Developing Team Building Competency & Sustainable Leadership In Organizations

The Importance of Team Leadership in Organizational Culture

Discuss about the Conflict and Creativity in Interdisciplinary Teams.

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A team leader should play the role of establishing a positive culture at the workplace keeping the human resources at the focus. Building and maintaining a sustainable organisational culture which ensures a strong and congruent relation and collaboration among the employees, we have to implement practices that reflects the core values of team leadership like trust, honour, successful collaboration, frequent adaptation to innovation and a commitment towards people’s growth. According to the ideas of Aga, Noorderhaven and Vallejo (2016), this helps to raise the industrial standard and make the organisation, a workplace of choice for the employees.

The following aspects are considered in this team building competency development planning process:

Learning together and creating experience since we started working on this project

Analysis of what I learned as an outcome of working on a project of team building and sustainable leadership.

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An empirical study on relationship building, collaborative learning and team building

Three lenses have been utilised for this analytical work. They are my personal urge of learning about Christocentric transformational team building and team leading capabilities, AI and Ra as well.

As a team leader, my choice of incorporating the ideals of AI allows me to reframe the illustrations from case studies I have provided and focus on idealising the working standards in any organisation. Even, Boies, Fiset and Gill (2015), patronises this conception. The outcome is similar-building of an organisational culture that which fosters innovation, employees’ growth and change as well. Framing of Team Building leadership with RA techniques and methodologies in companion with the AI lens have the potential to produce the following outcomes:

  • Expose the organisational leadership towards external possibilities, and enable collaborative learning and thinking for change.
  • Developing creative potential among individuals and consequently rejecting the policies of recycling and reusing the existing ideas
  • Creating a workforce that is more motivated and engaged with the organisational goals

Further RA helps me to align my action plan and analysis with the Carver Policy Model that has been implemented by the organisation and helped them to yield desired results. According to Bolden (2016), the accountability of policy governance rests on the owners of the organisation to the council of leadership to the Executive officers and employees of the organisation. Every department and its head plays the role of encouraging the subsidiaries for better performance.

It is very important that I evaluate my learning of leadership qualities that I analyse and align them to the objective of improvement of the organisational culture. Influenced from the findings of Cameron (2014), I can opine that I also require to have an eye on the desired results that I want to achieve, that is my leadership goals in the team.

Implementing Innovative Management Tools and Communication Methods using AI and RA

In my opinion, organisational collaboration is likely to be defined as the level up to which exchange of ideas, fostering team work and collaborative working on the organisation’s projects have been encouraged by the organisation. Again, Chiu, Owens and Tesluk (2016), also opines that external collaborative strategies can be used in amalgamation with the internal collaborative policies of the organisation to achieve the same. This open end methodology of working is essential for organisational success. There are certain skills, behaviour as well as attitude that is directly linked with the cultural setting in an organisation. Collaboration is a crucial component that fosters organisational culture as well as ensure organisational success. Again establishing relationship is crucial for collaborative working in a company. Here lies the relevance of team building, since the team can best reflect the postulates of collaborative working. In order to demonstrate collaborative working in a team certain elements have been clarified.

My aim is to exhibit advanced abilities for creating connections that the individuals of any particular workgroup in any organisation share.  DuBois et al. (2015), holds that this is very essential for engaging the employees and developing a sense of ownership and emotional connection with the organisation. These aims capitulate on activities that ensure competent team leadership such as collaborating with other team members and thereby reflecting the values like congruency within the team and enhancing group engagement through personal motivation.

The team is to be given a certain level of autonomy and empowerment in order to generate value and purpose within the company.

Hereby I would focus my ideas and learnings on the three premium levels of Revised Taxonomy of Bloom, which are analysis, evaluation and creation. Again, I believe that in order to increase the competency of industrial collaboration and relationship, the following metrics have to be explained.

The first is the urgent requirement of developing competency among the team members and others in an organisation by mutually motivating other by the dint of personal performance in the context of the organisation.

The second is realising the value of negotiation for understanding the organisational goals and developing consensus about them. As opined by Goetsch and Davis (2014), this helps to resolve conflict within the employees.

