Diversity In Boards: Challenges And Strategies

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Diversity in Boards

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Diversity in boardrooms can;

Drive more wide-ranging and probing discussions

Assist removing the blind spots

Improves financial performance, reputation, decision- making quality & innovation ability

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Possess in-depth understanding of the stakeholders of organization

Globalization, speedy advancement of technology, increasing need for risk management & varying demographics of employees make businesses much more complex and require boards to expand their composition

How to bring diversity in Board

In TAPP, there are no females in Board and only 5% females work as senior managers

Implementing diversity in the Board is essential for board of the organization to improve their perception

Reasons that drive the need for diversity in board members is that the decisions of diverse board are highly effective (Myatt, 2013).

Board devises the strategies related to appraisal and effective problem solving skills (Goldberg, 2017).

In order to bring diversity in board and particularly to improve gender diversity in boards, it is essential;

Change mind-set  towards making visible commitment towards diversity & including women in decision -making

Expand criteria  by considering  appropriate expertise in candidates instead of experience

Maintaining active pipeline by expanding network, by including more females

To bring diversity in TAPP organization, it is essential to;

Develop selection criteria that could bring diverse perspective

Use recruitment methods to approach minority communities not represented in the board team

Use expert recruitment consultancies & specialist job boards  targeted at local communities or minority (Institute of Directors New Zealand, 2016).

To insist on finding candidates from diverse community.

Restrict the term limits for the board members to create opportunities

Review and Assessment of Problems

Lack of diversity in the boards might lead to discrimination on the basis of caste, creed and gender within the organization

Gender stereotypes is the main reason behind lesser number of females in boards or in senior management

Minorities are not provided the opportunity to get in board

Diversification of board could be obstructed due to;

Lack of acceptance among boards regarding diversity

Recruitment of trustees on the basis of contacts, wealth or influence

Young members are excluded from joining board to make them opt for salaried employment (Korn Ferry Institute, 2018).

Collective effort is essential to lead a diverse workplace

Every individual within the organization should take an open attitude to create and promote diversity

The Institute of Directors in New Zealand (IoD) believes that diversity in the boardroom brings innovation & increase performance (Institute of Directors New Zealand, 2016).  

How to bring diversity in Board

Specific objectives & strategies to attain diverse boards are;  

Development and implementation of diversity policies & objectives

Modification of objectives as per the needs of the board

Ensuring sufficient & transparent disclosure about board diversity processes

Consideration of short-listed targets

Holding management accountable for developing diversity (Arts Council England, 2017)

Diversity in governance is essential but, should always be approached through established competence

Active initiatives should be taken to make a diverse blend of people work together with all their similarities & differences

Develop an ecosystem that nurture diversity and change culture

Diverse pipeline at senior management level to support development in governance roles and responsibilities

Objectivity should be increased by reducing biased decision-making

Recognition and effectively addressing unconscious biasness

Lack of diversity leads to ill-equipped boards who fail to respond to complex issues occurring due to rapidly changing market  and increase risk for shareholders

Essential to create wider network of resources to find diverse and best suitable people for board without discrimination (Henderson, 2017)

Targets should be set in accordance with what matters for the organization (TSNE MissionWorks, 2018).    

Diversity in board team proves to be beneficial for board members & organization

Healthy discussions among diverse boards lead to better decisions (Deloitte, 2017)

People from divergent backgrounds deal with problems in effective manner

Diversity in board makes it well-informed & sensitive (Russell Reynolds, 2018)

The percentage of women in boards is progressively converging towards equivalence

Lack of diverse role models in board team

Lack of blend in membership to increase opportunity to diversify.

Lack of extensive search to attract applicants from diverse environments (DeHaas, 2018).

Prevalence of ‘Group-thinking’ excludes new members

Barriers in effective board formation such as lack of access to board meetings (National Council of Nonprofits, 2018).    

Should be objective

Should not reflect bias

Should be a comprehensive approach

Exceptional abilities, qualities and experience should be considered (Institute of Corporate Directors , 2017)

Should consider capabilities & skills of directors individually & collectively (aromaenterprises.in, 2018).     


