Development Of A Sales Support Application For Health Insurance Company
Background and Purpose
The project specification is report is prepared for the development of the application of a health insurance company such that the sales representatives are benefitted to share the insurance plans and policies with the customer. A mobile application is developed by adding valuable design and information to the wireframe interfaces and sharing it to the users for getting feedback about the improvement that can be made in the final project. A research is done on the needs of the targeted group of user and the organization of aligning the business rules with the application and get the desirable outcome form the application.
The report is prepared for discussing the background of the project and the purpose of development of the application. A solution design of the project is presented that shows the mock-ups and wireframes prepared for the development of the application. A project schedule is also prepared listing the different activities involved for the project development and identification of the time frame for the completion of the project.
An insurance company is selected that is specialized in commercial, personal, speciality and health insurance. The policies have different range and coverage and have the requirement for building sales support application to the sales executive needed for the management of current business process. The application is needed to align the business process and intended to increase the sales of the insurance policy (Shaheen, Cohen and Martin 2017). For the development of the project an estimation of the time and cost is needed to be created for the development of the application. A wireframe prototype is needed to be created and approved by the users and management team for increasing the usability and starting the application development (Sarason, Pierce and Sarason 2014). The mobile platform is needed to be selected for designing the application. The aims and objectives of the application is also needed to be understood such that optimal choice is essential and the functionality is needed to be created in modules such that it can be connected with the back end for increasing the efficiency of the application.
The functionality of the application and its purpose is needed to be identified defining the content of the application and getting desired feedback from the users. The access of the information for the application is needed to be provided to the employees and they are needed to be divided into different groups such that the sensitive information are kept safe (Jones and Moffitt 2016). The approval of the project design is necessary for starting the development of the application. The application should have all the information about the selling policy such that sales agent are aware of the policy and they can convey it to the customer for eliminating the risk of miscommunication and thus improve the customer relation and loyalty. For the development of the application the targeted group of user is needed to be identified such that the interface of the application is aligned with the user needs (Al Ayubi et al. 2016). The project background is needed to be identified such that sufficient information is available for the development of the application. Awareness is needed to be increased and the application should also suggest the best policy suited for the customer on inputting the customer information.
Solution Design
The main purpose for development of the application is to increase the efficiency of business management and deploy service and management for streamlining the promotion and sales of the insurance policy. The policy that is available with the organization is needed to be available in the database with all the details such that it can be fetched by the sales representatives for displaying it and sharing it with the customers (Laurence et al. 2019). Prior starting the project development the ideas is need to be discussed with the team members and time frames is need to be developed for segmentation of the development and identification of the time frame (Sukale, Koval and Voida 2014). A prototype is needed to be developed and shared with the users such that the user needs is verified and the errors in the project is identified and results in improving the quality of the application. The targeted user of the application is needed to be defined for identifying the potential of the application and identifying the devices that are needed to be supported by the application (Zhang et al. 2017). The application is also needed to support the banners and adds and highlight the best-selling application for pushing it to the user for increasing the consumption.
The application is also needed to support other peripheral devices such as biometric scanner for getting the finger print of the customer and verification of the policy and signing agreement with the customer such that onsite support is improved. The application is also needed to support referral and focus on the recent trend for providing discount on the less popular policies such that more number of users are attracted and the customer relationship can be improved (Lopez 2016). Storage option is essential for storing the customer verification document and thus the application helps in uploading the scanned copy of the customer document n the organisational server. More number of customers can be handled at a time and the customer accounts can be opened from the application for providing better flexibility and management of customer.
For the development of the mobile application a mock ups of the design is prepared and attached with the report that would help the development team to understand the functionality of the application develop the functional modules according to the requirement. For the development of the application a mobile application development platform is needed to be selected for rapidly building and testing the application for tablets and smartphone (Nitze 2015). The application can be developed by the organization itself or a third party vendor can be engaged for including the backend services and with the front end for deploying the application. For starting the development different factors such as selection of cloud based or on premises services is important. A cross platform development can also be used such that the application developed is compatible with multiple operating system. The following are the wireframe designs that are created for the project and used as a prototype of understanding the needs of the user and manages the changes for the development of the application (Lagerstrom et al. 2014). A requirement of the application is needed to be discussed with the stakeholders such that all the features and functionality can be included in the application and improve the performance of the application. The monetization strategy for the deployment of the application is needed to be discussed and a simplicity is needed to be maintained for the design of the interface such that the usability is improved (Kobylinski et al. 2014). A feedback mechanism is needed to be added such that continuous improvement can be enforced and the look and feel of the application is made attractive.
