Discovering English Language Proficiency Problems Among International Students In Australian Universities

Statement of the problem

Intercultural relationship is not a question of maintaining an individual’s culture or assimilating that person to other interactant cultures. However, it’s a matter of finding a way of adopting a third position. By doing that, one becomes a participant and not just an observer. Australia houses a number of large Universities that offer tertiary learning to many international students. For instance, Curtin University of Technology which has a gradual growth in admitting students from other countires in the past few years(Luk, De Sa, & Bialystok, 2011). The statistics carried out in the year 1999 proved the university has around 6828 students(Sentell & Braun, 2012).

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In the last ten years, a number of studies  have been carried out within the universities of Australia in the aim of gauging the satisfaction of international students in their respective courses(Yamao & Sekiguchi, 2015). The findings from this research showed that many international students are required to check on their skills when communicating in English language. The report suggested that the international students were feeling not competent to be understood by the other students and other members of the staff(English & English, 2008).

The study conducted recently shown that out of 1.7 million student who come from nations that don’t speak English like Asia, travel to other countries in order to acquire new education(Baba, 2009).. These students mostly come from counties like Japan, China, Indonesia and Vietnam where the Language is only shaped through learning and teaching from the scholastic techniques(Kieffer, 2012). Today, the international education is very vital in Australia. This is because the number of student enrolled between the year 19990 and 2003 in Australian Universities increased from a total of 24998- 210379(Bhatia & Bremner, 2012). Hence the universities should recognize them like any other student since they contribute to the economy of the Australia. (Oliver, Vanderford, & Grote, 2012). Hence, improving and investing in these students has great potential in building the reputation for the higher education institutions of the Austria (O’Loughlin, 2013). In order to achieve a competitive English-speaking skill, the Universities in Australia have not focused on discovering the challenges facing these students in communicating proper English language. (Arnó-Macià & Mancho-Barés, 2015).

This piece focuses on discovering the English proficiency problem among the international students and will be organized as follows. The introduction part represents the first section of this study. Then followed by the statement of the problem, research question or the objective of the research, the justification of the research proposal and the anticipated results which will fall under the second and third sections. Section four will form the conceptual and the hypothesis and the fifth section will constitute the methodology of the research. Lastly, 6th section will entail the organization of the research, the budget and the Gantt chart needed in carrying out the research(Conroy, 2010).

Research question or objective of the research

Many education researchers have proposed that discrimination is the main source of English language proficiency(Benzie, 2010). According to (Bexley, 2009) the neoliberal strategies in Australian system of education has established the racism environment among the international students. However, difficulties experienced in speaking appropriate English is one of the key reasons for the discrimination in the learning institutions. The kind of the discernment has mostly dominated the migrants from Asia. Therefore, it’s very clear that the difficult English language policy can intensify the racism and cause discouragement to all students from other countries which do not speak proper English from applying various jobs in the market(Dang, Nguyen, & Le, 2013). Given that English proficiency is an essential aspect in countries like Australia that consider English as their national language. A number of researchers have not considered other aspects like qualifications of education within the employment curve(Dunworth, 2010). It’s an assumption that the findings from the research will lead to further studies among the migrants within the Australian Universities and will inform the education practitioners. Thus, increasing the empowerment and employability though the English language.  in identifying appropriate English teaching programs. Hence, this research will be conducted in the Universities of Australia and it will look a narrow range of the teaching programs (Rogier, 2012).

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The main aim of this research is to discover an in in-depth complications linked to English Language proficiency in the Australian Universities. The research will mainly focus on the universities in Australia. The main target is the international student enrolled in these universities. The information obtained will be able to answer the following research questions.

Research questions

  1. How do the international students perceive the English language in the Australian universities?
  2. What is the negative impact experienced by these international students in the Australian Universities?
  3. How does the Australian Universities help the international students in overcoming English language proficiency problem?

A lot of effort is already committed in pointing out some of the key sources of the difficulties facing the non-speaking English students in their studies in the universities of Australia. However, a number of international students are still not able to cope with their academic study’s needs. The problem solved by the Australian universities typically focused on the mastery of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and the prose. The assumption indicates in a way that a culture of the education endeavor is conventional. According to (ROSHID & CHOWDHURY, 2013) the academic expectations of Australian Universities is built on the constructs of western culture which may not be appropriate for the students from other states.

