a variety of forms and genres (on the genres of radio and television journalism. Internet Journalism. The term “Internet journalism” is still quite new, although this trend in journalism is developing rapidly. Some universities have included it in their program, textbooks are being published, web publications are multiplying. In the network, you can get and broad information about all the undertakings, and the presentation of the main theoretical positions that cover this area (Sjovaag, et al., 2016). Some people want to pay attention to: “An important feature of Internet journalism is its interactivity, that is, the ability to promptly enter into a dialogue with the interested reader with the help of forums or a guest book with which many virtual publications are equipped.” “In the foreseeable future, on-line journalism is unlikely Whether it will completely supplant traditional printed editions.

. Online digital journalism on the Internet has not yet become a full-fledged independent creative direction. It, first of all, is present in it as an alternative channel, duplicating the main source. Leading periodicals create a special Internet version of each issue. Television channels, in particular, the channel “Culture,” also. Already, there are tangible advantages to their presence in the cultural space – the opportunity to receive on-line a variety of relevant information on issues of interest and problems. But there are serious disadvantages: the frequent anonymity of web journalists, which means irresponsibility, and as a result – the opportunity to run into unreliable, biased and even false information. Online digital Internet journalism exists so far mostly in written form.


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