Developing An IOS App To Manage Travel Itineraries


The growth of digital transformation has to lead the industries and other sectors. It focuses no exception where technology has disrupted the older number things to do in a much easier way. Currently, agencies and physical booking are almost outdated currently outdated (Hu, Chiu and Zhu, 2015). A recent survey has claimed the factor that e-marketers are the 7th most downloadable category. Almost 60% of smartphones make use of an app which can be used at leisure time. The designed IOS mobile app will help the user for easy planning of travel, booking for any kind of accommodation, ticket booking and lastly properly route mapping. There is some basic use of the mobile app and a number of tourism services can be delivered from it. The IOS mobile app can provide a large number of benefits like navigation, social, mobile marketing. Navigation will help with proper route planning and lastly maps (Chang et al. 2016). The application will compromise of large numbers like travel updates, reviews, and free communication. Mobile marketing will comprise contest, discount and alters. Nowadays, the tourism industry will make use of the app of the next level which is used for user engagement and market penetration. Different new trends and marketing factors have led to the future of tourism application. Cab addition has taken up the whole tourist’s imagination (Shankari et al. 2018). Different tourists for any kind of cashless option provided for a safe option to travel.

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In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided regarding the background of this whole project. The implementation of IOS application for a large number of users has been provided. After that aims and objectives of the research has been given in details. A literature review has been done on the current IOS app for tourism. Two types of research have been done like primary and secondary research. In the end, a large number of problems have been identified. After that identification of requirement along with system design has been done. In the end, a test plan for this mobile application has been provided. In the end, a list of recommendation has been provided for improving the project.

The background of the given project is all about developing an IOS application which is used for managing travel. The following application has been implemented by making use of the Xcode simulator (Zhang, Feng and Song, 2017). It has been packed and sent to some few friends of implementation which requires involvement providing a large number of users to easily run a test program. In the beginning phase, it can be implemented successfully, the mobile application needs to register in much better. After that, it will be uploaded to the Apple store for easy access and implementation done by a wide range of the group (Teoh, 2017). The designed mobile application will require iPhone, a minimum value of iOS 9 and lastly have a google account. The following research focuses on the proper development of mobile guide application which is done by making use of software engineering principles and methods of software development. With the help of application, the user is able to enrich the level of information provided on the internet. But the mobile application comes up with a certain number of limitation when they are about to move. In the development of the software, a use case diagram and proper design have been provided. While in the search section, the current condition, idea for design and methods of implication used in IOS development has been described in details (Nickerson and Mourato-Dussault, 2015). This research will benefit the people who want to benefit from the online application like ticketing and sales. By the help of travel guide application on systems for free has become a new kind of trend which results due to use of the mobile application. There are a large number of people who are involved in spending time with most tourists.

Research Question

Depending on the objectives and scope of the given work, many research question can be raised like

Q1. What new function needs to be properly designed in the given tourism application?

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For proper design of the given system the mobile travel application which is based on the current application. It is vital to have a proper plan which is design concepts and methods for designing. All the answer to the given question has been provided in ticket sale and shop for the online domain (Fang, Li and Wang, 2017). The paper mainly provides an idea regarding the process of proper function design of the given mobile application. Software application makes use of a certain number of principles which is used for the essential design of the framework.

Q 2. What are advantages for the user which is obtained from the use of application?

The paper mainly checks the current industry of mobile application so that its study can be impacted for mobile users. A proper comparison with existing mobile application is considered to be vital to have an idea regarding the current advantage of the application. The theory of travel guide has been provided in the above pages of the report (Muosa, Hussain and Rehef, 2017). The theory is totally based on practical training which is done from the organization side. But the help of this, a practical training for the given organization has been provided. There are many development functions which need to be designed on the given mobile application like digital shop and lastly online ticketing. The research is totally based on development work which is provided for the literature. Research focuses on development which results in having a proper idea regarding the understating regarding the fact of how the mobile will be processed.