With respect to financial support these international students give to the Universities of Australia, there is need for all universities to offer with better academic support. Therefore, in order to meet their needs, its necessary in identifying various aspects that places these international students at a risk of failing in the universities of Australia contexts. Then consider the necessity of these aspects to predict the outcome of their academic(Harris, 2016).

Justification of the research proposal

Various authors have mainly concentrated on the programs of the education at Universities of Australia as the main issue in English language proficiency and its major cause to poor performance in tertiary colleges(Murray, 2010). Many of these authors have a lot of experience within the linguistics study and as full-time lectures of international students in these universities. The outcome from this research will definitely be useful in developing and screening all procedures necessary in identifying and providing support to international students. Almost all the tertiary institutions of education in Australia experience the same challenge hence this research be very vital in solving the problems in Australia and other English-speaking language that recruits international students(Al-Jamal & Al-Jamal, 2013).

The English proficiency

English proficiency has been termed by the many English scholars as a level of English required in qualifying for the entry in Universities of other countries like Australia. The main goal of English proficiency program helps in providing the in-depth English academic classes. The main objective of this program is to uplift the English level in the universities and assist in preparing the learners for the intellectual demands in the job market. All universities within Australia needs particular methods in assessing the level of English proficiency in order to place these international learners appropriately classes(Knoch, Rouhshad, & Storch, 2014).

The first task with this research project is demonstrate various methods that can be used to ascertain if the international students enrolled in their learning institutions are competent in English language proficiency(O’Loughlin, 2013). There are a number of procedures that can be used in assessing the level of English proficiency for the international students. One of these methods is the IELTS (International English language Testing Systems) which test the learners through a completion of three tests which constitute both speaking and writing. The next tool that can be employed is test for English as foreign language (TOEFL) which involves writing the test incorporating the writing and listening. Integrating writing helps in appraising the learners’ capability in participating lecture’s events. However, the mode of preparation and delivering require providing short lectures and usually administered in small categories(Glew, 2013).

The third technique involves use of computer-based technique where the screening factor in DELNA (Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment) and ELSA (English Language Skills Assessment). At the Australian Universities, learners will be required to complete the DELNA test which should take about 30 minutes. This will help the tutor to understand the level of vocabulary and speed of reading. The English Language skill assessment technique constitute the test of grammar, reading, writing and listening. In the real situation, the research has mainly indicated the diagnostic test as the only in establishing various challenges experienced by the international students(Dubetz, 2014). Many business department from other universities have used these technique in helping their students. Therefore, the Australian universities should introduce these techniques in their respectful departments and integrate them in their learning processes to improve the English proficiency among the international learners(Henry, 2013).

Anticipated results

A number of researches have shown that many international students especially those enrolled in Australian universities have difficulties in coping with the English language. All these English language challenges are linked to home sicknesses, culture shock and the learning styles(Al-Issa, 2014). The research conducted recently, examined the challenges faced by the international students manifested inadequate confidence among students. The conclusion from these findings clearly showed that English proficiency problem was the key area that needed a lot of attention in Australian Universities. According to (Al-Busaidi & Al-Saqqaf, 2015) the members of stuff and international learners from non-English speaking countries were not able to contribute appropriately in the tutorial discussion because of the inadequacy in their written assignments.

The communication of the international students and their tutors has mostly regarded as being rude because the students are termed as those don’t know the rules of the game. For example, the excess informalities and misappropriate use of the tittles like Dear Mr. professor These students are not usually not taught the way to handle the dynamic of power and the structure within the higher learning institutions(Khamkhien, 2010).

The other impact of the English language proficiency associated with the international students in Australian Universities is the attitude towards the accent. This issue seems to play a major part in the stereotypical views and negative beliefs in the other sectors like business organizations. Mostly the speakers in these communities are regarded as not educated, untrustworthy and less intelligence. Thus, leading to underestimation of the ability of these students in the job market due to their accented speeches. Various studies done have proved that differential expectations by their lectures can contribute in getting few opportunities in participation compared to other native students. This less engagement could then be reflected in other areas like employment opportunities and failing in interviews. Additionally, due to language discrimination can result to poor interactions with other students which is vital in establishing friendship and becoming supportive to learning empowerments(Elachachi, 2015).

