Drug And Alcohol Treatment In Prison And Community Settings: An Analysis

Research Aim

By the term ‘drug misuse or substance misuse’, one refers to the wrong use of a particular substance or drug (Mitchell, Wilso & Layton MacKenzie, 2018). There are certain medical and legal guidelines which are laid down by the standard authoritative boards. The use of the drugs for any other purpose which does not conform to these guidelines is considered an offence or an illegal activity. Among most the people, substance misuse is quite prevalent and in prisons there is no exception. Prisoners are likely to use illegal drugs in the prisons. This research paper aims at finding the misuse of the drugs by various communities and the prisoners.In this research proposal the drug and alcohol treatments in prison and community settingsis studied in the light of the Criminal Justice System (CJS).The offender based and community based drug treatment is to be analyzed in this research. Among offender populations, the alcohol treatment also needs to be considered. There are many strategies which are taken up to reduce the substance’s problematic use among the offender population. Within the correctional structure, the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), HM Prison Service, National Probation Service and many other policy documents along with relevant strategies have been adopted for reduction of drug and alcohol misuse among the offender population (Best, et.al, 2016). The research has been done by both primary and secondary research method. Ebooks, journals and news article has been used to carry out the research work. On the other hand, primary research method such as survey method has also been adopted where the feedback has been recorded properly.

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The research aim is to find how far the steps are being taken for drug and alcohol treatment among the prison and community.

The main research question which will  associated with the paper would be:

What are the measures taken up for the reduction of substance misuse among offenders at prison or community based and what is their effectivity?

The research objective is to explore the positive or negative change which is taking place in drug and alcohol treatment in prison and community settings.

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As opined by Reiman & Leighton (2015), criminal justice refers to the supply of integrity for those who have committed criminalities. In addition, the system of criminal justice is a sequence of administration agencies and foundations whose aims and objectives are to recognize and catch illegitimate individuals to impose a form of penalty on them. However, other objectives comprise the rehabilitation of criminals, avoiding other corruptions and ethical support for victims. According to Andrews &Bonta (2010), the prime institutions of the criminal justice system are the police, prosecution and protection lawyers, the magistrates and prisons. Furthermore, the police persons are mainly apprehensive with keeping the harmony and implementing criminal law based on their specific mission and authority. In regard, policing has encompassed a collection of activities in dissimilar contexts, but the principal ones are more worried with demand maintenance and the delivery of services. Moreover, the utmost visibly noticeable form of punishment in the present period is the prison. The term prisons may assist as imprisonment centers for jailbirds after experimentally tested. The jails have been used for the suppression of the accused. Primary prisons were being used mostly to confiscate prisoners and tiny thought was being given to existing circumstances within their partitions (Ashworth, 2015). In today’s world, drug and alcohol treatment is one of the most important treatments for an individual and thereby it has become a necessity. Such treatment helps an individual to live a healthy and safety life without any hassle. The aim of the paper is to analyze the drug and alcohol treatments in prison and society settings and also focusses on how such treatment practices can help an individual to stay fit and healthy.

Research Question

Treatment of drugs is being envisioned for helping habituated persons stop uncontrollable drug pursuing and use. In addition, as opined by West, Graham &Cifu (2009), treatment can arise in a diversity of settings, take numerous dissimilar forms and last for diverse intervals of time. This is because drug addiction is naturally a chronic illness categorized by occasional deteriorations, a short-term, one-time behavior is frequently not adequate. In regard, the variations in the brain of the individuals can thereby lead to the destructive behaviors seen in the persons who thereby consume drugs. The term drug addiction is also a relapsing disease and therefore, deterioration is the reoccurrence to drug use after an effort to stop. Moreover, the pathway to drug addiction commences with intended act of consuming drugs. There are numerous of evidence based methods to treating compulsion. Additionally, the definite type of treatment or amalgamation of treatments will fluctuate depending on the individual needs of the patients and frequently on the kinds of drugs they consume.

