Discuss About The BIM For Risk Management Of Bridge Projects?
Understanding BIM and Its Impact on Building and Infrastructure
Discuss About The BIM For Risk Management Of Bridge Projects?
The Business Information modeling or BIM has altering the approach in which the buildings and the broader infrastructure are developed and planned. It has been extending from the designing, execution and maintenance to taking of raw data and making that actionable and valuable information (Lu et al. 2015).
The report includes the clash detection of the federated model and the quantity takes off for the model. It has also analyzed the safety measures and the scheduling plan for the model.
As per as the clashes are concerned, two components are considered occupying the same space. They are the “hard clash”. For example, this includes the column that has been running through the pipe-work via the steel beam. They are time-consuming and expensive to keep proper as discovered onsite.
The soft clashes take place as the element is not provided with the geometric or the spatial tolerances (Won and Lee 2016). For instance, the air conditioning unit might need particular permission regarding maintenance, safety and access steeling the beam must negotiate. Provided the enough object data, the software has been utilized for checking the adherence to the relevant standards and regulations.
The other type of clashes has been including the scheduling of the contractors, delivery of materials and equipment and the common conflicts in the timeline. They are generally denoted as the 4D clashes or the workflow.
The conventional process of design must watch the specialists performing on the distinct drawing with the tracing papers. They are generated during the co-ordination checkpoints for checking the compatibility. This was also not unusual for the clashes to be found on the construction site. This has been done with highly efficient delays and expenses (Hadzaman, Takim and Nawawi 2015).
At the second level of the BIM process, the ranges of the federated models are generated. The coordinated drops of data are utilized for informing the master model. The BIM software and the tools have been permitting the designers to analyze the clashes in their models. The class detecting software has been turning to highly sober. It has been users to examine the clashes under particular sub-sets. For example, this includes the structural elements against the walls. It also considers those to be flagged over the screen.
For some of the geometric clashes, the acceptance has been perfect. The rules of software have been drawing on the object data that has been embedded. This could halt such type of clashes that are being flagged (Lee and Won 2014).
Types of Clashes in BIM: Hard Clashes and Soft Clashes
The running of the clash detection report or the scan has been typically bringing up various duplicate cases of the similar issue. As a single running of the pipework has been clashing with the five beams, it shows the five clashes. However solving just one problem, the placement of that pipework solves all the clashes. The canceling and reviewing of the clashes is the design has been the primary part of the process of BIM. With the automated process, the type of scans must not be depending on the isolation. This must form the part of the broader process of design coordination.
Time could be saved in the material quantification. The pains of the uncoordinated and the incomplete drawings could be avoided. Moreover, the risks of the improper amount from the preconstruction to the management site with the constructible model could be reduced.
With the Tekla models, quality data could be generated quickly for being confident to the bid and the numbers. They must be prepared to run and pour the operations of construction effectively with the clear understanding of the projects. This must be taking the advantages of the simple access to the upgraded, consistent and the ready-for-construction quantities (Zou et al. 2016). Through the usage of the flexible tools, one could automate the manual material quantifications, tedious and the tasks of information management. The proper models have been allowing visualizing the data and creating the reliable reports on-demand. This has been forming the rebar, embeds, concrete and the formwork. This has been with the proper information embedded with material and logistic attributes.
The quantity take-off for the federated model has been helping to achieve better estimates and the schedules with the reliable quantities. The BIM-enabled projects should create the precise quantities of material for the formwork and the concrete areas and so much more. They are exported to Excel through the ready-made templates with just a click (Jo et al. 2016).
The quantity take-off for the federated model also deals with simple access to the on-demand and the quantities reporting at the real time. This also deals with the managing and sorting of the constructible data as preferred with the flexible tools. The concrete pout take-offs are been categorized by the location, sequence and the schedule. It also retrieves the advantages from the structured pour data. This includes the volumes, areas, rebars types, concrete mix, and embeds formwork and so on. The attributes relevant to the material and the logistics could be incorporated in the model objects for matching the report needs.
