Education And Training At Siemens For Training & Development

Describe about the Education and Training at Siemens for Training & development?

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In a challenging workplace, training & development (T&D) provides an opportunity for all the employees to expand their knowledge base and develop opportunities for future. It has been seen that, training & development benefits both the individuals as well as the organization as a whole. The main aim of training & development programs is to improve the capabilities of the employees and the entire organization. It is stated that, when an organization invests huge amount in enhancing the knowledge as well the skills, this investment is paid back in form of much productive employees. It is seen that, the training and development (T&D) programs shall be based on the needs identified so that adequate amount of cost & time is invested in the same. In order to be effective, training & development programs shall be taken into account keeping in mind that the employees are adult learners (Piskurich, 2009). At different managerial level, employees require different type of training & development (T&D). Hence, in order to maximize the effectiveness of training & development (T&D) employees shall regularly access the needs of T&D as well as prepare the employees for the next level. In such cases, the organization shall realize that the employees require different types of training & development (T&D) and these needs keep changing with due course of time. It has been seen that, in order to be in top of the game companies these days provide intensive training & development to their employees. This will help the employees to work towards the goal accomplishment in the most effective as well as efficient manner. Training refers to the process of enhancing one’s skills, capabilities & knowledge of the employees while performing particular tasks. Training refers to one of the crucial aspects of any given organization. Training is provide to the employees on four basic grounds i.e. when a new candidate joins the organization, intensive training & development so as to make him or her well acquainted with the job profile. Secondly, an existing employee is being trained so as to brush up his or her knowledge. Thirdly, if any changes are being done in the technology or the way things were done then training is provided to the employee. Lastly, when an employee is promoted to a higher level the employee is prepared for the higher job responsibilities.

Training and development helps in the growth of the business. It helps the employees to meet the long term goal in an effective & efficient manner. The long term targets are set by the organization so as to ensure success. One of the organizations who provide intensive training & development to its employees is Siemens. Siemens provide training to its employees who help them to improve its performance & achieve the goal in an effective manner. At Siemens, training & development strategies are under gone which helps the employee to attain up to date knowledge & remain competitive in its industry (Zhao, 2004). Training & development also ensures high levels of motivation & self confidence amongst the employees. When the employees attain up to date knowledge, they become an asset for the enterprise. With such a feeling, the employees feel happy & tend to stay in the organization for a long period of time. Hence, with the help of training & development the employees are able to achieve the business objectives. As stated above, when the employees stay for a long period in one organization the cost of recruiting the people also gets reduced which helps the enterprise to reap more profits. In order to remain amongst the leading position, Siemens require highly skilled & technical friendly employees. Therefore, to achieve the same effective training and development program (T&D) shall be employed to attain competitive advantage as well as ensure long term achievement of business goals. Some of the training & development (T&D) programs which are undertaken by Siemens have been mentioned in this section of the reflective essay. The majority of the training & development programs are for the fresh graduates (who have recently finished their studies) (White, 2008). Some of the training & development programs are firstly, Siemens commercial academy; secondly Siemens graduate programs & lastly, apprenticeship. The Siemens commercial academy was launched in the year 2005. This training & development program is aimed to students who are from business & finance background.  This program specializes in various fields such as finance, accounts, human resource, procurement of the resources, etc. Thus, the employee will have information regarding the various fields which will help them to expand its knowledge in the best possible manner. This training & development program is supported with Business Management of European College which caters to personnel development i.e. communication skills, presentation skills, etc (Zhao, 2004). This training & development program helps the employees to attain multi-tasking as they learn while doing job in Siemens. This training program would be regarded as one of the most effective programs as the employees will be able to learn new things while performing their job. With such type of support from the organization, the employee would be referred to as an asset rather than a liability. The second training & development method refers to the Siemens graduation program. This is a program where in support is provided in three core areas i.e. technology, engineering & business. Each graduate who enrolls for this training & development program at Siemens is treated as an individual (Piskurich, 2009). Therefore, they have full liberty as to in which field they want to pursue their T&D. Graduates can take different types of training keeping in mind their liking & interests.  For example, an engineering graduate can take training & development program in supply chain management (SCM) or human resource management (HRM) so that they can work on different projects at Siemens. The last training & development (T&D) method refers to apprenticeship. This refers to a T&D where in the employee gets knowledge through various classrooms & on the job training sessions. The apprentice programs will help the employees to possess high national diploma (HND) in their respective fields. With the help of apprentice programs, the employees are provided with a clear route which helps in the growth of the organization.

