Discuss About The Management Achieving Competitive Advantage Through BidTaxi: A Case Study

Business Operations of BidTaxi

Discuss About The Management Achieving Competitive Advantage.

Information technology can be defined as the proper application of systems or computers for the successful storing, transmission, retrieval, manipulation and collection of information or data (Schwalbe, 2015). It can be easily defined as the subset of ICT. The information technology simplifies the entire system of information related operations. The various types of industries that are connected with the information technology are computer software, telecom equipments, e-commerce, transportation, electronics, internet, semi conductors and many more (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). All the industries or organizations are switching their processes to information technology or information systems.

The following report will outline a brief explanation on the entire case study of BidTaxi. It is a new taxi service that is properly improving the ride sharing service. There are various goals and objectives in this business. The entire idea is to be presented to the Ministry of Public Transportation. This report will help to understand the complete presentation of the business operations and three significant recommendations for the proper support to the service.

BidTaxi is the most advanced type of cab services that follows the bidding service for their rides. The drivers after noting their customers’ demands bid within ten minutes. BidTaxi basically comes with two formats (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta & Lanvin, 2013). The first one is for the driver and the second one is for the driver. The customer, in his format will register himself with the application and thus can book the cab. The driver, with his format, will focus on those customers, who have become partners of this taxi service. Moreover, the driver can easily take the customers from anywhere in public. An estimated expense of the ride is also provided while booking (Holtshouse, 2013). Furthermore, the customers will be able to see the real time responses from drivers and the moment the booking is done, the cost is immediately locked. Tracking will be done for the complete journey. This system requires all certified drivers and the vehicle are thoroughly checked. This system would enable both the driver and customer for rating one another and this rating will be appeared in their respective profiles. Booking can also be done without smart phones and without credit or debit cards. Discounts are also given to the customers for encouraging customer loyalty (Lloyd, 2017). Moreover, the drivers who would excel in his job would be getting discount gift cards.

Recommendations for Improvement

The business operations of the BidTaxi service are extremely flexible and efficient in terms of other cab services (Bloom et al., 2014). This does not require any smart phone or credit and debit card for payment. There are various information systems that are utilized within the application. The most significant information systems that are embedded within the system mainly include decision support system or DSS, transaction processing system or TPS, management information system or MIS, accounting information system or AIS and expert system (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). The major business operations of BidTaxi are as follows:

i) Cab Booking: This particular business operation helps the service to complete the entire work by taking customer booking in the application. It helps the application to provide drivers for their customers (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin & Abdul Hamid, 2013). The driver then can select his customer for the ride. A similar feature is given to the customers as well. They can select their own driver. Moreover, the cost of the ride would also be mentioned in the starting of the journey. The customers can book the ride even if they do not have a smart phone. They can do this by going into a website. The payment section is also easier. Credit or debit cards are not mandatory for utilizing this service (Galliers, & Leidner, 2014). This particular business operation is responsible for the overall success of the cab service.

ii) Tools: This is the second important operation of the service of BidTaxi. A structured collection of tools and techniques like distance, the estimated time, costs, and route are provided within the application for both the parties (Zhao et al., 2013). These tools help the driver and the customer to complete his or her journey with utmost security and perfection.

iii) Dispatch: The third business operation of the BidTaxi service is dispatch operation. The allowance time of this particular application is set manually and thus the customers could easily book their cabs in respect to their booking (Van Der Aalst, La Rosa & Santoro, 2016). The complete deployment of the allowance time within the application is extremely important as this operation would make the cab service separated from the rest.

iv) Maintenance: The fourth important business operation of the BidTaxi cab service is its maintenance. This particular application is extremely scalable, flexible and advanced in comparison to others. The driver as well as the customer has to share their identity cards and verification details for registering on to the application (Heizer, 2016). This helps to avoid all types of fake customers and drivers and thus the confidentiality and authenticity is maintained properly. This application can also be maintained easily and promptly. Complexity is almost null in this particular application.

iv) Accounting: One of the major information systems embedded in this application of BidTaxi is the accounting information system. The next business operation of the application of BidTaxi is the accounting system. This system of accounting in this application is completely automated and does not require any manual assistance (Pinto, 2015). The cost of the ride is calculated and evaluated before the journey and thus can be easily tracked by the customers. Furthermore, the application also hands over an invoice of the payment that is to be paid by the customer (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta & Lanvin, 2013). This particular approach will make the application extremely popular for all the customers.

These above mentioned business operations would be extremely important for the application of BidTaxi. The Ministry of Public Transportation will readily accept the business of BidTaxi as these would be having excellent features and characteristics within it. These business operations are required for the taxi service to gain utmost popularity and effectiveness.

