Education System Of Maldives: Importance Of Transparent Communication

Traditional Schooling Process in Maldives

Discuss about the Cultural communication learn environment science.

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The education system of Maldives is a traditional schooling process that has been started by Maldives government, and those traditional schools are known as huge, makthab or madhrasa. There are 1,190 coral islands in the south-west part of the Indian sub-continent, and an archipelago frames theRepublic of Maldives. The population of Maldives is around 427,756 as per the census of 2016 estimation. The literacy rate of Maldives is very impressive. Almost 99.3% people are literate, and that will help the nation to build their academic progression over the generations(Mohamed & Ahmed, 2000). The western style of schooling was introduced in capital Male, and at the initial level, this kind of education is applicable for some of the students who had the aspiration to know theexternal culture. However, after some years, thesituation has changed and development of learning procedure and involvement of western culture has been included in their normal curriculum. The schooling system of Maldives was structured on 5-2-3-2 cycle in 1978. The initial step was the five years of primary schooling and then two years of middle schooling level and then three years of thejunior secondary level and two years of thesenior secondary level(Mohamed & Ahmed, 2000).

In all these processes, teacher-student communication is one of the primary objectives that need to be addressed properly so that effective results can be extracted from this system. In 1980 Ministry of Education of Maldives, introduced first five-year primary education system and some new teachers had been recruited by the authority so that teacher-student ration would go down and appropriate education can be delivered.  Most of the islands pupil had come in those schools, and that is the reason teachers have to be more efficient in case of communicating with students. To promote the individual spirit and self-reliance of students through the education is the important part of this education system and that promotes students’ knowledge and level of intellectualism.

The research aims to explore the effective and transparent communication in learning sectors of Maldives so that education upgradation and interpretation of the student’s mind will be achieved in a suitable form.

Some other objectives determine the curriculum development of education system in theMaldives. These objectives are:

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  • To find out the physical, cognitive and emotional development of Maldives’ learning process and provide transparent communication to develop pupil skill and knowledge.
  • To improve the education efficiency through quality communication process between student and teacher and expand the inter-relation between them.
  • To develop the education system through the practical process of effective communication and to strengthen students’ knowledge and approaches towards the education.
  • To analyze the efficiency of students and identify their problem positions through transparent communication.

Internal in-school communication is essential for the students as teachers need to understand the psychology of the students and present their learning approaches right that way. The research background signifies the communication importance in any sectors of learning arena. Things will be easier from the students’ perspective if proper communication process is used in a right way and that will help them to mitigate their problems as well. In theMaldives, as students are coming from different islands, so they are from different backgrounds as well, so common language is the suitable option to process the communication. In case of skill and talent observations, students may have the potential to develop their learning process, but conflict situation in the communication and apparent way to interaction is the key obstacle in this situation. This is the importance of this research to find out the ethnicity of maintaining communication in learning aspect in theMaldives.

Current Education System and Curriculum Development

The main issue of this research is to justifyimportance of transparent communication process in theMaldives. The major problem that has been faced by theMaldives is the ratio that has not met the student teacher actual ratio, which is intended. More simply, there are 6,407 teachers are there in theMaldives, and among them 1,605 teachers are untrained. These teachers are the concern for Maldives’ education system as well(Mohamed & Ahmed, 2000).

The research is essential in this modern time as Maldives wants to make them count themselves in the developing countries and they have good percentage in case of literacy. So if they maintain their students’ literary percentage, internal conflict situations and conflict problem between the need to address in a right way (Kinaanath, 2013). Communication is the only way of mitigating these factors, and that will deliver more penetration in evolving the level of learning perspectives also.

The issue is some much relevant to the inhabitants of Maldives are coming from thedifferent island. An amalgamation of South-Asian nations, Arabian nation,and South-west pupils is a major challenge for the nation. Instead of being restricted in an individual language, different language will be taught in the nation and in that case understanding the language and communication process is the most effective way of delivering proper education to the students. In case of primary education, students are huge in number and teachers are less as per the ratio. 31:1 is the student-teacher ratio in theMaldives, and this is the concern factor for the nation(Mohamed & Ahmed, 2000). That is the reason the issue is considered as one of the significant issues in theMaldives.

