Dion Peter Kim Social Business By Design – A Comprehensive Report

Justification for the Chosen Business Model

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Trend setting is an objective for the modern globe, wherein every specific business venture primarily sets an objective to achieve customer satisfaction through standardized services, quality product availability and a furnished ambience. In this race, a full-service Glamour Salon model, subjecting a hair or a beauty salon, is capable in achieving grandeur in the global business market by providing trend and simultaneously maintains a creative work culture, which endows diverse and innovative ideas for its existing and potential customer base. This is one creative business model witnessing a persistent growth in providing enhancement towards clients’ physical stature as well as mental relaxation. Various factors contribute for the success oriented in this business model, which would be vividly briefed in this report. This report further focuses on the sales and service providence relative to this model. Among which some are the competencies while few needs an improvised version. Further, the changes required in the model are also served with an introduction and mitigations. The report next, advances with the business plan for the chosen salon service along with some major relevant details.

In accordance to this business, few fundamentals are essential for an entrepreneur, owing to the growth of this industry in the near future, the initiators should be aware about the business codes and focus on long-term goals instead of short-term profitability. Sustainability is the major buzz in the modern business world and this industry is promising as is analyzed from reviews[1].

Glamour salons, as any hair salon or a beauty salon potentially provides both men and women with the services relative to cleansing, cleaning, conditioning and enhancing the style and charisma within the very person. Choosing this business model has several benefits, which might be personalized simultaneously for market position. Firstly, this model serves as innovative career advancement for the long trained hairstylists who can establish a brand. This business category can serve to satisfy a community need as per customer base demand. This can achieve a loyal clientele. Some of the many salon-marketing campaigns prove the success rate for this business model. This business model can help in environmental sustainability through green marketing using minimized amount of resources.

The revenue charts for all types of salon services inclusive of hair, skin and nails in addition with the industry retail recorded a growth of 3% as per the recent history relative to study on salon industry and from the strategic managers for the salon consultancies. The entire U.S. salon services and sales grew to $62 million. Firstly, the records present the number of salons or the beauty centers range to 270,000 utilizing and selling salon hair products. Several relevant studies present a robust increment in the profitability of the salon especially on the men’s salon services. Secondly, traditional independent salon chains are closing to encourage the launch of family-economy service chains as well as suite rentals, additionally, men’s barbershop. This is highly a standardized and growing market trend. Thirdly, services related to the ever-evolving styles and colors relative to enhancing looks and hair respectively introduced in the market is a strategic measure towards brand positioning. Finally, another witnessed factor for success associated with the successful glamour salons is a well-trained team and the locations for the services attract a huge customer base.

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Current Sales and Services Prevailing

Technical advancements is a constant thing in this modernized world. In the advancing methodologies including cloud computing, iPods, group couponing and social media provide possibilities for new developments for the growth of this industry. Firstly, developing geo-location programs that is the global positioning software on mobiles might prove to be helpful for the salons in a way to reward existing and attract the potential customers. Secondly, Employee incentive is another important field that requires considerable attention. Providing benefits for the diligent caretakers will help in the sustainable growth for any business model. This should be enhanced with the changing economy. Thirdly, flexible schedule is again an important providence to both the customers as well as the staff in this busy routine set-up. This would be an extra initiate to gain a good customer range[2]. Finally, walk-ins and repetitive customers are the major categories in this business. Prioritizing both is an essentiality in securing the sustained profit for the business along with correct and enough promotions. Another important measure regarding the salon business is the POS software capable of tracking and maintains records of discounts and relative promotions.

For the sustainable market position in the salon industry it is important to remain updated concerning the styles as per demands and innovation alongside, with the technological support that would in a definite way. A constant development subjected towards improvisations is essential. Some of the changes that might be introduced in this section are enlisted as follows. Firstly, the group couponing is an excellent method to enhance the business especially on occasions like marriage. A focused week or duration promotes excitement in the industries where collaborative efforts are recognized. Secondly, introducing the measures regarding the risk-management for hair-care and beauty services is essential as the long listing of chemicals and products along with the equipment used in a salon potentially indicates an accident-prone atmosphere. In this context, injuries must be best treated with no avoidance of regulations is a priority. Urgent services should be available in such cases. Thirdly, employee incentives as in corporate industry, is important in this salon business model to maintain a standardized performance from the staff. In cases, if the staff is diligently as pre-mentioned in the previous part is contributing his/her time in taking care of the customers with extra attention and innovative ideas, it is important to benefit them in financial way for the extra hours or minutes of effort. Finally, in this context awards and recognitions are similarly important for the staffs. Acknowledging the efforts with an annual benefit could be a methodology to provide them the job satisfaction simultaneously, sessions should be conducted to invite different opinions from the staff as they are the closest to the customers, this can be beneficial to sustain the long-term goals.

