Dingle Air: Challenges, Controversies, And HRD Issues

Part One – Literature Review

Critical Evaluation and Analytical Insight

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The case study of Dingle Air Ltd potrays the criticism faced by the company over various categories of issues and conroversoes over the current years. The CEO of the company has spoken out his approach regarding the ambition of the company, the disparaging remarks regarding the customer services of the comoany and the issues highlighted by the employee of the organization.

Process and practises

The airline is one of the most renowned low cost airline based in Ireland. Established in the year 1980, the company has made tremendous success in the ongoing yeras. Over the next five to sixe years the company targets to increase the number of the aircraft in fleet thereby increasing the frequency rates of the flight. The company furthermore expands the existing destination and the routes withe the creation of the hubs through out the Europe.

Some of the major challenges faced by the organization includes high rate of employee turnovers. Furthermore some of the notable HRD issues that have been identified through out the organization after thorough enelaysi includes the following. The issue in relation to the organizational structure, the key number of staffs turning to the competitors, the non formal recognition of the trade unions, the linking related to the the pay scale and the performances among the employees, the issues with the training nd the absence of the employees. Furthermore the relationship among the employees in the organization has been pretty tempestuous since the current CEO was appointed. The company further lags behind in case of the recognition of the trade unions and this low cost airline had significant negative effect on the membership of the trade unions and the employees of the organization. In the domain of performance management, according to the recent reports, the employees of the airline faced some of the major complaints and verbal abuse from the customers or the flighers . One of the notable issues and challenges of the company is the organizational culture and Dingle Air is now ready to take on the challenges and the issues faced by the organization and embrace the necessary canges for the development.

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One of the major goals of the company, Dingle Air is to control the high employee turnover. According to Aguenza and Som (2018) in the article Motivational Factors of Employee Retention and Engagemnt in Organization, employee retention is one of the most essential procedure of physically keeping the employees and sustaining the success of the organization. In the environment and the era of globalization, the retention and the enaggemnt of the employees who are highly prospective are one of the major challenges in the organization in times of high rate of turnovers (Mulang 2015). The authors of the article highlighted the fact that how in many of the cases, even the employees who are highly engaged to the organization are dissatisfied with the outcomes, the pay related discrimination and the politics in the work enviornmnt and tends to look for options. The paper furthermore investigates some of the theoretical approaches highlighting the factors of motivation that will help the organization towards the effective retention of the employees. The article strengthens on the fact that it argues on the factors of motivation as the key crucial factors towards the financial rewards, carrer development techniques, work life balance and the management of the organization. The authors of the organization depicts the formulation of the appropriate and effective strategies for retention in a very holistic manner for the reduction of the turnover rates since the company will eventually benefit in the long term.

Critical Evaluation and Analytical Insight

 In the article by Slack, Corlett and Morris (2015), the authors explored the engagement of the employee as an essential inrediant linking woth the corporate social responsibility. The authors of the article argies the importance of the social responsibility in the organization as the common part of the business which acts as the factors behid the employee morale, retention and the recruitment in the organization. The article furthermore explores social exchange theory to argie the connection of the employee engagemet snd their social activity towards their chances of retention in the organization.

The above literature and the theories illustrated in the literature thus explains the need of Dingle Air Ltd to implement effective strategies and depict some of the essential solutions in regads of the high employee turnovers and the challenges the company is facing in the curret scenario.

The paper aims to review an article published in a leading business website to understand a specific aspect of the HRM issues facing Dingle Air Ltd. The findings of the review will be used to analyze the problem presented in the case study more clearly. Further, the paper will attempt to relate the article findings with other issues faced by the company and the ways it could address those issues.


The article, which was published in the Harvard Business Review recently, talks about employee retention as focus on not just diversity but also on inclusion. According to the article, organizations today engage in numerous practices in order to retain employees to avoid high turnover of employees every year (Hbr.org 2018). These practices range from providing typical things as free coffee to competitive benefits, generous raises and bonuses to programs recognizing employees. Dingle Air not only faces high employee turnover issue but also the issue of key members of the organization turning to rivals although Dingle provides all the facilities as mentioned above. As the article reveals, employees cannot be lured with free tea and coffee, rewards and awards only, they need a working environment where they could work freely. An employee has to feel comfortable within her or his working environment. The article then gives examples where some employees have to hide some things that are important to them due to the uncomforted feeling at their workplaces. The examples include a Muslim worker doing prayers in the car to avoid questions regarding his faith, a mother hiding her children’s picture to avoid judgments about her work commitment (Hbr.org 2018). Another example included gay executive being unsure whether to take her or his partner to company programs.

The article focused chiefly on the diversity aspect of employees in terms of retention. As evident from the case study, most of the HRD issues of Dingle Air are related to the employees. High turnover, disharmony amongst employees owing to discrimination in pay, informally recognized trade unions, no attempt to encourage participation of employees, absence of employees and issues related to training – are all employee related. It is therefore evident that the steps that would be taken to retain employees would directly help improve other concerns as well. Diversity is one aspect that needs attention in terms of retaining employees and addressing the issue of high employee turnover properly. Pay discrimination often arise amongst male and female employees and it has been a major issue for many companies for a long time. The article states that employees with minority status in the society often tend to hide the significant part of their lives due to fear of pessimistic consequences. The article mentions that business leaders in majority of organizations understand the importance of possessing a diverse workforce but the problem lies in acting upon it.

Organizations should understand that only realizing the importance of having a diverse workforce is not enough to retain employees. Including employees from a diverse workforce and creating the working environment ideal for the diverse workforce is more important. The article then further mentions that understanding the demography and cultural backgrounds of the employee is important to inclusion. It presents three extremely effective ways to learn about the employees – focus groups, survey assessments and one-on-one conversations. It is however, important, mentions the article, that these methods must be undertaken in a way that takes in the fact that people, especially in the underrepresented groups are more difficult to understand than organizations think.

The first way to understand the employees better is to segment the survey results of employee engagement according to minority groups. It has often been seen that organizations conduct surveys on employee engagement but neglect to segment the data based on gender, ethnicity, race and others. The second important practice is utilizing independent facilitators who could conduct focus groups.  It helps produce results that are not biased. The third way is to be personal when conversing one-on-one with the employee. Managers would be able to have a better insight into the mind of the employee.


To end, it needs to be stated that Dingle Air Ltd. should follow the ways and practices given in the article to solve its HRD issues. The findings from the article revealed that employees hold the key to an organization’s success and hence, it is important to take care of them by investing more time and energy in them. This would help solve other issues that are mostly related to employees as evident from the company’s HRD issues.


Aguenza, B.B. and Som, A.P.M., 2018. Motivational factors of employee retention and engagement in organizations. IJAME.

Hbr.org 2018. To Retain Employees, Focus on Inclusion Not Just Diversity. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2018/12/to-retain-employees-focus-on-inclusion-not-just-diversity [Accessed 6 Dec. 2018].

Mulang, A., 2015. The Importance of Training for Human Resource Development in Organization. Journal of Public Administration and Governance , 5(1), pp. 1-8.

Slack, R.E., Corlett, S. and Morris, R., 2015. Exploring employee engagement with (corporate) social responsibility: A social exchange perspective on organisational participation. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(3), pp.537-548.

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