For some of the instance, the total mobile application is under the development of IOS model. It comes up with IOS App development which helps in having a proper understanding of examination and design of User interface (Bentley et al. 2015). The hierarchy viewer comes up with two kinds of models like

  • Intuitive access for UI layout structure along with proper properties of information which are provided from a visual point of view. It helps in proper optimization of the layout of given design.
  • When combined with debug option it specifically looks for some kind UI objects and requests which is used for layout of given process of invalid operation.

Q 3. How should travel organization manage the mobile strategy for the future, by the development of the application or looking for alternate solutions?

Development of the application is considered to be a big decision and along with it is vital for an organization to take into account the big type of investment which is available in mobile booking in the near future (Liu et al. 2016). Mobile technology keeps on developing and bringing new kind of startups and challenges which are there in the existing or current application.

Aims and Objectives

The ultimate objective of this particular research is to develop a proper mobile travel guide application which is added to the given function of the existing application. In this application, proper interaction is encountered between a user in comparison to traditional travel guides (Shankari, Culler and Katz, 2016). So the developer has designed an application because a large number of people think they that there can be similar kind of products are there in the current market. After conducting a proper market research, it has an only single function on major of the travel guide application and some important features are not listed.  The ultimate goal of designing the product is to easily make it a travel guide application which comprises of some important features (Le, 2016). The user can easily make use of the application in much convenient to them. Online ticketing and online shopping services will allow sales service to easily buy tickets and book any hotel anywhere which provides a proper kind of access to a given network.

The ultimate goal of this product is to develop a mobile application which is used for “Online Travel Tool”. Firstly, the new mobile application will provide a guide for different travelers around the world (Cabral and Vieira, 2015). Secondly, the mobile application comes up with some supporting features like the sale of online tickets, online shop service and guiding traveler by means of audio. Thirdly, the research focus on issues encountered by traditional travel guide application.

The developed IOS mobile application will provide a large number of benefits like real-time tracking, cashless travel, tailor-made apps for the needs of users, planning of social travel and localization.

Real-time tracking: Tracking of the application in real time is increasing day by day. A major number of modes of transport are claiming to provide service by which passengers can track down the motion of cars and buses (Fodor and COVACI, 2016). In the near future, this particular service will improve as most of the transport will depend on live tracking. Public transport agencies have already started to make use of IoT technology and other kinds of GPS device for gathering information related to trains and buses. With the development of travel-time tracker application, the application can have an excellent idea to provide benefits.

Cashless travel: Any kind of theft and hassle in cash can result in security issues for various tourist who is intended to visit the country and region for the first time (Dreyer and Karneboge, 2016). The ultimate benefit of the digital economy is that there are several applications which let an individual travel cashless and provides the facility of all kind of payment by a single click.

Tailor-made an application: By the help of big data and machine learning, tourism application is claimed to be much smarter. Sophistication travel application will allow individual to make custom based decision for travel, time and lastly budget (Kang, Jwa and Park, 2017). By making use of travel history, preferences and feedback, the applications can easily able to recommend better plans and trips.

Social travel planning: It mainly combines new age of technologies along with the proper recommendation. The application will ultimately help the users to easily suggest it to friends, families and consumer’s reviews (Mishra, Jain and Pamecha, 2014). It is combined to make an informed decision about the choice regarding travel and choice of tourism which is an inclusive destination, vendors and lastly any kind of booking.

Localization: Geo-target based recommendation are considered to be popular in various sectors and industry of tourism (Ismail et al. 2017). Travel application will ultimately improve the experience of users by providing local suggestion and deals which is based on location and preferences.