The research has shed light on the effective communication system, which needs to be established in theMaldives so that students will understand the connectivity, content and share their views relevant to the education (Adam, 2015). There are some challenges like resources, training, connectivity problems, technological issues and professional practice is also needed, but all these sections are highlighting the professional development and educational change in theMaldives.

The research has different limitations in case of accumulating resources. Secondary resources like relevant journals and books are paid version in some case and budget is a big concern for this research. In case of survey questionnaires, minimum numbers of people are interested, and they are only considered as the respondent in that case. In case of limitation in teaching techniques in Maldives, training,and assistance needs to be implemented in all the untrained teachers will know the method of handling and that will help them to understand proper education development through students’ progression.

Challenges Faced by Education System in Maldives

H0: Effective communication does not improve any fundamental aspect of the teaching process and that it will not help impressively at all. Rather non-verbal communication is the process where the teacher can understand the student approach towards the study. The assumptions can be validated through mood, action and body language of the student as these activities determine their mindset and approach towards the learning process.

H1: Effective communication is the most important aspect in case of Maldives to maintain their literary percentage. A huge percentage is carried through by theMaldives, and in that case, professional innovation needs to implement in schools and colleges in theMaldives so that more interaction and communications session will be attempted between them and enhance the quality of education. Through the interaction, students can share their views and opinion regarding balance situation in learning section and communication is the most important sector of this aspect.

Communication theories are important to set the principles for the learning process and provide aneffective educational approach to students. In this research project, the approach of communication is dimensional, and that is the reason communication is important for the Maldives schooling process. Berlo’s SMCR model of communication is important in that case as the model has four steps that analyze the four sections in educational uses also. Sender, Message, Channel,and Receiver – these are the four sections of the model, and that maintain a process or channel of communication (Lee, Kim &Phaal, 2012). The source will convey some message, and this message is a encode version, which only retrieved by the receiver. 

Through the verbal or non-verbal medium, the message goes across to the receiver. The receiver decodes the encoded version and understands the meaning of codes and provides ajustified response for that. This is the entire process of this model, and by different means, communication is the essential aspect of that situation to process the fact (Anderson et al., 2013). Sometimes sources are not the communication rather attitude, mood, expression, body language all these are considered as asource of the language. On the other hand, channels must be hearing, touching and feeling those messages through decoding these aspects. This is the creativity and application of this model in case of effective communication.

Another communication model is Shannon Weaver model that also describes the communication process in a relevant way. The sender is the source of messages, and sender sends some message to the receiver. Through the channel or medium, the message transmitted to the receiver (McQuail&Windahl, 2015). The problem situation arises through the noise; this element is considered as the conflict situation of communication gap between these persons. This kind of disturbance may perturb the motive of the communication, and that will affect the entire scenario. The receiver decodes the message and feedback accordingly. The model also describes the destination feedback from the receiver, and that comes by codes as well.

Importance of Communication in Learning Sectors

The model develops the effective communication and analyzes the importance of it. Through this theory of communication,a legitimate mentality of communication can be considered (Riyaz& Smith, 2012). Through the noise or the disturbances, some of theunderstandingproblems may happen, and that is the main reason for using this theory in this aspect.

The behavioural framework of learning influenced the learning environment in school for students. Change in behaviourism and permanently implementing this is the most relative change in academic institutions for the development of students (Mohammad et al., 2012). Behaviorist theory can be used in that prospect, and that will encourage students to change their behavior. For the individual learning process, communication in behavior is important, and this kind of communication enhances the development opportunities to explaining the learning process (Henley, 2017). Clear communication is a part of thebehavioural change of students, and the teachers’ initiations in those cases are very relevant. Class management system, mastery planning, learning objectives all these are important for enhancement of behavioral framework (Duta,Panisoara&Panisoara, 2015). A cognitive framework of learning is important in case of thinking and knowing thecase of learning. Careful observation of human memory is a part of this study and this initially stated for individual level, and then transformation of thinking will come in between students. Problem-solving cases and inquiry-based learning process is the most important aspect of this process to deliver better quality to students.