Coordination and Quantity Take-Off in BIM-Enabled Projects
The quantity take-off for the federated model also organizes the project data on the fly. They must generate the customizable sections according to the structure and the location type to manage the project information efficiently. The information and the reporting management must be automated as per the project requirements. The changes in the model have been automatically updating every category, drawings and the reports.
BIM-enabled projects have been visualizing the quality take-offs and been communicating clearly. This indicates that the take-offs must be colored and visualized automatically in 3D. The drawings and the reports are to be generated with the 3D visualizations (Aibinu et al. 2014). This also includes the bar bending scheduled from the model directly. The quality model as the source of data has been ensuring the consistency of the reports, the take-offs drawings, and the schedules.
These are discussed hereafter.
- 4D, 5D, 6D:
Firstly there was the 2D CAD. Now 3D CAD has been there as the additional dimensions for referring to link the BM model with the cost, link and the information related to the schedule.
- Asset Information Model (AIM), Building Information Model (BIM), Project Information Model (PIM):
Apart from the “building” of the information model, the asset information model is required to assist in running the finished. The asset information model is the similar model of post-construction (Thomas et al. 2014). Conversely, the project altered model has been the term given to the construction and the design stage.
- BIM execution plan (BEP):
This has been turning to split into the pre-contract BEP. This has been in response to the requirements of the employer’s information necessities. This also includes the post-contract BEP setting out as the delivery details as contracted.
Level 0 BIM |
In the simplest form, the Level zero has been denoting the collaboration. The 2D CAD drafting is just used here to produce information. The distribution and the output have been through the electronic prints, paper and with the assimilation of both. |
Level 1 BIM |
At this level, most of the organizations have been operating currently. It has typically comprised of the mixture of the 3D CAD for the concept work. This also includes the 2D for drafting the statutory approval of documentation and the information production (Davies, McMeel and Wilkinson 2014). |
Level 2 BIM |
This has been distinguished by the collaborative working. Every party has been using their individual models of a 3d CAD. However, this not been necessarily working in the one shared model. |
Level 3 BIM |
It has been presently seen as the holy grail. It has been representing the complete collaboration taking place between every discipline. This has been by the means of using the single and shared project model (Eadie et al. 2013). This has been held in the centralized repository. Every party could access and change the same model. The benefit has been it has been removing the last layer of the risk to conflict the information. |
Figure 1: “The description of the levels”
(Source: Bimtalk.co.uk, 2017)
Using the BIM tools discussed in the report, an early understanding of the site, scale and the building conditions could be analyzed. This is also helpful in budget estimation. The technologies supporting the various uses would help to inform the streamline processes and the project team. The site analysis tools could be used to make sense of the multiple sites. This also helps to communicate with the drawbacks and the advantages. As the model changes during the project, the BIM could be used as the tool for coordinating the cost and take-off.
The supplementary legal agreement has been developed for being utilized by the contractor details and the construction clients. It has been included into the appointments of the professional services and constructing the contracts. This has been the amendments to the standard terms. It has been generating the extra obligations and the rights of the employer. It also includes the contracted party for facilitating the collaborative working. It is done by protecting the ownership of the intellectual property along with the liability differentiation among the involved.
Levels of BIM Maturity and Legal Requirements
Referred to in PAS 1192-2, rendition of the native-format model file is being used specifically for spatial coordination processes. Used to achieve clash avoidance or for clash detection (between, for example, structure and services) between Building Information Models prepared by different disciplines. The key benefit is in reducing errors, and hence costs, pre-construction commencement.
This has been a repository of the central information repository. This could be accessed by every stakeholder in the BIM-enabled project. As every data under the CDE could be freely accessed, the ownership could be retained still by the originator. The cloud storage has been an important approach to provide CDE. This has been through it has been the project extranet.
The specifications for the formats of the electronic files are utilized regarding the exchange of the digital data. It has been occurring between the applications of BIM software. Thus it has been facilitating the interoperability.
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