The third is encouraging the ongoing competency as well as skill development among the colleagues by fostering of job development, enrichment as well as challenge.

The last is the most important segment that comprise of development of the personal skills and knowledge base relating to counselling, mentoring and/or coaching.

Ways to Improve Employee Engagement

Two case illustrations have been utilised for reflecting on the team building and development outcomes. The case postulates and my area of focus have been clarified herein.

This case have been focused upon with an aim of developing the personal team leadership competency. I suppose mall group settings can best reflect the organisational requirements and ideologies. Approximately 20 months before I was vested with the responsibility to train and coordinate a professional practice group comprising of inspectors and specialists. Since the fall of 2016, the team under my coordination began an orientation program along with calibration activities with an aim of creating a team charter. We also aimed to identify the values and goals for the team by means of the charter. In fact, Goleman (2017), also opines that this helps a team builder in implementation of innovative management tools and communication methods for the inspection team. The innovative techniques and approaches have helped us to create a positive environment in the workforce and thereby a preliminary foundation have been laid.

Presently I am focused to create approaches and competitive strategies for enhancing my capabilities to provide an atmosphere that would render stronger bonding and also foster further collaboration.

In 2014 I desired to take my knowledge of leadership and combine that with my critical decision making skills and implement them in a wider professional context. I started working as a HR leader in an esteemed organisation. The job role opened up an avenue before me for integrating and ensuring the engagement of the currently recruited employees of the organisation. Another objective of my job role was to introduce the organisational goals to them and make them understand the necessity of employee engagement for the fulfilment of the organisational goals.

The leadership goals for the organisation is not easy. The company is associated with integrating and regulating the practice within the health industry and manoeuvre the professional practice if about 4000 health professional who have registered with the organisation. Currently, working with only 5 in house employees is a big hurdle for my job role. According to Jansen et al. (2016), HR actives requires supportive positions for best outcomes. It is likely that in the upcoming two to three months new employees would be hired. Hence I am laid down with the task for setting criteria for the new joiners and making them acquainted with the workforce so that they are comfortable and give their best efforts. The most critical issue is that the organisation is passing a phase where their employee engagement rate is miserably low and this is what makes my job role interesting and challenging as well. The issue have to be addressed expediently and mitigated in due course.

Critical Issues Faced by HR Leaders in Organizations

According to my knowledge and expertise focus should be concentrated on a small periphery. Primarily when I am focused on learning and addressing the critical issues in the company I urgently need to keep my focus on the right track, create the correct metrics and render most relevant information. The four disciplines of execution align with the requirements of creating a simplified, principled and participative process that is transparent also (Maduka et al. 2018). The execution process requires collaboration with right people and appropriate collaboration and engagement. In the first case of team building, this approach brought me success. Hence I aligned my work with the same principles in this case also. In the present organisation, the work of development of an integrated work culture which also encourages strong relationship and collaborative spirit, I have resorted to the following strategies and ideologies.

The first step that I followed was focussing on personal growth and initially focussing on certain key areas. I believed that in the4 beginning it is essential to realise the limitations of my job role as well as the authority that I might exercise on my subordinates. Besides, I also feel that it is very crucial to understand what the organisation expects of me. This is a crucial part of a team leader. Martin and McCarthy (2016), also opines that he or she should create the team in such a way that I best reflects the organisational objectives and fulfils the organisational goals in the best fashion.

The second most crucial step towards my job has been the creation of certain powerful metrics that is capable of tracking the performance of the team. Another metrics is to be used for communication of success parameters to the team so that they can align their performance with the standards. Besides, it is also essential to communicate the success achieved by the team with the team members (Mathieu et al. 2015).

The third is ensuring that all the team members take charge of their own job roles and perform with passion. As per Valori and Johnston (2016), they should ensure self-development alongside raising the standard of their performance and gradually move towards taking a more advanced responsibility.

The last step is ensuring is that the commitment level from my end towards my subordinates as well my peers and onlookers do not become eccentric and always remain goal oriented.

