Developing An Employee Health And Wellness Program For ABC Stationery
Read through the following case study. You should reflect on your learning and your own research within this unit.
Each case study is assigned 300 words + 10%. It is important that evidence be referenced to current information using APA referencing style.
Consider the following scenario.
You work for a small business, ABC Stationery, which supplies office supplies to small and medium-sized businesses within the South East Queensland market. It has eight staff members, and the business has started to grow. The CEO has asked that you look at the current programs that promote personal effectiveness within the business. You will also be asked to plan and develop an employee health and wellness program. Here is the employee breakdown of ABC Stationery. · Two business partners own the business · Three administration staff · One finance manager · Two sales staff, who mostly work remotely The projection is that, over the next 12 months, there will be an additional three staff members employed, one of whom will be another member for the sales team. This business has been operating for five years and has a good reputation for providing quality customer service. Currently, the only health program in place is a stretching exercise that happen at 3pm daily and lasts for 10 minutes. There is an expectation that all staff members present participate. Office Employees Six employees are based in the office. Their jobs are desk bound. During this period of rapid growth, they are producing very high volumes of work, contributing to stressful work conditions. |
Employee Demographics · Age Range: 35-55 · Even mix of men and women · Six employees would be classified as overweight or obese · Three employees are smokers |
Task 1
Identify suitable methods for researching the specific health needs of these employees as outlined. What type of data-gathering methods would you use? Attach samples of types of information that you would be seeking.
Here are the two methods of researching which could be used to determine the health needs of the employees: 1. Qualitative Research makes use of a description based researching approach in which the person doing research is assisted to be very much specific. It is a kind of research which is very costly and takes a lot of time. Moreover it has potential to do research within a small target which will make their research more specific. Such a kind of research gives the control in the hands of the researcher. 2. Quantitative research is done with an attempt to determine the connection between two different elements in a specific population (Sharma, 2016). Such elements may include the salary of the employee, efficiency, duration as well as the treatment. Like in the case of this case study the sample is small and is in between the age group of 35 to 55 years of age. The same is restricted to the employees of a particular organisation, some might be addicted to smoking, alcohol while some may be of the mix gender. The methods adopted to collect the data includes the following: · The research could be conducted on a particular group of employee within the age of 35 to 55 years of age, out of which 6 are obese or overweight, three are smokers and others are a mixture of male and female. · Since the audience is small a personal interview could also be conducted determining their health issues, their food habit and their lifestyle with an attempt to understand the reason which is making them obese and which is addicting them towards smoking. · An observational method of research could also be adopted so that the small group of employees could observed carefully so that their respective health issues could be determined and measures could be taken accordingly. |
Describe the approaches that you would take to enable engagement from all relevant stakeholders for preparing a plan. Include how you would locate and name relevant industry consultants.
Here are the few steps which would ensure engagement from all the relevant stakeholders of the organisation: 1. Firstly it is very much important to determine the stakeholders of the company. In this scenario all the employees who are benefiting from the program and on whom the program is having an impact should be identified as a stakeholder (Morgan et al., 2016). 2. In the very next step the level of support and commitment of the determined stakeholder towards the success of a program should be carefully analysed. Such elements includes the rank and the responsibility of the considered stakeholder towards the project and also the level of knowledge a stakeholder has about the different features of the organisation. 3. The functioning of the organisation should outlined in a way such that it ensures the commitment of the stakeholders towards the organisation. 4. The different functions which were outlined previously should be converted into appropriate action to ensure the validity of the health and wellbeing plan. 5. The result of the health and wellbeing plan should be checked and appropriate steps should be taken to make the necessary amendment. The different industry consultants could be located by means of determining the need of training and development among the employees which in turn would enhance the performance of the employees as well as increase the productivity of the organisation. In this way, the employees would receive an appropriate form of training which would assist them in the correct manner. The employees could be trained determine their health related and steps could be taken to reduce the intensity of the appropriate health issue. The related information could discussed with the employees, questionnaires could be provided to the employees, meeting could be conducted, recommendations could be made and information platform could be developed in some public place of the organisation (Frank et al., 2015). |
Undertake research on current programs. Using the template provided, develop a work health business case for presentation to the CEO for approval/endorsement.
Undertake research on the staffs current health needs and include in your plan recommendations that will expand on current health risks.
Prepare the business case, and ensure that you include detailed information regarding the following matters:
- Processes for engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders for understanding the Health and Wellness program, its values, and processes for implementing it
- Strategies for providing feedback to stakeholders on:
- Program responsibilities
- Program milestones
- Evaluation outcomes
- Listing the policy documents to be prepared and the purpose of these policies
- Managing qualified and relevant support health and wellbeing services to all employees.
- Detailed steps on how the programs will be monitored and reviewed
- Approaches for incorporating outcomes into organisational strategies
- Relevant legislation, which must be complied with
- Costs or other challenges of which managers must be aware
- Risks to be identified and managed by senior personnel
Engagement and Collaboration of the stakeholders 1 .The stakeholder should be engaged in a particular program as long as the program is functioning in the organisation. The important data could also be attained from the stakeholders as long as the program is functioning in the organisation. 2. The process of benchmarking could be used to determine the program responsibility and also to determine the expected standard of performance. It also includes the different risks which an organisation is ready to take for the efficiency of the project. A milestone could be used to determine the goals and objectives of a particular program, which means that the more an employee participates in a program the more productive he would land up to be. An evaluation should be done to ensure that the organisation is performing within the budget and within the allotted time limit. 3. The different historical information could be documented so that the employees are able to access it as per their level of authority and responsibility. 4. The qualified support could be attained by involving the stakeholders in the functioning of the organisation. 5. An appropriate evaluation should be done in order to monitor if the program is working towards the attaining of the objectives of the organisation. 6. Adequate help and supervision along with the mentors should be provided to the concerned employees. 7. ISO9000 helps to manage the quality of documentations which had taken place (Doyle, Ward & Early, 2018). 8. The cost to eliminate any kind of risks should be taken into consideration and steps should be taken to provide safety for the employees. The managers may face the challenges in case if the employees don’t accept the training program. Health issues should determine and incident report should also be taken into consideration. Managers should motivate the employees to determine the different kind of health issues which they might face. |
Develop an implementation plan for your employee health and wellness program.
Ensure that it includes:
- How you would communicate and market the program
- How you will evaluate the program’s effectiveness
Reference List
Cheng, A., Grant, V., Dieckmann, P., Arora, S., Robinson, T., & Eppich, W. (2015). Faculty development for simulation programs: five issues for the future of debriefing training. Simulation in Healthcare, 10(4), 217-222.
Chiauzzi, E., Rodarte, C., & DasMahapatra, P. (2015). Patient-centered activity monitoring in the self-management of chronic health conditions. BMC medicine, 13(1), 77.
Doyle, E. I., Ward, S. E., & Early, J. (2018). The process of community health education and promotion. Waveland Press.
Frank, J. L., Reibel, D., Broderick, P., Cantrell, T., & Metz, S. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on educator stress and well-being: Results from a pilot study. Mindfulness, 6(2), 208-216.
Morgan, P. J., Young, M. D., Smith, J. J., & Lubans, D. R. (2016). Targeted health behavior interventions promoting physical activity: a conceptual model. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 44(2), 71-80.
Sharma, M. (2016). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.