Digital Media Strategies For Business Growth: An Analysis

Statement of the Problem

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Digital media, refers to a huge number of media tools, starting with television, mobile phones, to the recently emerging social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. While the digital media tools, were actually made to serve solely the purpose of recreation, whereby the users can watch entertainment shows, or can connect with friends and family, the digital media, in the recent era, has also started benefitting the organizations largely (Patriarche 2014). The concept of business, has greatly evolved since a last few decades, and it no longer implies a financial transaction carried out in the physical shops. With various companies, selling homogeneous products, the business enterprises are now in greater need of recognition among the consumers. So, to expand its dominion beyond its local region, and to be able to retain existent customers, fetching the new ones at the same time, the companies have incorporated the concept of digital media into their marketing strategy (Packard 2013).

In the strictly competitive market of the present world, a business organization, in order to expand itself, must not merely keep itself confined to the traditional method of purchase and sale through its limited number of outlets (Pride and Ferrell 2012). But rather, it must reach out to a wider mass, informing them, about the advantage of buying their products or availing their service. This whole process of interacting with a huge mass of people, is done via advertisements on television, mobiles or social sites, and this effective new way of marketing is referred to as digital marketing (Meikle and Young 2012). The researcher, through this research, intends to  analyze the way in which an organization exploits digital media tools for self-promotion. Besides, the researcher also intends to examine the extent to which digital media influences the consumer behavior and purchasing decision of its customers.

The objectives which has inspired the researcher to undertake the research are as follows:

  • To investigate how does an organization utilize the digital media tools for the purpose of product-promotion and brand recognition
  • To discover which form of digital media marketing exerts greater influence on the consumer behavior- television and mobile advertisements or e-commerce
  • To analyze the ways in which the organizations are engaging successfully in the acts of market segmentation and customer interaction with the help of digital media
  • To discover the possible negative outcomes that the marketing authority of the organization needs to consider before investing in the process of digital media marketing

In a recent research conducted in the year 2012, it was found out that every eight business organizations out of ten organizations resort to the use of digital media for the promotion of their brands; further the research also claimed that three organizations out of every five organizations have also claimed that their use of digital media has led to an unprecedented growth in customer creation and sales rate process (May and Lake 2013).  Digital media, especially social media is being used to a considerable extent by all the big companies, and the diagram below statistically claims the same:

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Research Aim and Objectives

At present, more than 200 million people use Facebook, and according to a study conducted by Qualman, Facebook is one of the best possible ways by which an organization can draw a huge number of consumers to buy their products. In this case, an organization usually opens up a Facebook business page, and at first, if it is not a much reputed one, introduces close ones and loyal customers to like it (RacÌŒas 2011). As the organization starts promoting its new products and recently launched services, new offers and latest discounts, the whole brand starts getting popular through the Likes and Shares of the particular posts. In this way, once an advertisement gets viral on a social site, the visibility of the advertisement increases along with the increasing brand recognition of the specific organization (Marshall and Rossman 2011). The same goes for other social sites, such as Twitter or YouTube or even Instagram. Though the Twitter posts can never exceed the limit of 40 characters each tweet, it can be efficiently promote the products of an organization, provided the marketing authority of that organization tweets actively every day (Kotler and Keller 2012). Qualman maintains that creating a profile in a social site, is not sufficient, but it must ensure that the social media marketing authority of the organization keep a track on the social sites, and update the customers about their new products or the new services that the consumers can avail themselves. The marketing team as such also keeps a track on these social sites, the number of times, their brand’s name is being mentioned, so that they can instantly respond to the customer queries, or can send a reply to the feedback of the consumers. Again, one great advantage of using digital media marketing, is that instead of promoting a product among a huge mass of people, it can know who are the relevant group of customers, and can get their products advertised among them only (Kaun 2012). This is done by enabling the Ad Targeting options, on Facebook, Twitter as well as Google Plus. This enables the organizations to get a demographic information, about each user, in terms of their sex, age, location, etc. so that they can create an audience,  who will be interested by the product the company deals with (Rand 2012). For example, now an organization can get an access to the interest areas of the followers, and as such if the company deals with production of cosmetics, it may become less relevant among the male followers.


Again, while speaking of digital media advertisement, one cannot overlook the importance of television advertisements, which still continues to remain one of the most dominant medium for promotion of a product. Blumenthal, in his article called The Business of Television, claims that approximately 37% of the viewers get influenced to buy a product merely after watching the advertisement on TV (Horst and Miller 2012). Bluementhal claims that the TV advertisements, should not just send an outline of what the product is all about, but should tell a story of possible happiness and joy that shall come with the consumption of the product. Hence, the organizations send a story effectively which persuade the potential consumers to purchase the product or to avail the service (Rogers 2013).

As the above bar chart suggests, majority of the people, spend greater time on television, and hence advertisement on this medium can prove to be highly beneficial. However, the organizations chalk out a “target customer” strategy for this form of promotion as well (Stockinger 2013). For television advertisement strategy, the organizations choose the timing and even the channels for the sale of a particular product; for example, an organization, which wants to promote its chocolate or baby cereal products through television, it will choose the cartoon channels for the promoting through their advertisements (Grewal and Levy 2012).