Diversity in the board is essential for organization as people from diverse backgrounds could represent the board effectively

Diversity in skills & abilities of people make them deal with problems with a different perspective (Equilar, 2017)

In TAPP, females should compulsorily be included in the board team and minority communities should also be given the opportunity to be a part of the board

Diversification of board should be taken into consideration by the organization

Diversity of perception and consideration is essential to keep pace in the rapidly changing business environment

Commitment and leadership can bring diversity in boards into practice at large scale

Effective balance of gender, ethnicity, age and experience on the board requires shift in the composition of board.   


Aroma Enterprises. (2018). Boards’ diversity, evaluation, and performance. Retrieved from Aromaenterprises.in: https://www.aromaenterprises.in/pdf/policies/diversity.pdf

Arts Council England. (2017). How to create diverse boards? Retrieved from Artscouncil.org.uk: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/sites/default/files/download-file/How%20to%20create%20diverse%20boards_0.pdf

DeHaas, D. (2018). The power of all types of board diversity. Retrieved from Deloitte.com: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/center-for-corporate-governance/us-ccg-the-power-of-all-types-of-board-diversity.pdf

Deloitte. (2016). Missing pieces report: The 2016 board diversity census of women and minorities on fortune 500 boards. Retrieved from Catalyst.org: https://www.catalyst.org/system/files/2016_board_diversity_census_deloitte_abd.pdf

Deloitte. (2017). 2017 board diversity survey: Seeing is believing. Retrieved from Deloitte.co.: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/board-diversity-survey.html

Deloitte. (2018). Missing pieces report: The 2016 board diversity census of women and minorities on fortune 500 boards. Retrieved from deloitte.com: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/center-for-board-effectiveness/articles/board-diversity-census-missing-pieces.html

Equilar. (2017). Exclusive interview: Empowering board evaluation and refreshment. Retrieved from Equilar.com: https://www.equilar.com/blogs/273-semler-brossy-board-diversity-interview.html

Goldberg, D. B. (2017). Bringing diversity on board a report on successful strategies to advance corporate board diversity. Retrieved from Mass.gov: https://www.mass.gov/treasury/about/media-pubs/treas-news/bringing-diversity-on-board-report-june-2017.pdf

Henderson, T. (2017, January 20). 11 strategies for achieving a more diverse and productive work environment. Retrieved from Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2017/01/20/11-strategies-for-achieving-a-more-diverse-and-productive-work-environment/#342d69c774d0

Institute of Corporate Directors. (2017). Board diversity resources. Retrieved from Icd.ca: https://www.icd.ca/Resource-Centre/Board-Diversity-Toolkit/Board-Diversity-Resources.aspx

Institute of Directors New Zealand. (2016). Getting on board with diversity: A guide to getting diverse talent on boards. Retrieved from Iod.org.nz: https://www.iod.org.nz/Portals/0/Governance%20resources/Getting%20on%20board%20with%20diversity.pdf

Korn Ferry Institute. (2018). Diverse boards: Do they deadlock more? Retrieved from Kornferry.com: https://www.kornferry.com/institute/diverse-boards-do-they-deadlock-more

Myatt, M. (2013). Top 10 reasons diversity is good for the boardroom. Retrieved from Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikemyatt/2013/11/18/top-10-reasons-diversity-is-good-for-the-boardroom/#3b9feed31b90

National Council of Nonprofits. (2018). Diversity on non-profit boards. Retrieved from Councilofnonprofits.org: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/diversity-nonprofit-boards

Russell Reynolds. (2018). Different is better: Why diversity matters in the boardroom. Retrieved from Russellreynolds.com: https://www.russellreynolds.com/insights/thought-leadership/different-is-better-why-diversity-matters-in-the-boardroom

TSNE MissionWorks. (2018). Step by step: A guide to achieving diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Retrieved from Tsne.org: https://tsne.org/step-step-guide-achieving-diversity-and-inclusion-workplace

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