In order to identify the areas of personal learning I resorted to studying and analysing empirical findings, the case illustrations, the competency standards for collaboration and competency and feedbacks. Henceforth in this project, I have aligned my focus with two learning categories. These are establishment of a justified and suitable environment and development and fostering of employee engagement by means of giving respect, recognition, appraisal and a good working environment (Willems, 2016).

Establishing a right environment and a diversified workforce is the responsibility of the leader of the organization. The leaders are assigned with the task of managing the human resource properly and at the same time, facilitate communication between the team members, coordination of work and partnership working to accomplish the business goals and objectives with ease and effectiveness and within quick time. I will perform the roles of a team leader to assist the staffs in moving in the right direction, furthermore empower and motivate them to work as a team towards a shared vision or objective (Levi, 2015).

As a leader, I will like to form a team comprising of skilled and knowledgeable individuals who can handle their own roles and responsibilities properly and communicate with each other consistently to accomplish the desired organizational goals and objectives. As a leader, I should encourage them to work as a team and enhance the production level of the organization, which is needed for better revenue generation and surviving in the competitive business environment. It is often found that the varied opinions and views of the team members can result in conflicts and misunderstandings, which may degrade the organizational performance as well as hinder the successful accomplishment of tasks due to lack of team work and coordination (Yong, Sauer & Mannix, 2014). Holding an important position of a leader within the organization makes me focused on my duties and the first and foremost thing I need to do is to build an effective team and prepare the team members to handle their roles and responsibilities. By communicating with them about the vision, mission statement, organizational values and beliefs, it will be convenient for me to make them understand about their roles and responsibilities. As the leader of the team, I should check myself about whether I had shared the relevant information that they needed or not. Conflicts might be caused due to poor processes and thus I should ensure that the team members do not lack any kind of board evaluation. I must consult with my teammates and understand the actual cause of the conflict, which could assist in developing a diversified culture where the team members’ values should be respected and needs prioritized upon (Katz & Flynn, 2013). This will not only ensure successful team building and management, but can also strengthen the coordination and communication among team members, thereby reducing the chances of conflicts within the workplace.

The development of connections among the team members is essential for creating a sense of trust and loyalty. It can make the staffs commit themselves fully to the organizational processes and perform to their potential to bring desired positive outcomes. Building connections become easy when the members of a team within the workplace are communicated about the shared vision, mission, culture, values and beliefs of the organization. By providing them with questionnaires and monitoring their performances, their feedbacks were obtained by me, which helped me to prioritize on the areas of strengths and weaknesses (Borrego et al., 2013). This also assisted me to arrange training sessions for them so that they can sharpen their skill, knowledge and expertise and perform to their potential. It is a part of my learning plan, which can not only make the staffs more skilled, but will also make them grab the useful scopes and opportunities to excel in their professional career, furthermore become adjusted with the organizational structure and culture whether they will be working. I will approach them as role model and at the same time, perform my roles as a leader to keep them motivated and make them understand about the significance of communication and teamwork. I have focused o parity, which is an important component in the coaching relationship that can create trust and loyalty among the staffs as well as develop positive relationships between the employer and employees of the organization (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). I have even arranged meetings where all the team members can be present and provide their useful ideas and opinions that can be favourable for reorganizing the shared values for the team. It has improved the relationships between me and the staffs based on shared aspirations and made them gain trust on me. The conflicts are reduced and there are more scopes to improve certain areas including the formation of a good culture and achievement of organizational standards by adhering to the values, beliefs and shared vision of the organization (Li, Lin & Huang, 2014).

Once the team members start respecting the HR manager or team leader, they will engage in team meetings and conferences where they will be encouraged to deliver their opinions, based on which, decisions can be made. I will try my best to assist the team members and subordinates in understanding their duties within the workplace and become habituated with the culture where communication must be promoted along with effective team working and coordination. As we all know that motivation is an important component that drives the performances of the employees and so it is my duty to encourage them and enable proper planning to train the staffs for enhancing their skills, knowledge and expertise. I will perform as a role model to them and as a facilitator for helping them in various situations where they may face difficulties, furthermore keep them engaged through higher level of motivation and encouragement (Mone & London, 2018). I will encourage them to remain socialized, communicate with each other frequently, and even enjoy some free time with them, so that they can feel free to share their thoughts and experiences while working with me as a team. To engage them altogether through respect and recognition, I have always tried to praise them for their performances and commitment level towards the organization. By providing them with monetary and non-monetary rewards, they are engaged and kept motivated so that the business goals and objectives are accomplished with ease (Carmeli, Dutton & Hardin, 2015).

