Discuss About The International Marketing Segmentation.
Plan to expand the company into International market
Discuss about the International Marketing Segmentation.
International market simply can be defined as the market where transactions can be done into one country to another. Genuinely it is a marketing principles application which is moving on internationally. International market is as same as global market. The exchange of products and services are done by the international market (Xepapadeas 2013).
In Australia, there are different types of Fruit Grower Company and Apple & Pear Australia Limited (APAL) is one of them. The company was established in 1981. Previously it was named as Australian Apple and Pear Grower Association (AAPGA). In 2001, the company named as Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL). Since 2014-15, the industry of Apple is valuable around $556 million on the other hand the industry of Pear is valuable around $125 million. It means that the combined values of Apple and Pear are $681 million. For this APAL has the highest value in fruits industry and it is the best fruit grower company in Australia. In International market, the company has made a growing possession within the country. The aim of the company is to provide best product to the country and also outside country. APAL wants to offer best services and products to the whole country and it is widely growing in international market. APAL is now most popular company and have vital characteristics in over the entire international market (Turnbull and Valla 2013).
Apple and Pear Australian Limited (APAL) is the best fruit grower company in Australia which is growing well in the marketing strategy. It has wide range of effect in the marketing segmentation. The company increases the potential yield and decreases the cost of production. It is the top fruit grower company in Australia. The company also focuses on online sales in the market. Its profit margin increases every year and gives various facilities to their customers. Maximizes the customer’s benefits and enhances the visibility of products and also provides the guidelines for each brand in the market. It includes all standards and collateral brands of the products. The objective of these brands is to deliver the outstanding experience to the customer within the market segmentation (VERBOZ, BUCAK & ATAY, 2013).
APAL, a fruit growing company is planning to expand its business to international market segmentation. Although it has wide range of affect in the Australia, the company wants to grow up their business into the whole world and the company is growing too. It is now spreading around 16 countries excluding Australia into the world like Argentina, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States etc. As the manager of the company, APAL fruit growing company is planning to produce more products within the whole country for the better service of the customers and also planning to give more products satisfaction to the whole 16 countries. Whole auditing system has to be maintained by the company internationally like knowledge about the product, quantity and quality of the products and rates of the products in the market (WineTech 2015).
Identification of best country for the product
As it is discussed above that the company has grown up into worldwide market segmentation but there are some important ingredients into the company. The manager has to identify that in which country the product has more demand because if demand increases, the supply of the product remains decreases. On the other hand, if supply of the product increases, the demand will decrease. For this reason the manager of the company has to identify its company’s products for better satisfaction of the people needs. After findings, it has been considered that the APAL fruit growing company is widely running out in the worldwide market and now it is planning to expand the company in South Asia country because the standard of living of the people in South Asia is very high. They demand for these products in large quantity. The company provides all natural resources to the country where people of the country can meet their requirement. The company is providing genuine and fresh product to the country to expand the business. The company wants to give proper satisfaction to the people of the country. For this, the company produce more and sale the products at high demand in the market. The company is trying to provide more products to the country and wanted to building up a large branch of the company in South Asia (Ceperley 2013).
Now the APAL fruit growing company is making plan of 5 years marketing strategy in South Asia on the basis of its final year strategic plan. In order to create the marketing plan of fruit growing company in South Asia, the company has to know the natural resources of the country. The good work on advertising on brand positioning, CRM, insight of consumers, collateral and social media, website direct marketing and internal marketing are the main aspects of the company in South Asia. The company is doing two types of plans such as marketing plan and business plan in the South Asia to achieve the target of the company. The marketing plan of the company mainly ropes the strategy and product of its company. The company is planning to increase the number of sales in the country because people demand higher for the product and also getting improved their awareness of the product in the market segmentation. In next 5 years the company will widely expand in the South Asia country because the company is reflecting at high rate of growth in that country (Ronkainen 2013).