The treatment of drug addiction can involve treatments, behavioral rehabilitations or may be their mixture. According to Ersche, Turton, Pradhan, Bullmore& Robbins (2010), the treatments for medicine drug abuse have a tendency to be identical to those for illegitimate drugs which in turn affects the similar brain systems of the individuals. For instance, buprenorphine is being used to treat the addiction of heroin can also be rather utilized to treat addiction to opioid pain treatments. However, addiction to prescription drugs which disturbs the similar brain functions of the individual as unlawful drugs such as cocaine can be treated with behavioral treatments because there are very less medications in order to treat addiction to these sorts of drugs. On the other hand, there are behavioral treatments that can induce individuals for participating in the treatment of drugs and thereby offer policies in order to cope up with the drug desires and further teach them tactics for avoiding drugs and avoiding relapse. It also helps in facilitating individuals for dealing with the reversion if it arises and can further benefit the persons in improving its skills of communication, connection and nurturing skills as well as dynamics of family. Additionally, as opined by Ersche, et al. (2012), behavioral treatments can benefit the patients by transforming their approaches and behaviors associated to the usage of drug, improve the healthy skills of the individual and therefore continue with additional forms of treatment like medication. Furthermore, drug treatment practices like cognitive behavioral therapy facilitates patients identify, evade and cope up with the circumstances in which the individual are expected to consume drugs. Another form of behavioral therapy such as involves motivational interviewing which in turn makes the most of the individual’s readiness. This helps to change their behavior and enter treatment. Several treatment programs hire both group and individual therapies. In regard, group treatments can offer social support and thereby facilitate behavioral emergencies, which encourage self-restraint and a non-drug using life (Ersche, Turton, Pradhan, Bullmore& Robbins, 2010). The mixture of both behavioral and medication treatments usually appear to be more efficient and effective than rather used alone.

Research Objective

Alcohol plays a significant role in corruption and recidivism. It thereby has capitalized profoundly in evolving a system of facility for addressing the alcohol obsessions. The persons who are addicted to alcohol are a syndrome which affects individuals of all paces of their life. As opined by Spanagel (2009), alcohol addicted people can show itself in several approaches where the strictness of the disease, how frequently someone drinks and have alcohol fluctuates from individual to individual.  Alcohol obsession can be very challenging to identify. However, not like heroin or cocaine, alcohol is accessible and thereby accepted in numerous cultures. It is basically accepted at the center of societal circumstances and thereby closely associated to gratification and celebrations. According to Ross, Wilson, Banks, Rezannah&Daglish (2012), there are numerous complications of health related to alcoholism such as sexual problems, ulcers, increased risk of cancer, diabetes complications etc. which in turn affects the lifestyle of the individuals. In addition, drinking alcohol is also linked with an increased occurrence of murder and suicide as well. It is necessary for the addicted individuals to get treated so that they can live their life freely without any hassle. Numerous persons might not realize that alcohol is also a drug which can affect the productivity and efficiency of the persons (Rehm, 2011). Like medicine pain pills and illegitimate narcotics, alcohol is an additive constituent. It is of utmost important that individuals should undergo such treatment practices as this will help them to live their life freely and effectively. The essential principle of alcoholism treatment is rehabilitation. Behavioral therapies are vital and thereby involve recognizing and altering the actions which might lead to substantial drinking. In regard, the counselors should use a diversity of techniques for addressing every necessity of each patient.

One of the major practice of alcohol treatment is the cognitive behavioral therapy which includes group or one-on-one sessions. It thereby emphasizes its focus on finding responsive and situational prompts which in turn cause drinking. According to Chandler, Fletcher & Volkow (2009), another treatment practice includes motivational enhancement therapy which is also an additional form of behavioral therapy. It concentrates on viewing patients the advantages and disadvantages of getting help. This type of treatment also boosts the confidence of the individual and thereby explains them on how to maintain the plan. Furthermore, one major practice that the treatment services should involve for alcohol obsession is constructing a system of sustenance. The individuals who are obsessed with alcohol never try to stop drinking on their own. So constructing a support system will benefit the individual in leading a normal and healthy life and would therefore make their ride much stress-free. In addition, according to Lieber (2012), the alcoholics can get support from their friends, family members and health care providers which would really boost their confidence to undergo such treatment and live a safety lifestyle rather than going through any bad circumstances. 

