Developing And Implementing A Performance Management System For Bounce Fitness

Steps involved in the Performance Management System

  1. Analyze the strategic and operational plans to identify relevant policies and objectives for the performance management system. Sutheewasinnon, Hoque and Nyamori (2016, pg 28) suggested the following strategies;

Administration – planning the staff within the organization will enable the management body to identify the responsive policies and objectives.

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Individual – selecting and retaining the best employees will enable the organization to focus on the operational objectives rather than regular recruiting and hiring staff.

Leadership- Enabling the organization to ensure better delivery of human resource services.

  1. Design methods and processes for line managers to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for those reporting to them.

 According to Gerrish (2016, pg 50), to effectively develop key performance indicators, line managers are expected to consider the following steps;

  1. Start with the strategy
  2. Define questions related to the performance indicators,
  3. Identify, evaluate and find the supporting data,
  4. Determine measurement for the KPIs,
  5. Ensures every employee understands the KPIs.
  1. Develop organizational timeframes and processes for formal performance management sessions.


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· to identify and provide required resources  to the employees

· identify qualified employees

· determine the cost of required resources

· effectively assigned task based on employees’ qualifications


· guide on  how to performing assigned task  

· give necessary instructions direction to employee


· To assess their understanding and progress  on the task

· Brainstorm them with question to assess their understanding on the assigned task


· To motivate employees

· Appreciate their efforts

· Provide incentives to hardworking employees

· Promotion

  1. How would you ensure that the performance management system developed is flexible enough to cover the range of employment situations in the organization?

By consulting top managers and involving employees through their suggestions and views concerning the system; hence I will have to incorporate their opinions and recommendations relating to the management system. (Mononen and Leviäkangas, 2016, pg 232). 

I will create room for improvement in case of operational change within the organization to enhance its flexibility.

  1. Highlight the key features of your plan to the key stakeholders with the objective to get them agreeable to the system and agree on its features.
  2. Goal getting
  3. Feedback and coaching
  • Rewards
  1. Ongoing conversations
  2. Management involving
  3. How would you obtain support for the implementation of the performance management system?

 I will seek financial support from the organization to sponsor the activities of the performance management like reward and acquisition of requiring resources, though involving members of the organization to avoid residence and gain their full support during the board meeting and focus the system on the objectives and goals of the organization.

  1. Train relevant groups and individuals to monitor performance, identify performance gaps, and manage talent.

Performance management process

  1. How would you ensure that line managers are monitoring performance regularly and that intervention occurs to address poor performance and acknowledge excellent performance? Myers, et al. (2017, pg 800) suggested the following strategies;

Help employees to use self-monitoring tools- by using self-monitoring tools, the employee will be able to effectively monitor their performance with the help of a line manager. Such tools will enable the line manager to identify the week points employees need to adjust for effective performance.

Review work in progress regularly- by regular reviewing work in progress conducted by the employees, line managers will be able to monitor the work performance by identifying and correcting employees while they are working. Regular reviewing will help line mange to determine the performance of the employee based on their qualifications.

Ask for an account of performance from the employees- this requires employees to account for the work they have done every week or daily to evaluate the performance of each employee within the organization effectively.

Watch employees’ work- one of the most effective ways to monitor employees’ performance is with your own eyes. It is effective since most of the employees do best under close supervision from the line manager hence increase their performances.

  1. How would you work with line managers, where necessary, to assist them to address poor performance according to organizational policies and legal requirements. Wittren, Gregor and Niesen ( 2019, 80) preferred the following factors;

 Consider the needs of the employees- to handle poor performance, and we need to focus on the needs of the employees in relation to the assigned task in terms of resources required since in most cases, the performance of employees have been affected by lack of enough resources in performing the assigned task as they are forced to share resources with other departments.

Development of the Performance Management System

Be specific with the facts at hand- this implies that we need to confront a specific employee about their respective performance to get the cause for such poor performance.

Focus on the feedback- by focusing on the feedback provided by employees concerning their poor performance, we will be able to identify the causes of poor performance and design more effective strategies to handle such challenges.

  1. How would you support line managers to counsel and discipline employees who continue to perform below standard? The discussed factors were suggested by Zhu, Wang and Liu (2018, pg 33).

 Consider the needs of the employees- to handle poor performance, and we need to focus on the needs of the employees in relation to the assigned task in terms of resources required since in most cases, the performance of employees have been affected by lack of enough resources in performing the assigned task as they are forced to share resources with other departments.

Be specific with the facts at hand- this implies that we need to confront a specific employee about their respective performance to get the cause for such poor performance.

