Developing Leaders In VUCA Environment

Changes in the Workplace

Discuss about the Developing Leaders in VUCA Environment.

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Just imagine sleeping and walking up in the 1960s. How diverse is work-life currently, matched to what it was in the past 60 years?  In the present, the configuration, process and content of job vary. Work is now more multifaceted, collaborative and team-centered, reliant on social abilities and technological competencies, time-pressured, mobile, and less dependent on geographical (Lee, Olson & Trimi 2012, pp.818). At present, one will be working for a business that is likely to be diverse due to technological breakthrough and competitive pressures. Organisations now are more agile and leaner, attentive on recognising values form the consumer viewpoint and more regulated to vibrant competitive necessity and approaches. Additionally, it is less probable to offer enduring career and job security, and constantly reorganising to uphold or gain competitive edge (Thomas 2007, pp. 10).

It is apparent that approximately all the corporate environment is in a state of continuing modification.  Firms must remain ranged with variations in their competitive environment and respond to the modifications on time or aggressively project changes in future technologies, consumer demographics, and possible novel produces (Olajide & Akingbade 2015, pp. 27). It is worth noting that business variances are demanding responses from the firms particularly innovative once, for them to utilise the opportunity to redesign themselves (Zinchenko 2015, pp. 65). Variations in user demographics lead to fresh consumer requirement. Organisation transformation will thus be vital to firm’s existence. Organisation change controlling and renovation have become lasting aspects of the business scene (Heller & Darling 2012, pp. 155).

Most of workers in the 1970s, 80s, and 90’s cannot recognise today’s offices (Yap 2012, pp. 41). The headquarters of the most notable firms such as Twitter and Google do not look like the old cubicle layouts. Firms are realising that offices are more than just a room to work.  The workplaces are focal tool for employing top applicants and holding the best staff (Zinchenko 2015, pp. 65). The following are trends driving workplaces, job and careers to change over the past decades.

To begin, current workforce is not bound to the four corners of the office. Work is done through use of mobile tools inside and outside firm’s facilities (Malik & Kaur 2017, pp. 11). Most personnel can get work done with only computer and internet connections meaning they can work at home and during travel. Therefore, in this environment, it is vital to arm the facilities with excellent WI-FI connectivity where remote workers can come for meetings, delivering reports and presentations and debriefing (Olajide & Akingbade 2015, pp. 29).

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Ways Work Will Change in Future

Additionally, workplaces are less confined and structured. In the past workplace, managers discouraged much social interaction during the productive time of the day. However, the modern managers and executives realise that the best innovation, collaboration and amity improves social environment (Lee, Olson & Trimi 2012, pp.821). Currently, office spaces are progressively designed with communal spaces, open areas, and fewer barriers to aid the communication and collaboration (Windsor 2013, pp. 3).

Also, the workplaces offer more than a place to work (Al-Hawary & Shdefat 2016, pp. 276). People have a health and family and strong drive to have fun. Workplaces are continually catering to the employees holistically by providing space to meditate, room for play games or connecting on social media, space for nursing mothers, fitness spas and rooms, and flexible schedules so that the families can get work done while accomplishing the families’ needs (Nankervis et al. 2013, pp. 12).

Another issue is that workplace is no longer defined as ‘yours’ and ‘mine’. Innovative concepts in modern’s era offices are the knowledge of hot desking (Buckley 2011, pp. 269).  Hot desking is a scenario when workforces working diverse shifts share the same workspace.  The idea enables companies to invest less space while making the best out of the workspaces they possess.

Finally, the facilities management (FM) software has emerged: today’s facilities software provides a wide scope of functionality and features that were not available before and more specifically it looks more appealing (Buckley 2011, pp. 269). The software provides a capacity for analysing, collecting and reporting on crucial data so that FM can always remain on top of the firm’s spaces and facilities (Olajide & Akingbade 2015, pp. 29).

