Different Aspects Of Tourism: Mass Tourism, Special Interest Tourism, And Tourist Demand

Historical and Current Developments of Tourism

Tourism is considered to be an activity which is undertaken by different individuals in order to escape for their routine life. Tourism has grown successfully and with the advent of globalization and hence, there are various aspects associated with it.  The given report will be following a structured format whereby the different aspects related to tourism will be discussed effectively (Becken and Hughey 2013). The report is divided into four sections whereby the first section will be discussing the historical development of Tourism, the current developments and the types of tourism will be discussed. The second section will be discussing the concepts related to tourism like behavior and motivation, the third section will be discussing the 6A frame analysis and the last section will discuss different organizations in UK n the given industry.

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The human beings have evolved greatly. The transportation and technology has evolved greatly and this has made people evolve from their original destination and the quest to travel to new destinations has always been present. The five conditions which have become necessary for the travel and tourism are as follows:

  • The modes of accommodations and transport must be available adequately.
  • The destinations must be interesting and accessible
  • Travel must also consider time
  • It must have the needs
  • The safety aspects also needs to be considered effectively.

Early tourism

The early tourism meant than searching for the different individuals travelled from one place to the other in search of food. Tourism originally meant studying learning (Kim, Uysal and Sirgy 2013). The major forms of travel during the given time period was due to the trading aspects and the education aspects. The Romans were the primary travelers who travelled from one place to another and were largely responsible to spread trade all around the globe.

Pilgrimage is a journey which is taken by individuals for religious purposes. It becomes extremely important for the travelers to have faith and to ensure that the journey is spent well. The Pilgrimage travel is one of the most crucial travels around the globe even today.

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Medieval Period

Travel declined considerably in the medieval period. Travel deemed to become dangerous during this time. The roads became highly dangerous.

Renaissance and Elizabeth Era

The renaissance and Elizabeth era marked the beginning of the travel period again. Trade routes begin to be taken up as a serious medium of travel and the commercial activities taking place around the globe have risen to prosperity with respect to this.

The grand tour era

The grand tour era begin to mark the beginning of the luxurious travel which took place. This way travelling became a sign of status symbol (Logar 2014). People who had extra money, started travelling for luxurious symbol.

Types of Tourism

Travelling for Health

People often travelled in order to get treated for any given disease. Very often travel was also associated with spas, health mineral waters and others.

Industrial Revolution

The economy of England changed considerably from this and the technological inventions made travelling very easy. During the given area:

  • Millennials
  • Factories emerged
  • Better transportation growth of the iron industry
  • Even the lower class men were able to able to travel

People generally travel from one place to another so that they can let go of the responsibilities of the workplace and enable effective thought and positive thinking.

The tourism industry is one of the most popular industries in the globe. The following trends have been observe


The given group has started travelling extensively and are a major target market for the different companies.

Active and Adventure Trips

There has been a major increase in the adventure and active tourism. The tourism activities like the safaris, hiking and cycling have increased considerably (Lee 2013).

Female Solo Travel

A majority of the travel decisions are made by women. Travelers are bold today and looking out for raw experiences.

Food tourism

When it comes to food, tourism has become a popular aspect in that sense as well.

Responsible Tourism

Global campaigns to promote sustainable forms of travel and industry have become increasingly popular. They are largely considered about the environment and ecological impacts.

Mobile Photography

Mobile photography has become a latest trend in the given domain. Everyone likes to take photographs that too on their mobile phones (Buhalis and Crotts 2013).

  1. Mass tourism

It can be described as a type of tourism which is mainly concerned with the tourism which involved over ten thousands of people going to the same resort at a particular time of the year. The given tourism is one of the cheapest modes of tourism and is often known as a package deal. The travel agency forms a package and offers at lowered prices to the different customers. An example of this is Thomas Cook (Deery, Jago and Fredline 2012). Everything from travel, flights, activities and food is covered by the company. This is opposed to ecological tourism.

