Developing A Learning Plan As A Registered Nurse

Part A Learning needs

Registered nurses have sole responsibility of planning and communicating nursing practice. They undergo appraisal processes through comprehensive, informative and evidenced-based approaches. Under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme, it requires nurses to meet this set standard and continue to enhance professional developments before enhancing and facilitating registration.

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The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, (NMBA, 2018), ensures that registered nurses identify their learning needs based on evaluations undertaken, develop a brief plan on needs identified; participate in continuous development and reflection on the value of the activities engaged.

Identified NMBA standards include;

NMBA Standards 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships.

NMBA Standard 5: Develops a plan for nursing practice

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Newly registered nurses are able to make statements based on achieved standards. The NMBA registration process allows for continuous development as a mandatory requirement. Thus it expects the nurses in the association of making structured form and planning engaging in this practice and measure their performance based on the national competency standards available. Continuous nursing development is engaged with purposeful maintenance and improvement of professional practice, knowledge and skills in order for nurses to remain relevant in their practice, (Arnold & Underman, 2011, pp 75). In view of this, CPD for NMBA 5 is recognized as a commitment of professionalism, keeping up to date information and seeking professional continuous improvement.

Areas of focus in enhancing my learning needs;

  1. Enhancing my therapeutic  and professional relations
  2. Improving my nursing practice knowledge base for continuous quality care

Enhancing therapeutic relationships with the nurses play key roles in enhancing the positive outcome, (Erikson & Blazer-Riley, 2015, pp 18). Further CPD acknowledges various learning needs from the healthcare professionals. The CPD in my case will be crucial in ensuring effective service quality and other care services. Hence as a registered nurse in my profession allows maintained of competency and aim for continuous development in my standard of service I offer.

Evidence record

Self-directed continuing professional development

Name: NMBA Standard 5: Develops a plan for nursing practice


Identified learning need

Action plan

Type of activity

Description of topic (s) covered during activity and outcome

No./Title/ Description of evidence provided

CPD hours



Enhancing my nursing skills through NMBA codes of practice

Assessing my self through NMBA code of standards

Professional nursing resource materials

Description :The learning resource gives an feedback questions on nursing practice

Outcome: improved awareness on nursing practice


See appendix 1




Improving my nursing practice knowledge base for continuous quality care improvement.

Conducting continuous usage of randomised and experimental studies to improve nursing skills


Description: A series of podcasts entailing for nurses by nurses approach. The podcast gives an illustration of the activities and how nurses act when offering care.

Outcome: The activity led to improved nursing experiences and getting to know how nurses engage various issues in the nursing profession.


The Nurses Station–A Podcast

A Podcast for Nurses by Nurses

appendix 2


Improving my nursing practice knowledge base for continuous quality care improvement.

Enhancing nursing skills and knowledge

My goal is to engage in building an environment rich in knowledge and continuous care delivery to the patients

Journal articles

Description :The search journal allows for evidence based questions dealing with care and research based evidence on care studies Outcome: the activity led to improved awareness on evidence based practices in nursing practice

Pubmed Database

appendix 3

3 hours


Improving my nursing practice knowledge base for continuous quality care improvement.

Engaging on searching for journalistic information regarding nursing practice on improving knowledge of the nurses involved


Description: The activity engages on accessing media files articles ands and professional materials which aid in understanding the nursing environment.

Outcome: The activity engaged learning online resource full materials which improved my knowledge.

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
International Peer-reviewed and Open Access Journal for the Nursing Specialists

appendix 4




Improving nursing care practice

I would like to learn more on nursing practice and enhanced my knowledgebase

Online learning module

Description :The topic covered involved nursing practice which enhance patient safety and care Outcome: improved nursing experienced achieved


appendix 5

2 hours



Identified learning need

Action plan

Type of activity

Description of topic (s) covered during activity and outcome

No./Title/ Description of evidence provided

CPD hours



Enhancing and engaging  in therapeutic  and professional relations

I would like to engage positively on building components which are essential in enhancing therapeutic relations

Professional development

Description :The learning resource talks on leadership transformation and building professional; relationships in nursing practice

Outcome: Better understanding of nursing practice and more supportive care resource materials

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2011)

Chapter: 5 Transforming Leadership

See appendix 1




Enhancing and engaging  in therapeutic  and professional relations


Watching podcast nursing experiences

Interactions with health professionals and patients

Description :watching nursing experiences on how to enhanced nursing relationship

Outcome: it led to improve and positive outcome of my nursing practice


The Nurses Station–A Podcast

Episode 42-The Importance of Fostering Relationship in Building a Patient Caseload Appendix 2


Enhancing and engaging  in therapeutic  and professional relations

quality care

Undertaking individual assessment using NMBA reflection questions


Description :Reflecting on the nursing skills enhanced  studies Outcome: improved scope of practice


3 hours


Enhancing and engaging  in therapeutic  and professional relations

Engaging on searching for journal information

Journal  articles

Description: The activity engages on accessing media files articles ands and professional materials which aid in understanding the nursing environment.

