Developing Sustainable Tourism Practices In Circular Quay Sydney, The Rocks Sydney, And Darling Harbour Sydney

Importance of Sustainable Tourism Practices

Discuss about the Developing The Sustainability In Tourism.

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In this present era, sustainability has become increasingly pairing up with the tourism and travel for denoting an effective way of operating. Due to the development of tourism-related facilities, tourism is increasing in a different part of the world that creates a negative impact on the environment by increasing the greenhouse gas emission, creates more harm on heritage sites and creating a negative impact on the natural resources (Ellis and Sheridan, 2014). Therefore, for creating environment-friendly operation, protecting national resources and supporting the protection of the cultural and national heritage, it is necessary for developing sustainable tourism practices (Cheng and Wu, 2015). This assignment is intended to describe the development of sustainability in three different locations such as circular quay Sydney, The Rocks Sydney and Darling Harbour Sydney. Sustainability has become one of the important aspects of any tourists destination that helps in reducing the bad impact of tourism on the society and environment. Therefore, it is also necessary for developing sustainability in the three locations so that it can help the local economy to grow and increase the social wellness along with good protection of the environment. The objectives of this study are:

  • To briefly examine every detail of the three tourism sites to have a better view regarding those sites
  • To identify the scope of the development of sustainable tourism practices
  • To recommend some strategy by which sustainability in tourism can be achieved

Circular Quay is one of the harbours in Sidney and it is mainly located near Bennelong point and Rocks in New South Wales. It has become one of the main ferry terminals along with a popular tourist destination. This destination involves vast transport system with the help of bus, railways along with a large ferry.

The Rock Sydney is one of the historic areas, popular tourist destinations that are located in the urban locality. The place has become famous for the presence of varieties of art exhibitions along with museums and the place is mainly situated in the New South Wales.

Darling Harbour, on the other hand, has become one of the essential harbours in Sydney, New South Wales. This harbour has been located in one of the critical locations which is near the central business district. Along with the port, the destination has become one of the recreational centres.

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For the conduction of the study, mainly secondary research is conducted. Therefore, for the collection of the information, primarily literature review has undertaken where data from various existing resources are collected. For this purposes, the researcher has received data from the website of government along with different journal article and journals. After the collection of the report, the researcher has effectively analysed the info so that based on the data, an effective sustainability plan can be developed. For the collection of data for the literature review, the time that is required here is 20.4.2018 to 20.5.2018. For the data analysis and representation of the data, mainly one month time is needed that is until 20.6.2018 time is needed.

Objectives of the Study

Activity mapping refers to the diagnostic tool that helps in identifying the competitive advantage of organisations (Kurita, 2015). Activity mapping mainly connects the value propositions of organisations with the activities so that a better value proposition can be generated.

For the development of the sustainable tourism in the three location, it is essential in developing a useful situation analysis. After that, it is necessary for designing strategy for the development of tourism (Poudel et al. 2016). Then, it is essential for determining the responsibilities and roles. After that, involving the communities are essential. After that, developing an active monitoring and evaluation technique is essential.

In the first stage of the sustainable tourism development, the main issues that can be developed here are related to dealing with the co-operative partners, negotiation of the profit distribution. In the next stage, the issue that may create problems is related to the identifying the tourist for the places and identi9yingvthe starting point for tourism. In the next step, the boundary that may create is similar to allocate the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders (Sinclair-Maragh et al. 2015). In the next stage, the edges may be formed in developing an effective strategy for providing a practical training to the communities. In the monitoring stage, the barriers that may be created related to the implementation of the most effective monitoring strategy for identifying the wellness of both the society and environment so that any errors can be observed in the initial stage and rectified.

For the development of the sustainable tourism in the three locations, it is necessary understanding a complex adaptive system. After that, it is essential in learning from the natural ecosystem of the sites so that the wastage of the natural resources can be identified and mitigated with efficiency (Canavan, 2014). Then, it is necessary for facilitating an evaluation of the social system to determine the attitude as well as the perception of the people living in the particular societies surrounding the tourist destinations. During this time, the contribution of the government is to work for the development of the communities. After that, the extending scope of the tourism system needs to be evaluated. Then the plan needs to be integrated into the tourist destination so that the program can achieve more success. After that, It is necessary for monitoring the project with efficiencies.

Therefore, for implementing the sustainable tourism in the Circular Quay Sydney, it is necessary for monitoring the loading of the ferry so that massive amount of wastes cannot be a spill on the sea. Along with that, it also needs to monitor that the tourism can benefit the society in economically (Mowforth and Munt, 2015). For the development of the sustainable tourism, it is essential to observe that harmful chemicals or substances and plastics cannot be dropped into the sea. This approach can be helpful in protecting the environment and society.