  1. Special Interest Tourism

Special interest tourism is a type of tourism which caters to the needs of specific tourism whereby the needs of a particular group are met with (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins 2013). In the given scenario, the tourism needs to satisfy a particular need and there are four main experiences such as follows:



Adventuresome Experiences

Learning Experiences.

Tourism demand has various definitions. The way in which it can be described depends on various facets like psychological, geographical and economical as well (Gössling 2015). The geographic perspective tends to determine tourism as the total number of people like to travel or make use of tourist facilities in order to get away from their place of residence. The demand of the tourism is completely in the hands of the individual and the official proclamations made by them. There exists to types of demand curves with respect to tourism. These are variables like price and quantity (Medlik 2016). There tends to exist an economic demand schedule in this aspect and secondly there is an inverse demand curve which is based on the concept that the demand for tourism drops when the price tends to increase and it’s the same way around.

Tourist Demand

The following predictions have been made for the same:

  • Market specialization will increase considerably
  • Packaged holidays will be made to become customized so that greater freedom is achieved
  • The demand for tourism will increase considerably.

The push/pull model is accepted by different researchers with respect to the tourism industry. According to Page (2014), the push factors can be defined as the internal motives which tends to cause the different tourists to indulge in activities to reduce their respective needs. On the other hand, the pull factors can be said to the generated forces and knowledge which the tourists had about a destination (Sharpley 2014). The push factors relate to the intrinsic motivators like the desire for rest and relaxation. It can also be defined as fitness and health along with social interaction. He pull factors emerge because a destination is interactive. Moreover the push factor is important to cater to the desire to travel and the second suits the explanation of the choice of destination adopted.

Tourist Motivation

The mobility in today`s society has increased considerably and hence, in dire situations an individual tends to become obsesses with the idea and looks out for an opportunity to escape to week long trips and destinations so as to ensure they have time for relaxation. According to Gössling et al. (2012) tourism motivation involves deep questions involved about the primary reason why people travel. However, the identification of relationship between the reason why people travel and why a destination is chosen is difficult to decide. There are different motivations for the tourists identified as follows:

  • Escape- When an individual wants to get rid of the daily chores of lie.
  • Broadening the mind- When the individual tends to travel to gain more knowledge.
  • Happiness- Travelling to attain happiness
  • Freedom- Travelling to attain the freedom from burdens and responsibilities.
  • Social integration- In order to carry out an obligation.
  • Self-realization to find out one’s own self (Munar and Jacobsen 2014).
  1. Intrinsic factors

These are the factors which come in from the individuals. These factors comprise of factors like the perception of the tourists, their attitude, the values and the beliefs which they live by and the personality of the traveler (Cernat and Gourdon 2012).

  1. Extrinsic Factors

On the other hand, the extrinsic factors are factors like the place of origin, family and age, the social class one belongs to, the market conditions and other factors.

Tourism behavior can be defined as the influences and factors which tend to give shape to the tastes of the tourism and the activities which deeply tend to have an influence on the individual. According to Moutinho and Vargas-Sanchez (2018), the concept of tourism behavior has been researched for long and there have been many factors having an impact on the decision making of the individuals. These are the social influences and the personal traits. The social influences tend to be the factors like reference group, social class and family influence. On the other hand the personal traits are attitudes, motivation and perceptions.

Tourist Motivation

In The different tourist destinations can only succeed extensively if the given travelers or the tourists tend to have a large variety of choice with respect to the things they would like to do, places they would like to stay in and the different things which they would like to indulge in. Hence, any successful tourist destination needs to have 6 essential A`s or attributes which determines the correct balance and predicts the future success of the particular tourists destination.

The given A’s are as follows:

  • Accommodation
  • Accessibility
  • Activities
  • Attractions
  • Amenities
  • Ancillary service.