Outcome: Access to learning journals articles on nursing.

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
International Peer-reviewed and Open Access Journal for the Nursing Specialists


appendix 4



Enhancing and engaging  in therapeutic  and professional relations

Getting more knowledge on therapeutic perspective



Description :Accessing nursing journal sites Outcome: Engaging in wide range of journal and scientific articles

Nursing Process

appendix 5

2 hours

A critical reflection on my practice entails developing an exemplary learning outcome, as a registered nurse. Nursing practice is a critical care service which enhances patent centered care coupled with evidence-based approaches to restore health state. As a registered nurse, working in a therapeutic and professional environment entails enhancing positive care practice, (Grace, Oster, O’Kone, Haam & Cochrane, 2018). However, at times, challenges exist in implementing health-related policies in Australia.  

Promoting and enhancing professional competency is a key attribute towards improving and developing positive nursing practice. Being competent in terms of delivery of care and offering the needed assistance is crucial for enhancing the development of nursing practice, (Shekdon, 2009).

Part B: Evidence record

As a registered nurse, professional development in nursing practice plays a vital role. Enhancing continuous thinking and analysis of thought full processes are key to maintaining constructive relationships. Registered nurse practice entails continuous thinking and assessing the context of development and maintaining constructive relationships. For an effective process such as this entails the need to develop through enhanced professionalism and enhancing the capability for enhancing development practice. Registered nurses are engaged in coordination of safe and quality nursing care. Thus in engaging in this process, entails comprehensive assessment and implementing an evaluation plan. As registered nurses, being responsible and accountable is one aspect which is vital in my nursing development plan.

A registered nurse plays a critical role in facilitating autonomous practice with the systems and enhancing positive nursing outcomes.The activities engaged in implementing this nursing outcome needs to be enhanced by my nursing practice gaps. The activity improved my knowledge on the application of effective nursing skills and application of evidence-based nursing practice so as to ensure that positive learning outcomes are achieved.

The activity improved my skills and scope of knowledge. Learning some of the evidence-based practices and enhances positive outcome in my nursing field. Thus engaging in the continuous process of the activities ensures that patients receive adequate care and improved health outcomes as best care is provided to them.

NMBA Standard 2: Need for learning and Engaging in therapeutic and professional relationships.

Registered nurses have the sole role of engaging in effective and purposeful relationships. This means there is a need for cultivation and engagement of mutual respect in professional’s relationships. The therapeutic relationship in my nursing role entails defining and helping relationships which are built on mutual trust and respect with the patient and nurturing faith and hope for the ones being care for. The caring relationships are often built when there is a conducive environment for a nurse-patient relationship in health care, (Miller & Nambiar-Greenwood, 2011).

Nurse’s role in building relationship entails building trust, intimacy and respect and empathy feelings. It further requires an act of making decisions towards the best interest of the patient. Evidence approaches have argued that an important factor in building effective therapeutic relations between the patient and the nurse in healthcare practice. Enhancing caring relationships offers an opportunity for me together with the patient thus creating harmony and promotes faster healing, (Walshe & Luke, 2010 pp 1168).

Thus, in my healthcare context as a registered nurse, engaging in therapeutic relationship is one of the most critical factors in establishing an effective relationship between the nurse and the patient. Further, enhancing the interaction of the staff and the professional team aims at enhancing therapeutic relationships and enhancing patient-centered care outcomes. The crucial value which the activity on my practice is enhancing positive outcome on skills level and prepare me adequately for the positive patient care delivery process.

Identified learning need

According to Belcher & Jones, (2009 pp 145), enhancing key professional competency skills is a critical aspect in the nursing career and an attribute which I have to develop and cultivate. Caring for patients often involves a lot of interactions. Thus incorporating key nursing skills and competencies is key in enhancing nursing knowledge.

