Disappearance Of Play From Early Childhood Education: Supporting And Challenging Perspectives

Support of 3 articles

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood includes cutting edge work and interdisciplinary which can involve the subsequent areas such as post modern, poststructuralist and approach of postcolonial and handle with issues such as language and identity, new information technologies, pedagogy and curriculum. The journal article of “Disappearance of play from early childhood education” is chosen to describe the issues in early childhood. The major issue of disappearance of play is found in now days because the schools, parents and societies are only encourage and focus on the study and ignore the playing factor for children. Apart from that television, new technology, internet, mobile phone, laptop and many more are liable to snatch the right of play from children and they are happy to spend their time to sit one place for many hours. Play is the activity which can be interpreted as a concept and as including dynamic complex systems of various activities on both micros as well as macro level (Darbyshire, 2007). The report is made on the selected issue and 3 articles will be chosen in the context of this issue which will show the support about this issue and reflects the challenges about the selected issue. Critical analysis will be made in this assignment of the supporting and challenging points.

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The issue said that play is being disappeared out of early childhood education in many countries. It could be seen that children are spending their most of time in being instructed and tested in math and literacy in the comparison of learning from play and exploration, using their imaginations and exercising their bodies. There are number of kindergartens that use high standard of tests that incorporates the burden of study such as number of subjects. The teachers are strictly order to follow the scripts of study which may not be deviated by them . At the same time, parents of the children pressurize them inadequate manner to study which lead children into adverse situation and they started overburden in early childhood. The freedom should be available for the child so that the child can choose the sports and other activities apart from that only considering the study. The program of learning and development is not accepted by number of kindergartens which being the reason of overburden of study on the children.

There are 3 articles will be discussed in this section in the support of “Disappearance of play from early childhood education” issue.

Challenges of 3 articles

The first article topic is “Searching for play in Early Childhood Care and Education Policy”, written by Sophie Alcock. This article reflects the early childhood curriculum policy and early childhood assessment policy and explores the invisibility of play in recent Early Childhood Care and Education policies. This paper observed of the ignorance of play in New Zealand ECCE policy. Play is an important activity for the student that encourages them to involve in the sports and other activities as per their interest. Play is the activity which can be interpreted as a concept and as including dynamic complex systems of various activities on both micros as well as macro level. In the perspective of micro, playfulness is considered as the inter-subjective behaviour and way of describing to play with others or together with other children or with things. The view of playfulness is assumed as the altitudinal process resonates with the theme of flow which describes players in the term of intensely occupied in the present in being and in the activity (Alcock, 2013). It has been found through this article that play has disappeared from early childhood education and teachers are forced to focus on study of the student. The notions of simplistic learning and learners are pretend to have replaced complex process of care, development and play in Ministry of Education which rapidly disclose a devaluation image of young children in the form of learners (Alcock, 2013).

The second article has been chosen of Ageliki Nicolopoulou which topic is ‘The Alarming Disappearance of Play from Early Childhood Education’. It has been found that this article supports the issue of early childhood play. This research has focused on the degree to which the kindergarten is significant in laying the fundamentals for later development as well as learning. There are some considerable evidence that the type of resources and support which is liable to ready young children for formal education. For instance, through encouraging the early acquisition of developing literacy skills is generally available to middle class in comparison of many low incomes. It has been analyzed that the sense of urgency is resistance through extensive misimpression that research on early brain development gives permission for increasing the direct instruction in preschool. Furthermore, the mission for accountability embodied in No Child Left behind Act has escorted to amplify reliance on upper stakes standardized tests, forcing teachers to train flourishing test takers at younger ages. In such scenario, the priority of playing seems at lower or considering as the time wasting distraction at worst (Early, Maxwell, Burchinal, Alva, Bender, Bryant, Zill, 2007). It has been discussed in the support of the mentioned issue that social competence is essential elements for the readiness of school because it promotes the cognitive attainment of children.