Look at the pieces of any business bookshop and one will discover heaps of names promising to share the secrets of ascending the corporate hierarchy.  But the period is not far off when such accounts will look as outmoded and quaint as housework guide from the 1950s (Rasche et al. 2017, pp. 5). The novel range, linked with technological development, has fed request for more collective and flexible functioning surroundings.  According to the study, companies have gone flat by about 25 % in the past 25 years, dropping numerous levels of controlling in favour of a more grid-like assembly, where notions run along diagonal, horizontal and vertical directions (Heller & Darling 2012, pp. 159). The workstation is developing and managers must perform magnificently to control workers well-being over the next 10 years. Therefore, managers should attract and retain high-specialised workers, and firm’s needs to raise a more joint setting. It might comprise ideas workshops, hot-desking and frequently interchanging groups.  Staffs will respond and business will benefit too as a result of the style of working as it furnishes them better to contest with the startups that are upsetting their trade.  Big organisation has big concerns in enticing the millennial cohort to come and work for them. The employees always visualise much more free to operate, tactical and less control setting (Nankervis et al. 2013, pp. 19).

Artificial Acumen

Artificial acumen: the machines are coming and if the forecast is factual, they would eradicate masses of jobs. In the recent ages, automation has become progressively predominant.  As the innovation may look, they can be destructive and can render the whole profession obsolete as they increase convenience and productivity.  And so, if the forecasts are precise, the office is set to improve at an extraordinary level.  For the past 10 years, there have been two major improvements (Olajide & Akingbade 2015, pp. 30). First is the advancement in machine knowledge; the capability to organise a large volume of information to get an actionable intelligence. Second is the accessibility of information of all categories; coming from low-cost sensors and smartphones. Robots in workshops and stores are becoming more affordable, portable and multipurpose.   Additionally, there will be no physical labour at the ripe of robotics era. White collar jobs are in peril as software become more sophisticated.  Therefore, by absorbing much of routine aspects of work, machines will free up business to focus on more thoughtful and creative operations.

Human cloud: In the previous one decade, cloud work out has transformed the means in which people work.  For the preceding five years, there has been a propagation of online programs that link managers with freelancers. The websites that equate employees with service provider are raising trends (Malik & Kaur 2017, pp. 16). And so, is the prospective for the inequality and lower salaries. The advantages of using the sites are rapid access to a pool of low-priced and eager endowment without going to a length of enrollment criteria.

Workplace monitoring: it is becoming simple for the managers to preserve track on the staff.  Developing technologies, firms will be able to monitor their employee, what they are up to and how they are feeling. Inexpensive GPS structures are used to record the evolution of provision motivators (Nankervis et al. 2013, pp. 31). Checking more particulars about individual’s health is uncommon, though that is projected to vary with the range of technology.

The world is flat by Thomas Friedman intends to warn the business and individuals environments that they must learn and remain informed to become ahead of the trends to compete in the ever-evolving world (Ghemawat 2017, pp. 87). Friedman’s point is obvious that managers and leaders need to be well-planned and educated because the trends are unstoppable and undeniable. Friedman’s notion of a world becoming flat emerges from the convergence of two notions; the global is becoming an entirely new playing ground and the complexness of the 21st century globalisation (Sinha, Kakkar & Gupta 2012, pp. 50).  In explaining what is causing the world to become flat, the author introduces ten influencing factors that led to flattening and globalisation of the world (Dieck-Assad 2013, pp. 169). He claims that internet is the most influential sources such as Yahoo and Google giving a major boost on sharing information as well as personal gadgets such as instant messengers, mobiles phones and PDAs (Sinha, Kakkar & Gupta 2012. pp. 52). Friedman considers the world is flat in the sense that the competitive arena between the emerging and industrial market notions is lebelling; and that discrete entrepreneurs as well as firms, both small and large are becoming part of a complex, huge, international supply chain encompassing across the overseas, with rivalry traversing the whole areas (Thomas 2007, pp. 12). The author clarifies this bold new flat world, permitting the readers to make sense of the frequently puzzling scene clarifying before their eyes and assisting them to apprehend what it all signifies to individuals, businesses, societies and nations. Therefore, the world is flat is an important apprise on globalisation, its displeasures and triumphs (Dieck-Assad 2013, pp. 172).

