Difference Between Role Of A Manager And The Function Of A Leader

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Employees of an organization need to know the difference between a Leader and Manager, and their role within the organization. Leaders and Manager main responsibilities are to unite and maintain the team at work, therefore they need to know how to approach the employees correctly in order to maintain the production, retain staff and growth. Through this assignment I will define the role of leader and manager within an organization.

Also, I will explain different theories and methods for approaching the team and applying those theories with a company. I will use the company Rail Gourmet Ltd as an example for this assignment, which is a British multinational company founded in 1961, with main headquarters in UK, providing mainly catering and services to rail stations and airport in UK and Europe. And at the end of my assignment I will give my conclusion and refences.

1.Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of leaders and manager 

Definition of leaders and managers

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Leaders and managers play a vital role in an organization as the performance of the organization are dependent on the manner in which operations of the organization are managed. Objectives of every company are to provide quality products or services to the customers and enhancing the growth and success changes. Both are working for performing the operations in an effective manner by attaining the goals and objectives of the organization (Mullins, 2010). Rail Gourmet is focusing on enhancing the performance by effectively using the leadership and managerial skills.

A leader is an individual who ensures the completion of the task by the employees for the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization. Leaders focus on motivating the employees by applying leadership and communication skills. Leaders provide guidance to the employees which provide a direction to the performance of the employees. Leaders are responsible for influencing and inspiring the employees for the purpose of enhancing the level of efficiency and productivity of the company. A leader commands the group of people by leading them (Lunenburg, 2011). Rail Gourmet is using the concept of a leader so as to clearly set the vision for the company, motivating the employees and guiding the efforts of the employees.

For every organization, there is a need of leading as the actions of the leaders enhances the morale of the employees and contributes to the performance of the employees. For the promotion of the teamwork, there is a need to apply leadership skills. The efficiency of the organization is dependent on the concept of leadership. Leadership acts as a refining process for the refining of the skills of the employees and building the platforms of values for the organization (Bass, 2010).

Learning Outcomes

On the other hand, Manager can be explained as the individual working in an organization who is responsible for designing and managing the work of the organization for guiding the efforts in the right direction. A manager is responsible for developing and establishing the policies and strategies and allocation of the task to the staff for the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization.

A manager is an individual who keeps control and is responsible for the administration of the operations of the organization. Different departments have their managers who are performing the tasks of different departments (Reynolds & Warfield, 2010). Manager of the Rail Gourmet is responsible for supervising and motivating the employees for performing the roles assigned to them effectively.

Management of the resources is done by the manager of the different departments for ensuring the attainment of the goals. As a manager, an individual need to be concerned regarding the appraisal of the employees on the basis of their performance at regular intervals. The reason behind the distribution of the managers on different levels is to effectively manage the operations of different departments. There are different departments in Rail Gourmet such as Sales department, manufacturing department, IT department, human resources department, finance department, customer care department and purchase department. Managers of these departments are focusing on meeting the targets set (Algahtani, 2014).

Comparison between Leader and manager

 P2.Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in different situational contexts in the organization Managers and leaders place their efforts for the purpose of guiding the efforts in the right direction so as to attain the objectives of the organization. A manager performs different functions for the purpose of meeting the obligations and fulfilling the roles and responsibilities assigned to the manager. Different leadership style are available which provide support to the functions of the management.

There is a need to develop a balance between the management and leadership so as to ensure that the operations of the company are not getting affected. Role of an effective leader is to develop new approaches in the workplace and then institutionalising those approaches within the system in relation with achievement of organizational goals. Apart from this, managerial function is to lead, control, plan and organising other’s work so that the organizational goals could be acquired in an effective manner (Algahtani, 2014). Below are unique roles of a leader and functions of a manager in different situational contexts in the organization:Roles of leaders:

  • Convincing its teammates to work for group objectives
  • Developing cordial relations with teammates in order to acquire organizational goals
  • Promotes unique and distinct method for producing new products and services (Rue, 2013).
  • Plays crucial role in promoting innovation and teamwork
  • Uses unique and distinct methodology for motivating employees towards teamwork to ensure organizational success (Robin & Langton, 2010).