When an individual generally plans to travel to a particular destination, they plan to stay there for a given time frame. For this reason, it is necessary that any tourist destination has sufficient accommodations facilities (Cater 2012). The accommodation facilities may comprise of hotels, hostels, resorts and other villas where the different customers can stay comfortable. All of these can be according to different standards and may suit the need of an individual as per his choice and economic position.


Any destination cannot function well unless there are means to reach out to the given place. These may include means like airline, bus or port (Gössling 2015). If no proper accessibility options are available, it may lead to an obstacle and the investment into the tourism development of the place may go into vain.


The activities can be described as the processes or enjoyment ventures through which an individual or a person who has been travelling will be able to easily ensure that they engage in some serious and creative activity (Buhalis and Crotts 2013). Thus, a good tourist destination should have adequate means to ensure that there are considerable activities in the given place so that they are able to pass their time in a proper manner.


The amenities can be largely described as the service which is being given to the different tourists who are vising the chosen destination (Hunter 2012). The different hosts in the tourist destination need to ensure that adequate amenities are being provided to the different customers so that they are able to have a good experience. This good experience is an aspect which will be able to ensure that the tourist destination is successful in its activities or not.


The attractions can be described as the places which are present in the given the given tourist destination and tends to ensure that the place is attractive (Buhalis and Costa 2016). These attractions may be in the form of National Parks, Malls, Amusement Parks, historical Places and others.

Tourist Behavior

Ancillary Service

The Ancillary Services refer to the marketing development and the coordinating activities in the given tourist destinations present.

Hence, these places who are a tourist destination need to ensure that they comprise of all the essentials A`s in order to be successful in the long run.

The United Kingdom Tourism Sector has been growing considerably with a large population visiting the country every year. The given organizations are involved in the United Kingdom:

The travel and tourism businesses belonging to the private sector are large in number. They work with the objective of the private organizations is to earn profits.  The tourism sector is highly popular and employs around 10% of the crowd. Some of the Private sector organizations are as follows:

  • London Eye
  • Thomas Cook
  • Holiday inn
  • British Airways
  • Virgin Trains
  • Alton Towers

The different public sector organizations are the firms which are largely governed by the national and local government bodies. They function with the aim to inform, educate and to provide a safe and exceptional service to the different customers. The Department of culture, media and sports is also involved in this segment.  Some of the Public sector organizations in the United Kingdoms are as follows:

HM Treasury

Department of Business, Innovations and Skills

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Department of energy and climate
Visitor information Centers

National gallery  (Bramwell and Lane 2012).

 Regional development organizations

The voluntary sectors which are the companies involved with respect to the tourism and other related industries are generally trusts and charities. These organizations are mainly funded by the members, entrance fees to the attractions donations and fundraisers. The primary aim of the voluntary sector organizations are to preserve, promote and protect the cause. It comprises of a combination of different paid and non-paid workers (Getz and Timur 2012). Some of the examples of the Voluntary sector organizations in The United Kingdom is as follows:

1.) Tourism concern

2.) The Sealed knot

3.) The National trust

4.) Friends of Williamson’s


Therefore, from the given analysis it can be stated that tourism forms an essential part of any country and it is one of the most crucial sectors involved in any country. The given report discussed the various essentials of tourism. It was observed that tourism is an ancient concept and has evolved over the time frame so as to become what it is today. The tourism behavior and the tourism motivation have also been discussed extensively. Lastly, the six frame analysis framework has been analyzed along with the essential organizations present in the United Kingdom Tourism Sector.

The 6A Frame Analysis

There has been a growing trend with respect to the sustainable tourism aspect. Tourism has been prevalent since a long period of time and the tourists often tend to exploit a place in lieu of visiting it. The resources which are limited in nature are destroyed for the purpose of entertainment and this tends to have an adverse effect on the prosperity of a place. Hence, the concept of Sustainable Tourism needs to be practices extensively which tends to protect certain places form the exploitation caused to it by the different travelers. If countries are able to incorporate the concept of sustainable tourism well into the economy, than the society can benefit effectively.


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