Constructivismis inquiry-based learning technique that has astrong theoretical foundation. To explore the issues of learning and maintaining a proper teaching process is the basic factor of this processing and that help in the case of constructive knowledge maintenance and discovers better procedure of communication that might help the learning states (Dhindsa& Abdul-Latif, 2012). The process provides adequate support in educational practice and that help in the practical application and findings. Social and communication constructiveness helps in the field of science learning education and investigate the learning procedure that helps in everysection of the inquiry-based learning (Abdul-Hamid, 2017). In a simpler form, students are facing some problem regarding learning manner, and they need to speak onthat occasion where they face problem situations. Effective communication will evolve in those cases.

An assessment process of innovative test assessment needs to be placed on academic motivation process. Students need to have some relevant characteristics like pre-knowledge assessment, self-concept, and cognitive ability in learning sections. A process has been followed by the teachers to evaluate their teaching strategies (Seng, 2013). In case of motivation, attitude is one of the important factors that related to the learning aspect. Communication is important for this segment. Non-verbal communication is mostly done by the students and teachers. Teachers’ attitude towards students is reflected in the classroom and encourages students to make more interaction with the teacher. Self-efficacy is another thing that encourages the doubt clear ability and motivates them to know the real meaning of this case (Prozesky, 2000). This aspect is crucial for the development of students as their level of efficiency will be judged through this process. Externalmotivationis also helping students to reform their healing aspects and stimulate their creative learning curve for them. In anaspect of external cases, support from teachers, help in the ultimate time, space for students’ creativity and different participation project for students are the important aspect of providing motivation (Hoque et al., 2012).

Effective Communication Models in Teaching Process

The improvement process of communication has been noticed in the form of verbal, non-verbal, two-way communication and written communication. Maldives national economy depends on the two critical sectors like fisheries and tourism (de Jong et al., 2012). These are the main sources of employment and livelihood. Education equity policy has changed the Maldives economy, and that will change vulnerability of educational environment in theMaldives (Mohamed & Ahmed, 2000). This is the reason the government of Maldives strongly devoted to advancing environmental education during formal and non-formal education and provides children, youth, society members and leaders with the information and skills to oversee ordinary assets (Virkus&Uukkivi, 2017).This is the reason most of the Maldives students are happy to go to school and try to gain some knowledge. Environment clubs are most active in this country, and the teachers’ promote those environment-related works as well.

All those theories and models have a relevant connection with the effective communication process, and these processes help in teaching also. The impact of this teaching process helps students’ to gain knowledge and mitigate the distance between teacher and student so that profound development of teaching section can be established through the process (Best & Dunlap, 2012). 

Research philosophy is important to understand the motive of the research and also explain the precise manner of research. There are three forms of research philosophy -Positivism, Interpretivism,and realism. In this research process, Positivism philosophy has been used by the researcher.

The positivism philosophy is taken for analyzing of statistical data that is gathered through the responses from the respondent (Lu & Pearce, 2016). Through the data collection method, some data has collected, and according to these data, a positive outcome will be extracted from the results.

The research approach is one of the significant ways to understand the logic behind the research. There are three kinds of research approaches like Deductive, Inductive and Abductive. In this research deductive approach has been selected by the researcher.

Deductive approach is a process of taking theories and justifying the hypothesis from those theories. A hypothesis has two parts: thenull hypothesis that will justify the negative aspect of the research and positive hypothesis which enlighten the positive aspect of the research (Ali, Cullen&Toland, 2013). At the end of the research through the observation and tests, a general confirmation will be provided regarding the topic.

The research design is another analysis that defines the aim and explores the different aspects of research. There are three types of research design like Descriptive, Exploratory and Conclusive research design. In this research process, descriptive research design has been chosen by the researcher, and that design has a direct connection with the topic.

The descriptive design has been used to formulate the simple and determine study that collected from different all the peer resources (Ali & Male, 2016). The design aimed at the issues and problems regarding the operation process and provides behavioral support in validating the research findings.

Data collection method is the validating process that enhances the authenticity of the research. There are two data collection methods used in the research sections – Primary data collection method and Secondary data collection method. In this research section, Primary data collection method has been used by the researcher.

Primary data collection process has been used by the researchers as the process is a written communication with the respondents and theeffective outcome can be drawn through this method (Mansoor& Hassan, 2016). There are some samples and close-ended and open-ended questions needed to be asked of them so that evaluative and fair results can be extracted.

