Differences And Similarities Between Asian And American Cultures
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology
Education System Differences Between Asian and American Cultures
Asian and American cultures are very different from each other. There have been various researches conducted in this regard focusing on the different aspects of various ethnic groups of people living in these cultures. As a topic of interest the different cultures of Asia and America and the people abiding these cultures would be researched upon. People have their own cultural presences, education perspectives, personal grading system and many other aspects (Pascual et al., 2017).The food habits would also differ based on their eating habits, manners and their lifestyle patterns. The research study would focus more on the education system of the students abiding these cultures next. There might be different kinds of aspect based on their education system. This would help in understanding the basic questions that might arise in relation to their educational level patterns, their grading systems and many other facts. One another important aspect is based on parenting habits (Okihiro, 2014). People in both these locations would have a different approach to parenting their children.
The children belonging to the Asian and American culture also have a different aspect based on their learning aspects. This depends on their schooling technique, which would be able to teach them to deal with different situations and would also develop a variety of skills that would be helpful for them in the future. Based on a wide conduction of research on the different people based in these locations, it could be said that the people within these locations have different kinds of rituals, which are followed by them in order to maintain balances within their society. The following report would thus find out the differences between the Asian and American culture based on the above mentioned topics.
The methods used in the collection of data are based on the observation of the different cultural habits, food, religion and behavioural aspects of the people within the Asian and American culture. This would be possible by meeting different people living in these nations and thus conducting a research based on viewing their habits. I am an Asian and have stayed in the United States for a month for the purpose of conducting research among the Asian and American culture (Mertens, 2014).
Based on the conducted studies, I had noticed some distinction between both the cultures. These could be discussed as under:
- There are different kinds of aspects that would differ between both the groups of people.
- They have a variety of aspects such as their education system, food culture, parenting habits, languages spoken, and style of communication, religion and traditions. I conducted an interview within a few groups of people in both these groups of people, which had helped me to understand their basic habits (Zhang, De Pablos & Xu, 2014).
- Based on the conduction of research, I would also be making use research articles from library for gathering more valid information about the habits of both these groups of people within Asian and American culture.
During the conduction of the entire research to find about the similarities and dissimilarities between the Asian and American culture it has been possible to gather a number of similarities and differences between both these groups of people. The American culture helps in encouraging students for expressing their opinions in relation to a particular subject. This culture helps in discussing topics with other teachers and students.
Parenting Habits in Asian and American Cultures
The diversification and growth within the Asian and American culture in the recent years has been a phenomenal approach. This form of diversifications would be based on sustainable immigration of the people in these countries. There has been a diversification in the different kinds of culture that define the boundaries of the people. Parenting, education, food habits, religions are some of the aspects that define the kind of people within the Asian and American culture.
Further research within their cultural aspects would be able to define the kind of work culture within their regions. This research has helped in researching about the different kinds of roles of men and women within the society of Asia and America. These roles would be specified to them based on their abilities. Another major aspect that is mainly crucial within both the cultures is based on their religious aspects (McCloud, 2018).
Religion defines one of the cultural aspects of the people and is also followed by the people in order to maintain a balance in the society. Traditions are also another major aspect that is defined within the research. This would also help in forming various kinds of structures within the society. Both the ethnographic cultures within Asia and America are strong enough and both of them have their personal aspects, which helps in defining the lives of the people.
On the other hand, the Asian culture of schooling is completely different (Escobar, 2018). Schooling within the Asian culture is based on memorization and lectures. Schooling in the American culture is friendly and casual while in Asian culture the relationship between teachers and students is formal.
- Education System:The higher education systems in the American culture are mainly controlled by the independent groups of people or different trustees. The private schools in America are expensive as compared to the public school counterparts. Based on comparing of the two form of schooling, it could be concluded that the Asian system of schooling is better than the American systems in terms of IQ development and better rearing of students. This form of education system also helps in the development of the children and thus helps in the all-round development of the child. In the education system, the process of education is made compulsory for every student. Most of the high school students would graduate during the age of seventeen or eighteen years of age. Grades are provided to students for each course during the end of their semester. On the other hand, the Asian system of schooling has reformed their system of education and has focused on the traditional form of assessment of students. They have included scores, records and grades within the academic subjects. Hence, from the conclusion drawn from the above aspect, it could be considered that both these cultures value their education and grading systems. It has been found according to researches that in the year of 2014, the American people have spend over 16,286 USD within the entire year for educating the people in America to tertiary education from primary education. On the other hand, compared to the American countries, the Asian countries have spent much less amount of money for education. Various researches have also found that the total amount of American money spent for education has been 10 per cent more than all the global countries combined. Therefore, a clear difference is seen between the cultures of Asia and America in spending for education irrespective of the quality of education being received.
