E-business Solutions For Walking On Wood And Amazon Website Features

Task 1

Task 1.

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Assignment brief:


Walking on wood (WoW) is a west London company specialising in wooden parquet floors. It featured a large selection of materials for flooring. The price of lumber and other building materials are constantly changing. When a customer inquiries about the price on pre finished wood flooring, sales representative consult a manual price sheet, which has been updated each day. Often the supplier must call back WoW’s sales reps because the company does not have the newest pricing information immediately.

Assessment criteria:  

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Illustrate the different e- business models that can be used to generate revenue and best suited for walking on wood (WoW).

• Describe how this process could be improved with e-business solution?

• Analyse each model in terms of its capacity to generate revenue.

• Report on future developments in e-business models.

Task 2.

Assignment brief:


Key features of amazon website include editorial and customer reviews; manufacturer product information; web pages tailored to individual preferences, such as recommendations and notifications; 1- click technology; secure payment systems; image uploads; searching on amazon’s website as well as the internet; browsing; and the ability to view selected interior pages and citation, and search the entire contents of many of the books they offer with their “look inside the book” and “search inside the book “ features. Their community of online customers also creates feature –rich content, including product reviews, online recommendation lists, wish list, buying guides, and wedding and baby registries.

Assessment criteria:
• Explain main features of HTML.

• Analyse the functions of client servers and browsers, and the role of the search engine and search facility of a website (keeping amazon website in mind).

• Evaluate the use of intranets and extranets within business communication

• Indicate the key elements of good web design structure ( with amazon.com perspective)

• Identify issues concerning website usability.


The business of the company has to develop a e-business model so that the information on price of the supplying materials as well as the price of the end materials can be updated regularly. The price of the lumber and other construction material such as adhesive, polish and color changes every moment which has a great impact on the cost of wooden flooring materials and total cost of the product. This task will show how the problem of communication can be diminished by using the e-business solution for Walking on wood for making the cost of the business low.

Task 2

The current business process is running on basis of the manual system of the company where sales representative is acknowledged about the price of the materials by the suppliers and the representative change the same manually every day. It involves the time cost of the sales man every day which has also made the person to reduce attend little clients every day (CARTER, 2011). There is a clear communication gap between the customer and sales representatives due to manual process of attending the queries of the customers on price of the prefinished wooden material for flooring. E-business solution of the company will provide it to solve many issues regarding the just in time information about the materials’ price so the updated price can be communicated. As stated by HITT, (2011), introducing a online system of data input and output provides a company to enhance the employees’ productivity. In the current context, the job of the sales man has become troublesome due to slow information proceedings in the company while the prices of the products are changing daily. The improvement in the overall supply chain process is described below with the diagram:

Figure 1: e-business process of Walking on wood

(Source: created by author)

 From the above diagram, it can be seen that in e-business solution, the suppliers can send updated information at real time basis which enables the company’s sales representative to arrange the price list faster as the information comes via online mode and processed without any manual help (Johansson, 2012). The information from the customers might be collected from online portal or manual communication method where sales man can evaluate all the queries calibrating with updates provided by the suppliers. Further, information about the wooden material for flooring can be achieved using the website where customer might make some queries on the cost of the products (Kopera, 2012). The system allows the company to serve the clients at a real time basis and further, the cost of operation becomes low. The new process of business operation of supply chain provides the sales department to acquire more orders due to quick responses to the queries of the customers about the price of the wooden products. The suppliers do not need to call the sales department for providing the updated information of the price as they can place in the updated price in the portal of the company so that sales department may use that information in serving the clients.