Dealing with emotionally charged scenarios in my practice is paramount. Helping patients in overcoming painful experiences is a vital tool in enhancing positive health outcomes. Understanding various patient situations and developing traits such as being understanding, caring and nonjudgemental enhances the strong ability to empathize the patients, (Dogherty, Harrison & Graham, 2010 pp 77).

Compassion and empathy are vital aspects of the learning process are the key foundations of nursing care. In different nursing case situations, nurses have the crucial role of dealing with the sick people and enhancing caring and compassionate attitude. Understanding how to act and behave yourself as a nurse in such sections plays a crucial role and a factor towards improved health outcomes, (Ward-Griffin, 2016).

As a registered nurse, acting in the best interest of the patient is an essential aspect of maintaining relationships. As a nurse, ensuring clients needs are met is a key concept of being professional. Studies and reviews done have shown that clinical assessment and observation of the body, mind, and emotions are ideal for effective healing processes, thus in offering care to patients, considering this aspect is vital for positive healthcare outcome. Necessary competencies in enhancing these critical skills are best calculated through building effective therapeutic relationships between the different professionals in the healthcare unit, (Wassenaar et al., 2015 pp 3235-3238).

Building my professional practice entails building nurse-client relationships, good and sound background, illness knowledge. Enhancing effective communication facilitates easy communication between different healthcare staff and other professional colleagues. As a nurse applying this concept is vital in creating and maintaining nurse-client relationships. Thus all aspects of therapeutic relationships are often interrelated. Thus there is the need for building and expanding on this framework so as to achieve and improve therapeutic relations in my service field, (Adams, Mannix & Harrington, 2017 pp 75).

The activities engaged in this exercise played a vital role in ensuring that preferred patient development is calculated within the patient set up. Enhancing therapeutic relational and professional association within the different health care practisers enhance the promotion of trusts and cultivates respect within the different health care staff available in the facility. The activity engaged ensured that socialization within the different professionals in the healthcare facilities has enhanced positive therapeutic relations.

Action plan

Nursing practice is a process which incorporates various perspectives in implementing care to the patients. Thus enhancing and initiative other nursing key practice is vital. Completing this task yielded positive results outcome. However, improving n some few aspects can be effective in this process.  Knowing boundaries, forms an integral part of nursing care practice. Boundaries are crucial in a nurse-patient relationship. They depict invisible structures which may be reflected through ethical, legal and professional frameworks’ the boundaries I ensure that the focus of the established relationship remains on client needs. Boundaries have a self-rule of ensuring that the health goal and relationship ends when the goal is met, (Tang, Zhou, Chan & Liaw, 2018 pp 14).

The role of a nurse is to ensure that these attributes are embedded in my nursing practice. Anything which hampers client relationships with registered nurse needs to be disallowed. Nurses play a crucial role in ensuring that positive relationships are built.

Further goal setting through a collaborative process for the nurses is a key process which needs to be learned and incorporating in the learning activities. Goals setting are part of the professional development which ensures that there is focus on the patient. This critical aspect needs to be embedded in professional development and ensuring that nursing practice adopts itself to this key parameter, (Adams, Mannix & Hannington, 2017 pp 78). Reflecting these key aspects ensures that nursing development standard is improved.

Practices for implantation of NMBA are often diver and open a wide range of activities. Further, there are no specific keys instructions pertaining to its implementation. The NMBA core direction is to undertake key activities which help in achieving the desired nursing outcome. Continuous development will thus entail implementation of activities such as; feedback reflection, practice on clinical audits, participation in professional reading fostering education developing policies which promotes competency development.  

Further, this task did not provide much needed reflective process which is essential in nursing practices. Reflective process revolves around reviewing experiences and evaluating outcomes for nursing practice development. Reflection is a critical aspect of learning and improving self-competency and learning opportunities. It entails focussing on how nurses, patients, and other healthcare related personal interest and cooperate and understand each other better, (Ortiz, 2016).

Further, reflective process highlights key factors in the intermingling process between the practitioners and the interrelationships which revolve around the intellectual thinking which provides a vehicle for nursing care delivery and competency development, (Bulman et al., 2016 pp 150). Reflective process in his assessment is able to provide and develop skilled procedures which have its own beliefs and principles which they are competently offered to healthcare consumers.

Type of activity

Therefore reflective process in this task is key in providing heightened and deeper awareness for the variety of reasons which shape informed care practice in healthcare practice. Achieving a reflective process in the nursing field can be a times challenging, thus building competencies on this section offers an opportunity for self-evaluation and sharpening practicing skills.


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