Functions of manager:

  • Planning: determines the actions of the organization in a systematic manner so that the desired goals could be attained
  • Organizing: forms a formal structure of authority with a combination of both human and material resources (Gesell & Med, 2010).
  • Directing: displaying the appropriate path to employees so that the tasks could be done in the affective manner
  • Controlling: developing standards for measuring the performance. Also take certain actions in order to monitor, review and control employees’ actions.

A team leader is a person who has the capabilities to provide appropriate directions, instructions to a group of individuals which is also known as team in order to acquire a set of goals and objectives of an organization. Major role of a leader in Rail Gourmet Ltd. is to identify strengths and weaknesses of his team members so that the appropriate tasks could be accomplished in an effective manner. Apart from this, they are also responsible for getting the work done from teammates as per the policies, rules and standards of the organization (Rue, 2013).Whereas, a manager of Rail Gourmet Ltd.

performs its functions so that outcomes could be originated as per the expectations. A manager is not only responsible for controlling a single team, he has several other duties to perform such as conducting meeting with employees, resolving their issues, getting feedbacks from them, taking orders from top level management, implementing them in the workplace, developing strategies and moulding as per the scenarios, etc.

Assessment Criteria

 P3.Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership, and contingency Different theories and models of operational management are being considered by the organizations which help in the elimination of the waste and enhancing the performance of the company. Leadership plays a vital role in the management which provides support to the efficiency of the operations of the organization and attainment of the goals of the organization. Leadership is crucial for the business as it helps in initiating actions, motivates, provide guidance, develops confidence, builds morale, enhances the work environment and better coordination (Abbas & Asghar, 2010). These theories are situational leadership, system leadership, contingency leadership theory and chaos theory.

  • The situational theory focuses on the aspect that the leaders need to behave in the manner which is determined by the situation of the action faced by the leader. This theory states that the leader adopts different theories depending on the situation faced by the leader. There is no particular theory which is followed by the leader. An organization faces different situations and need to adopt suitable leadership theories for dealing with the situation. Leaders of Rail Gourmet need to analyse different situations and selection has to be done of the suitable theory.
  • The leader of Rail Gourmet can take decisions on the basis of the situation so as to effectively deal with the situation faced. Impact of this theory can be seen on the performance and decision making process of the organization along with the enhancement in the growth chances of the business (Michie & Zumitzavan, 2012).


  • System leadership promotes creativity and innovation in an organization which helps the employees to deal with the different situations in a better manner. The focus of this theory is on the welfare of the employees as well as of the organizations. With the use of system leadership theory Rail Gourmet will be able to enhance the growth chances and development of the organization. The organization can formulate plans as per the resources available which will ensure reduction of the wastage of the resources (Otley, 2016).


  • Contingency leadership theory states that there is no best style available to an organization which can deal with every situation prevailing at the workplace. Suitability of the theory for the situation determines the selection of the type of leadership theory. Impact of the contingency leadership theory can be seen on the enhancement in the performance of the employees and development of the culture of the organization.
  • Two approaches can be considered in the contingency leadership theory and these theories include task-oriented approach and relationship-oriented approach (Ng`ethe, et. al., 2012). In the task oriented approach, Rail Gourmet can focus on increasing the productivity of the employees contributing to the efficiency of the organization. In the relationship-oriented approach focus of the Rail Gourmet will be on enhancing the satisfaction level of the employees and motivating them for retention of the employees.


  • Chaos theory states that there are chances where changes are taking place in the market which create an impact on the global economy. For adapting the situation, there is a need to change the objectives, goals, and strategies (Hannay, 2013). With the help of this theory, adaptability skills of the employees of Rail Gourmet can be enhanced. This theory states that the environment in which business operates is never stable.

  P4.Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and managers play Rail Gourmet Ltd. Is part of SSP group and is a privately owned company which is a British multinational retailing and catering company mainly providing services to train stations and airports, with 125 airports and 270 railway stations units. Headquarter of Rail Gourmet Ltd. Is in London, United Kingdom. Rail Gourmet was founded in the year 1961 under the name SAS and renamed and sold to SSP group in 1993. The focus of the Rail Gourmet is on providing quality products including food and beverage, magazines, restaurants and shoes and clothing to the customers.