Human Cloud

The future workplace will be a world of contradictions. Projecting a career path in a mercurial workforce means remaining attentive and adaptive in equal measures (Rana, Nabi & Hasan n.d, pp.24). That is something millennial and their young generation Z counterparts will require being capable to do more successfully than their elders ever had to.  Today’s leaders have gotten to where they are by embracing what is current and what is next, not blindly clinging to one particular path (Lawrence 2013, pp. 3).

Like all cultural institutions, workplaces are ever-evolving, gradually moving to make room for new ideas, establishment and expectations. Change is to be projected, unfolding at a steady rate as new generation replace old generations, and as old ideas become obsolete. But in today’s world, processes are unfolding at constant and faster rate (Yap 2012, pp. 44). And the rate at which it is taking place, if not prepared, it could dramatically influence one’s career. Various possible changes exist but they tend to fall into three main categories. First, job types and responsibilities:  many factories are moving to more managerial and strategic roles, thanks to the onset of automation. Secondly, working requirement and conditions; there are changing in expectations of workers and working conditions (Rasche et al. 2017, pp. 9). For instance, currently, people spend at least part of their time while working at home and flexible schedules are becoming too obvious. Thirdly, cultural changes such as more relaxed working atmosphere and less formality in an office environment (Thomas 2007, pp. 17).

Business managers through the sphere are encountering a problem and at the same thrilling point of their careers ((Rana, Nabi & Hasan n.d, pp.24). The perplexing because of the ever-varying business setting in which they work and exhilarating because with changes comes a chance to learn and innovate trough familiarity. Therefore, to excel in current and future dynamic global business atmosphere, managers ought to approach their duties in a different way, explicitly in the following parts.

Adjust approach to remain significant: consumers and stakeholders have transformed with the move in the marketplace. Thus, it is important for corporate managers to appraisal the tactic selections through the lens of significance to their market and clients ((Rana, Nabi & Hasan n.d, pp.27). Adoptions made in the previous era might not be entirely pertinent in today’s business situation (Yap 2012, pp. 49). Managers should be equipped to change the approaches in a direction that creates importance to consumers. For instance, an alteration might be required if a novel market competitor is appealing the organisation’s old users (Rasche et al. 2017, pp. 19).

Workplace Monitoring

A stable tactic to the basics: managers have to balance decision and comprehend trade-off and optimising rates. They should avoid the peril activities, which can adversely influence an organisation’s value plan and workers drive in the long term ((Rana, Nabi & Hasan n.d, pp.28). It is essential to concentrate exertions and have precision on where the company should be in terms of markets and what prospects one will not chase.  Bring the alignment and discipline will assist guard profit in a more secure mode.

Converse for strength: with abundant ambiguity and change, it is usual for employees and stakeholders to feel worried.  However, shortage of communication at this juncture can quickly cause poor engagement, unnecessary damaging rumours, and lack of trust amid workers (Windsor 2013, pp. 5). Business leaders should foster an open conversation across the organisation (Lawrence 2013, pp. 7).

Managers should be open to new opportunities: when changes start to manifest, one should not shy away from them (Lawrence 2013, pp. 13). One should be open to changes in career including the new responsibilities and cultural changes.


A wide range of traditionally middle-income work has disappeared in the wake of technology advancement in industrial and computing robotics; the broadly shared fortunes of the 20th century labour have retreated to the extremities.  Over the next ten years,  computerisation of the middle-income work will move to mainly substituting for low-income employees, while demand for creative, problem-solving and social skills is likely to rise further.  Therefore, to ensure that the advantages of the technology advancement benefit ordinary workers, efforts ought to be directed to upgrading the digital knowledge of a large portion of the workforce. Similarly, to ensure that employee remains appealing to employers in this digital era, policymakers should focus on fostering social and creative skills as these areas will help human to remain competitive advantage over an upsurging number of robotic, automated or virtual colleagues.


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