I always like to make experiments with my learning styles in terms of team building. I believe team building is a very complicated process and this needs the attention of all the team members (Dyer & Dyer, 2013). The experimentation with the various leadership styles has led me to discover the ways to build the proper team so they can perform in the best ways to achieve the objectives of the organization. The experiences I have gathered will help me in large scale to implement them and make the best of the opportunities to build a successful team indeed. However, team building is a very risky process and I know I have to take many risks in this process.

I know I hesitate sometimes to take the proper risks but I know I have to take them for the betterment of my team. I have to manage the entire team that has many members with different abilities (Dyer & Dyer, 2013). I will have to distribute the works among my team members according to their abilities so I will be able to get the most out of the team. I will need the full support of my teammates so I can be able to deliver the best productivity to the management of the organization. I must make some plans which is very necessary for the success. Then I will definitely try to convince the team members to achieve the objectives of the organization and contribute positively indeed (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). 

I will have to point out all the strengths and weaknesses of my team members. Thus I will strive to utilize all the strengths within them so I can distribute the works properly. My purpose is to build the team in a way that it can perform to its highest potential (Riener & Wiederhold, 2012).  I will encourage all my team mates so they can feel that urge within them and establish the proper working ambience to complete their work. I will set up the benchmarks for all the employees so they can make their goals clear and work accordingly. This will help me to point out what point of success I can expect from my team members.

The team building and team enhancement action plans should be done within the 15 months span as I want to see the progress of the time within that time only. I know that I will have to demonstrate my abilities of leadership as well. I believe that I have to improve my leadership learning properly. I also know that I will have to keep all my negative things aside to become a positive leader working for the betterment of the organization. I must have to strive very hard so I can achieve the goals of the organization within the time I have promised.

I must have the faith on God and adapt to all the challenging situations that would be put in front of me. I must utilize all the opportunities that I would get in this time. This will enhance my leadership skills and make me more subtle and aspiring as a leader. I have to catch the growth opportunities with both my hands. This is how I can be able to transform myself as a proper leader indeed. I will have to build my team by motivating my team members on a daily basis, helping them to understand the works properly and give them rewards when they get the best outcomes for their works.

The performance of my team will surely go on to improve with the best efforts from all the team members. The team members should be able to understand their roles positively and this should effect on their wellbeing as well. The positive contributions will earn positive results as well.


The entire power now will have to be summarized and concluded properly. I will always try to improve my leadership skills for the building of a responsible team. Another thing that I must practice in this context is discussing with my team members about the next step that the team should take to improve its position. I have understood that I would not be able to drive my team towards the proper success if I do not motivate them. Generally I would very often give the team members suggestions on the ways they can develop their skills.

The organizational learning is one of the most important processes for the employees. The employees have to face several tough conditions in order to become successful. The champion leader is the one person who always shows the sign of never give up or never backing down to the challenges. I am responsible for providing the customers with the best services possible. This is why I must lead my team by judging the different tastes of the customers. The changing preferences of the customers make the situation more intense and challenging. This is why I always prefer to ask the customers for their feedbacks and implement my plans accordingly.

There are some members in my team who are more experienced than me as well. I often go to them without hesitation seeking them to share their valuable experience with me for tackling with the difficult situations. This is when I understand how effective my team is to cope up with the challenges. These are the ways I can put my team on the front seat by driving them for perfection. In my profession, I have always shown my efficiency in completing my works within time.

As a leader, I will definitely thrive to bring out the best of my team. I must put focus on the employee training by the HR department so they can provide the best efforts for the organization. I believe my motivation will bring out the best performance from all my team members. Thus I can place my team with a brilliant performance and achieve the organizational success within the time I had promised.

References and Bibliography

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