EDA And Linear Regression Analysis: Correlation, Chi-Square, And Tableau Representation Of House Prices (2014-2015)
1A: EDA and Linear Regression Analysis
1A: EDA and Linear Regression Analysis
The analysis of the present data is incorporated in two stage process. In the first stage the data is analysed with use of “Rapidminer”. In the next stage, important information about the data is visualised with the help of “Tableau”. For the primary stage prior to form an equation to represent the house prices, the data is explored and variables are selected by process of rejection. Finally, we construct an equation that can be used to represent the house prices (Wu and Brynjolfsson 2015).
1.1 EDA
The purpose of primary process to gain information regarding a dataset is to conduct a summary statistic. In “Rapidminer” software, exploratory data analysis (EDA) provides some basic information about the data. In “Rapidminer”, the data of house prices is linked with EDA. The information from the EDA suggested that the most of the variables were integers. However, some of the variables were real also. The minimum, maximum and average value of most of the variables were acquired (Larose and Larose 2014).
1.2 Correlation
Correlation analyses the proximity relation between two variables. The process of the correlation execution in “Rapidminer” is presented below. To analyse the variables of house prices dataset like “id”, “date” do not have any use. Thus, the variables are excluded from the present study. All relevant variables for deducing the house prices were utilised and correlation was performed (Wu et al., 2014).
Correlation investigates how much a variable is close to another variable. The numerical value ranges from 0 to 1. The more the correlation is closed to 1, the more correlated two variables are. From the above analysis, we find that the house prices are very strongly correlated with sqft_living, grade and sqft_above. The correlation between house prices and sqft_living is 0.7. Thus, the variables have 70% association between themselves. It is also moderately correlated with “Bathroom”. To some extent it is correlated with “View”. Thus, we are able to select 5 variables that can be extended to understand how these variables impact the house prices.
1.1 EDA
1.3 Chi-Square
While Karl-Pearson Correlation analysis is a parametric method to evaluate the association between two variables, Chi-square test is a non-parametric statistical technique to evaluate the association between the variables. Chi-square test specfically examines whether there is an association between two variables by testing for differences in observed and expected frequencies or not (Tyrychtr, Ulman and Vostrovský 2015). The value of Chi-square test statistics is dereived as
Where “E” is the expected frequency and “O” is the observed frequency. The process used to calculate Chi-Square test in Rapidminer is depicted below.
In “Rapidminer” we find that the Chi-square operator utilizes “weight by Chi-square statistics.” This could be interpreted as per calculation of the test statistics on the basis of weights. Since Price of houses is selected as the identity variable, therefore, all values of the other variables are calculated on the basis of “price”. From the chi-square test, it is found that the top five variables that influence price are “grade”, “sqft_living”, “sqft_living15″, sqft_above” and “bathrooms.”
The above calculation indicates five factors that are used for doing regression analysis. The five factors “grade”, “sqft_living”, “sqft_living15″, sqft_above” and “bathrooms” are used to predict the house prices.
1B: Linear Regression Analysis
The above analysis of the house prices helped to reduce the number of variables up to 5 that were used in this section to predict the prices. Linear regression is a specific process in inferential statistics that helps to understand the contribution of each of the variables towards the dependent variable (Fan, Xiao and Wang 2014). In order to use the linear regression, “Select attributes” function was used to select only specific attributes which were to be used for the linear regression. Next, the “set role” function was used to select “price” as the label / dependent variable in the following linear regression performed in “Rapidminer”.
1.2 Correlation
The “Rapidminer” output shows that the prices of the houses sold can be predicted by the equation:
.Prices = 245.4*sqft_living + 111024.9*grade + 22.8*sqft_living15 – 80.5*sqft_above – 35464*Bathrooms – 646863.7
From the above equation it is seen that sqft_living, grade and sqft_living15 have a positive impact on the prices of the houses. Thus, the variables sqft_living, grade and sqft_living15 increase the prices of the houses. On the other hand, sqft_above and bathrooms have a negative impact on the house prices. In addition, sqft_above and bathrooms decrease the prices of the houses.
Further, it is found that all the independent variables have a statistically significant impact on the prices of the houses, p < 0.000. The information from the above equation can be utilised to get an approximate estimated price of the house.
2: Tableau Representation of House Prices (2014-2015)
2.1 Text Table or Graph view
The below table is drawn using tableau software. Usually tableau software is a data visualization software used for providing useful insights into the data (Murphy 2015). But in the present situation, an exception has been made and a table of the data has been created. In order to draw the table, the dimension of “data” is drawn to column whereas “date” is drawn to columns the date is filtered for years 2014 and 15. The “date” variable represents the years and there is a + positive. Extending the + sign divides the year into quarters. Thus, we can view the house prices data divided into four quarters for each of the two years. Next the measure values were pulled to provide the “details.” The details – sum of all the measure values show the rows corresponding to the quarters. Some of the measure values were kept and others were removed. For the variables “bathrooms” and “prices”, the average values were selected. The median value was selected for the “grade”. For the variables sqft living, sqft living 15, sqft lot and sqft lot15 the sum measure was selected.
A cursory look to the data indicates that the average number of bathrooms of the houses is 2. Similarly, the average grade of the houses was 7. Thus, it is found that most of the houses were of “average grade of construction and design.” In addition, it is found that the average price of the house decreased from Q2 (2014) to Q1 (2015). There is an upward rise in the prices of the houses from Q1 (2015) to Q2 (2015).
1.3 Chi-Square
2.2 GeoMap
This section presents a representation of the average house prices of the location of the data. The house prices data contained detailed information of the latitude and longitude of the houses (Kosara and Mackinlay 2013). The geographical information extracted from the latitude and longitude of the data provided a geographic map by Tableau. The longitude was placed in “columns” and latitude in “rows.
To corroborate the latitude and longitude, the zip code was added as a detail in the chart. Initially the map produced errors due to the default location of places. However, when the map location was edited to “United States”, the errors were rectified. In order to delve into the variations in house prices over a geographical location, the average of the house price (for 2014-15) was used. To gain more information, the average house prices were colour differentiated. The average price in the range of 2,00,000 was coloured green while 37,000,000 was coloured red. Thus, as the house prices increases, the range was divided into ten equal sections with changes in depth of the colour. Thus, from the geomap output, one can easily identify places having very high average price to very low average prices. From the map, it is seen that at most of the places the average house prices is around 2,00,000. The map shows that the average house prices is highest at only one of the shown by red colour. Some of the other places have colours between green and red.
References :
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