The modern internet directly provides tourists with a huge landscape relating to the tourism industry. It can be directly being related to the planning of the different actors as well as booking tickets with the help of the IOS device (Susilo et al. 2017). The recent development of the sector relating to information and technology of communication allows the tourist to get direct interest via the internet through the use of the application. It can be stated here that the smartphones are mainstream in the process with the involvement of active iOS and Android devices which are surpassing globally 700 million in recent times. The traffic which is related to global mobile data is growing very much rapidly to an impressive share of around 13% of the internet traffic in the year 2012(Shaheen, Cohen and Martin, 2017). Taking into consideration communication and information technologies it can be stated that the concept of tourism is stated as one of the most suited sectors which are related to the technology of mobile and communication technology. In the concept of the iOS, it can be stated that there are different types of search which can be generated in the device which should directly allow better communication aspect of the user and the application.

In the application which is taken into consideration directly allows the tourist to make an online reservation for different services for example hotels, car rental, and airplane ticket booking. The application which is related to the information resources category directly provide the tourist with useful information relating during her/his stay (Kechin, 2018). Application from the location-based service category directly allows the tourist to get a clear idea of the exact location of the user. Different authors in this field directly present a comprehensive analysis of the intelligent tourism recommender system. There can be classification relating to the recommendation interfaces, method user preferences representation and etc. It should take into consideration the sources of the information which is directly used in the aspect of providing the vital information to the tourist about their different need. Most of the consideration which is taken into consideration uses the predefined value of data set which include direct information about the attraction. According to the research in the above-stated system, it can be stated that it can be divided into two main groups for the aspect of information extraction:

  • An application which has their own database for the purpose of extraction of the information about the attractions and provides different solution and information to the tourists(Känsälä, 2017). They have saved data from the information which is given to the customer when they typically search for any content through the search bar.
  • The applications which provide a search relating to the information about the tourist for the sources of the internet. In such types of application, it can be stated that the information which is sent is from the internet. It can be considered to be one of the basic information which is provided to the customer as a result of the generation of the search which is provided.

The application which is relayed to the first group would not be requiring any type of internet connection for the aspect of the generation of the result of the search which is generated. On the other hand, the second group would be requiring the internet connection which would be delivering the result of the search which is regenerated (Hu and Weng, 2016). The main disadvantage which can be related to the concept is the cost involved in the concept. This is due to the factor that in order to access the internet most of the people would be needing an internet connection while in roaming conditions which would be increasing the cost which is involved into the concept.

There are different types of advantage which can be related to the application development in iOS that directly outruns the Android application. The different sectors which can be taken into consideration in the aspect are as follows:

  • The application which is made on the iOS has a better quality than the android application (McClung et al. 2017). The application can be sometimes having to be attractive so that the customer wants to indulge themselves in the application.
  • In the concept of the iOS, it can be stated that the application of the user is given a better experience which directly takes into consideration the enhancement of the quality of the application.
  • It can be stated that the application which is related to the iOS is very much compatible with all the iOS devices. It can be stated that in the android application there is a problem relating to the compatibility issue but in these cases, it can be stated that it directly include working into the application and not including the compatibility aspect.

In the application which is created in the environment of the iOS, there is a section where the user would have to register in order to grant access to the portal (Setiabudi and Tjahyana, 2015). When the user is already registered the user would be redirected directly to the login page where they have to input their personal credentials and gain access. After the log in part, they can automatically create an event relating to the trip which is being planned according to them. There is an extra feature which is related to the adding friends into the concept by means they can invite friends to use the application and as a reward, they would be gaining points as cash or reward points which can be redeemed in the next trip they conduct (Greaves et al. 2015). They can even get a friend request from another person as a result of which they can add them in the friend list. There are different credentials which can be added into the concept for means of securing the data and the authentication of the user. There are different factors which are taken into consideration in the aspect of the generation of the different credential related aspects.  

In the database, there are basically three tables which are majorly taken into consideration which majorly include user, friend, trip, event and share trip. The table which is related to the user mainly consist of different credential which is related to the authentication aspect of the user (Huang and Wang, 2015). The credential which is majorly included is the ID, email, name, mobile, and status. In order to plan a trip, there are different credentials which should be taken into consideration, for example, the ID, name, description, start date of the travel, end date of travel, the city of travel, travel ID, main user and the status.