Rail Gourmet maintains a strong employee base of more than 150,000 employees approx. around the globe who are working on meeting the expectations of the customers (SSP – RG, accessed 2018). Different approaches have been identified to operations management which can be used by Rail Gourmet. These approaches to operations management are mentioned below:

  • Total quality management: it can be explained as the process of keeping a check on the tasks or activities of the organization for the purpose of maintaining the expected level of excellence. With the use of TQM, organizations can formulate and implement quality planning, ensuring a control on the quality and continuous improvement of the quality. Seven principles are considered in TQM which include customer focus, strong leadership, the involvement of people, systematic approach to management, continuous improvement, factual approach to the process of decision making and supplier relation with mutual benefit. Leaders ensure that workforce is involved and utilized in an effective manner and establishes performance measures (Machado, et. al., 2017).


  • Just-in-time inventory: it helps in enhancing the efficiency and reduces the wastage of the resources. Use of this approach in the operations management will focus on reduction of the wastage of the resources and enhance the level of efficiency. By adopting this approach, Rail Gourmet can enhance the productivity and performance by reducing the wastage of the efforts and resources during the production process of the products (Ganga, 2011).


  • Kaizen approach: the focus of this approach is on enhancing the efficiency of every function of the organization. The motive of this approach is to reduce the waste and enhancing the standards set for the activities and processes. With the use of this approach, Rail Gourmet can develop teamwork, overcoming the barriers faced by the departments and attainment of the higher level of quality and innovation. Managers use this approach for the identification of the scope of the task, measurement of the success chances of the team and to help the subordinates for resolving the issues or problems (Akkerman, et. al., 2010).


  • Six Sigma: focus of this approach is on elimination of the defects in the manufacturing process for enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers. With the use of this approach, Rail Gourmet can enhance the return on sales, investment and provide growth opportunities to the employees and enhancing the effectiveness of the production process (Fakhimi, et. al., 2016).


  • Craft Manufacturing: This is an approach under which skilled crafts people manufactures unique variety of goods in low volume in order to meet with different individual’s specific needs. This approach is usually applied at small scale enterprises, small workshops or at homes. Sometimes, it is also executed by entrepreneurs with low level of competition. For example: furniture manufacturing, door step food delivery chains, clock making, etc. type of industries are still using craft manufacturing approach to make their products unique and that too at minimum cost (Deflorin & Scherrer-Rathje, 2012).


  • Mass production: This is an opposite approach of craft manufacturing because under this approach production of goods is done in high volumes with low varieties. Primary reasons behind this are to reduce the cost of production and it is assumed that customers will purchase what will be delivered to hi rather than purchasing requirements satisfactory goods. Due to mass production, prices of the finished goods are not such high; hence, demand for the products could easily be enhanced (Yoon, et. al., 2013).

 P5.Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives The term operations management covers the overseeing process, designing process, control on the production process and designing the operations of the business. Operations management plays a vital role in every organization. Operations management can be understood as the set of activities which are engaged in the creation of the value in the form of the products or services. Impact of the operations management can be seen on the productivity and performance of the organization.

Rail Gourmet can use operations management for the attainment of the set objectives of the business. Different functions of the operations management can be used for grabbing the opportunities available and dealing with the challenges faced by the Rail Gourmet. The focus of the operations management is on managing the different aspects of the operations of the business (Brand, 2011). There are various functions of operations management which are discussed below:

  • Designing: designing process includes the execution of the manufacturing or production process where products or services are being manufactured for meeting the demands of the customers. Objectives of every organization are to fulfil the demands of the customers by manufacturing or producing the products or services and to make profits (Helbig, 2011). The efficient designing process will help Rail Gourmet in enhancing the performance by improving the manufacturing process of the company. Designing process of Rail Gourmet ensures that the products are being offered according to the need of the customers. The focus of Rail Gourmet is on meeting the benchmarks set for the quality of the products so as to comply with the standards.


  • Planning: It is a process of thinking under which all activities are designed in such a manner so that the desired goals could be attained. Planning function contributes to the effectiveness of the organization for dealing with the changing situations of the environment in a better manner (Battistoni, et. al., 2013). Rail Gourmet will be able to deal with the changing business environment in a better manner with the help of planning process. Rail Gourmet will be capable of analysing the changes in a better manner and formulating an outline for coping with the changes.


