Diversity And Difference In Early Childhood Education

Discuss about the Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education.

The Cultural plunge is an activity that is designed to urge an individual to problematize what they have been given or taken for granted assumptions in their lives. Ideally, a plunge is a challenge a child or an individual gets exposed to when dealing with persons of different social identity.  Children always find it traumatizing to take this plunge.  You know, during that time when a child is so happy with their parents and a few relatives he/she know everything is fine.  However, if a child or person finds him/herself in a plunge it usually becomes so hard to relate to the new people from diverse backgrounds.

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I can superficially remember, the day I stepped into school for my early childhood education. However, from what my parents tell me and my memory, the experience seemed to have been so problematic. You know, a new environment where you meet strange faces, and those familiar faces like those of my parents were nowhere to be seen.  For sure, it was a despicable and regrettable experience. I was naïve, scared and isolated on my first days.

As far as I know, several things made me so fearful and have a feeling of “unwanted.”  First and foremost, I believe it was because of social identity. Social identity plays a crucial role in a child’s life, even though children have a strong sense of identity (Department of Education and Children’s Services, 2008).

As a child, parents are keen on using a language that is simple to communicate with their child.  However, when I went to school the languages some kids were speaking were different and I could find it difficult to play with them.

Language determines one’s social identity and in a situation where a child hears other kids or other people speak a different language, it becomes a plunge. You know, everything that a person speaks becomes a problem that as a child, one feels obliged to solve.  In all probability, early childhood education teachers find it a bit challenging when dealing with the kids or a child who does not understand a language used in school.

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Moreover, identifying my sex, was another enormous challenge that plunged me into serious problems.  In this young age, children are usually unable to know the difference between male and female (Department of Education & Children’s Services,2008).  Therefore, when one sees another child dressed differently from them, perhaps due to their sex, it becomes a challenge.  You know, children have senses as well, they can identify what they see different from them. My childhood school was mixed.  There were boys and girls, and this meant that becoming fearful was a must because of the different sexes I was viewing. In essence, social identity categories based on sex or language must be the primary cause of my plunge. Apparently, I was struggling to behave like the other people I was interacting with, and that is exactly what children usually try to emulate.  They learn from others and always seek to do things the way others are doing it.

However, as time passed, apparently everything and everyone became familiar. When one faces a plunge, it does not last for long. It reaches a point where one becomes familiar with it and understand the differences that exist between them. The experience of my plunge was like a culture shock. Obviously, when an individual interacts with a different environment or culture, they are likely to be taken aback.  You know, people there are different, their cultural practices are completely different.  But with time appreciation and acknowledgment of the new culture is granted. That was my experience. Ideally, my social identity categories became apparent to me after a few months. This is proof that children are sensitive to what they see. When children grow, their learning curve is quick, and thus taking less time for their social identity categories to become apparent.

Also, early childhood education teachers, are obliged to maximize on the quick learning curve of children.  Teachers should invest their energies into teaching children differences among people, culture, race, languages, and sex.  Nevertheless, it is also important to teach children about their similarities.  As Australians, definitely children share numerous cultures, similar official language for the country, and other shared values. Therefore, an early education teacher should foster in all kids a firm sense of who they are and their connectedness to other persons – a shared identity as Australians. It is at this age; teachers can instill discipline, respect, honesty, kindness, integrity and love in children.

Moreover, this plunge was not just a waste of time. Plunges significantly play crucial roles in children’s lives. The fact that plunges represent a kind of education that is meaningful, exciting challenges, growth –inducing, rewarding, confidence-building, then I must have benefitted massively from this plunge.  Firstly, greater understanding and acceptance of other children.  The plunge helped me other understand people in Australia.  Also, it helped me accept and appreciate the cultural values of Australia and racial differences.  It also enhanced my self-awareness, I was able to identify myself, and understand my goals in life at a tender age and that is why I want to become an early childhood teacher.



In connection to class readings and other relevant readings, plunges are essential to the development of a child. In the class reading, it is comprehensible that children expect learning that is engaging and gives that success in life.  When learning is engaging, children are likely to experience belonging.  They get to know where they belong, and whom they belong.   Before, starting learning experience these kids understand they belong to a family, and it is the responsibility of an early childhood educator to explain to them about the family unit.   

Also, it is the responsibility of a teacher to inform children about the cultural groups, neighborhoods, and wider community.  This would enable them to know more about the society they belong and they people who share with them the same society. Further, belonging acknowledges the interdependence children have with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities. In early childhood, and throughout children’s lives, relationships are fundamental to a sense of belonging. Belonging is central to being and becoming in that shapes hugely who children are and who they can become.

Linking Plunge Experience

It is fundamental to understand that Australia is one of the most diverse nations. With cultural diversity in this country, over 22 million people are said to have been born overseas.  The fact that the Australian citizenry has different cultural backgrounds, race, religion, ethnic groups, it becomes necessary to use cultural diversity as a strength, to build stable nationhood with one national identity (Education & Care Services National Law Act, 2010).  As an early childhood teacher, I remain at the epicenter, regarding growing children and letting them know that we are a people united regardless of our naturally-founded differences.