The security of the data which is included into the process can be considered as a very important option due to the fact that there can be different types of security implications which can be included into the process if the data goes into the hand of another person (Al-Abri and Puttaswamy, 2018). There are different types of security policies which can be included into the working which majorly include authentication of the user so that there is no ethical issue faced within the concept.

There are different pages which are created in the application which has different roles to play. It can be stated here that in most of the cases each of the pages can be used in different context according to the requirement of the user (Quay-de la Vallee, 2017). The user interface which is related to the concept can be found in the sector of the fell and the look of the system. This directly takes into consideration that how the application would be looking and what would be the different features which would be included in the process. There are different factors which should be taken into consideration into the concept so that there is no ethical aspect involved in the concept. Sometimes it can be stated that some of the applications have different security level in order to provide authentication of the user who is involved in the operation (Al-Abri and Puttaswamy, 2018). The main aspect which is taken into consideration the report is the security of the data which is being fetched into the application. The database in the application would be saving the data for prior utilization and it can be stated that there are different types of security implication which are involved in the concept of the database. According to (Quay-de la Vallee, 2017) in an application, the security of the data should be given the topmost priority due to the factor that if any hacker gets indulged into the aspect it can be very much loss or the user who is using the application.

The main aspect which is taken into consideration in the primary research of the application was the interview with some of the pioneers in the field of an iOS application managing the tourism sector. The main emphases were given to the people who have indulged themselves into the concept and have some sort of knowledge in the field (Voon et al. 2016). The main focus point of the interview was to develop an idea about the different implications which can be included into the concept of the application. In some of the sector, it can be seen that applications fail to deliver the right type of service which it deserves to give to the user or the customer. There were a few questions which were fixed mainly concerning the usability of the application and most importantly the security of the data which is fetched into the system. It can be stated that the development of an application is not an easy task at hand due to the factor that there are different sectors which have to be taken into consideration (Ball et al. 2014). One of the most important sector which can be taken into consideration is the user’s experience. The application should be made in a way which would be directly less complicated so that everyone can easily indulge and use the application for the different purpose the application can offer to them. If the application is made in a complex manner most of the people would not be able to use the application as a result of which it would not be servicing the purpose of the application. The platform for the development of the application can be one of the important factors which should be taken into consideration. In an Ios application, one of the major issues which are widely faced is the sector of the security of the data. Sometimes it can be seen that the security which is initiated into the data is not so much secured so alternative methods are taken into consideration (Hiebeler, 2015). The storing of the data can be another point of a factor but it can be stated here that iOS application has the feature of cloud by which the data can be stored in a secured manner and can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.

The secondary data is mainly obtained by searching the different available options over the concept of the internet. There are different types of journals which majorly aim at providing a basic infrastructure relating to the application development in the concept of the iOS (Piccoli and Pigni, 2016). The interface aspect of the application can be considered as a part which is majorly focused in most of the journals due to the fact that the experience of the user can be one of the most important factors which should be taken into consideration. In the majority of the cases, people tend to stay away from the concept of the application relating to the iOS due to the complexity which is seen in the data of the application and the hectic job on inputting data into the system. In both the sectors of research, it can be stated that the security of the data can be considered one of the primary factor which is focused (Lubke et al. 2017). In the development of an application of iOS application, there are different stages which have to be taken into consideration which mainly focus on the aspect of the testing of any loopholes in the application. It should also be taken into consideration that intruders cannot get into the access of the data of the application as it can lead to a big problem related to the security of the data as well as the security of the application.   

There are many difference which can be stated in context of the React Native for development and iOS native app development. The main point of difference is stated below:

Difference in the design: The main point of difference in this context is the aspect of design. It can be stated here that the general features which is related to apple’s icons, pictogram and buttons can be considered as their minimalistic and design concept. React Native for development can be considered to be inspired by an almost identical material of design idea. It can be stated here that iOS has a separate miniature window (Teoh, 2017). The native application of development has a different schedule and icon which are attached to the concept. iOS developers tend to demand that the lines used in the icon would be as thin as possible which is directly opposite to the application development using native aspects.

