Difference Between SML And CML Line In Investment
SML and CML Line Difference in Risk and Returns
The report aims in highlighting the different level of measure, which allows investors to maximise the level of returns from investment. The difference between the SML and CML line has mainly allowed the investors to identify the level of investment risk, which needs to be evaluated before conducing investment decisions. Furthermore, the presence of minimum variance portfolio has mainly allowed investors for raising the level of income from investment, which reducing the level of risk hampering the portfolio. The calculations of CAPM allow the investor for detecting the level of expected returns, which can be generated from investment. However, there are certain level of methods, which are used by investors instead of CAPM model for detecting the level of risk and returns.
The above figures directly help in depicting the level of different characteristics of SML and CML, which can be used by investor for improving their current investment scope. Furthermore, the difference directly indicates the level of risk and return attribute, which can be used by organisations for improving their current return generation capability. Therefore, it can be detected that with the use of CML investor are able to detect the performance of a portfolio, which helps them to make adequate investment decisions. On the other hand, the SML line directly depicts the significance of a partial stock, while detecting its risk and return attribute. The difference between the CML and SML is further elaborated.
The major difference between SML and CML line is overall risk measure, which is depicted by the calculation. The calculations conducted by the SML method directly uses beta of the stock for determining the level of risk engulfing the investment. In addition, the CML adequately uses standard deviation for calculating the risk measures of the investment. Both the risk and return attributes of the stock can be used for investment by the investor for generating high level of investment. Some researcher mentioned that investors could use both the CML and SML method for detecting the risk attributes of an investment, which can generate high level of income from investment. Therefore, the different risk measures used by both the method can be confirmed as their major difference.
The output generated by both SML and CML has different level efficiency, which can help in making adequate decision regarding investment. Furthermore, the calculation of CML line directly depicts the efficient portfolio, which can be used by investor for creating an adequate investment portfolio. Therefore, the identified efficient portfolio can eventually allow the investor to improve the level of income from investment, while reducing the total risk attributes. On the other hand, the SML line directly depicts both efficient and non-efficient portfolio, which can be used by investors for detecting the risk and return attributes of the investment scope.
Efficient Portfolio Calculation Methods
The third difference that can be identified for SML and CML is the composition returns, which can be generated from investment. The SML method actually evaluates a single stock, where the returns and risk attribute are identified. On the other hand, the CML method directly utilizes a total portfolio, which can help in detecting the level of risk and return attribute. Therefore, from the evaluation it can be detected that investor can use the measure for improving their current financial performance and detect the level of risk from investment. Hence, investors can use the measure for detecting the level of risk and returns for a particular stock, which is detected from the method of SML method. Thus, investors can use CML method for adequately detecting the level of risk and return attributes of a portfolio.
The minimum variance portfolio is one of the measures, which can be used by investor for declining the level of risk from investment. On the other hand, the methods mainly help in highlighting the level of risk attributes of a stock, which can be used for preparing the portfolio. Therefore, minimum variance portfolio is mainly used for drafting an adequate portfolio, which can be used for understanding the level of risk and return attributes of the investment. Thus, the minimum variance portfolio directly allows the investor to create an investment scope, where the total risk from investment is considered to be the lowest. Thus, investors can use the minimum variance portfolio for detecting the level of income from investment, which can be generated from the combination of stocks listed in the portfolio.
The significance of minimum variance portfolio is depicted as follows.
The major significance of minimum variance portfolio is creating an adequate combination of stocks, which can portray low risk and high returns. In addition, the method adequately segregates stocks on the basis of risk and return attributes. This calculation also helps in detecting the combination of different weights, which can be used for investment purposes. Therefore, it indicates that the use of diversified stocks in a portfolio allow investor to segregate the investment and maximize the level of income from investment.
The minimum variance portfolio calculation also helps investor in making adequate investment ion certain stocks, which reduce the overall risk attributes. This reduction in risk attributes would eventually allow the investor to maximize the level of income that can be generated from the specified risk attribute. Therefore, the lowest risk depicted by the portfolio is taken into consideration by the investor, while making the adequate investment decisions. The detection of adequate risk and return of a stock directly allows the investor to formulate an adequate investment decision and maximize the level of returns.