Focus on the feedback- by focusing on the feedback provided by employees concerning their poor performance, we will be able to identify the causes of poor performance and design more effective strategies to handle such challenges.

  1. Provide support to terminate employees who fail to respond to interventions, according to organizational protocols and legislative requirements.

Based on the employee recruitment agreements, the quality performance was one of the stated condition the employees was required to meet in their profession, therefore failure to honor such agreement, the organization through the line manager has no option but to terminate their contract with such employees.

  1. How would you recognize excellence according to organizational policy?

Excellence from the employees’ performance will be recognized through reward and job promotion according to organizational policies.

  1. How would you record outcomes of performance management sessions to ensure that they are accessible and stored according to organizational policy?

Performance appraisal- effective for recording performance management outcomes within the organization.

  1. You must prepare a performance feedback plan for a member of staff from Cairns using the simulated business, Bounce Fitness.
  1. Discuss how you will gain agreement and sign-off on the plans for performance improvement and individual learning and development.

 Provide regular employee feedback- by giving regular feedback to the stakeholders, they will be likely to agree on the identified performance management improvement strategies as they will feel recognized by the activities of the line manager.

Provide a two-way discussion- this will encourage discussion from both sides; thus, stakeholders and the employees hence contribute to collectively agree on the performance improvement. As discussed by (Kazmierski, Hadas, and So?nica, 2018, pg 84).

  1. Discuss how you will deal with problems or grievances that arise from the performance feedback.

Based on the feedback provided by the stakeholders, I will restructure the performance management schedule in order to incorporate the feedback and grievances raised by the employees and the stakeholders (Adam, Knill and Fernandez-i-Marín, 2017, pg 250).

I will have to invite stakeholders to present their grievances and suggestion while designing performance management strategies. This will help me to include their views and formulate a friendly performance management technique.

  1. Discuss how you will make specialist advice on career development available to participants in the process.

Career Development

For effective career development, one has to set and communicate clear career goals in order to stay focused on the chosen career. Communicating career goals will enable one to work towards the set goals and to stay on track concerning his or her career path.

Embracing new challenges in the career one has chosen is essential for successful career development (Dubas and Boughrara, 2017, pg 17). Challenges within the career one have chosen should be positively embraced despite the consequences or the impact of such challenges as one has to stay positive; therefore, make positive decisions in overcoming the career challenges.

Networking is essential in developing one’s career since you have to meet different people with different qualifications, which will advise or coach you accordingly on your career path. Networking in career development should be embraced by each of you since you need a mentor in the career path you have chosen to guide you appropriately( MacDonald, Clarke and Huang, 2019, pg 420).


Adam, C., Knill, C. and Fernandez-i-Marín, X., 2017. Rule growth and government effectiveness: why it takes the capacity to learn and coordinate to constrain rule growth. Policy Sciences, 50(2), pp.241-268.

Dubas, F. and Boughrara, K., 2017. New scienti?c contribution on the 2-D subdomain technique in Cartesian coordinates: taking into account of iron parts. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 22(1), p.17.

Gerrish, E., 2016. The impact of performance management on performance in public organizations: A meta?analysis. Public Administration Review, 76(1), pp.48-66.

Kazmierski, K., Hadas, T. and So?nica, K., 2018. Weighting of multi-GNSS observations in real-time precise point positioning. Remote Sensing, 10(1), p.84.

MacDonald, A., Clarke, A. and Huang, L., 2019. Multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainability: designing decision-making processes for partnership capacity. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(2), pp.409-426.

Mononen, P. and Leviäkangas, P., 2016. Transport safety agency’s success indicators–How well does a performance management system perform?. Transport Policy, 45, pp.230-239.

Myers, B., Govender, R., Manderscheid, R., Williams, P.P., Johnson, K. and Koch, J.R., 2017. Need for and readiness to implement a performance measurement system for South Africa’s substance abuse treatment services. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15(4), pp.795-800.

Sutheewasinnon, P., Hoque, Z. and Nyamori, R.O., 2016. Development of a performance management system in the Thailand public sector: Isomorphism and the role and strategies of institutional entrepreneurs. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 40, pp.26-44.

Wittren, S.P., Gregor, S.R.C. and Niesen, C.R., 2019. Using performance management to implement a preprocedural checklist for gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures. Gastroenterology Nursing, 42(1), pp.79-83.

Zhu, P.Y., Wang, S. and Liu, L.H., 2018. Research on the Implement Pathway of DRG Payment Reform in Public Hospitals. Chinese Health Economics, 37(5), pp.32-35.

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