Having been born in Australia by parents of the English descent has made me consider myself a minority. My parents were born in the United Kingdom before, and later they relocated to Australia, and they were granted their citizenship. Joining this college was celebratory, and I have the responsibility to serve my country with all the energy I have.  However, this does not spare me from a plunge. When I matriculated, it was challenging even to get a friend.  You consider your college mates, and you start thinking that they are unfamiliar, and you have little to share together.

Yes, physical ostracism is not something that people can I avoid sometimes. When you learn that people perceive as entirely different from them, they isolate you because to them you are an alien. This isolation does not go ignored.  It is thought-provoking. Really introspective.  In this situation of isolation, I begin to think that human beings are sometimes scared of others. You know, you get into a group of college mates, and you realize that you have nothing important to share with them.  They think that they can only associate with those they share cultural values with. And when I look at myself I do not have such folks of the same cultural values around, and if I have it does not mean that I should only interact with them. Humanity means that we should be one regardless of our differences and any attempts to isolate others in the society basing on their social identity categories is equivalent to killing efforts to unite Australians.

You know, I am an individual with strong personal beliefs.  I always believe that relationships are mutual, and when a person seeks to relate with me, they should also show commitment. My values are also high.  I am an individual who has self-imposed principles and to some extent, they isolate me from other folks, and I remain alone, and this makes me feel a minority because I do not feel part of this Australian community.



Nevertheless, as we celebrate cultural diversity, discrimination is likely to creep in.  Yes, I am a firm believer that diversity of Australia should involve understanding and appreciate the interdependence of humanity, natural environment, and cultures (Koocher & Keith-Spiegel, 1993).  That is why the policy statement for Australian Early Years Framework principles as well as learning outcomes should urge early childhood educators to approach children’s learning painstakingly.  The plan to children’s education should entail intentional learning, the constant cycle of observation and decision making.   Therefore, as an early childhood practitioner, it remains my sole responsibility to ensure that I use a holistic approach that will touch critical aspects of children.

Intentional teaching would, therefore, be necessary for my practice of early childhood education.  It is a teaching that is purposeful, deliberate, and thoughtful.  It would help me ensure that I practice teaching in social contexts, and foster interactions and conversations.  This is the kind of learning that would make children understand that they are important beings in Australia, and the country needs them to be tolerant, united, loving and non-discriminatory (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations, 2011),.  

However, I have to plan objectively, program and follow the policies guiding the early childhood education in Australia.  When delivering a program to children, planning is essential. I have to organize myself properly, to make sure the needs of children are incorporated into my program.  Planning involves gathering, interpreting, observing about information about children underpinning the contemporary early childhood theories and perspective.  Today, children are changing, and they are exposed to all things that shape their behavior, and values.  In this case, I have to consider how their behavior is shaped. Further, I have to document the responses children give in the learning environment.  This would enable me to understand what they need to make their learning productive and fruitful.

Working with the community. Early childhood education is significant, and it can only be fruitful when the community is involved.  The children come from a community, and incorporating the community in this education would help me know the role of the community in developing children holistically (Education & Care Services National Law Act, 2010).  The community should teach children to understand that respect is what defines Australia. You know, these kids spend more time with their community, and as a teacher, I cannot grow children into responsible citizens.  Therefore, I would be consulting the community, and holding a meeting with them at least to share with them ideas that can help children grow responsibly as they eliminate the different cultural plunges they are facing in this culturally diverse nation.



Furthermore, working with the community increases my cultural competence.  Being a culturally competent teacher would see and live, celebrate the merits of diversity and develop the ability to understand and honor differences. This is comprehensible in everyday practice when educators demonstrate a constant commitment to developing their cultural competence through working with families and communities. As a teacher, I view culture and the context of the family as essential to kid’s sense of belonging, and belonging, and to success in lifelong learning.  Also, I would also seek to share with children, and staff my cultural competence at least to help us grow the Australian children into law-abiding citizens.

All in all, early childhood teachers have the obligation to define the direction the society takes.  They have a plan, program and comply with the policies established by the Australian government to make children’s learning productive and holistic.  With these efforts of enhancing unity among children, it becomes easy to them to acknowledge their differences, and eliminate discriminatory nature that characterizes plunges sometimes.


Koocher, G. P., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (1993). Children, Ethics and the Law: Professional Issues and Cases. Univ. Nebraska P.

Education and Care Services National Law Act (2010) Section 168, 323 found at

https://acecqa.gov.au/national quality framework/legislation/

Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2009), Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

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Tasmania Government (2011), The Tasmanian Curriculum, the Department of Education of Tasmania

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, (2009) The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.

Regulatory Reference: Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011) Regulation 73, 74, 75, 76,) found at https://acecqa.gov.au/national

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