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‘The Playing Learning Child: Towards a Pedagogy of Early Childhood’ is the article written by Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson & Maj Asplund Carlsson. It shows in the favour of the issue that play and learning practices are not separate rather learning of early childhood can be developed with the help of playing activities. It is necessary as per this article that the teacher of the preschool should be aware about the perspective of children as well. The learning process should be there in which involvement of teacher as well as children is necessary. Activities are disappeared from the education and it has been analyzed that the children are not motivated to involve in the sports activity (Moss, 2011). It defines the organizing activities with children which are considered as an approach that involve the communication between children and teachers. It reflects that interaction, attitude and environment are tangled into a totality. Early childhood education must be controlled to allow the most possible amount of interaction and communication between children and teachers on regular basis (Samuelsson & Carlsson, 2008). Three aspects has been discussed in this article these are the experience of children as a point of departure, discernment, simultaneity and variation as key?factors and meta?cognition, meta?cognitive dialogues and meta?communication as crucial issues. As per first aspect, it defines that the activities of children come from own perspective. Play is not same as learning; it is entirely different activity that brings enthusiasm of children and motivates them to interact with others (Husa & Kinos, 2005). The second aspect reflects that flexibility is more important in comparison of accuracy because without flexibility neither playing nor learning is possible. The third aspect reflects that the attention of children in more important for learning and without playing it cannot be done in an adequate manner.

Three articles are described in this section that is opposing, challenging or alternative to the issue. The similarity and the difference between the articles will be elaborated in this section.

First article

The key idea of the first article “Searching for play in Early Childhood Care and Education Policy”, also reflects the definition of play as paradox which involve the tension that raise the description of play as including love, playing, work, development and learning; play can be described in the oppose of ‘child’s work’. It is also stated in this article that if play could have opposed, ‘no play’ would be closer to it than work (Rogers, 2010). It has been discussed in this article that oppose the raised issue it is the presence of learning can also be reflected as work rather than play with phrases such as “learning through play”, it has been found from this article that the play, love, development, work, learning and care are crucial to play as a process of relational.

Second article

‘The Alarming Disappearance of Play from Early Childhood Education’ is showing the alternative point in against to mentioned issue. The children need to self directed to play by involving the physical play. There is an enhancing concern that an elite organization of instruction and testing leaves number of kindergarten under-exercised and overstressed to become overweight. There should be key dimension encompassing attention, emotion and self-regulation; and social knowledge. There are various kinds of social forms that are liable to promote the socio-emotional skills of the children at the time of children’s early years.

Third article

The third article reflects the opposing point as well in against of chosen issue. The article ‘The Playing Learning Child: Towards a Pedagogy of Early Childhood’ it defines that in term to activities of children, there is another area which shows that how the child is apparent in relation to adults. Moral and religion is necessary for the early childhood in comparison of focusing on play (Samuelsson & Carlsson, 2008). The discussion has been made in this article that the long term goals are not driven by children as adults but it is necessary for the parents and the societies to learn their children about values, morale and how to respect their elders. These things are more than play as per this article which shows the opposition in the context of taken issue (Bennet, 2010).

The similarity has been found between the articles such as these articles are in favour of the chosen issue. The main concern of this assignment is disappearance of play from early childhood education. These articles are similar because as it has been discussed that play is considered as the activity that interprets in the form of concept. These articles are focused on the awareness of play in the life of children along with the learning. Learning activities can be done by adapting various techniques that make amuse them while developing (Nicolopoulou, 2010). Sports activities should be considered by kindergarten while educating them because flexibility is necessary for learning as well as per these articles. It shows that these articles are similar and support the issue of this task. The recommendation has been given in the articles to give importance of playing along with the learning.

Difference between the articles

It is hard to have the similar opinion of different authors on one topic. However, the main focus of all articles on developing other activities for student in the education but there are various difference between articles. The first article shows the opposition of the issue as well and play has considered as paradox for children that distract them from working. On the other hand the second articles are in favour of the issue and provide the alternative such as children need to self directed to play. The third article describes the importance of moral and learning of child in comparison of play (Samuelsson & Carlsson, 2008). This argument reflects that there are major differences of these articles. It is necessary for the preschool to attain the attention of children towards study and it can be done via various ways such as by showing different activities or involving those learning activities with the help of play (Zevenbergen, 2007. Communication and interaction are necessary for developing the skills of the children and the way of thinking is different of all authors.

There are three articles has been discussed about the mentioned issue in this assignment, it has been evaluated that all articles has different point of view regarding the concern but the motto of all articles are same. These described the importance of play in the early childhood.