The number of students from other countries are arriving in Australia is rising every day. Hence, the higher education sector should investigate and solve some of the issues faced by the international students. A number of researchers have pointed out that the international students face a number of challenges linked to English proficiency problem. Adequate English proficiency is important in communication and plays a big part in their success(Hamid, Nguyen, & Baldauf, 2013).

Conceptual and the hypothesis

 Therefore, these challenges show that Australian Universities are required to focus on the culture of developing English language among the international students and all members of stuff. This can be achieved through identifying various methods and procedures that can be used in leveling the level within the field of communication. Extra holistic education methods that incorporate different cultures or techniques that benefit the whole group may be incorporated in their system of education(Elachachi, 2015).

Ho 1: The English language proficiency problem is as the result of inappropriate Australian Universities’ programs

Ho 2: English language proficiency problem is the cause of fear of expression among the international students.

Ho 2: English language proficiency problem is the cause of fear of expression among the international students.

Ho 3: English proficiency problem has negative impact in their daily lives.

Ho 4: English proficiency problem has no impact in the personal values of the international students.

The method that will be used in this research is quantitative methodology. In every effective research, collection of the data is the most crucial part. The first stage of data collection will involve identifying the Australian universities experiencing the English proficiency challenges. The information to help in identifying these institutions will be obtained from various websites and different articles related to English proficiency problem with the higher education in Australian sector. The other data will as well be obtained through questionnaire administered to international student who have graduated from Australian universities and working with different companies in Australia(Boers & Demecheleer, 2001).

The other data to be reported in this research paper will be derived through administering different techniques like test of English as the foreign language within the Universities of Australia. This data will be used in investigating the beliefs of the international students towards learning the English language and the way its reflected in their communication behaviors. The empirical study will employ conducting interviews with the international students about their prior English language proficiency teaching in the university. These interviews will be conducted with about 10 international students from ten universities constituted of two females and two males from different non-English speaking states. Most of the students to be interviewed must be freshly graduated from high school in their own countries and coming in Australia to further their studies. During the interview, these international students shall undertake IELTS assessment used by the universities of Australia to test their English language proficiency(Elden, 2009).

The procedure

The interview questions will be developed based on different past research literature. For instance, Specific contexts in which the international students have faced communication challenges due to English proficiency problem. Secondly, before the commencement of the data collection, the research will first be approved by the human ethics of the university committee. This research shall engage two methods of collecting data the paper work survey and the online survey.

The main method to be used here is specifically random sampling. Participants shall be recruited from ten different universities and companies picked randomly whose majority are enrolled for the Bachelor degree, masters and higher degree research (Appendix 1).


All the questionnaires from the universities and companies shall be collected overwhelming those not fully filled (Appendix 2). In order to undertake the statistical analysis, the SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences) will be used. The data collected shall be treated in two methods which overwhelm 57.7% (n=105) of all data obtained from the websites and n=77 (42.3%) for the data obtained through the questionnaires and interviews. The data obtained through the paper work shall be entered in the SPSS for the purpose of analyzing the information effectively. The data will then be treated in terms of means and frequencies(Collector & Module, 2011).

This research will be structured as follows:

The first chapter constitute the research proposal as shown in the assignment

The second chapter will give the description of the Australian Universities in relation to English proficiency problem

The third chapter will constitute the methodology details, literature review, the methods of collecting data and data analysis.

The fourth chapter shall give the report of findings and the analysis of the research

The fifth chapter will give a general summary of the significant findings and a discussion of their impacts in improving the English language proficiency in the Australian universities.

The proposed study will have the budget of $ 5000 in order to finish the project within the specified time frame as shown in the Gantt chart. The budget will cater for the following activities:

Data analysis and collection will cost $ 2000

The purchase of secondary data will cost $ 1000

The literature review will involve use various journal article, textbooks and website sources shall cost $ 2000

The activity

The estimated budget

Data analysis and collection

$ 2000

The purchase of secondary data

$ 1000

The literature review

$ 2000


$ 5000


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Organization of the research, budget, and Gantt chart

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