Marketing plan for the South Asia (Chosen Country)
There are various types of International marketing plan of the company in South Asia such as production plan and human resource plan. These plans help the company as internal and external environment in the country. The company sets an elegant objective that how to achieve the target of the business within the competitive market (Plangger and Shapiro 2012).
Figure 1: Marketing plan in South Asia
Source: www.learnmarketing.net/marketingplan/us/
South Asia country is very suitable for the products of the company because this is a well developed country and the standard of living of people in the country is high. In order to create a marketing plan in the South Asia country, the company must have some major components like situational analysis, strategy of marketing, forecasting sales and budgeted expenses. All these ingredients can be done in that company. The company also plans for some specific sales campaign to develop the business in the country. There is an implementation of senior marketing expert to segment the market plan efficiently. The country is suitable because it has the needs of such products. There is not any contingency risk and issues in the country (Czinkota 2013).
In today’s world, the international market of APAL fruit growing company in Australia has become very grown up and making a large quantity of product within the international market. The method of the entry mode is depending upon the business, product of the company and the effect of the environmental analysis of marketing. In order to incorporation of the company, it must be incurred some direct and indirect expenses. Contracting with another country is another form of entry method of the company. In order to incorporate the marketing entry method in South Asia, the company must have to share its knowledge and efficiency to the host country for its best development. To run the business properly in the country, the company may incur some joint venture for the South Asia international market. These methods are shown bellow;
Figure 2: Entry Method.
Source: www.learnmarketing.net/internationalmarketing/us
The APAL fruit growing company’s analysis of environment in the South Asia contains some numeric steps at the times of deciding to enter into international market. There are some environmental factors to run the company in South Asia such as political factor, economical factor and social factor. In the company there are many analytical tools in which some are little common and it is used in the company basically. PESTLE analysis is the main ingredient of environmental analysis of the company in South Asia. It is the tool to success of the fruit growing company in country. The company uses this analysis to grow up the company in competitive market. According to social factor, the company is related to the society of the country. Energy and infrastructure technology is to be considered in the country of South Asia. With the help of PESTLE analysis of environmental tool the company can make forecasting of its products in the country. (Conejo and Cañizares 2016).
Why the country is suitable
According to Sweeting 2013, the customer’s profile refers to the buying capacity of the customers in the country. To develop the marketing plan of the company, the demographic and Psychographic profile of the customer is very much needed because it is dependable on the success of the business. Demographic customer profile includes behavior of personal description. The company must establish a product positioning within the country to understand the concept of the customer and to fulfill the basic needs of the customers. Now the company is trying to produce more products in South Asia because the needs of the customer are increased within the whole country. There is also a product differentiation in the market, means sometimes company compares its product with other company’s product to create the competitive advantage of that product because market is competitive in the South Asia country (Sweeting 2013).
From the above discussion it has been concluded that as APAL fruit growing company is the best and biggest brand in Australia, it provides the services to more than 16 countries into the worldwide. All the countries are fully satisfied with the product of the company. They demand for high level production. In International market, the company has made a growing possession within the country. The aim of the company is to provide best product to the country and also outside country. From the above findings it has been considered that although the company is providing goods to the whole country internationally, it has more concentration in the South Asia because there is large market segmentation in the country. The company is planning to increase the number of sales in the country because people demand higher for the product and also getting improved their awareness of the product in the market segmentation in the country. A market plan has been founded to develop the business over the country of South Asia. The company maximizes the customer’s benefits and enhances the visibility of products and also provides the guidelines for each brand in the market which includes all standards and collateral brands of the products.
The objective of these brands is to deliver the outstanding experience to the customer within the market segmentation. The report is also considered the suitability of the product in the country. The company evaluates the entry method as well as rationale of the product within the country which is depending upon the business. The report also analyses some environmental factors within the country. In order to the entry method of the company, it must be incurred some direct and indirect expenses. Contracting with another country is another form of entry method of the company. As per discussion, this country is suitable because the company is giving more concentration and becoming a large fruit growing company after Australia.
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