Early Childhood Development And Learning

Importance of Joint Attention and Parent-Child Interaction

Describe about the Early Childhood Learning?

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Farrant, B., & Zubrick, S. (2011). Early vocabulary development: The importance of joint attention and parent-child book readingFirst Language32(3), 343-364. doi:10.1177/0142723711422626

It states that individual (which may include parents,) and environment has an influence in the learning of the individual. The article states involvement of both parents that is father and mother leads to fast and early development of the child. Both of the parents or either of the parents should read books along with the child to help fast development and learning of the child. Mother has a lot of influence on child and can help facts early learning of children at an early stage. The parent child interaction occurs within and is affected by the family context which is itself embedded in and influenced by the broader community and societal contexts. The society and community also plays an influence but after the influences of the parents.

This article has being chosen because are topic research is on early development of children and this topic exactly matches it. This article is on how parents and especially mother can help early development of children by teaching them at an early stage. Parents should also read books with their children so that they learn quickly.

HOFF, E., CORE, C., PLACE, S., RUMICHE, R., SEÑOR, M., & PARRA, M. (2011). Dual language exposure and early bilingual development. J. Child Lang.39(01), 1-27. doi:10.1017/s0305000910000759

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The article say that children learning two languages were less advanced as far as the languages vocabulary and grammar is concerned in both the languages than children who learn only one language. They learn one language and learn it perfectly rather than two those who learn two languages as the children have less capacity to absorb facts. Although children are able to make difference between the two languages at an early stage and there are more household adopting the bilingual language system yet learning one language is still better. One language helps their focus only one thing and hence they grapes the language more quick.

This article has being chosen as the topic is the early learning of children and hence this are explains what type of early learning have what effects. The use of two languages may confuse the children while the use of one language may help them learn vocabulary and grammar better as they focus on one language.

Ploog, B., Scharf, A., Nelson, D., & Brooks, P. (2012). Use of Computer-Assisted Technologies (CAT) to Enhance Social, Communicative, and Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord43(2), 301-322. doi:10.1007/s10803-012-1571-3

This article deals with the usage of computer assisted technologies to enhance language, social and communicative development in children with autism. Children especially the autistic ones show a liking towards computer and the same can be used towards teaching the autistic child. Things which were considered next to impossible a few times are now used by general public. These include the use of apps on iphone, ipad etc. these development has also enhanced the usefulness of computer aided technology (cat) on the development of children with autism spectrum disorder (asd). The increased use of cad can be concluded from the number of blogs which is created on this topic and the number of journals and books which has published regarding this topic.

Effects of Dual Language Exposure

This article has being taken as the development of children is the topic of discussion and teaching and developing children with autism section disorder should also be considered. They are special children and hence extra care has to be taken in order to teach them. Early development and learning of them is also an issue which has being resolved here. The use of computer has really helped them computer aided technology has brought in new invention which could not be thought before.

Cormack, P., & Comber, B. (2013). High-stakes literacy tests and local effects in a rural school. Australian Journal Of Language And Literacy, 36(2).

The article explains about the high stake literacy test and the effect of the local in rural school in context to the early childhood education. There are many villages that are having more than one school in their area. Schools are one of the sources of getting knowledge of every level. There are many institutions which provide the early childhood education. There are various methods of providing the early childhood education one of it is high stakes literacy test. High stakes test method is available in maximum education places. From the past few years the Australian government main focus is to increase the literacy from the early childhood of the student. To work on this project government has taken several steps like MY School website’s (myschool.edu.au). The main focus of the MY School website and associated public discussion is to generate data with the help of standardized tests called as NAPLAN. NAPLAN is the special test conducted annually in all schools of U.S. The article explains the experience of the teachers’, principals with NAPLAN test which is conducted annually. The article also explains the advantage, disadvantage and the reason of the failure with the NAPLAN test (Cormack & Comber, 2013).

The reason behind choosing this article is that the article clearly explains the effect of the locals on the rural schools and the advantage, disadvantage of the high stake test in context to the early childhood education. The article also talks about the special test conducted by each and every school, i.e., NAPLAN.

Perry, K. (2012). What is Literacy? – A Critical Overview of Sociocultural Perspectives. Journal Of Language And Literacy Education, 8(1), 50-71.

The Journal describes about the Socio-culture perspective on the language and literacy education in relation to early childhood education. Early childhood means giving knowledge of the subject to the children from there early age so that they are aware of the subjects before going to schools. The focus of the journal is on different socio-cultural perspectives of like (1) Literacy as social practice (2) multi-literacy (3) critical literacy. The journal explains about the literacy and the influence of socio- cultural factors on it. The Society in which the student is living affects the most in its education process. The article explains about the models involved in literacy practice and the different aspects of knowledge which are needed in order to keep in literacy practices of the early childhood program. The article explains that literacy is an social practice which helps the Society to improve the level of the literacy. The government takes many different steps to increase the early childhood education level so that the society in which the children live also improves it level (Perry, 2012).

The reason behind choosing this journal is that, the journal explains clearly the literacy and the major socio- cultural factors influencing the literacy in the early childhood. Socio-cultural factors are the factors which are dependent on society and the culture the child is living. Whether it is early childhood education or the higher education the socio- culture is the major factor responsible for the education of the child.

Supporting Young Children’s Vocabulary Growth: The Challenges, the Benefits, and Evidence-Based Strategies. (2011). Early Childhood Education Journal, 38, 421-429.

The journal is focusing on the problems faced by the students who are from weak socio-economic background or who have opted English as there secondary language in vocabulary. The suggestion given by the author to recover from the bad vocabulary is the evidence based strategy. The main focus of journal is that the young children to activity get engaged in the vocabulary development so that the can remember new words, and grasp multiple meaning of words. The journal is all about the study and research done by the author on the challenges, benefits of the vocabulary and the benefits of the evidence based strategy opted for improving vocabulary of the students in there early childhood. If the vocabulary of the child is improved in its early stages it will be beneficial for him/her at higher education level. The vocabulary is the main focus point of this article as if the vocabulary power of any student is strong the level of knowledge will also be good. The author focuses on the vocabulary of the early childhood education process (‘Supporting Young Children’s Vocabulary Growth: The Challenges, the Benefits, and Evidence-Based Strategies’, 2011).

The reason behind choosing this journal is that the author is focusing on the main problem faced by the student, i.e., is there weak vocabulary power which makes them lack in their performance. The journal explains the reason as well as the solution to overcome the problem for both the students and the teachers. The best solution to overcome the problem of low vocabulary in the early childhood education is the evidence based study. The study and research as well is done to explain how the evidence based study is helpful in improving the vocabulary power of the students in the early age education process.

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