Domestic Violence In Australia: Impact, Prevention And Policies
HSH725 Research Literacy For Health Practice 4
HSH725 Research Literacy For Health Practice 4
Research and assignment writing process
Domestic violence stands for an aggressive or a violent behaviour by any family member, partner or spouse. It is a major social problem that is faced by the people in the society. It future leads to major health issues in the lifestyle of an individual. This report consists of a detail description about the harmful impact faced by an individual and how can it be recovered. Domestic violence is mostly seen between people who are close to each other. The abuse can be controlled in many different ways, thus various ways are listed and methods through research was done is classified. To overcome such issues various legal, medical and financial supports is provided.
The data is collected by analysing the existing data in all the geographical area. The data collection methods are enhances by understanding the risks that are faced by people and surveys are done by understanding the pathway and outcome of the violence. Thus, in this literature review, secondary research method is used various journals and articles area studied. It involves the summary and synthesis of existing research which helped in focusing on the research that is being conducted. The secondary data uses various categories so that available source of information can be gathered. The secondary approach that is used for collected data is done via library web database archive and other. The secondary sources include collection of information through various departments and past records. The dataset of the country was analysed, that helped in finding the reason of domestic violence and also understanding the issues related to it.
From the research, it was found that domestic violence is a threat in the present situation. It is commonly seen in women’s as they are sexual tortured for working more. It has caused a major health and welfare issue in the society. It also impacts the cost of family and also brings up gap between the family members. Domestic violence is a serious problem in Australia as it is leading to illness and various disabilities that can damage the physical, emotional, social and psychological issues. Women are likely to experience greater risk of domestic violence (Francis, 2016). In 2014-15, it was found that almost 8 women were hospitalised every day. Apart from that, children’s are also exposed to violence which leads to development of mental illness and other behavioural issues. Domestic violence is worse that the aboriginal risk in Australia.
Impact of Domestic Violence on Health and Society
The domestic violence can be improved by maintain healthy relations as it was found that people who suffer from domestic violence go through poor domestic setting relation. They suffer from physical, emotional and sexual abuse (Wathen, MacGregor and MacQuarrie, 2015). In Australia, it was found that domestic violence is basically used to control the actions of others for torturing them to behave according to them. It includes emotional abuse that is a way of blaming a person by reducing their self-esteem and confidence. Women are verbally abused and blackmailed by family members and are asked to work according to them (Smith, Wight and Homer, 2018). If researched it was found that the risk factor of domestic violence is alcohol and drug use, child abuse and many other. The family members may have a strong drinking habit due to which they have a negative behaviour. In the research, it was found that males have a low level of support and women are the one who are mostly the victims of domestic violence.
Apart from that, to prevent domestic violence from serious violent victimisation is done. In small areas people believe that they have the right to control their partner’s actions which lead to misbehaviour in their personality. The crimes are increasing day by day and the main contribution to violent behaviour is consumption of alcohol and drugs (Reach out, 2017). The domestic violence starts with abusing the person physically, sexually, psychologically and emotionally. The abuse behaviour leads to an unhealthy and destructive environment (Walsh, Spangaro and Soldatic, 2015). It’s not only abuse but controlling someone’s action, unemployment, financial issues, and desperation to get sexually engaged jealousy or the anger escalation (Mulayim, Jackson and Lai, 2016). Some other factors that contribute in domestic violence are poverty, unemployment, alcohol use and poor health conditions. Domestic violence is faced by people due to poor relations with the family members.
Domestic violence causes harmful effect on the society as it affects people of all age group and from different circumstances. Domestic violence impacts the health of an individual as they suffer from mental illness or instability (Owen and Carrington, 2015). Apart from this, the development of children also effect if there is a negative environment. The outline of strategy sets up for ending the domestic direction (Mulayim, Jackson and Lai, 2016). The domestic violence can be improved by improving the overall services and support for victims. The social and health cost is also affected by domestic violence. Domestic violence is seen as national health problem. Thus, various measures are taken by the government to increase the detection of violence so that an investigation is done to assist the issue. The doctors can find out the issue of domestic abuses by the way of screening. It is the major problem that is sweeping in the entire nation (Dragiewicz and Burgess, 2016). Domestic violence can also be known as family violence as it is perpetrated by the family members against other members. It is related to the victim either they suffer from biologically or legally barriers (Abc, 2016) .
