Developing Business Opportunities Through Artistic Works And Intellectual Properties

Commercialization Process

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A real business opportunity requires new ideas of introducing the new product in the market system. Commercialization process enables the business system to develop new opportunity based on featuring the new brand of product in the business organization (Sutton 2013). In many cases, it is the orientation procedures on drawing up business, prototyping, development, consultation and market research that helps many employers to realize opportunities. In this case, a business opportunity involves intellectual properties which are represented in the commercial markets as the mass sales. It is these opportunities that help in determining the potential of the business based on ideas developed in the marketplace (Bester 2012). The opportunity of developing intellectual properties is the best idea that can help in forming stable industry. A good intervention is established preparing relevant information properties designs to help present better platforms of offering services within the industry of interest. Business opportunities integrated through legal ways of engaging mass products to meet demands of products in the market structures. As such, financial evaluation procedures can help designs some better market validation to allow the process of commercialization.

The product line development requires tangible goods to help establish better trademark system. The need to develop the intellectual property is to designs better trade secrets to protect rights of many competitors in the market system. A good business opportunity is modelled on the idea of developing literature creativity work in music. With such artistic works, there will be better discoveries in the designs an symbols that engage protection regarding intellectual properties. The intellectual property policy provides a wide range of commonplace where people can develop their artistic works (Baumann 2012). The development of the idea toward commercialization allows one to have a better overview of the business opportunity. In the same way, the identified idea of developing artistic work is using intellectual properties enables internal and external testing to provide professional advice. The opportunity is supported by different concepts to demonstrate its effectiveness in the global business fully.

These concepts involve following features of the speculated opportunity. The first proof of aspects of a product developed by artistic work is that it provides the better characteristic of a working prototype to feature consumers’ needs. Secondly, the intellectual property allows internal and external testing to increase its certification in the global markets. These aspects help in registering process and later to provide approval after testing (Cukjati 2012). Thirdly, the opportunity of integrating artistic work forms some technical support on based on instructions and specifications of the new brand. In this case, the representation of real business opportunity designs some benefits and featured services of the product. The fourth aspect of the real opportunity is developed through disclosing individual information especially in the development of artistic work. A confidential agreement is engaged to certify ideas on the new opportunity (Watts, and Wray, 2012). Additionally, the research procedures require intellectual property protection design better funding programs. With these developments of new strategies, the proposed opportunity will easily venture into the global market.

Product Line Development

Equally important, the intellectual law requires good opportunity in the product development to help realize competitive advantage. Artistic work enhances some better programs featuring new product in the market structure (Rasmussen 2012). As such, there will be better development of new opportunity based on intellectual provisions. Intellectual protection helps the market system to design different products based on economic incentives and stimulating consumers’ expectations. The principal objective of the intellectual policy is to initiates services based on technological innovations on properties like goods and lands. The market system provides a good validation on completion of the industrial trail (Elliott 2014). After this process, the new opportunities for artistic work can be ventured in the global business. Distribution channels and price setting plan are modeled on the vision of artistic work. With these aspects, commercialization new opportunity is taken in the larger markets with accounting reports and financial projections (Sutton,2013).

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The process of integrating factors on artistic work is done based on the established market system. A greater opportunity of these programs is perceived through sufficiently developing and engaging sustainable market offers. The complex task in the intellectual analysis requires a good system of evaluating competition system, market potential, market size, processing conditions, cost on fabricating needs of consumers (Grimshaw 2014). Shifting trends in the market segments are assessed based on the complexity of the opportunities. In such cases, it appears essay to integrate intellectual goods with new patterns of the market system. Importantly, artistic work forms better foundations of resourcing and budgeting sales and product designs testing procedures (Baumann, Lorrmann, Rauh, Deibel, and Dyakonov, 2012.).

The screening process of the new opportunity involves interactions with modern technology to help realize potential needs of consumers. The best applications of intellectual properties design better acknowledgment on significant returns of the business system. An active approach of the business system enables the proactive engagement with the new approaches of investing on new market approaches (McEvoy 2014). Commercialization provides that that good return on intellectual properties requires market attractiveness challenges to help develops vital ideas in the business system. The symbol on artistic work helps the new opportunities to provide effective services in the global markets.

Business planning activities help the investor to have a functional evaluation of business ideas especially in starting up of a business system. Commercializing new opportunity in the extensive business system needs detailed analysis on of the service and product line. Commercialization is a process of introducing a new product or service to a target market. For commercialisation, to be a success, it takes into account the production, distribution, marketing, sales, and customer service. It also requires the business to come up with a marketing plan and also develop barriers to success.  The ideation phase, stakeholder stage and business process are the main stages of the commercialization process. The ideation stage includes generation of ideas about a new product or service which will go through a thorough funnelling. This is where all the unanswered consumer needs are found as features such as the 4P’s are the primary interest. After the selection of the best ideas is done, the establishment of development stages, goals, and milestones is addressed. Broadly, the entrepreneur needs to have a good understanding of different channels of distributing well and services (Nick, Grundmann and Frauenhofer 2012). The opportunity of designing artistic work based on intellectual policies should be developed in competitive environments. With this plan, the commercialization process will have a better overview of nature of the market. In this case, the entrepreneur should make decisions on new opportunities based on product safety. The critical step of determining feasibility in the market system is to enhance better regulations policies to attract investors.

Intellectual Property Protection

Commercialization experiences are challenged with different difficulties especially when presenting new opportunities in the market (Elliott, Turner, Clavisi, Thomas, Higgins, Mavergames, and Gruen,2014). The challenges require one to fill potential gaps in the global business. With this action, one will be able to reduce the potential risk of taking the newly established brand in the large market system. Feasibility on commercialization requires that the newly established opportunity to have a short research time to help set the better framework on exceptional returns (Pham 2014). A good visualisation on product costs requires some simple technical approaches to designing desirable product in the large market. Commercialization requires less pressure to help design better market space of licensing technological outright. In this case, the new opportunity should develop an alternative brand to help link different feasibility market efforts. As such, the intellectual properties are protected through willingly purchasing power of commercial items (Bester, 2012).


In summary, the proposed opportunity of artistic work is integrated with the larger market to help provide fast returns on produced goods. The processes of pricing the product symbolize commercialization aspects of identifying viable products in the markets system. The business plan model different export potential of newly established brands to helps the intellectual policy provide supports artistic work (Watts and Wray 2012). The various distribution channel is formed after creating joint ventures of encouraging investors. Therefore, the feasibility analysis generates foundation facts of expecting inventions on a new opportunity. Intellectual property policy helps in supporting programs that enhance commercialisation of new opportunities. 

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