  • Managing: management is an essential factor which determines the chances of success and growth of the business. Management can be of the different resources of the organization including finance, human resource, technology and raw material. Effective utilization of the resources is dependent on the capability of the organization to manage these resources. Rail Gourmet can use this process for effectively utilizing the resources available and contributes to the performance of the organization. Management can be done on the different aspects including training, leadership, and culture of the organization. Employees can be managed in a proper manner for the purpose of encouraging them to perform better (Patel, et. al., 2017).


  • Coordinating: coordination helps in interrelating things different parts of the work with each other. Different roles and responsibilities of the job can be coordinated with each other for performing the operations as a team in a better manner. This process will help in ensuring that the employees are performing by supporting each other. Different operations of the organization are being performed by coordinating with the other operations. Rail Gourmet can use this function of operations management for enhancing the relationship between the different operations and teams. Coordination is the essence of the organization as this reduces the wastage of resources (Zheng, et. al., 2010).


  • Globalization of the economy: due to entries of multinational corporations from foreign markets industry rivalry is being intense. In order to gain success and for maintaining an effective presence in the markets, local corporations are inventing unique methods for improving their efficiency. Operations managers are responsible for fulfilling their customer’s needs by adopting unique measures and advanced methodologies (Patel, et. al., 2017).


  • Total quality management: This approach is majorly used for improving the quality of existing products and services of an organization. In relation to improve the quality, TQM approach plays essential role in order to identify each and every stage of production i.e. from purchasing of raw materials to delivery of finished goods. Reviewing all stages helps the organization to identify the area in which scope of improvement is possible through which desired goals would be acquired easily.


  • Empowerment: Earlier, this approach was used for executing cost-effective operations. In modern times, responsibility of decision making processes is being assigned to the people who had actually performed the work. This is done to build trust amongst the employees as well as to make them realize about importance within the workplace (Battistoni, et. al., 2013).


  • Technology: Information technology has an essential role in executing operations management as it extracts various new opportunities to execute organizational functions in an effective manner. It is the duty of a manager to gather information about all aspects of the technological factors so that appropriate technology could be applied as per the requirement of the scenario (Helbig, 2011).On the other side; technology could also be a negative factor for organizational efficiency if it will not be managed in managed in an effective manner.
  • Improving service sector productivity: As a major consumer of resources it is important to improve service sector productivity. With the help of this factor, organizations in private sector could be able to increase their profitability and develop new opportunities to enter into foreign markets. While public sector enterprises will be able to increase their rate of return over the money invested by public.

Role of operation manager in generating value for attaining goals and objectives are:Quality: producing products and services as per the standards and the available resources within the workplace. Operation manager is also responsible for adopting advanced measures for improving the quality of their products and services so that organizational overall performance could be improved.Speed: This objective defines the time taken for accomplishment of a particular project.Dependability: this objective defines the reliability of the organization towards its customers.

This could be analysed from the organizational consistency in relevance with the quality of the products and services.Flexibility: how quickly the operation can change to meet new demands.Cost: cost incurred for accomplishment of tasks in relation with acquiring desired goals and objectives.         
 P6.Assess the different factors within the organization’s environment that may impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers Managers and leaders supervise the operations of the employees and ensure that the work is being done in an effective manner by the employees. The environment in which an organization contains internal as well as external factors which affect the operations of the organization. There are various factors present in the business environment of the organization which creates an impact on the operational management and decision-making by the leaders and managers. These factors are discussed below:

  • Availability of the resource: decisions of the managers, leaders and operations management gets affected due to the availability of the resources in an organization. Thus, it is necessary to arrange the resources in an appropriate manner so that the tasks could be performed in an efficient manner. Decisions are taken on the basis of the resources of the organization. There are different types of resources which are required by an organization. These resources determine the success of the operations of the organization (Shieh & Wang, 2010).