As per my point of view, integrating free play time into the early childhood education programming is advantageous not only for the development of children but for enhancing the performance in academic activities as well. It has been analyzed that importance of early childhood playing is undervalued due to over burden of education and competition. Parents want good position of their child in the class that is why they do not allow them to spend their time for playing (Farquhar & White, 2014). It is necessary to build play into the curriculum as it is considered as the important part for the childhood development. The role of play has the large impact on development in so many areas involving cognitive skills, languages skills and social skills (Samuelsson & Carlsson, 2008). It is considered as the critical part for building strong social skills at early stage and it can be done only by playing with other children. It would be helpful for them to learn with live others and share. The languages skills can be increased of early childhood because dramatic play is deemed as the effective technique to foster the language skill of children. Play is the process that encourage student to learn, solve issues and imagine instead of stimulating the only development of brain. As per my point of view there are numerous advantages of play in early childhood education.

Improved social skills: Involvement of play in early childhood education improves the social skills as it facilitates to engage better with other children and adults (Hellman and Heikkila, 2014).  It would be helpful for the children to express their own ideas, share, cooperate and make friends.

Improve the performance and increase the flexibility: the involvement of play helps kids to understand the various aspects and they develop their skills and start take decision as per their understanding (Essa, 2012). Play is an integral process which make flexible and it is necessary to be fit for better study. Therefore, the importance of play in early childhood education is essential as the growth of mind and physical of children are done in early years.

Motivate for lifelong learning: the involvement of play in early childhood education motivates the children to get confident and curious to know things (McNamee & Bailey, 2010). They become responsible to tackle the challenges and create resilience at the time of difficulty.

Enhanced attention spans: without attention or concentration study could not be done in proper manner, play is the process which make healthy mind of children as they prepare to involve in the learning process with enthusiasm.

There can be various theories on play such as classical theories and contemporary theories. Classical theories are comprised surplus energy theory, relaxation theory, pre-exercise and recapitulation. On the other hand contemporary theories are encompassed psychoanalytical, Arousal Modulation, Meta communicative and cognitive. Classical theory focuses on the biological and native aspects of play by utilizing the evolutionary descriptions instead of observing the variations of children’s activities (Milteer, Ginsburg & Mulligan, 2012).  Contemporary theories of play provide importance to the psychological value and the cognitive, social and emotional development. It can be said that it is liable to keep importance of higher level of thinking and thoughts. It shows that the importance of play in early childhood education is crucial (Samuelsson & Kaga, 2008). For instance, only study without other activities may get bored to the kids and theoretical knowledge is not sufficient for the children because it is necessary for them to do practical in his life for learning. There should be some procedure to follow for early childhood teacher such as children should be free to choose their own experiences, alternatives play should be offered by environment that are purposeful and accessible to the children, a well balanced structure of activities should be offered to them (Davis, 2009).

It has been critically analyzed that play has number of benefits and provide the opportunities to test their beliefs about the world. The problem solving abilities can be enhanced due to games and puzzles. The language skills of children can be stimulated due to effectiveness of play. The knowledge about shape, texture and size can be understood by the children through play. Play is helpful to develop the imagination of the children and it is vital for health brain development. It can be considered as the opportunity to explore the world in which the children live. As per Hägglund & Samuelsson, (2009), play provides a child the ability to master skills that will facilitate to enhance the self-confidence and the ability to get better hastily from obstacles. For instance, a child might feel superiority in heaping blocks and dissatisfaction when the last block makes the stack fall. Sandseter, (2009), stated that education is necessary for developing in the future because it facilitates them to learn about new things but play allows them to be flexible which is quiet necessary for healthy mind.


In the limelight of above discussion, it has been concluded that play is important in early childhood education as it increase the learning of children from various kind of activities. The set of three articles has been selected to reflect the argument in the favour and against of the raised issue. The role of play in the life of children is crucial as it make learn that how to be socialized and to solve issues. It is helpful to engage them with their imagination. It has been discussed that burden of study can de-motivate the child and can impact on the brain development of them. The experiences of play should be based on aim structured from observations of children in term to help development progress from their present level to upper level of development. However, education is necessary for children to develop their mind but for health mind, the role of play is also important. Similarity and differences between the articles has been discussed in this report. In the support of raised issue, I have discussed my point of view by providing theories and examples.


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Darbyshire, P. (2007). ‘Childhood’: are reports of its death greatly exaggerated? Journal of Child Health Care, Vol 11(2) 85–97 DOI: 10.1177/1367493507076056.

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Zevenbergen, R. (2007). Digital Natives Come to Preschool: implications for early childhood practice. in Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 19-28.

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