Sampling is the specific principle that represents the responses from aspecific number of people. The researcher has chosen target respondents for that process and took help from some technology to convey this process. There was 50 respondents, and all were from the different sections from theMaldives. There are five close-ended questions that they have to answer. Questions have been made by the researcher and send them through email. 15 days’ time had been provided to them for their answer. 45 responses had come, and from those responses, a positive research process has conveyed.

The analysis establishes the confirmed result that comes from the research. As 45 respondents were responding, a fair result is expected from their responses. The results are defining the current situation of Maldives and also understand the positive progression in education in theMaldives (Ibrahim, 2016). The transparent form of communication is the key understatement that might affect students’ curriculum functions. Academic learning needs have come through the process, and that will help students to motivate in a particular work and apply their knowledge to thesuccessful completeness of this fact.

In this survey process, verbal communication is the most relevant way to process the effective the learning in theMaldives. From the 45 responses, 25 people had chosen the verbal communication process. The process determines teachers had agood amount of faith in their interaction skill and they thought that verbal communication is the problem-solving system in this situation. There are some ways like body language, facial expressions and moods and these are considered as non-verbal communication. 10 respondent had put their mark on them. Some of the teachers were also believed in two way communication between teacher and student. In that case, students can share their feeling and determine the problem sectors for the students and then mitigate those sections. The experimentallearning process, students are not comfortable in some cases and for this reason a drop-down of rates in theeffectivecommunication process.

Transparent and effective communication is still changing the learning system of Maldives. The process was strongly agreed by the respondents. As all the respondent were teachers’ from adifferent school in theMaldives thus, they can feel the change in the learning system. There is not a single respondent who feel strongly disagree aspect in this situation. The agree and strongly agree percentage is high rather than any sections, that is the most influential part that determines theeffective change of leaning sections or min school. The process of slabbing is important in that case, and positive, effective communication with transparent behaviour approach is important in case of alearning system in theMaldives.

In case of theoretical perspective of learning, the most important process is determined as thebehavioural framework for learning. 33% respondents among 45 respondents are provided with their support in case of behavioural aspect. The cognitive framework for learning is also a good way of analyzing any concept in learning, and this is the reason teacher voted this process and 29% respondents stated their view through the process. In case of constructivism, 22% respondents were responding to this approach. A similar contest was presented between these three kinds of theoretical perspective of learning, and just for few respondents behavioral framework gained the highest percentage.

Transparent communication helps students in case of understanding and teachers need to use simple examples and words to describe a complex situation. 28 people are strongly agreed with that, and that is the major difference had noticed in theMaldives in last few years when there revised learning structure has formed. Just 3 people have stated their neutral view and them not quite sure about the process or maybe they thought that there would be any good process that can impact beyond the effective communication to students.

One-to-One communication is a private interaction between students and teachers. The discussion mainly highlights some critical aspects or issue that students have been facing in school and teachers determine that issue and try to mitigate those if they find realistic concern. This is a controversial statement that teachers can follow to understand the student nature and that is the reason 30 respondents opted this aspect. However, in case of private interaction is not soothing in school as the culture of the school ethics does not allow these kinds of steps and that is the reason 15 respondents are against the aspect.

From the collected data it can be understood that education relationship and knowledge gaining process is mainly based on the communication, understanding,and evaluation. The complex ideas of motivation, identification of motivating factors for the students, are the important scenario of combining the level of supportiveness to them. Good communication is a process that helps students to understand the lesson. Still, they have some query those are not solved at the first attempt when teacher analyzes that. In those cases, communication ability is the most important process to be implemented (Singh &Kaurt, 2016). If theteacher-student relationship is strong, then students are not hesitating to approach the teacher. On the other hand, theteacher also determines students’ loopholes and problem generating aspects for them, if the teacher has a right idea about the student’s knowledge and capability. Simple and understandable communication is needed in that case and skills, values and presentation will come in through this process. The adoptive supportive style is also an important aspect of this teacher students’ relationship. Speaking with the guardian is another way of approaching towards the students’ skill development (Di Biase, 2015). In most of the cases, teachers are inviting parents of the student due to place some complaints, however, this is not considered as the motivating factor. Rather motivate them in their home and school will improve their knowledge and skill to enhance their mode of communication and way of communication.

