Director Of Human Resources, Validus Care Pty Ltd (VC) Job Description

Challenges of recruitment and retention of general practitioners and registered nurses

As the Director of the Human Resources in the VC, the implications for the demand and supply chain will be a significant section for the organisation (Coller, Cordero and Echavarren 2018). The labor market in these areas signifies the fact that VC will need to use some methods by which they recruit the GPs and retain them. As the labor market suggests in these regions that the recruitment of the GPs has become quite a tough job indeed. To remedy this, they could attract the GPs by some lucrative job offers, some good offers with good facilities. The arrangement for food and staying will be provided by the VC to strengthen the mutual relationship between the company and the GPs. The rewards must be provided to the GPs so they can decide to work for VC on a long-term basis. The training environment is not right in those regions so the arrangements for the training sessions should be made there as well (Forth et al. 2013). The facilities should be higher as per the responsibilities of the job are higher as well. In order to retain them the GPs in those regions by VC, the primary care factors should be provided to them.. As the demand is higher and the supply is less, the kind offers and facilities for the GPs will probably work to attract them in these jobs. (Costen 2012). The GPs will get the most facilities provided by the Federal Government of Australia. The GPs will have to be provided with the best facilities if they decide to work for Validus Care as well.

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On the other hand, the recruitment and retention of the nurses will have to be adequately focused as well (Campbell, McAllister and Eley 2012). The supply is very high for the RNs since the shift timings and weekly holidays are fixed where in other places the RNs do not have the fixed schedules and fixed weekly holidays. This would undoubtedly increase the adaptability of the RNs to work in these kinds of environments. The fact of not working on the weekends will be a benefit for them. Thus these facilities will inevitably lead the retention of the RNs in these Validus Care. The organisation must look to have a look at the labor market in these regions and will need to address the recruitment and retention of the GPs in the best interest of the company (Bach 2013).

The level of supply and demand in these regions is definitely craving for recruiting the GPs. As a GP, it would be a good option to take up the job on VC since they are bound to provide the best resources and facilities to the GPs since the unemployment level is very high indeed (Godard 2014). The organization would require providing the best facilities and advantages to the people working at the GPs. It has to be said that the GPs are performing many responsibilities. The supply of the GPs is lesser than the demand so the facilities would be higher and the remunerations would be higher because the higher authorities of the company will like to retain the potential GPs in those posts.  The GPs are trained as per the national and international standards. Around 29.4% of the General Practitioners have not agreed to the fact of working for the VC since they said they would be much honored and respected if they land up with the jobs from the state. Considering the supply and demand context, it could well be said that the GPs can take the facilities for the betterment for the growth of the careers. The consequences might differ since the recruitment in the state would go through some difficult tests and procedures before being recruited. Here the recruitment process would be more natural and the facilities will be very good for the post of GP as well (Bach 2013).

The probable consequences would have differed in this situation as well. It can be said that the high demand of the General Practitioners has not been fulfilled with the enough supply of the same. As per the case study, the Validus Care should be able to provide the proper facilities that could attract the recruitment of the GPs. According to Pit, Vo and Pyakurel (2014), the GPs should take up the jobs in Validus Care to serve the needy people. On the other hand, it can be countered by saying that in some state hospitals the number of deaths has increased because the General practitioners did not want to take up the jobs in those areas since the places were mostly rural and the transport was not much advantageous for them.

The employment of the Labor Solutions Pty Ltd is a very critical process from all the aspects. The various things like the payment of the wages and the regulatory intervention are very much important to design the work process and to maintain the well being of the employees of VC.   As per the critics, it has been seen that the rate of unemployment in the regions like NSW, Victoria and Queensland is very high. The employees are generally recruited on the basis of the casual contracts. The wages of the employees are not given the proper importance as well. The labor unions should go full on in support of providing the employees with all sorts of the facilities for their wage benefits (Bower et al. 2014). The employers will have to pay a certain amount of wages to all their employees that will help them to cater to maintain their families in the best ways as well. The holidays and the weekend offs should be provided to the labor forces although VC offers the 24*7 services (Pit, Vo and Pyakurel 2014).

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Bach, S., 2013. Employment relations in the health service. Routledge.

Bower, P., Brueton, V., Gamble, C., Treweek, S., Smith, C.T., Young, B. and Williamson, P., 2014. Interventions to improve recruitment and retention in clinical trials: a survey and workshop to assess current practice and future priorities. Trials, 15(1), p.399.

Campbell, N., McAllister, L. and Eley, D.S., 2012. The influence of motivation in recruitment and retention of rural and remote allied health professionals: a literature review. Rural and remote health, 12(3), pp.1-15.

Coller, X., Cordero, G. and Echavarren, J.M., 2018. Recruitment and Selection. In Political Power in Spain (pp. 83-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Costen, W.M., 2012. Recruitment and selection. The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management: Short Entries, pp.379-387.

Forth, J., Kersley, B.E., Lardies, C.A., Bryson, A., Bewley, H., Dix, G. and Oxenbridge, S., 2013. Inside the workplace: findings from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Routledge.

Godard, J., 2014. The psychologisation of employment relations?. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(1), pp.1-18.

Pit, S.W., Vo, T. and Pyakurel, S., 2014. The effectiveness of recruitment strategies on general practitioner’s survey response rates–a systematic review. BMC medical research methodology, 14(1), p.76.

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