The Improvement in Business Process Using E-business Solution

The business of Walking on wood is described in the assignment which is going on basis of traditional approach. The business of wooden flooring of the company is mainly depended upon the raw materials of wood and some other materials that are used in flooring. As stated by Laudon and Traver, (2013), the business revenue can be analyzed after analyzing the cost of the materials for the product. In this case, the cost of the product is volatile as observed from the business model of the company. Therefore, the cost analysis is difficult as there is no fixed element in this revenue model of the business. Only the labor and transportation cost is semi-variable in this case, which might be estimated as fixed for a certain time limit (LUSCH, 2011). The cost of the raw materials used in producing the wooden floor fluctuates; thereby, the cost of service also goes up and down. The generation of revenue in the tradition model of business is poor as in this model sales man can visit the least queries from the customers and also they become unable to attend the clients with the real time updates. Therefore, it becomes the loss of clients due misinterpretation of the price of the products (Patalas-Maliszewska, 2012).

The e-business of the company makes a different model of business in the supply chain of the company. The revenue generation system in the company might be easier in this model due to some solid reasons as follows:

  • The cost of operation becomes low due to online information carrier in the business.
  • The target of the sales becomes more due to more client acquisition by better communication channel between customers and company.
  • The business of the company may generate more effective revenue to acquire more clients due to having order placing system in the web portal of the company.

The new model of the company will provide a chance it to convert those unsatisfied customers into satisfied due to price fluctuations and also price of the products known in current time basis. Due to change in order processing and information processing of the company with suppliers, the risk of volatile price of wood will be eliminated mainly which reduce the risk of losing the business and also risk of loss making due to sudden increase of cost (Sadiq, Soffer and Völzer, 2013.). The revenue of the business can be grown more due to change in price of the wood on real time basis allows the sales department to provide discount to the customer for attracting in wooden floor. 

The business of Walking on wood is defined as the business of wooden floors in London. The installing of e-business in the supply chain of the company might be easier for them in delivering the supplying information and product to the customers (Walker, 2013). The e-business solution for the company is shown in the figure 1, which depicts that suppliers will communicate with the sales department of the company for acknowledging them about the price changing and stock of materials via online mode. The proposed e-business model is basically a structure of preliminary design of the internet usage in the company. The system cannot be compared with the ERP present in the market for maximum utilization of resources in operation of company which might reduce the cost of the damages and also reduce the cost in disfavored customers likely (KETCHEN Jr. and HULT, 2011). The developed system in the marketing might be an integrated ERP system where customers will place the orders via online and the order will be placed to the supply checking due to compare with the stock of materials in the company in the due course of action. Due to change in e-business system, a process of business will be also changed as the changed system will deliver the company in reduction of steps of activities lowering the cost of the project. As observed by ECKERD and BENDOLY, (2011), the future development in the system of business in online mode must be enhanced in developing the system in delivering the customers a taste of real time price of the product and also service to them in right time. Therefore, new system of the e-portal of the company might produce the order intake for the company while the system of supply chain and date of order shipment and customer relationship management will be extended in this way. The changes in the new system will ensure the customer relationship management greatly while the delay happens in serving the order placed by the customers. The payment system in e-payment zone will also allow the company to reduce the manpower and time of the operation which will ensure the customer satisfaction due to reduction of time wastage in this process (DeNardis, 2013). The new future e-business model is shown in the following figure where the new model of the company is deduced and the difference of the system can be compared with the previous system.

Analysis of Each Business Model with Respect to Generating Revenue

Figure 2: future e-business solution of Walking on wood

(Source: created by author)


It can be concluded from the above assignment that Walking on wood has to develop an e-procurement system so that company might be able to deliver the customers best service as practiced by them. The supply chain line will become stronger due to usage of e-business method in this business as it will provide the company to inform the customers on real time basis.


Carter, c. (2011). A call for theory: the maturation of the supply chain management discipline. Journal of supply chain management, 47(2), pp.3-7.

Eckerd, s. And bendoly, e. (2011). Introduction to the discussion forum on using experiments in supply chain management research. Journal of supply chain management, 47(3), pp.3-4.

Hitt, m. (2011). Relevance of strategic management theory and research for supply chain management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 47(1), pp.9-13.

Johansson, B. (2012). Exploring how open source ERP systems development impact ERP systems diffusion. IJBSR, 6(4), p.361.