Identification of Targeted User
The application is targeted to benefit the organization by reducing the response time and improving the relationship with the customer. It also helps in reducing the data redundancy and time needed by the employees to search for the best plan according to the requirement of the customer. The deployment of the application would help in smoothening the business operation and combined with the functionality of different modules to perform different operation from a single interface (He and Da Xu 2014). The application would also help the organization to analyse the opportunity in the market and respond accordingly to address the shifts in the market trend and the issues faced by the sales executives while selling the policies.
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Predecessors |
Development of sales support application |
29 days |
Fri 29-03-19 |
Wed 08-05-19 |
Idea of the Application |
7 days |
Fri 29-03-19 |
Mon 08-04-19 |
Evaluation of the idea |
1 day |
Fri 29-03-19 |
Fri 29-03-19 |
Business planning |
2 days |
Mon 01-04-19 |
Tue 02-04-19 |
2 |
Evaluation of the Market |
2 days |
Wed 03-04-19 |
Thu 04-04-19 |
2,3 |
Development of the market strategy |
2 days |
Fri 05-04-19 |
Mon 08-04-19 |
3,4 |
Implementation of the market strategy |
9 days |
Tue 09-04-19 |
Fri 19-04-19 |
testing and feasibility study of the market |
1 day |
Tue 09-04-19 |
Tue 09-04-19 |
5 |
Coding |
5 days |
Wed 10-04-19 |
Tue 16-04-19 |
7 |
Building the wireframe of the application |
4 days |
Wed 10-04-19 |
Mon 15-04-19 |
7 |
Designing of the user interface |
8 days |
Wed 10-04-19 |
Fri 19-04-19 |
7 |
Experiencing the user design |
3 days |
Wed 10-04-19 |
Fri 12-04-19 |
7 |
Development of the user interface |
2 days |
Mon 15-04-19 |
Tue 16-04-19 |
11 |
Development of the low fidelity prototype |
2 days |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Thu 18-04-19 |
Testing of the prototype |
2 days |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Thu 18-04-19 |
8 |
Debugging |
2 days |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Thu 18-04-19 |
8 |
Development of the showcase |
4 days |
Fri 19-04-19 |
Wed 24-04-19 |
Showcase prototype to the client |
2 days |
Fri 19-04-19 |
Mon 22-04-19 |
15 |
Front-end development |
1 day |
Tue 23-04-19 |
Tue 23-04-19 |
17 |
Backend development |
1 day |
Wed 24-04-19 |
Wed 24-04-19 |
18 |
Creation of the test script |
1 day |
Tue 23-04-19 |
Tue 23-04-19 |
17,14 |
Execution of the test script |
14 days |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Mon 06-05-19 |
Debugging the issues |
5 days |
Wed 24-04-19 |
Tue 30-04-19 |
20 |
Development of the high fidelity website |
1 day |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Wed 17-04-19 |
8 |
Press release app to the client |
1 day |
Wed 01-05-19 |
Wed 01-05-19 |
22 |
Application training for the administration |
1 day |
Thu 02-05-19 |
Thu 02-05-19 |
24 |
Development of the application |
2 days |
Fri 03-05-19 |
Mon 06-05-19 |
24,25 |
Feedback gathering |
16 days |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Wed 08-05-19 |
Making the final changes |
1 day |
Wed 17-04-19 |
Wed 17-04-19 |
8 |
Demonstrate to the investors |
1 day |
Tue 07-05-19 |
Tue 07-05-19 |
26 |
Official launch |
1 day |
Wed 08-05-19 |
Wed 08-05-19 |
29 |
From the project specification report it can be concluded that for the development of a good mobile application development the steps are needed to be defined such that key aspects of the application can be defined. It also helps in finding the suitability for the development of the application and defining the essentials for supporting the market. A research is needed to be done on the needs of the targeted audience such that the application is developed aligning the needs of the user and determining what type of devices are needed to be supported by the application. The application is needed to support google API integration of detecting the location of the sales executive and maintain a track on them and monitoring their activity for increasing the efficiency of management.
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