Some of the theoretical perspective of learning is to use abehavioral framework, cognitive framework or constructivism all these are important in case of using the students. But thecase of implementation the major problem arises and that will affect the global education environment and schooling system of education in theMaldives. Through the validity and reliability of verbal communication approach both the teacher and student can be judged. The data collection method is the survey process and will help to generate the teachers’ thinking about the changed educational system of theMaldives and its impact on the students. Most of the respondents are strongly addressing the valuable facts and overallgood results can be drawn from the segment (Di Biase, 2018).  Verbal communication is the most strongly opted aspect from the respondent and for that reason, teachers also prefer this kind of communication with the students and that will help in understanding and provide more reliability to understand their problem aspects. Nonverbal communication is also an important prospect in learning section but the option optsfor less number of people as this is not a clear indication of thestatement.


The evaluation justifies the development of streamline educational system of Maldives. The increasing encouragement from the Maldives government is also essential in that case. From 1994 several reformation situationshave been implemented by the education authority of theMaldives and the major nationalize curriculum review activity was planned in 1999 (Mohamed, 2013). From this stage, the development of education and effective implementation of process change had placed in theMaldives. Communication and non-communication procedures are implemented at this time and this process will evaluate the students’ standards as well. On the other hand, theimportance of communication is analyzed and judged from the teachers’ perspective and they evaluate the importance of effective communication as well and teachers also want that this effective and transparent communication need to be aligned educations system of Maldives. The major aspect that has evaluated in this study is the strategic approaches have taken by the schools of theMaldives and transparent communication impact their effectiveness in Maldives’ students as well.

The paper has included all the significant information that are directly related to effective or transparent communication. The Maldives has very good literacy rate and that is the reason government initiates all the good aspect to enrich the education system as well. Communication models have been discussed by the researcher and change in communication also analyzed in this aspect and that will to relate student teacher internal gap as well. The concern matter also lies in that case where teacher and students need to communicate in an effective manner so that information gap between them will curtail the active enforcement of communication. Objectives of the study identify the positive aspects of effective communication and conveying the process in a radical manner that will help the research project to develop the understanding. The positive hypothesis is the right choice for this research and that will showcase in the research project also. Lastly, the paper investigates students’ notion of the efficiency of teaching intelligibility, this is the important initial step in this analysis. Most of the teachers did not measure student feat as the in-class behaviorand actions were upgraded and teachers are not well judged by the students. That is the aspect can be mitigated by the transparent communication process and effective results can be drawn through this process. All the effective learning styles have been discussing in the paper and that will help to glorify the result, desired from the paper.

major drawback of this situation are the untrained teaching staffs. More than 55,000 students are enrolled at the primary level in 220 schools and that is approximately more than 70% of total students’ population. Teachers are the main controlling aspects of the school and they need to be ethical and legitimate in communication so that students’ learn from their seniors as well. Mechanisms in curriculum development and change in fundamental principle are needed from the National Education Council.  Trained teachers need to be recruited so that productive change the in students culture has evolved. The major objective of learning need to change and that reflected the communication development between teacher and students. A cultural design level needs to be set in future through the training and development process. Internet learning and communication videos will enhance their activity in case of communication. At the level of implementation, classroom teaching opportunity needs to enhance so that curriculum development will getable for students. School seminar activities need to be implemented in school so that better communication process and opportunities will come for students. On another hand, implementation of thequiz, extempore all this will enhance the communication style for students. Through the newsletters process school, theauthority can inform, promote and educate their students. There will be an established publication timeline that provides easy preparation for each edition. Students can develop their standard as well through this process.

The research could help the further study on “The effective Communication in Teaching regarding the academic learning motivation for students in theMaldives”. In case of further research, this research paper will help other students. In case of analyzing the Maldives education system and to know the education challenges and problems solutions in theMaldives this paper will help other students to know the fact and analyze all the aspect of teaching that will provide them proper justification to continue the communication process. Communication style and modification of communication process have been addressed by the researcher in this research and that will help students to evaluate their problem in case of one to one or two-way communication in school. The research will also provide enough scope for knowing the learning approaches, learning style, teaching procedure, communication methods, and their development of the skills and knowledge that encourage methods and strategies for students. This becomes noticeable the requirement of reform programs for the early training of the higher education teaching personnel so that they can expand new skills, to obtain and to utilize new methods and strategies of teaching, learning, and assessment in school.


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