Segments requiring Improvements

Prior to the setting up of a salon business, it is important to understand the market fundamentals for attaining the long-term goals relative to this. Next is the focus of care for the existing clientele. The servicing and hygiene should be standardized and maintained for each client. The service again should be the reflection of the name set for the business.[3] The franchising methodologies are also essential in configuring the business arena. This section of the report, introduces a business plan for a successful glamour salon.

The above mentioned name can be chosen to represent features of a glamour world, the name ensuring the providence of care for the potential clientele, which of course is an essentiality for the business model to sustain a customer base.

Proposed Location, size & scopes: A correct choice of location is extremely important for the salon business to flourish as attracting new customers and promoting the new and developed ideas on a regular basis become easier owing to a suitable communicating platform. In terms of location choosing, the employers or the investors should provide an easy accessible location for the clients. the environment in correspondence to the existence of the salon, should be conductive to provide a relaxed and professional service. For such a community service, foot traffic is extremely essential. To create a strong competitive advantage, compare shopping concept is important thus a locality full of contemporaries is beneficial. The location chosen should be such that it is able to provide close proximity with other relative business and services. Prior to setting up of the business, avoid or resolve any ordinances.

Next challenge concerning this is the fees and size incurred in maintaining the business. At times, maintenance in the number of chairs become challenging, this should be done in accordance to the size and scope of the salon. A bare-minimalist concern can be achieved with smaller number of staff and low cost equipments while the game changers of the industry need a lavish set-up for its staff and customers.

Proposed Target Market: Profiling the demographics correctly in the community is essential as the marketing oriented with products or the services is subjected to the identified customer base for the increment in profitability. This refers to the potential customer base interested and would be benefited from the service providence of the business. Analyzing the customers, products and finally evaluating the decision relative to this are few methodologies for the same[4].

  1. Geographical Location: This field plays a major role as pre-described. The business hours and the marketing styles relative to the situation of the salon business is a priority in order to attract the customer base. For example, the salon located near to a bustling strip mall focuses the attention of an entire family.
  2. Sex: In this modern version of the glamour world it concentrates on providing services for both genders. An Unisex approach is the trend.
  3. Age: The ages of 20 to 35 are the prime focus for the application and experimentation of innovations, as they serve as the verdict for such steps. While quality services would be receptive to older generations, who might concentrate for young looks.
  4. Lifestyle: This salon service can focus on eco-conscious, married or unmarried and college city dwellers.

Summary for Proposed Changes

The services and the chosen products should such as to must potentially appeal the target customers. For instance, the customer might be conscious about the effects of harmful chemical on their skin, wherein, one should introduce organic products. The older age-group in concern would demand more for an anti-aging solution. While the services relative to this business model should potentially include the modern day benefits of manicure, pedicure, facials as well as waxing prospects. Additionally, styling and coloring should be updated in accordance to the trend. For appealing a particular culture, one might need to offer styles in relevance[5].

Professional Products and Contacts of Chosen Company: Every standardized salon services concentrates on the use of exclusive brands in the interest to provide its customers with the best deserving assistance for the nourishment of their beauty. Some of the chosen companies or brands for the beauty products include L’Oreal, Redken, Wella, Pureology, Bumble and Bumble and Paul Mitchell. These target the mega retailers for the supplies to the various and diverse salon centers. Each of these big brands have a successful corporate infrastructure to provide the assistance needed for their customers even when they supply products to the salons or retailers.

IT Salon Management Programs:  There are several available software available in the market for the management issues in relevance to tracking the orders and the updates from the clientele especially surrounding the booking schedules. The POS software is helpful for the same. For example, Zenoti’s appointment book is great software to manage with the calendar dates. Online booking facilities for the customers should be available along with applications available on the mobile phones for easy access to check-ins.

Payments modes: This area should be flexible between debit/ credit card, digital cash and the cash on delivery systems for the clients.

Role for the senior: The senior should be designated to higher-level management for deciding upon the supply chain and infrastructure related issues.

Role of the Assistant Staff: This group of employee should be chosen to provide a standardized care to the target as well as the existing customers for the business.

Intended Seasonal Marketing: each season, in accordance with the need for the skin products are to be chosen relatively. This would include oil free for summer and humid season while moisturizing products for winters, which should be promoted accordingly.


The salon services intend to provide an internal assistance in enhancement of beauty and care for the individuals all over. The sales and services from the salon end is a crucial segment that requires management for the maintained sustainability of the business model. This growing aspect in the business world with a strategic business plan as is suggested in the report is capable to gain a persistent growth with considerable changes and flexibilities.


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