The researcher, here, expects that he will be able to discover a direct relation between an organization’s use of digital media and the development of that particular organization. The successful use of digital media not only helps the organization in getting brand recognition among a huge mass , but also assists the organization to expand its business beyond the local confines (Goneos-Malka, Grobler and Strasheim 2013). The researcher expects that he will be able to explain the exact way in which an organization, through the use of digital media, can persuade the consumers about the goodness of its products, and also has the potentiality of drawing new consumers. The digital media engages the customers in getting interest in the products they are selling, by attaching certain group of attributes with it, with the help of digital media. For example, while promoting a cosmetic product, an organization may create, through its commercial on digital media, the importance of beauty in life. This will help in drawing a huge number of customers towards that particular product, and boost its sale (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele and Waller 2012). However, the researcher also believes that this research will enlighten on the possible negative outcome of the use of digital marketing. Hence, the research will examine the extent to which the consumers also get affected by the negative feedback on the social sites, they come across, and to what extent this will interfere with their process of brand loyalty (Schröder 2011).

Potential Output

The conceptual framework, explaining the procedure, in which the researcher aims to undertake the research, is being shown below:

H0– Digital media tools have no impact on the minds of the consumers, as they prefer to buy according to their own needs and preferences, and they will never consume a product, simply because it is advertised on the media, they are using

H1Digital media plays an extremely crucial role in the promotion of a product, and it largely influences the pattern of the consumer behavior. It may happen that an individual is absolutely unaware about the existence or even popularity of a company; it is only through its advertisement on digital media, endorsement by some popular faces, that he really gets drawn to the product (Couldry 2012). The digital media, as such, not only helps an organization in drawing new consumers, but also in retaining the, by dint of constant advertisement and self-promotion through digital media.

The methodology is of paramount importance while conducting any research, because it helps the researcher understand what exactly is the method and the procedure in which the research process is to be undertaken (Chaffey and Patron 2012). Further, it will also help him to understand the pre-requisites for carrying the research. Keeping this into consideration, the researcher here aims to adopt a Quantitative Method of research, whereby he will be able to collect the statistical data regarding the fact as to how many as well as to what extent the consumers get influenced to buy a product, after viewing its advertisement on digital media. The researcher will therefore need to conduct a Survey on a selected group of people, to record their response about their rate of influence by digital media in consumption of a product (Chang 2012). The researcher will distribute questionnaires to the respondents and their responses will be recorded for testing the hypotheses.

The process of sampling of data, is also an important factor in the research methodology. The researcher’s research will not be focused on any particular group as such, and hence no need of stratification is needed while selecting the respondents (Burnett 2012). Hence, the researcher will choose a Probability method of Sampling, while collecting the data. The researcher will employ Systematic Sampling technique, where  the researcher will choose the respondents randomly from the population, given that the respondents meet a particular criterion- they are all users of some or other form of digital media. The research will be conducted both online as well as offline (Arthur 2012). As such, the researcher will distribute the questionnaires in the shopping malls as well as through the online forums meant for conducting research. The research will be conducted on approximately 65 people, out of which 15 people will be selected through online forums, and remaining 50 people will be chosen from public places, such as shopping malls and colleges.

The organization of the study, as formulated by the researcher is as follows:

  • Research Proposal: A research proposal, proposing what and how the researcher intends to do
  • Case Study: This will help the researcher to investigate the cases before reaching the conclusion
  • Details of Methodology: This will help the researcher to explain the literary articles and journals he has gone through and discuss it link with his research
  • Findings: Here, the researcher will discuss what were his findings, and summarize the outcome of his entire research
  • Final Implication: Here, the researcher will re-explain his findings and the outcome of his research, and will evaluate the whole impact of digital media on the consumer behavior.

Gantt Chart:





Research Proposal



8 days

Literature Review



10 days

Collection of Data



2 days

Analysis of Data



1 day

Submission of the Final Report



1 day

Budget of the Project:

The total estimated budget for conducting an entire research is approximately $5000. For the sake of undertaking an in depth study, into the previously written articles and literary journals, the researcher has to spend an approximate sum of $2,000. In addition, in the process of collection of data, through research with the help of online forums, the researcher has to spend around $500. Even while conducting the offline research, the researcher may have to travel to different places, and the travelling expenditure may amount to $1000. Besides, the researcher will also need to gain access to government figures and numerical data, charts and graphs which will amount to $1500.


In the present era of scientific and technological development, the concept of marketing is no longer confined to the idea of transaction in the local shops. It necessarily implies the development as well as the rapid expansion of an organization, with the help of meaningful promotion and advertisement. The organization to grow, should not only rely on the word of mouth publicity, but must reach out to a wider mass of people, through the use of digital media. Many marketing managers of the recent era, believe that success of an organization depends on the rapidity of rate at which the organization promotes and advertises itself. If an organization does not invest much in its advertisement through digital media, it runs high chance of being forgotten. Research suggests that most of the people resort to the use of digital media, in the form of TV, mobiles, or social sites, and their consumption pattern is largely influenced by what they come across in the digital media. This is the reason, why the organizations are investing huge amounts of money on the advertisement and promotion process through popular digital media tools. However, there are also certain negative outcomes of the excessive reliance on digital media for promotion purpose. For example, the consumers may be discontent with the service of a company, and as such, they may express their frustrations on these social sites, which altogether may aggravate the situation as others may be dissuaded from consuming the product or of availing the service of that particular company.  Hence, the organizations, also instruct the marketing authority to monitor and supervise this whole process of promotion via digital media.


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