Developing Cross Cultural Competencies: A Literature Review On International HRM

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles

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This literature review and annotated bibliography is focused on ‘International Human Resource Management’. The annotation bibliography is based on 10 articles. The annotation bibliography is followed by literature review.

In the article, authors mentioned that international human resource managers have a tough time as they have to manage the team across multiple cultures. I agree with authors that international HR managers should be visionaries that focus on organizing and implementing change. Authors did a primary research with 130 respondents. To complete the primary research, authors used random sampling methods. In the article, authors have tried to relationship between international human resource management practices and the employee behavior. The article is an interesting read where authors mentioned that to get the right mix, leaders need to ensure the team has all of the technical or functional expertise it needs to accomplish its goals.

In this article, authors talked about management of cross-cultural teams in the context of international human resource management. Authors did a secondary research with more than 15 secondary resources. Authors argued that when teams work in groups that are multi-disciplined, they can bring together a wide range of knowledge, experience and problem solving skills to the table that enable projects to be tackled with multiple perspectives and thinking. The article is particularly useful for the human resource managers that may want to pursue international HRM. The article would also be useful for the multinational organizations or the organizations that have to manage the business in the multicultural environment.

I can say that one the biggest strength of the article is the simple and effective language in which authors have written the article. The only weakness of the article could be the length of the article.In the article, authors discusses about the value of cross-functional teams can be invaluable in enabling agility in the organization. Authors did a primary research with 120 respondents. To complete the primary research, authors used stratified sampling methods. Authors concluded that cross-functional teams work best when: 1- They share a common vision, and are committed to achieving a common purpose. 2-They share leadership roles as well as responsibility for processes, project progress and outcomes. 3 They are both individually and mutually accountable to each other and to their collective performance. The article is very interesting, as authors talk about the team management in a global context. The organizational stakeholders can learn a lot from this article.In this article, authors argued that when building cross-functional team leaders should seek a balance. Complementary skills, diversity of thinking is certainly important. Many times, organizations find themselves having a strong team in one region and a weak team in one region.

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I would agree with the authors that the international human resource managers should ensure that a shared team structure should be followed in the global teams. The research is based on systematic sampling method with close to 200 respondents. Authors used quantitative methods to analyze the result of the survey. One of the drawbacks or the weakness of the survey or research is the possibility of biasness in the research. Overall, this article is an interesting read that provides a lot of insight about team management in international context. One of the biggest strength of the article is that authors have used number of examples to make their point.In the article, authors talk about the role of innovation and motivation in employee engagement when employees have to work in multicultural environment. Authors started the research with the initial hypothesis that international human resource managers may face certain internal and external challenges to implement the HR strategies across different locations. I think authors are right that leaders must find innovative ways to enhance motivation and keep employees excited about what they do on a day-to-day basis. The authors researched and concluded that initial hypothesis was indeed true.

Literature Review

In the article, authors highlighted that virtual teams should be motivated by a clear vision of the mission and by straightforward expectations for the teamwork. Authors did a primary research and the result of the research proved that international human resource managers must learn the skills to manage virtual teams. Authors highlighted that since teams are not able to meet in person, time should be taken to have formal introductions and create an awareness of which the team consists of.  An onboarding type situation was discussed by authors and the thought it is creates a connection which will make it more difficult for others to let them team down if they feel connected. It would be correct to say that this article provides a lot of insights about the role of leaders and human resource managers to manage the virtual teams that are spread across globe.

In this article, authors discussed about the challenges of international human resource management and management of virtual teams. An example of a challenge related to the communication of the shared vision would be the misinterpreting of the vision based on the experience of the follower or leader. To further explain, the behavior and skills of the manager should exhibit good communication, which includes the perception of the capabilities of others. Effectively dealing with the challenge of poor communication between manager and followers requires one to establish a good relationship between members of the organization, reassure subordinates through trust and social behaviors that enrich the vision of the organization and be aware of the differences of members that compose the culture of the organizationIn Lepsinger and DeRosa’s article on leading effective virtual teams they suggest using the RAMP Model (relationships, accountability, motivation, and process) to improve virtual teams (2015).

Relationships build trust and without working alongside others it can be difficult to get to know them and their likes, dislikes, mannerisms, and habits.  By finding ways to interact socially via virtual technology, teams can build relationships.  Rather than just connect during meetings, have virtual lunch or participate in chat rooms. Accountability is enhanced when teams can see what each other are doing and how to know when it is completed.  Share point sites and posted action plans with timelines can help in this area.  To motivate team members schedule conference calls so people can speak with one another or have video conference calls.  This is help with relationship building and accountability as well as motivation.  And finally, process is how you share information.  Be mindful of time zone differences, set expectations, and encourage participation through asking questions and having each team member participate (Lepsinger and DeRosa, 2015).In this article, authors discuss the importance of communication in international human resource management. The key to an effective organization is communication from leadership to its staff members.  I think certain visions and messages can use virtual messaging, but I also think there are some things that still need face-to-face communication and in the article, authors failed to cove these things. Indeed, this is one of the biggest weaknesses of the article. Authors used the secondary research methods to complete the research. One of the good things for the article is that authors have used the resources (articles) that were written for global context. Authors discussed the case of international human resource managers for large and multinational organizations.