Minimum Variance Portfolio Creation and Analysis
The minimum variance portfolio also helps in shielding the investors against the volatile capital market movement, which directly secures the investor against negative price movement. The formulated portfolio also allows the investor to maximize the level of income, which can be obtained from investment. Therefore, the investor can effectively improve the level of returns from their investment with the help of Minimum variance portfolio.
The minimum variance portfolio also ensures the investor to create an accurate portfolio for investment, which does not have high risk, while generates adequate returns. The minimum variance portfolio lists the combination of stock and the weights needed in the portfolio adequately. Therefore, it can be assured that investor can use the measure for selecting the combination of low risk and high-risk securities for generating high level of income. Hence, the creation of minimum variance portfolio supports conservative investors to maximize the level of income, while reducing the total risk attributes of the exposure.
The formula of CAPM method is directly depicted in the above figure, which depicts the level of minimum returns that can be generated from an investment. The investors for detecting the expected returns from a particular stock directly use the CAPM model. Furthermore, the valuation also utilizes the risk-free rate, risk premium and beta of the stock to determine the minimum expected returns of an investment. CAPM model directly acts on the beta level of a particular stock, where the rising risk level would push forward the expected return of the stock. Therefore, it could be understood that investors use the CAPM method for analyzing the expected return on the basis of risk factors that is affecting the price structure of the stock. On the contrary, argued that the assumptions needed by CAPM model relatively increases the reliability of the expected returns that has been calculated for a particular stock. However, it can be understood that due to the simplicity of CAPM calculation investors are able to evaluate the current trajectory of the stock and understand the level of returns that it could provide.
CAPM is considered to be a single Factor Model, which does not evaluate different attributes of a particular stock. This is the main reason where different models have been created, which can be used for detecting the return attributes of a particular stock. The major alternatives to the CAPM model is the multi beta models, market price based model, and accounting information based models, which are used by investors for analyzing the risk attributes of a particular stock. However, the above depicted models relatively uses and calculations which needs to be conducted by the investor to derive the expected return of a particular stock. Nevertheless, the CAPM model does not force the investor to use hand calculations for deriving a particular expected return of a stock, which reduces the excessive work that needs to be conducted by the investor.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
There are certain significance and limitations of CAPM model, which are depicted as follows.
The reduction in complexity of the CAPM model has a relatively helped the equation to be favorite of investors for a long duration. Investors have been using the model for calculating the expected returns, where only the beta, market returns, and risk free rate is needed for deriving the minimum returns that needs to be provided by the particular stock. The easy calculation that is conducted by CAPM has mainly motivated the investors to utilize the model for deriving the expected returns of the selected stocks.
However, there are certain limitations of the CAPM model, which relatively reduces the reliability of the equation in delivering adequate expected returns of the stock. The assumption that is made by the model is relatively unrealistic, as the accurate risk-free rate and market returns cannot be determined for a particular stock. Furthermore, the equation is relatively considered to be a single period model where it only provides the year and Returns and does not evaluate the Future growth of the stock. However, the arbitrage pricing theory is a relatively developed for overcoming the weaknesses of CAPM model, which can be used by investors to detect more realistic output of the stock.
The assessment directly helps in detecting the significance of an adequate portfolio creation, which can be conducted with the help of minimum variance portfolio, capital market line, security market line, and Capital Asset pricing model. The combination of the above theories would eventually allow the investors to detect the adequate investment scope, which might have low risk from investment. The further evaluation of capital market line and security market line directly indicates that investors can use the measures to analyze a particular stock or a Portfolio for generating high level of income from investment. Currently investors use Capital Asset pricing model for detecting the expected returns of a particular stock, which is essential in understanding the level of risk and return attributes of an investment. Lastly, with the help of minimum variance portfolio investors are able to create an adequate investment scope, which has the lowest risk possible with a certified amount of return from investment.
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