  • Policies, rules, and regulations: there are various policies formulated by the organization for the execution of the operations of the business. Operations management and decision-making process of the managers and leaders get affected by the policies formulated by the government and organization. Actions or operations of the organization are performed on the basis of the policies, rules, and


  • Culture: the culture of the organization creates an impact on the decision-making process of the managers and leaders. Culture plays a vital role in shaping the behavior of the manager and leader. Values or principles adopted by the managers or leaders are based on the culture of the organization. These values and principles affect the decision making process of the employees (Facbac, 2010).
  • Mission and objectives: decisions regarding the business operations need to be taken on the basis of the mission and objectives of the organization. Managers and leaders of Rail Gourmet need to consider the mission and objective of the organization while taking decision and management of the operations of the organization.


  • Sustainability: the focus of the organization is on promoting sustainability and performing the operations of the organization within the ethical framework. CSR is a business approach which is used for the attainment of sustainable development. Rail Gourmet has to consider whether the operations are performed in the right manner or not. The focus needs to be on the betterment of the local community so as to ensure that the local communities are not getting affected by the operations of the business.


  • Financial factors: decisions of the managers and leaders are dependent on different resources. One of the most important resources is financial resources. Finance is required for the execution of the operations of the company and putting the decisions into action (Yu & Zhang, 2010).


  • Legal Consequences: while taking decisions, managers and leaders need to consider the legal consequences of the decision. There are various rules and regulations formulated by the government for the safety and security of the different stakeholders of the business. Legal consequences can create an impact on the reputation and environment at the workplace of the organization at large.


  • Relationship with the stakeholders: there are different stakeholders of an organization who have a substantial interest in the operations of the business. Managers and leaders need to satisfy the expectations of the different stakeholders while making decisions and conducting the operations of the company (Tran & Tian, 2013).


  • Change in the technology: technological changes are taking place in the business environment at a very fast speed. Managers and leaders need to take decisions by considering these technological changes so as to gain maximum benefit. Operations of the organization need to be managed and performed by using the effective and efficient technology.


  • The value system of the organization: value system includes principles and standards which are considered as an important factor in an organization. Standards need to set for the production and working environment so as to ensure that the quality of the product or environment at the workplace is not getting affected (Facbac, 2010).


  • Support from the employees: decisions taken by the managers and leaders are being implemented with the support of the employees. For the execution of the operations of the organization, support of the employees needs to be developed. Support from the employees will ensure that the operations of the company are being performed without any adverse impact. Managers and leaders need to consider the satisfaction level of the employees for the purpose of meeting the expectations of the employees.


 In conclusion, it is extremely important that all employees, including leaders and managers, need to know their role within the company. Leaders must maintain the harmony in their team and make sure that followers follow their orders to ending the tasks; and Managers need to appropriately approach their employees and controlling the in-puts an out-puts of production. By listening and correctly approach the employees, staff will be fully motivating and committed to work and follow orders;

As a result, organizations will have a potentially advantage of production and growth, if they appropriately approach their team. Effective teamwork increases a company efficiency and assists in faster achievement of organisational goals. Organizations will need to apply the theories and methods mentioned on this assignment to achieve their goals.    


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Communication of policies

Leaders focus on communicating and influencing the employees for complying with the policies (Mullins, 2010).

Managers focus on communication of the policies among the employees.


The leader is responsible for providing directions to a team. The leader ensures that effective allocation of the resources is there and roles are clearly understood by the employees.

Provides direction to the groups. Managers assign the roles and responsibilities to the employees.


Focus of leader is on people

Focus of manager is on things

Relation with objectives

Leaders are responsible for persuading the objectives

Managers are responsible for setting the objectives (Lunenburg, 2011).

Creation and implementation of the ideas

The leader put the ideas constructed into the implementation process.

Manager formulates the ideas.

Guidance to the employees

Leader motivates the employees for performing the task

Manager provides direction to the employee regarding the task.


Role of the leader is to motivate and inspire the employees for performing better.

Role of the manager is to formulate plans for the company.


Leaders motivate the employees for gaining the best outcome (Bass, 2010).

Managers are responsible for the staffing function.


Leaders focus on the efficient allocation of the resources and motivating the employees.

Managers focus on organization and utilization of the resources in an optimal manner.


Leaders focus on the implementation of the strategies.

Managers focus on the formulation of the strategies (Reynolds & Warfield, 2010).

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