Specific to distributive platform: The concept of distribution can be considered as a waiting process when taking into consideration the iOS based environment. On the other taking into consideration the aspect of distribution when applied to native environment can be considered to be a process which is very much easy and no time lagging aspects involved into the concept. Moreover the app store which is present in the iOS can be considered to be very much restricted from the point of view of the user and most of the user are premium users. In the native application the user can easily get access to the applications at any time without any complicity involved into the concept (Hu, Chiu and Zhu, 2015). One of the notable thing which can be seen in the concept of the native application is the bouncer system which directly takes into consideration all the application and checks them and removes all the potential harmful and not appropriate applications.

Developer’s income: It can be stated here that the development of application in the domain of the iOS can be considered to be an expensive matter due to the fact that it is not a free domain. The developers have to buy the platform in order to create their application and make use of the different functions which are related to the concept. On the other hand it can be stated that the application development in the android can be considered to be less expensive and does not included any upfront cost associated within the application building process. Another advantage which can be stated in this context is the sector of revenue which is attached in the context of android application.

One of the important factor which can be stated here is that iOS application development can be considered to be very much a precision oriented task due to the factor that there can be different types of complexity attached to the concept. One of the most important sector which should be taken into consideration is the complexity from the end of the developers. One of the sector which should be focused majorly is the distribution sector (Teoh, 2017). Due to the cost oriented in the deployment it can be considered to very much complex and the overall cost of the system can be considered to be very much high. In most of most of the cases it can be seen that the complexity which is seen in the context is very much on the higher end due to the factor that most of the developers tries not to include most of the feature which can be related to the aspect of the development of the iOS application in an environment (Bentley, Chen and Holz, 2015). In the native application development the complexity which is involved can be considered to be very much less than the iOS application development. It can be stated risk factors are more in the iOS application than the native application development due to the factor that due to the complexity in the development sector and the intense testing stage which is involved into the concept (Baumann and Velasco, 2017). It can be stated here that in most of the application there should be up gradation involved which would be enhancing the quality of the application and the security aspects which is involved in the application. In the iOS application it can be stated that the up gradation of the application is very much easy than the up gradation the native applications. On the other hand it can be stated that there can be issue related to the license which can be included into the concept which would be enhancing the sector of quality of the applications. As stated by (Baumann and Velasco, 2017) the applications which are developed in the iOS can be considered to be less risk oriented as it involves different testing phases which detects the functionality of all the parts and the working area within the application as well as checking of the interface is done properly.

The mobile travel guide application is limited to recent kind of operating system. The mobile system application is available to smartphones with IOS platform (Sun et al. 2018). However, this particular application will look for a new kind of data which is incorporated into the application as it requires much time to be incorporated into it.

Poor Data synchronization with Cloud: This IOS based travel application will require a secure login at every instance they need it to be used. It generally expects to have a data connection for login verification every instance (Baumann and Velasco, 2017). This application will lose connection session if there is a loss of data connection. So a result the stored strips and boarding passes of the journey will disappear until the next successful login attempt which needs a data connection. The design of mobile application needs to install and properly register on the account then the user can forget it. The plan provided with the help of email which requires to be automatically stored.  

UX design to be small and packed: Designer of IOS application seems to have forgotten that finger is a finger. Every action button or any dropdown should not only large as it can affect this with reasonable price (Ahmetovic et al. 2016). It is always spaced away from other kinds of activities which aims in avoiding any kind of tapping for the wrong one. Selection of an item in the predictive list can be some difficult and too small to be squeezed out to next value.