Description of the Three Locations

On the contrary, for the development of sustainable tourism in The Rocks Sydney, it is necessary for the government or semi-government organisation in investing massive money for protecting the museums from any natural disaster. Along with that, instruction must be provided to use only eco-friendly products in the destinations so that lesser environmental impact can be created in the goals (Coccossis, 2017). Along with that policies can be designed to provide industrial facilities to the local communities so that overall economic development can be achieved in the country.

On the other hand, for the creation of sustainable tourism in the Darling Harbour, it is necessary for the government in involving an organisation whose tasks are observing whether any harmful substances are spilling on the seas or not (Nunkoo, 2015). In that consequences, it is necessary for making effective partnerships with the tourism agencies are required. Avoiding the use of non-biodegradable products in the location must be one of the duties for them so that it cannot harm biodiversity.

All the approaches mentioned above can help in creating more economic value, creates more jobs, develops the infrastructure and protects the environment from the harmful impact of the tourism.


For the development of active sustainable tourism in that location, it is essential in following the policies implemented by the SATC.


For the development of the sustainable tourism in the two harbours, it is necessary for differentiating the area with the other ports in Australia. After that, it is essential for creating effective partnerships with the other organisation so that it can help them in applying the sustainable approach in that location (Sinclair-Maragh et al. 2015). It is necessary for the government in arranging training for the partnership organisations so that it can help them in showing the exact approach for protecting the environment from any issues. Along with that, the identification of the protected areas into the sea needs to be evaluated so that anyone cannot go to these areas. For the development of the recreational tourism in the marine areas, it is essential for the government in providing social training to the local people so that they can effectively help the tourists in enjoying the destination with efficiencies.

On the other hand, for developing the sustainable approach in The Rocks, the government need to identify the sites that require the repairmen so that an effective strategy can be designed to protect the area from any possible harms (Ruhanen et al. 2015). This strategy can also be helpful in improving the infrastructure in the location so that it can be helpful in improving the heritage sites. Along with that, the government need to develop a good partnership with various tour providing companies so that a better guideline can be prepared for the visitors so that issues cannot be generated.


1st month

2nd to 3rd month

4th – 5th month

6th month

Situational analysis

Designing the deevelopment6 of tourism

Identifying the roles and responsibilities

involving communities

guaranteeing the sustainability

Action Plan for Developing Sustainability

Table 1: an Action plan

(Source: Self-developed)

The primary stakeholders who are involved in the development of sustainable tourism development in the three locations are the government, different government-sponsored organisation, various travel agencies along with the consultants, customers and employees

Financial projection required:


Costs (in AUD)

Assessing the situations


Hiring consultants


Salaries and wages of the persons involved


stationary, types of equipment related cists


Marketing costs


Developing partnership with other organisation and providing training to them




Code of conduct:

  • The contribution of the tourism need to be a mutual understanding along with that their need to be respected for societies and people
  • Tourism must be a factor of sustainable development
  • Tourism needs to be a beneficial activity for the communities
  • Entrepreneurs and workers need to have the rights in involving them in the tourism industry.
  • For developing tourism, communities and different organisations in tourism must work with each other
  • For developing tourism, it is essential to implement the global code of ethics.


There are varieties of laws and regulations present in  Australia; therefore, for the development of the tourism, it is necessary for following the rules and regulations with efficiencies. Environment protection and biodiversity conservation act 1999 is established in Australia for the achievement of the biological along with the cultural heritage in Australia (Edgell Sr, 2016). Along with that, there is also Great Barrier Reef marine park act is also applicable for the development of the sustainable tourism in Australia. There are Tourism, Australia acts 2004 that is effective for the creation of the awareness among the traveller and increase the knowledge among the travellers regarding the destinations (Woo et al. 2015).

The primary obstacles that are associated with the sustainable tourism are the lack of knowledge, and sometimes, sustainable tourism is considered as the expensive. It is observed that for the development of sustainable tourism, it is necessary for involving the tourist authorities so that useful certificates regarding sustainable tourism and a good guideline regarding sustainable tourism can be achieved (Bramwell, 2015). However, for borrowing the documents and following instructions provided by them, enormous costs need to be involved.

On the contrary, there are huge advantages created by the sustainable tourism that mainly includes the achievement of more foreign exchange earnings, creating more employment in the community and developing the revenue of government (McGehee et al. 2015). Other benefits of the sustainable tourism in the three locations mainly include the contribution of the local economies, creating more financial contribution towards the protection of the natures. Achieving infrastructure of the country is other benefits of sustainable tourism.

Therefore, from the above description, it can be said that for reducing the impact of tourism in the environment or the community, it is necessary for developing sustainable tourism so that the effect of tourism cannot harm for the environment. For the development of sustainable tourism, it is essential for engaging the stakeholders with efficiencies. For joining the primary stakeholders, it is necessary for the tourism department to make the government aware regarding the negative tourism impact of the tourist destination so that sustainable tourism development can be achieved. It is also essential to find out some active travel agencies and then it is necessary for providing hood training to them so that they can involve them in providing guidelines to the tourists regarding not using any non-biodegradable products and develop eco-friendly practices.

Reference list:

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