Common Themes Among the Articles

In the article, authors used a case study approach to conduct the research. Authors based their research on large companies like Coca-Cola, Google, Microsoft, etc. As a part of the case studies, authors discussed the international human resource management policies of these organizations. The biggest strength of the article is the structure of the article. In the article, authors used a structured approach to discuss the case of the large organizations. The weakness of the article is that all the data in the article is secondary in nature. Authors did not do any primary research. Authors should have used more references to make their point. The literature has number of studies in this area and in the article; authors have made use of these studies.



Major Themes

Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C.

The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behavior: a moderated mediation model. 

International HRM, Employee engagement

Caligiuri, P. and Lundby, K.

Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies Through Global Teams. In Leading Global Teams 

Cross cultural HRM, Team Management

Nouri, R., Erez, M., Rockstuhl, T., Ang, S., Leshemâ€ÂCalif, L. and Rafaeli, A

Taking the bite out of culture: The impact of task structure and task type on overcoming impediments to crossâ€Âcultural team performance. 

Cross cultural team management, Employee performance

Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W.

Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership. 

Virtual Team, International HRM

Floren, H., Rundquist, J., Schuler, R.S., Bondarouk, T. and Ruël, H.

HRM and innovation: themes, contingencies and directions for future research

International HRM

Charlier, S.D., Stewart, G.L., Greco, L.M. and Reeves, C.J.,

Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents. 

International HRM, Virtual team management

Klitmoller, A. and Lauring, J.,

When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality.

Virtual Team

Lepsinger, R., & DeRosa, D.

How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team. Ivey Business Journal, 2-6.

Leadership and International HRM

Den Hartog, D.N., Boon, C., Verburg, R.M. and Croon, M.A.

HRM, communication, satisfaction, and perceived performance a cross-level test.

International HRM, Communication

Pavlica, K. and Jarosová, E.

Versatile Leadership and Organizational Culture.

Leadership and International HRM, Organizational Culture

One of the common themes among all the above article is the role of HR managers for global companies that operates in multicultural environment. It is important that the organizational leaders and Human Resource Managers must create accountability among different stakeholders. Accountability is enhanced when teams can see what each other are doing and how to know when it is completed. To motivate team members, international Human Resource managers should schedule conference calls so people can speak with one another or have video conference calls.  It would be correct to say that High-performing virtual leaders shared that the ability to build trust and relationships, accountability, motivation, implementation of processes support virtual work and collaboration help them succeed virtual team leading (Lepsinger & DeRosa, 2015). Leadership and International Human Resource Managers is essential when planning for any type of organizational initiative, innovation, or change. People need to understand their role in the big picture, so the leader is responsible for planning the logistics and integrating people into the mix. According to Lepsinger & DeRosa (2015) virtual teams often face distractions and challenges that can have an emotional impact on their motivation, especially for those working from home. Feelings of isolation can arise and team members can lose focus of the importance of their individual contribution.

It is important that international human resource managers must show effective leadership attributes while handling the global teams. Leadership can be used when organizing any number of things for an organization. During times of change an innovation, leaders should ensure there is a method and that the process is smooth to allow for a solid transition. People tend to be afraid of change, so having everything organized can be effective for those who have their doubts. There are many things that can be done to enhance the effectiveness of virtual teams, which are rapidly growing and being used more frequently.  First creating a work group that isn’t too large is important. Klitmoller & Lauring points out that building trust, maintaining relationships and having direct communication of groups of ten or more becomes much more difficult.  It is also extremely important to set roles and ensure everyone is fully aware of their expectations and responsibilities. To further explain, the behavior and skills of the international human resource manager should exhibit good communication, which includes the perception of the capabilities of others. With any team having the right leadership on board is crucial.  Fostering trust, encouraging dialogue and maintaining relationships must be a focus of virtual teams.  Creating policy and expectations from the begging will be appreciated later.  Identification of such things like multi tasking, surfing the web, breaks and when/how to respond, deadlines will ease uncertainty. If people know what the expectations are from the beginning there will be less hurt feelings and “wondering” what is going on.


Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), pp.330-351.

Caligiuri, P. and Lundby, K., 2015. Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies Through Global Teams. In Leading Global Teams (pp. 123-139). Springer New York.

Charlier, S.D., Stewart, G.L., Greco, L.M. and Reeves, C.J., 2016. Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents. The Leadership Quarterly.

Den Hartog, D.N., Boon, C., Verburg, R.M. and Croon, M.A., 2013. HRM, communication, satisfaction, and perceived performance a cross-level test.Journal of Management, 39(6), pp.1637-1665.

Floren, H., Rundquist, J., Schuler, R.S., Bondarouk, T. and Ruël, H., 2014. HRM and innovation: themes, contingencies and directions for future research. European journal of international management, 8(5), pp.570-577.

Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership. Journal of applied psychology, 99(3), p.390.

Klitmoller, A. and Lauring, J., 2013. When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonality. Journal of World Business, 48(3), pp.398-406.

Lepsinger, R., & DeRosa, D. (2015). How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team. Ivey Business Journal, 2-6.

Nouri, R., Erez, M., Rockstuhl, T., Ang, S., Leshemâ€ÂCalif, L. and Rafaeli, A., 2013. Taking the bite out of culture: The impact of task structure and task type on overcoming impediments to crossâ€Âcultural team performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(6), pp.739-763.

Pavlica, K. and Jarosová, E., 2014, November. Versatile Leadership and Organizational Culture. In European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance (p. 221). Academic Conferences International Limited.

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