Ketchen jr., d. And hult, g. (2011). Building theory about supply chain management: some tools from the organizational sciences. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 47(2), pp.12-18.

Khaparde, V. (2012). Barriers of ERP while implementing ERP: a Literature Review. IOSRJMCE, 3(6), pp.49-91.

Kopera, S. (2012). Evaluation of Socio-Organizational Environment of ERP Projects. Management and Production Engineering Review, 3(1).

Laudon, K. and Traver, C. (2013). E-commerce.

LUSCH, R. (2011). Reframing supply chain management: a service-dominant logic perspective. Journal of supply Chain Management, 47(1), pp.14-18.

Patalas-Maliszewska, J. (2012). Assessing the Impact of Erp Implementation in the small Enterprises.Foundations of Management, 4(2).

Sadiq, S., Soffer, P. and Völzer, H. (2013). Business process management.

Walker, J. (2013). Launch.

HTML is used for creating the Website. Designing the website with the help of HTML for simply understand. Amazon is designed for the best online selling product.

In this assignment, the focus is on analyzing the key features of Amazon website that requires within and across the online customer services. However, the assignment describes about the some key features that is very much effective as well as efficient in terms of online shopping.

Easily and commonly used web based languages is HTML for creating the web pages. HTML can be more acceptable and it is modified with the help of formatting tag. HTML is most user friendly and flexibly designed for designing the web pages. HTML documents is viewed by any platform like Linux, Macintosh, windows. WebPages can be looks more attractive by using of advance HTML’s features like  graphics, sound, videos (Bassil, 2012). Websites can be updated easily by the HTML. Validate HTML coding helps accessible the website with more attractive designed and easy to use for the users. Time saving and for faster entering in the web site and for a better feedback of customer, HTML is commonly used. Cost saving in business by using the HTML is the best policy of business. The main case is for the future of HTML but there also some obstacle with HTML like it cannot customize as per need and cannot be accommodate as per need. No document and structure are there for display only code is there for displaying. All front size is not supported by HTML (Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: for scientists and engineers, 2012).

A Report on Future Developments in E-business Model

A client easily can connect to the web server by using the client server system. The most effective function of client server are

Handle the growing phase and the increasing workload is smoothly handle by client server. Element can be upgraded as per requirement. Client server is mainly designed for a bulk of work of an organization and helps to work a large number of client at the same time (Auer et al., 2011).

A customer can get reply immediately as per need. Submission of user request the client side code immediately reply without waiting for the transfer of network. Easy and faster reply is generating only for the database is centralized.

The valid user or client only can visit or access the data which are manipulated by users. This process held in the server location with the help of two application one central database (SQL 2008) and another is three other client databases. Any up gradation, delectation insertion at the central database or any kind of changes are occurs in client database. The reverse also happened in client side if client is changing anything in client database then it is automatically updated in central database. Server controlled the access, resources and data security.

An opportunity is given to every client to log into a processor via desktop for accessing the information. Some tools are using for dealing with the corporate data with help of database like spreadsheet, PowerPoint and for producing the meaningful information the application servers resident on the network (Appavoo, 2011).

Client, servers and network are also work together. The main operational is done by SQL, mainly it is data definition and access language which is used developed the class database table for managing the SQL tables (Kamini, 2012). The network services provide the transparency of connectivity between the client and local server.  To maintain the updates in multiple location and handle the errors is the main quality for the production level performance and for recovery.

The main function of web browser is to providing information to the user as per their requirement. There are many URL like Google.com, yeahoo.com for providing the information and the information’s pages as per the user requirement. The information will be indentifying and fetch by the help of URL from server and the result will be displaying to the client. Islam and Biswas, (2012) observed that user can interact with pages and the dynamic content like forms. The negative comment and the source code of HTML is also displaying to the users. By using of secure method it also provide the security of a data and information.

