Dilemmas In Continuing Professional Learning – Discussing The Relevance Of Ethics And Code Of Conduct
Importance of ethical regulations in professional practice
Discuss About The Dilemmas In Continuing Professional Learning.
The ethical rules are needed to be imposed the practice of any profession. The professional engineering act is the rules and regulations for the professional practising person. The profession person should follow those regulations during the exercise (Perry et al.2016). There are several sections mentioned in this act that defines the ethical and moral conduct regarding the method of the professionals. The primary objective of this study is to discuss an article defined in law 77 of this mentioned paper. The selected item says about the duty of the professionals towards the people and the society along with the other professionals. The paper discusses the relevance of this article by the outcomes and consequences. It has been seen that the absence of this article in practice will lead to the ethical dilemma. The example of such moral dilemma has been mentioned in this paper; this indicates the relevance of this article in preparation. Along with the practical implementation of this article can mitigate the chances of happening of the ethical dilemma in the profession.
The first article under the section 77 has been chosen as the point of debate. The first article under the section 77 discusses the duty a professional who is practising. The critical analysis of the report includes the findings of the question regarding the ethics related to the article and the effectiveness of that article to solve the critical ethical issues.
The chosen article: According to the selected article under the section 77 it has been said about the duty of the practitioner to the public, to the employees, to the clients and the other members related to the profession (Walther et al.2017). The act includes maintaining the fairness and the loyalty to the practice of the professionals along with the inclusion of the high ideas which will help to preserve the professional integrity.
The important report of the report includes the finding of the answers about the relevance of the material in the ethical field.
The first thing that is needed to be discussed is the acceptance of such article in the moral act. It has been seen many of the professionals are not taking the ethical ways for the implementation of the projects or while providing the service some of the professionals are only concerned about their interest (Jones, Michelfelder, and Nair 2017). In this case, the benefit of the public can be hampered, and the goodwill of the practice may get disrupted (McBride, William, and Bernadette 2017). Moreover not maintaining the professional ethics while practising the will not keep the right terms with the practitioner and the other members of the profession along with the clients. These reasons indicate the effectiveness of adopting this specific act for the practice of professional engineers.
Analysis of article mentioned in law 77
The first article under the 77 section can be regarded as the essential part of managing the strategy for maintaining the ethical practice in the organisation and the business of the individual practitioners. The reason for its significance lies in the effectiveness of the article for addressing the central issue regarding maintaining the ethical practice more broadly.
This code of ethics cannot be enforceable. The moral laws and acts cannot be enforced on someone. However, the awareness among the professionals regarding the rules and regulations can be developed so that they become interested in maintaining the standards in practice.
According to the engineering ethics, the project delivered by the IT professionals should be sustainable, and the outcome of the projects will give the highest priority to the public interest. This indicates the plan developed by the professionals will be compatible with the need of the society along with that particular quality and the professionalism will be included in an outcome (Fouad et al. 2016). This specification of the ethical professional practice supports the mentioned article of this paper.
The article mentioned under the act 77 can be misinterpreted as the act of changing the personal lifestyle for maintaining of the ethical practice. However, this concept is wrong. The private life and the professional life is separate from each other (Cech 2017). Different persons can have different views in the own life. However, application of the personal opinions on the professional experience does not maintain the standardisation of the profession. In this case, there is a need for maintaining the standard and the quality of the service in the professional (“Directories Of Practitioners” 2018). Along with that, the maintaining of the goodwill of the profession is also important. In order do to all these requirements the professionals should maintain the ethical rules and regulations in practice.
The professionals are aware of the ethical rules and regulation included in their practice. Generally, it has been seen that the initial intention of the professional engineers is to maintain and follow the ethics involved in the profession and aim to deliver a sustainable outcome or service of their action. However, it has been seen that sometimes the engineers are forced to choose the activities which do not support the ethical practice (Reich Rooney, and Boud 2016). One of such incident, in this case, can be mentioned through the example of the surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency(NSA). The primary objective of the NSA is to provide the security of the country. The inspection has been done for the detection of the possible terrorist attacks in the country. However, the monitoring and observation of the internet traffic and the phone calls of the millions of the people violate the privacy of the people, which is also the violation of the ethics. In this case, it has been seen that the effectiveness of the professional practice of the professionals has violated the code of the ethics. The particular moral dilemma can occur in this situation.
Effective implementation to solve ethical issues
Statement of enforceability: The regulations regarding the applicability of the statement depends on the degree of the professional misconduct. The professional misconduct includes the negligence in work, failure to report the situation that can be harmful to the people, no proper checking of the documentation and many more things. To eliminate these actions along with the taking of the steps after the happening of the any of the effect can be done from the laws implemented regarding the maintenance of the ethical and moral issues in the professional practice. The requirements to prevent the misconduct in the profession has been described under the act 72(I).
The mentioned article has the significant effect on the engineers and the community. The ethical regulations will help the professionals to maintain the rules and the rules during the practice of the profession. The following of the ethical regulations will help the professionals to deliver the service or the outcome of the project which will positively serve the society. The engineers can maintain the goodwill of the profession apart from that the good terms can be kept between the professionals and the clients along with the other members of the business. It can be said the following of the ethics will be useful for both the engineers and the society.
Personal opinion and Conclusion
The significance of the implementation of the ethical code of conducts has been discussed in this paper from the different perspective. The importance of maintaining the moral system in the profession along with the advantages has been addressed with the different views. The exception that can be happened in support the ethics have been discussed with the example. It can be concluded from the paper that ethical regulations are essential and professional practice for developing the sustainable outcome.
“Directories Of Practitioners”. 2018. Peo.On.Ca. https://www.peo.on.ca/index.php?ci_id=1798&la_id=1.
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