Literature Review

An outline of measurements which is recorded on the basis of time, manner and material is known as sampling plan. Designing of sampling plan should be done in such a way that the sample which is extracted is fruitful for serving the purpose of meeting various goals.Researchers need to follow various steps to carry out the sampling plan. The steps are as follows: the parameters which is being measured needs to get identified first. The next step is sampling schemes should be designed where the details of how and where the sampling should be taken is mentioned. The 3rd step is the sample size should be determined by the researcher. The 4th step is the data storage i.e. where the data is being stored should be designed accurately. The last step which is followed in the sampling planning process is the roles and responsibilities should be assigned properly. After developing the sampling plan properly, the plan should be verified properly and then the plan should be forwarded to the parties who are responsible for the execution.There are different sampling plans and techniques which can be used for selecting the samples for a research. As the term ‘probability’ suggests, in the probabilitysamplingplan every subject of the population can have an equal opportunity of being selected as a part of the representative sample. However, in case of the non-probability sampling it is known from before, which individual from the entire population will get an opportunity to be a part of the representative sample (Vehovar, Toepoel& Steinmetz, 2016). In this research I would like to implement the probability sampling plan as it is cost effective, consumes less time and needs less of researcher’s judgment.

The method by which the sample entity is being selected is known as the sampling technique. In this research proposal the sampling technique which has been used is Simple random sampling.The simple random sampling would be most effective as a sampling technique in this research because random selection involves less bias and the selected sample is a better representative of the entire population when sampling is random. In a simple random sampling the samples are chosen very randomly and no such parameters are present while selecting the samples. This reduces the biasness of the selection and thus intends to provide a better result. In random sampling method every member is getting a fair and equal chance of being a part of the sample(Palinkas, et.al, 2015). If as a researcher I use my own judgment while selecting the members of the representative sample there would be error in sampling as bias will be present.

Drug Treatment Practices

To protect the human subjects it is very important to ensure the privacy of the data collected from the subjects, maintain its confidentiality, minimize the risk involved in the data collection and its use, monitoring the data, etc. The fair selection of the subject is also important for an unbiased research inference. Many of them might not give the feedback because they fear of their privacy getting leaked thus avoiding from giving the interview. While interviewing I will ensure that the consent of the subjects is taken before their involvement in the research process. The subjects need to know the purpose of the research so that they are voluntarily informed. It is very important to maintain the interest of the subject otherwise, it may create a lot of hassle. The interest of the subjects must not be at a conflict with the research design.

An arrangement of collections is known as Research design.There are many ways of designing a research like non-reactive, quasi experimental, experimental, etc. Descriptive research design is basically case studies; correlational research design basically is the observational study and the 3rd type which is known as semi-experimental design basically involves the experiment which is being done in the field and the last type is known as the experimental method. Experimental research design is done on the basis randomly selected sample. Among the various methods which are available the experimental research design is appropriate for this particular research. Experimental research design gives a scientific approach to the research. A randomly selected sample has been taken and the research design has been done accordingly.In this case, one variable set is kept constant and the other variables are being measured as per the changing subject of the main experiment. This is also useful for the quantitative research.

Types of research is basically known as Research methods.There are different research methods which are implemented for the research works. Primary research and secondary research methods are the two types of research. In primary research feedbacks are collected on the basis of survey method or questionnaire method whereas in secondary research feedbacks are collected through secondary sources like journals, news articles, books etc. Secondary researches are more efficientbecause it gives more accurate results. The accuracy of the result is due to the survey which has been done worldwide. On the other hand, in primary research method is done by taking a sample which is generally small in size. Primary research has an ability to give inaccurate results because the researches are done on the basis of the population of one particular country and not across the world.I would use the secondary research method based on secondary data. This secondary data can be collected from different reliable sources available online. The various eBooks, journals, articles, etc. which are available on the reliable sites can be used for drawing the data for secondary analysis. In this research design, this method will be most effective because it will help me to get reliable and authentic data which have been drawn by the authors or researchers from credible sources.