Main Features of HTML

People posting and shorting the huge number of online data for main ting the internet will be shorting, ranking, locating storing of all the information

As stated by Appavoo (2011), main fundamental part of a search engine is crawling which is used to find the internet address of website and stores the contents of search engines. After finishing of the crawler the indexing is done and it is tore the keyword of every website. The last and the easy function is storage, the storage is mainly refer for the store of data mainly done in Google and yahoo by which any one can find the data and the information quickly.

The main facility of searching a website is to get easily. A vendor or a user can get to the information smoothly by searching the website name in url (Gibbons and Agah, 2012). The search is possible done by the help of a local search engines.


The computer network is the intranet, that to use the protocol of the internet technology to the information share, the operating system or the services of the computing within the organization. This is the term which used to extranet contrast, the network that between the organizations and the reference instead to a network within the organization. Some of the time, this is the term, which refer only the internal organization’s website. However, the more of the extensive part of the information technology of an organization a more of the part of extensive the information technology of the organizations infrastructure, and the composed may be the network of local area (Hota and Srimani, 2013). The main objective is the, to be organize the each and individual’s desktop with the cost of minimal, the effort and the time to be the productive more, the efficient of cost, competitive and the timely. The host of the private multiple may an intranet constitute and websites an important of component and the point of focal of the communication through internal and the collaboration. The well-known protocols of the internet may found here such as the SMPT, HTTP, and the FTP.  The technology of the internet is the developed often to modern provide the legacy information to the interfaces hosting the system to the data corporation (Pena, 2012). The uses of the intranet in to the website of Amazon is, it is an easy to use, economical, security increased, better service for the customer and the way of secure to bring the benefits many of this world web wide to the computer. Amazon proves that to save the cost and increase significantly productivity in around the world of the companies majority. Yet, to sell the management upper on to the intranet idea is not easy always.

Functions of Client Servers and Browsers, and the Role of the Search Engine and Search Facility

The computer network is the extranet, that to the allows of the access controlled from the organization’s outside intranet. The extranet that are used for the specific use of cases that to include the business to business. In this business-to-business context, the extranet that can be viewed as the organization’s extension intranet that is the to use extending the outside of the organization, that to usually the supplier and vendors, collaborates, in the isolation from the other all users of internet (Utami, 2012). It is in the context of that isolation of different extranet from an internet or the internet. In this contrast, the model of the business to consumer that to involve the servers known of the one or the more companies, communicating with the unknown previously consumer users (Tsaoussidis et al., 2013). The extranet that is the similar to the DMZ in the access providers to provide the services for the partners channel, without access of granting the entire access to an entire organizations network. The uses of the extranet in the website of Amazon, is the more of the supply chain integration through the online ordering use, the cost reduction by the manuals making and the documentation of technical that to the online availability, more of the collaboration effectively, the relationships of the business improved, customer services improved and last is the working flexibility.

There are several key elements, have covered for the good web structure designing in Amazon, these are the designing for the good visual, the website contents, the navigation of the web pages, the credibility, the accessibility and the availability, the clarity these are the main point for the key elements indicate of the good structure web designing (Ahamer, 2013). These features are includes into the Amazon site that is why this site is so much popular among the customer.

In, the above we say about the content of website, from this context it is clear that there is lots of thing into the Amazon sites, so the contents is so high in this site. Next is the navigation, only into the site of Amazon have made the automatic navigation. This is the big advantage in this site for attract peoples.

In this above said context, discuss about the usability of the concerning website, the usability issues are the size of the browser and the call to the action, this is because just the web designer have the 40 inch of the around wrap monitor that really mean does not to the do by the users. To make sure that the primary to call the action that to included the top of the page. The next usability issue is the form where’s the? That to mean, that have to do all of that. This is the one of the most important types of the conversion. For the websites most is the gathering data. Therefore the most popular conversion soft goals is to have the fill by the user to out an the information form request. The next important point is the overload the information, the deciding the necessary that how to present the information in the way of user-friendly that the way is the challenge for the every of the website in the every industry.

Reference list

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