Causes and Risk Factors of Domestic Violence
Policies are designed so that they can victim and raise their voice and experience a proper control measure (Abc, 2016) . There are laws developed strictly for the culprits so that human deserve basic honour and respect. It impacts the mental and physical health of a person and can lead to depression and other issues (Othman, Goddard and Piterman, 2014). Family violence is generally seen in women if they are not working as per expectations, this lead to major issue in heart disease and asthma. Domestic violence involves physical abuse (Brown and James, 2014). Thus, it is important to have a policy so that they can protect the victim from the violence.
In Australia, laws are designed to promote the issue of inequality and inferiority by eliminating all the causes that may affect the behaviour of a person (Little, 2017). The domestic violence can be reduced by maintaining healthy relations with the family members and co-workers. If anyone is suspected in domestic violence they can reach out to the authorities so that proper measures could be taken (Parliament of australlia, 2017). These crimes are increasing due to lack of legislation to control domestic violence. It effect in a negative way on the children in their upbringing as they suffer from damage. Domestic violence is often seen in the pregnant women as they suffer physical abuse because of the expectations from family members (Brown and James, 2014). The domestic violence need to be improved so that it does not cause any harmful effect on the health condition.
Thus, it is recommended that domestic violence could be improved due to lack of education and social status of the society. The policies that are designed for domestic violence is expanded among the people so, that they become aware about the rights. The inequality need to be removed as it will directly remove the domestic violence faced by the women. To stop domestic violence from the society it is recommended that educational programs are launched for making people aware about the steps they could take to safeguard themselves. Campaigns could be initiated by making an individual aware about the loopholes and shortcomings. It is recommended that laws and policies should be co-ordinated with the people so that victims of domestic violence could be reported. Domestic violence can be controlled if the habit of drinking and drugs could be reduced by the family members as this is one of the reason due to which they face domestic violence is increasing.
Prevention and Policies to Address Domestic Violence
It can be concluded that domestic violence is a most common form of violence that is faced by the women in the society. They face domestic violence in household work due to lack of education and freedom offered to them. The domestic violence can be in any form such as physical cause, sexual abuse or misbehaviour. From the statics, it was found that the victim of domestic violence is mostly women of age group 16-44. It is one of the major public problems that violate human rights. In this report a detail study about domestic violence and how to prevent it from the society is found. Thus, it can be stated that domestic violence impacts the mental and physical health of a person which can lead to various health issues. Thus various steps need to be taken to reduce the health issues that arise due to domestic violence.
Abc, (2016). Domestic Violence recommendations. Available from Accessed on 14 aug 2018.
Brown, J. and James, K. (2014). Therapeutic responses to domestic violence in Australia: A history of controversies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of family therapy, 35(2), pp.169-184.
Dragiewicz, M. and Burgess, J. (2016). Domestic violence on# qanda: The “Man” question in live Twitter discussion on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Q&A. Canadian journal of women and the law, 28(1), pp.211-229.
Francis, L. (2016). The hidden nature of abuse-barriers to women leaving or ending domestic violence. Australian Midwifery News, 16(3), p.18.
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Mulayim, S., Jackson, M. and Lai, M (2016). 10 Domestic violence in Australia. Domestic Violence in International Context, 27, p.165.
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Parliament of australlia, (2017). Domestic violence in Australia—an overview of the issues. Available from Accessed on 14 aug 2018.
Reach out, (2017). Domestic violence and what you can do about it. Available from Accessed on 14 aug 2018.
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Walsh, J., Spangaro, J. and Soldatic, K. (2015). Global understandings of domestic violence. Nursing & health sciences, 17(1), pp.1-4.
Wathen, C.N., MacGregor, J.C. and MacQuarrie, B.J. (2015). The impact of domestic violence in the workplace: results from a pan-Canadian survey. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 57(7), p.e65.