Review of Alcohol Treatment Practices

A term, which the researchers generally use, for the measurement of various information is known as Research instruments. Research instrument is an entire process of developing a device, testing it and then using the device accordingly. It is very important for the researchers to select a suitable research instrument. The suitable research instrument can be selected by the researcher by taking the help of various sources like library books or other secondary resources.For this research, the main instrument which will be used for the collection of the data is the questionnaire based interview. The sample will be selected in such a way so that it is a fair representation of those who have directly or indirectly been affected by the drug and alcohol treatment in prisons or community settings. A total of 100 interviewees are provided with a questionnaire so that the answer to the questionnaire or the data which is collected will give a detailed view of the research question. The questionnaire will have some closed end questions followed by some open end questions as well. The identity of the interviewee is kept a secret which makes the interviewees free to answer the question. The feedback of the population will be recorded and an accurate process is adopted for quantifying the data. The data collected from the questionnaire will not be used negatively against the interest of the interviewee and the privacy of the entire feedback of the person will be maintained. This method of providing questions to a small amount of population is known as Primary research method.The data is also collected from secondary sources like online journals, articles, etc (Elliott, 2015). Collection of data from various sources mentioned in the previous lineis known as the Secondary research method.

The strategy for data collection involves identifying the most reliable and authentic online sources for using their data for the research. There are various secondary sources which is not authentic and they provide data which is not reliable and also can be misguiding in nature. Researchers should make a proper strategy while carrying out the research work. A well-developed strategy helps the researchers to carry out the research work more efficiently. Researchers should be always very conscious about the collection of the data. Researchers should understand which website is providing authentic information and which website is misguiding. Moreover, the interview has to be conducted in a systematic manner wherein the interviewees are freely responding to their given questionnaire.

Data collection is generally done in a systematic process. Researchers generally follow few previously formulated steps while carrying out the research work.The procedure for data collection will be such that the researcher will go through different reliable secondary sources so that the most authentic data is received for the work. There are many secondary sources like online journals, articles, eBooks, etc. Among these the data which is relevant for the research has to be chosen. In case of primary method of data collection,the feedback of the interview will be collected based on the interview which will be conducted on 100 interviewees. That means the sample size which has been chosen is 100 and on the basis of this 100 people the research work will be carried out. The response will be quantified on the basis of the feedback and it will be used for the data analysis and the interpretation.The response of the interviewees will be used for drawing the conclusion of the hypothesis. The questions should be as per the requirement of the research and precise as well as relevant. The questionnaire should be such that it does not try to derive any unwanted personal information about the interviewee.

The secondary data analysis and the interview would be appropriate for the research as it helps to answer the research question precisely. There are various strengths and weaknesses of the secondary resource which has been discussed below.

The secondary data analysis will be helpful because those have already been used by many researchers. The authenticity of the data is also assured as there have been concrete conclusions drawn based on these data sets. In case of secondary method of data collection, the sample which is chosen is wide in nature because the entire world is taken in to consideration while in the primary research the data collected and interpreted are not absolutely accurate.On the other hand, the strength of the interview is that it gives a vast range of data and responses from the 100 interviewees which is helpful in drawing an inference.

The major drawback of this data collection or research is that it is time consuming to interview 100 people. Moreover, there could be no response from the interviewee. People might not be interested to fil up the questionnaire and this might create a problem for the researcher to carry on the research work. The response may be biased or false as the interviewee may not want to give the right answer. Biased response will lead to inaccuracy of data interpretation and this might not help the researcher to meet the objective of the research. The secondary data collected from online sources could also be unreliable or full of error because there exists various exists various fraud websites which provide information which is not authentic in nature. Incorrect or fraud information may also create a problem for the researcher to carry out the research work in a hassle-free manner.

The paper would analyze how drug and alcohol treatments are being done in prison and community settings. It also emphasizes its focus on how such treatments can help an individual to stay healthy and strong and how it can increase the productivity and efficiency of the individuals. It is thereby compulsory for the individual to undergo such treatment practices in order to live a peaceful life. There are numerous victims of alcohol and drug addiction for which treatments are of utmost important and by the help of such treatment practices, it will help an individual to commit any criminal activity.

The following research paper would show how treatment of drugs and alcohol addiction is a major necessity in the life of an individual. Such treatments benefit the persons to undergo such situation and live a healthy and safety life. Consumption of alcohol and drugs will surely damage the lifestyle of the persons and thereby they will lead to commit suicide or will suffer from depression. It has been observed that behavioral treatments can benefit the patients by changing their approaches and behaviors related to the consumption of drug. In addition, the treatment practices will change the lifestyle of the patients. It has also been observed that numerous people might not realize that alcohol is also a drug which can affect the productivity and efficiency of the individual.


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