- Parenting Skills:In this aspect of the cultural difference, it can be considered that there is difference in the parenting of children in both these culture. In the American Culture, the goals of parenting are independent, social assertiveness, competence, confident and individualistic. The authoritative style of parenting is mostly regarded to be one of the most ideal forms based on the core values (Steinberg & Darling, 2017). These would also be able to promote clear and firm rules based on employing inductive reasoning. Conversely, the traditional kind of Asian families tend to be collectivistic that would emphasize on conformity self-control, humanity and focusing on interdependence. Despite the different kinds of differences between the Asian and American family processes, it could be understood that the different practices based on Western theories would be capable of explaining the form of Asian parenting that are able to dominate the existing parenting research and family practices.
- Food Habits:There are different kinds of food habits based on the growing population within the Asian and American community. During the conduction of research, I could find that the standard American diet would comprise of potatoes, meat, fries and burgers on a definite basis. The primary characteristics of an American diet would be described as fast, high in saturated fats and sugar quantity.
On the other hand, the Asian diet would comprise of rice, grains, plants, vegetables, poultry, seafood and fruits. Although there is no such resemblance of taboo on the different food items, it has been seen that the American household would consist mostly of potato chips, crackers and cheese that would satiate the hunger of the people living in those countries (Silva et al., 2014). The Asian culture would comprise of such kind of items that are healthy such as seeds, nuts, roasted seaweed and dried fruit.
Culture in Asia: The culture of Asia comprises of diverse and collective customs. They also include different kinds of traditions, architecture, art, literature, music, lifestyle and many other factors. In the Asian culture, I could find that the people in these regions prefer the physical contact during casual conversations. A common form of greeting could be described as kissing on cheeks. In these countries, Muslims would also have stricter rules based on touching (Warner, 2014). In this culture, men and women are not allowed to touch each other in a casual manner within public spaces.
Food Habits in Asian and American Cultures
The importance of the roles based on gender attitudes within the dynamics of family has been of a major form of interest. During the conduction of research, the primary goal was based on identification of attitudes based on gender roles. In the Asian culture, it has been seen that the family roles within the Asian culture are primarily governed based on hierarchy, duty and obligation (Fernandes, 2014). In these cultures, the family is considered as a collective unit. In these cultures, the perspective of an individual would be seen to be disrespectful and disruptive the families.
Each of the people within the Asian and American countries has a particular religion. The Asian culture could be considered as one of the largest and comprising of different religions. Research has been done on people based on Buddhism and Christianity. All kinds of traditions within these religions are mainly practiced in these countries (Wilson, 2014). Buddhism is regarded as the fourth largest religion in the world and is also the third largest religion in Asia.
The Christian religion is also regarded as a widespread minority religion within Asia that has more than 287 million followers. Religion is widely practiced in the Asian and American cultures. There are different kinds of practices that are followed in these cultures. Religion helps in binding the people into a single thread (Roland, 2013). People in these countries practice such kind of trends that are defined within their religion and these are mainly followed by them in order to respect their elders and follow their ancient culture.
There are different kinds of traditions and culture within the Asian culture. In these countries, Buddhism and Christianity have been considered as the predominant religions. People in both these nations follow such kind of traditions that are defined by their religions norms. People belonging within these sects follow some form of traditional meals. The people within both these cultures of Asia and America also focus on performing such kind of rituals and traditional acts that were defined within their religion aspects (Berger, 2017). This kind of streamlining of different processes would focus more on the traditional aspects of the people.
Based on the understanding from the research conducted, it has been able to formulate the most important facts based on these two aspects of Asian and American culture. Though the research was conducted within a smaller group, yet it has been able to provide much higher insights within their diversity and traditions. Based on a conduction of research based on the two cultures of people, it has been seen that the two cultures have different kinds of aspects (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2014). These include parenting habits, food habits, religions, culture, traditional acts and many others. There are diverse cultural norms that are able to reflect the cultural components of traditional religions.
Religion in Asian and American Cultures
Based on a proper form of analysis, it has been seen that the parenting habits of the people in the Asian and American culture differ by many aspects (Root & Brown, 2014). Both of these cultures nurture their children in order to make them responsible. Though the techniques of parenting are independent of each other, yet they are able to achieve a common objective. This research has also been made possible with the help of focusing on the works of different authors. They have also defined some of the aspects, which have been helpful for understanding the various facts needed during the research (Gereffi & Wyman, 2014).
Furthermore, based on the conduction of research, it could be discussed that there have been different kinds of significant differences based on regional dialect, background of their class, level of education, gender based roles and orientation of their lifestyle.
It can be said as a conclusion that, based on the conduction of research for the interviews and the works of different authors, it has been seen that both the Asian and American culture differ in some aspects. The traditions of the different people differ in terms of their religions. This research helped me to gain ideas about the various kinds of habits of the people. Different kinds of aspects such as parenting, food habits, and education systems, roles based on gender, religions and special traditions have been discussed within this area of research. There are different kinds of aspects of different people based on their kinds of considerations. Based on the considerations of their different habits, it has been able to understand about the ways in which the people living in these regions would be able to perform different kinds of traditions and cultures. With the help of this kind of knowledge, their way of living and special kind of traditions and culture have also been understood with the help of the various researches. Based on the wide form of research, it has been seen the Asian and American has some form of similarities and differences in their culture and traditions. This has been useful for the conduction of research based on these two countries and regions of people.
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