Domestic Violence: An Analysis Of Five Articles

Article Summaries

Over the past few decades, domestic violence has been securing place in the headlines creating a major concern on society. As reported, mostly women are the major victim of domestic violence; however, the transgender, homosexuals and men also experience violence in the domestic front. The issue not only creates difficulties for a significant portion of society rather the societal balance gets hampered due the issue. Thus shedding light on the emerging issue of domestic violence, the paper gives an analysis by reviewing five article. The articles mainly highlight the issue of domestic violence against women. In addition to that the violence against transgender and homosexuals will also be highlighted in the whole course of the discussion.

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In order to begin with the discussion will begin with the article named ‘The War at Home’ in which a struggle of a woman against his family has been elaborated. The very opening sentence of the story “It’s a hidden war and when they call in the troops its already too late” implies how day after day a woman keep on a hidden war against the domestic violence against him (the-war-at-home, 2018). According to the article, the number of women being killed due to domestic violence is higher than the number of died troops in the warfront of Afghanistan. Thus the article refers women’s struggle against the domestic violence as women’s private battle field.

As observed. Domestic violence does not only impact a woman physically but also leaves major scar on their memory for a longer time. Many women become traumatized even after they successfully overcome the issue. A fear of getting abused mentally as well physically keep on haunting them making them disable to lead a normal life. As suggested by records, women are still being abused and become a victim of domestic violence due to the demand of dowry from their husbands and the in-laws (The Globe and Mail, 2018). The article also throwing light on that reveals a woman’s continuous struggle against her family and the mental pressure she goes through during it.

The study mainly aims to shed light on the issue of domestic violence in the context of Canadian background.  Even being one of most developed countries across the world, the rate domestic violence is considerably high in Canada. Even after taking adequate measures by government of the country to reduce the rate of domestic violence in the country and to protect the women from being harassed mentally and physically, the higher rate of reported incidents of domestic violence causes a major threat on women’s position in the society, leaving apart the instances that are not being reported. The article draws special attention on the women with no financial identity or support fee subdued and which is one of the major reasons for their harassment. Some of them out of fear do not raise their voice against the tortures. Most of the time it is seen that due to lack of financial as well as support from family, victim women refrain from lodging complaints against their husband and her in laws (Huff Post Canada, 2018). The women who have children face more difficulties to take steps against the injustice on them. Hence the article by Kirsty Duncan sheds light on the emergence stop the domestic violence against mainly the women of a civilized country like Canada.

The War at Home

While discussing the impact of domestic violence on society, it needs to be mentioned that public health is a major concern since the issue of domestic violence adversely affects the physical condition of the victims. Through the article named ‘Family violence stressed as a serious public health issue in Canada’, the Chief Public Health Officer expresses his concern for the declining health condition of women who occupies a major position in then society. The article draws exceptional consideration on the women with no financial personality or support expense repressed and which is one of the significant explanations behind the exploitation against them. Some of them out of dread do not raise their voice against the torments. More often it is seen that because of absence of monetary and additionally support from family, victim ladies shun lodging grievances against their significant other and her in laws. The women who have children confront more troubles to make strides against the bad form on them. It is a common scenario in the society that women prefer to remain silent for the sake of their children and as a result their physical condition declines. On the other hand, the victimized women face immense challenge in order to overcome the trauma of struggle period. The Chief Public Health Officer, Gregory Taylor in this article makes statement expressing his concern for the fact that every four days, one woman is killed in Canada due to the issue of domestic violence (Sheehy & Grant, 2018).

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The articles are based on the human rights violence of the lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. The article highlights how the government agencies should develop policies to tackle this issues and provide the marginalized society effective mechanisms to counter these insurgencies. The article also talks about the importance of reposting and responding to these crimes which can be achieved by the proper monitoring of the rate of these violent activities. The main purpose of the article is to discuss how the government agencies should implement the new rules for responding to the victims of sexual violence. It also discusses how the Canadian institutions can develop their legal provisions to effectively respond to the sexual violence that has been reported (, 2018). It also emphasizes on the different utilities of campaigning among the local community to make them aware of the sexual violence that are committed against the specific communities and how they affect the social life of those people.


The above discussion the key elements of the domestic violence meted out against the LGBT community. This is a sensitive issue as it is highly related to the breach of human rights and extreme violence. This violence is the result of the intolerance of the different aspects of the gender and the sexual orientation of these people. It is seen that the people of the LGBT community are susceptible to greater number of sexual violence incidents than their heterosexual counterparts. These incidents of violence are not only limited to domestic domain of the house but have been reported at different places such as public institutions like schools and colleges to public places such as hospitals and religious places. The Canadian reports suggest that more than 20% of the Trans gender population in Canada are subjected to sexual assault and more than 34% of the population has been threatened verbally. It can be concluded from the discussion that the proper application of the measures and policies can help to develop a more efficient system to deal with the problem of the sexual violence in Canada.


HuffPost Canada. (2018). Violence Against Women in Canada: Enough Is Enough. Retrieved from

Sheehy, E., & Grant, I. (2018). Elizabeth Sheehy and Isabel Grant: Canada needs national agency to review domestic homicides and violence. Retrieved from[

The Globe and Mail, T. (2018). Family violence stressed as a serious public health issue in Canada. [online] The Globe and Mail. Available at:[ [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

The-war-at-home. (2018). Retrieved from

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