Training as a crucial aspect of any organization

The training & development programs provide wide range of benefits & advantages to the employees and the company at large. There are five main benefits which are attained by training & development at Siemens (Messas, 1997). They are firstly, better productivity & more revenue; secondly, adaptable employee who take up different roles; thirdly, long term commitment with the employee; fourthly, motivated & highly confident employees and lastly, attractive to the employees. T&D programs help to enhance the productivity of the employees. With high levels of productivity, Siemens will be able to reap more revenue as the cost of recruiting new staff members will reduce. It has been seen that, Siemens is a place for innovation. The majority of the Siemens sector is IT solutions, automation, technology, financial solution, healthcare, lighting and energy hence innovation plays an important role. The training & development program at Siemens provides a flexible working environment for the employees which help them to react in any environment (Heier Borgman & Manuth, 2005). At Siemens, long term commitment amongst the employees is seen due to the apprenticeship program. Such type of training & development program will help the fresh graduate to get connected with the same for long period of time. This enhances the motivation as well as self confidence in the employees. The training program at Siemens is an attractive program for its future employees. The company provides a chance for the employees to earn & learn simultaneously. Every graduate will get a chance to enroll in a training program which is of their interest or field (Grassl & Scherff, 1972). There are nine modules amongst which the employee can choose from such as customer focus, team work, business management, communication skill, presentation skill, business writing, engineering, personality development, etc. Employee’s motivation & self – confidence is increased when they are enrolled to any of the training & development method. This helps the staff members to work better thereby increasing the revenues and create long term commitment with the same (Klupiec, 2004).

Hence, it can be concluded that training & development is referred to as one of the most important aspects for any organization to grow in the near future. A training & development program helps in improving the effectiveness & efficiency of employees and organization as a whole (Currie, 1995). It helps the employees to have a competitive edge and expand its knowledge in different fields. It is stated that, when an organization invests huge amount in enhancing the knowledge as well the skills, this investment is paid back in form of much productive employees. It is seen that, the training and development (T&D) programs shall be based on the needs identified so that adequate amount of cost & time is invested in the same.

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Currie, J. (1995). Training & development. Manchester: Open College.

Grassl, L. and Scherff, G. (1972). Education and Training at Siemens. IEEE Trans. Educ., 15(2), pp.108-114.

Heier, H., Borgman, H. and Manuth, A. (2005). Siemens. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 7(1), pp.92-110.

Klupiec, C. (2004). Training. Warriewood, N.S.W.: Classroom Video.

Laird, D., Naquin, S. and Holton, E. (2003). Approaches to training and development. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books Group.

Linking theory and practice in Siemens’ new training initiative. (2012). Strategic Direction, 28(11), pp.12-13.

Messas, K. (1997). Staff training & development. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Services.

Piskurich, G. (2009). Rapid training development. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Siemens A&D customer support increases customer satisfaction through effective training and coaching. (2008). Hum Res Mgt Intl Digest, 16(4).

White, S. (2008). Siemens A&D customer support increases customer satisfaction through effective training and coaching. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40(1), pp.29-33.

Zhao, F. (2004). Siemens’ business excellence model and sustainable development. Measuring Business Excellence, 8(2), pp.55-64.

Zhao, F. (2004). Siemens’ business excellence model and sustainable development. Measuring Business Excellence, 8(2), pp.55-64.

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