There are various features and advantages of BidTaxi cab service. These features are expected to help the service reach to utmost height and success (Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2014). However, few features are to be corrected. The three recommendations for the service or application of BidTaxi are as follows:

i) Wi-Fi Connectivity: Internet connection is the first and the foremost requirement in today’s world. The service application of BidTaxi should install the connectivity of Wireless fidelity connection for their customers (Schaper et al., 2014). This would help to solely enhance the proximity detection to the respective driver. The information that is to be shared will be properly available to the customers. Even if they do not know the route, this connectivity would help them to stay connected with the map throughout their journey. Thus, they would feel extremely safe and secured. Moreover, the time management could be easily done by this application and finding the correct location would be simpler in comparison to other cab services (Sennewald & Baillie, 2015). Bluetooth connectivity can also be embedded within the service to enjoy entertainment throughout the journey. The kids and the youth generation would enjoy the journey for this type of connectivity.

ii) Improvement in Quality: The recommended feature of this application of BidTaxi is the improvement in overall quality. The quality should be improved with utmost importance for enhancing the business quality to the next level. This quality of the service is improved only when the drivers would do their job properly (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). Proper training is required in this purpose and this is to be arranged by the owners of the company. Furthermore, they should know and follow all the traffic rules throughout the journey.

iii) Separate Service for Aged Person: The third recommendation for the service of BidTaxi is the separate service for all the aged persons. Special discount should be given to the old people as they cannot take down the regular services (Holtshouse, 2013). Moreover, a separate number of cabs should be present during the odd hours for them so that they do not face any type of struggle for finding the cabs.


Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, BidTaxi is a specific taxi service. This service is expected to improve the service of ride sharing of taxis. It will not work on the pre fixed rates of taxi that depend on distance and time; instead it would utilize a bidding service for its rides. Any particular customer will first state the starting and ending points of his journey. Moreover, he will mention the time as well as number of the passengers. This particular system will be broadcasting to all the drivers and they will then bid for its service within next ten minutes. It is the basic integration of information technology with the transportation industry. Information technology is the significant application of various computer systems for successfully doing any operation on any type of data or information. It the ultimate subset of information and communication technology or ICT. The most important advantage of information technology is that it reduces the complexity of any integrated system. The above report has clearly demonstrated a detailed description on the case study of BidTaxi and the necessary business operations. Moreover, three important recommendations are also provided here.

There are various significant and vital operations of business in the cab service application of BidTaxi. These several business operations help this popular cab service to gain popularity amongst all of its customers or clients (Pinto, 2015). However, few business operations are needed to be changed or improved for making the business more successful. Amongst those few, two of the most important suggestions are provided for the improvement of business operation in BidTaxi. These two suggestions are given below:

Implementation of Safety Measures: This is the first and the most important suggestion for the service application of BidTaxi. The basic safety measurement includes secured driving. There are various types of distractions that are present while driving a car (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta & Lanvin, 2013). The driver should be properly trained for this particular purpose of safety and security while driving. The drivers should be trained in such a way that they are familiar with the entire system of driving even if they are being disturbed or distracted by various noises. The most victimized persons in this particular type of situation are the youth generations or the young people. They do not know how to manage both the smart phone and drive their cars. A special training is required for this purpose. This training must be provided by the professionals, who know all the details for managing their cars in every difficult situation (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). The next thing that is to be done with the drivers is conducting an examination right after their training. This test will judge that whether they have learnt to maintain a difference between the cars and other noises. If they will pass the examination, then only they are allowed to drive their cars and become professional drivers of BidTaxi service application. However, if they will fail in the examination, they are to be sent to the training program again for further training. No driver should be accepted in the service until they have learnt to drive properly without getting distracted to anything (Holtshouse, 2013). This would be reducing the chance of accidents or any dangerous incidents on road due to the distraction of any type of noises. Moreover, the driver should also know the basics of motor skills like changing of wheels or understanding engine features and this is to be done during the training period.

Customer and Driver Feedback: The second suggestion for the service application of BidTaxi is the customer as well as driver’s feedbacks (Zhao et al., 2013). The customers are the most important persons for any particular business and specially the cab service. This service should have the feature to collect the data or information from the customers, who have taken the service. This would help them to understand their position in the market. The behaviour, skills and the capabilities of the drivers are properly judged with the help of this feedback. Moreover, the driver may have few tips about driving. Those tips should be also taken for the betterment of the service (Lloyd, 2017). A special workshop should be conducted for the drivers to help the other professionals to learn about driving skills properly.


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