Personalization: With the development and proliferation of Big Data technology has allowed a large number of the organization to gather more kind of information. The technology has created a place where information like purchasing habit, interest, needs and lastly the preference of various customers (Bentley, Chen and Holz, 2015). By the help of this technology, travel organization can easily look for products and services which caters the desire and trends of various customers (Chang et al. 2016). The whole method of converting data into proper action and looking for customer needs can be defined as personalization. It totally changed the way travel search and booking experience work in the current situation. So, this mobile IOS mobile application has been designed in such a way that it can highlight potential booking which is based on the interest of traveler. It can provide a list of options like morning flight, boutique hotel and lastly local dining option. These keys can be considered to be key for any kind of business digital platform. It can also put an analysis regarding the company digital platform. It is considered to key business which is used for driving an organization to a digital platform. Along with this, it checks the online reputation management of this organization and growth if not checked in a proper way. A high degree of personalization can easily leave customers to feel claustrophobic in the domain of packages which are offered (Shankari et al. 2018). It can easily result in adding value cart to the organization. Apart from this, any kind of misuse of personalization can make a customer feel much better rather than the person who avoids the company mobile travel. By making use of personalization with a mobile application needs a fine line between data and human interaction. It requires the organization to be fully aware of the delicate balance which is used in creating their mobile presence.

Cost: With the development of technology in the last few years have reduced the cost which is involved in creating a mobile (Zhang, Feng and Song, 2017). It comes up with a capacity to properly interact with customers who use a large number of devices by making use of responsive design element. Building a mobile application is cost effective that currently, more than 100,000 mobile applications are available on the market. And many applications are about to currently development. Development and launching of the mobile application can be relatively much less in comparison to another kind of digital technology which is available in the market. The market value of this application can easily exceed the given cost (Teoh, 2017). It comes up with some other terms and factors like growth in revenue and a greater hold in the current market.

The developed IOS based mobile application for tourism will be better if certain things are taken into account like:

User personal account with social media: A travel app is a well-known personal tool for every kind of traveler. So a personal account must be there for any travel app development. With the help of the registration process, an individual can gather more information at the time of registration. It should be considered to be very much helpful to understand the behavior of customers and retaining them. When it comes to the part of registration, the addition of social media will not only gear up the registration process but also provide access to social profiles which can easily build personal deals for customers. Apart from the social network, the majority of social traveler aims to share the proper kind of experience through social network platforms like Facebook, Twitter and lastly Instagram.

Booking Service: Almost all the travel application provides various kinds of booking services. It is best to build a certain number of hotel and flight booking service which has a loyalty program in it (Zhang, Feng and Song, 2017). The customers of this application can easily choose to book flight tickets along with accommodation for future trips in the given application.

Navigation and Geolocation: After the arrival at the destination point, travelers are free to understand the current location and how to reach nearest hotel and restaurants. This is why this mobile application requires geolocation feature (Teoh, 2017). For implementing this feature, Google provides Google Maps SDK which is for both IOS and Android. It can map to travel app which has all the features of proper routing and navigation.


From the above discussion, it can be easily concluded that this report is all about the development of a mobile application. The main objective of the travel guide application is to develop a full audio guide, online ticketing and lastly online shopping service. The ultimate goal of a travel guide is to provide the users with a more convenient application to users in comparison to the traditional model of travel. On the internet, some of the basics function is there which is presented as an open source which provides the best way or convenient method of development. The implemented audio feature was done successfully done by MP3 code. The available IOS application comes up with a large number of issues and scaling each other. The given version has been developed by the time in which it is integrated. The output or result of each question made a good answer to all the research question. It provided some of the useful information which can be used for the development of the application. It emphasizes the IOS hold a strong value of user group, so as per the given requirement the application has been designed. Mobile tends to be an indispensable tool used by a large number of people and a number of applications are provided to those users. By analyzing the user’s requirement, the application can be developed in the much better way. In the above of pages of this report, an outline has been provided regarding the outline of the given project. Implementing IOS application for a large number of users is provided in the above pages. The aims and objectives of this research have been provided in the above pages. A literature review has been done on the IOS mobile application for tourism. After that two kinds of research has been done in the report like primary and secondary. The last section of the report mainly deals with a large number of recommendation for this designed IOS based tourist application.


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