Destination Marketing Organizations And Destination

Roles of Marketing in Business Management

Discuss about the Destination Marketing Organizations and Destination.

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Marketing is a business management process in which goods and services move from production to consumption. This process is coordinated by four business marketing aspects that include identification of the product to be developed and enhanced in the market, determining the level of value of the product or services that is its price, select the means by which the product or service will reach the consumer or rather the customer who is the main stakeholder of the product market or the place (Armstrong, et al, 2014). The last and most important strategy in marketing is implementing the promotion strategy, this involves the means by which the information about the product gets to the end user who is the consumer. Through the various marketing methods in business, the marketer is able to reach the consumer. Effective marketing process is enhanced by effective strategic planning activities. This is important to ensure that all the set marketing ethics are followed to the latter to enhance order and a positive relationship with the customer. Apart from ethical issues also known as legal issues, marketing can also be influenced by economic issues (Sheth and Sisodia, 2015). Marketing has various roles in business management on individual consumers that are enhanced to ensure marketing success of certain goods and services in the market. Through the end users, the roles exhibited have a common good to all and also enhances environmental stewardship as discussed below.

As discussed above, the main objective of marketing activities in a given business environment is to get the product to the end user also known as the customer. This is beneficial to both the customer and the organization at large in enhancing development as it also results to exercising an important developmental role to the society at large. Whether it’s a profit making or non-profit making organization, marketing activities are vital for ensuring that target market is attracted respectively. This is important as it enhances a common good to all that are concerned with the well-being of the organizations. Some of these roles include;

Provide goods and services that cater and satisfy the needs of the customers. This is an important role in marketing that ensures the esteemed customers are able to access their intended goods and services as required and in good shape. Customers being the main stakeholders in marketing, the main role and very important to marketers is to satisfy their needs and requirements with efficiency and effectiveness (Arnett and Wittmann, 2014). This ensures a positive and quality development of consumer’s social status and the society at large. A sense of common good in this is that the society status is raised through the customers who are able to act and perform in accordance to the set societal expectations resulting to positive environmental maintenance. Example is Woolworth Group through their CEO Banducci is striving to give the best to their customers.

Analysis of Marketplace Activities

Creates a competitive business environment. In marketing, there are various business units that provide or offer similar goods and services to their consumers. This creates an environment in which the consumers has an opportunity to make choices on what to buy from who or where and at what time. Customers loyalty is mainly enhanced by satisfaction of services offered, if the customer is satisfied he or she is likely to remain loyal to that business unit and vice versa. Among the various factors for customer’s loyalty are price satisfaction, reliability of the product provider, place of the market among others. To enhance loyalty of the customer, the marketers set standard and affordable prices on the various goods that the customers require. This creates appropriate and competitive environment for both the marketer and the customer giving a common good of favorable and affordable prices to maintain the customer. This is important to enhance development of the surrounding as the customers’ needs are met. Example is Coca Cola Company and Pepsi Company that offer beverage products.

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Increasing product demands. Positive marketing activities enhance growth and development of both the business unit and the customer. Increasing demands signifies an increase in customers’ needs and requirements towards a particular product, to ensure these demands are met as required by marketing ethics, the business unit reverts by expanding its business environments as well as labor force. By increasing the labor force, more societal individuals are absorbed and trained to offer their services. This is important to the environment in that, the higher the level of skilled individuals in the society the higher the level of development both physical and in terms of skills for environmental positive growth and development. Example is the GrainCorp agribusiness developing company which has been having increase in demand of its grain farming products by the various customers (Kotler, et al, 2016).

Impacting techniques important for positively changing societal behavior. Marketing is a business process that involves various personnel’s for its success. To ensure this, all the involved individuals have to understand the set code of ethics in marketing. A common role to deliver is enhanced by ensuring the right skills fitting every target customer group in every society is impacted to the marketers. This is important to benefiting both the business unit and the target market. The skills offered enhance the right marketing skills important in rendering the right societal social behavior. Example, anti-smoking behavior during advertisements. This enhances environmental protection from air pollution. Coca Cola Company is a good example that enhances anti-smoking behaviors during advertisements of its various beverage products.

Marketing Activities

Develop dependable distribution systems that enhances access of goods and services to a large number of customers and in various geographical locations. Marketing has a role to ensuring that the means by which the goods and services reach the customers are in good shape and at any time the need arises. This is important to ensure that adequacy and reliability in marketing activities to the target market is ensured. Reaching customers at all given locations is very important for sustainability and productivity of the customers (Sok, O’Cass and Sok, 2013). This ensures stewardship of the environment as the customer is able to productively take place in environmental maintenance after satisfaction. Example Pepsi company having developed and distributed in the international market has a role to ensuring that all customers at the local markets have access to its beverage products for satisfaction as a gear of productivity and environmental maintenance.

Market place activities are enhanced at ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the goods and services provides. These activities are marketing, economic and legal frameworks as discussed below.

Marketing activities involve all the actions involved in the process of production of the product to delivering it to the customer. These are characterized by the main 4Ps of marketing among the 7Ps, that is, product that is the main factor of marketing, the price of the product to be given in the market, place to where the product is taken and the means by which information is to reach the consumer through promotion. Example, marketing activities of Coca-Cola as a global beverage company has a role in marketing to ensure the right beverage product reaches the customer, the price of the product should be viable to the product value, the product should be readily available to the customer in times of need and the means by which information reaching the customer should ensure no biasness or distortion of the information given (Leonidou, et al, 2013).

Economic activities at market place includes mode of payment, the means by which branding is carried out, customer relations management, level of competition among others. These economic activities at the market place enhance the process of marketing to ensuring that all the involved activities are carried out as required. Mode of payment refers to the means by which the customers pays the intended price of the sold good or service. This can be cash, inform of a cheque or use of liquid cash a current trend in payment. Branding refers to the means by which the market enhances its name or image to customers, this can be through website portals and online customer platforms. Customer relations management refers to the various ways that the marketer engages with the customer to positively influence his or her ability to buying the product or service. Example, giving discounts or other related offers to certain products. These activities are important to enhance a positive relationship with the customer (Keller, 2009).

Economic Activities

Legal frameworks refers to the legal implications governing the market place. These are also marketing ethics that enhance order during marketing process. They include marketing research ethics, marketing audience ethics, promotion and advertising ethics, and pricing ethics among many others. Marketing research ethics governs the process of collecting marketing data important in making marketing decisions (Pride, et al, 2012). These include invasion privacy and stereotyping during data collection. Researchers should not collect data from private sector without legal permit, they should not also stereotype customers but instead build positive relationships with customers to enhance their trust in buying the product for profit creation. Audience ethics refers to law governing the type of audience chosen for the market, potential customers should not be assumed over others. Promotion and advertisement ethics state that there should be truth and honesty in all the marketing information given about a product. Example, the right quality and quantity of the product should be given in line with the assigned price and value. The price of any given product should be in accordance with its determined marketing value. Legal frameworks in marketplace are very important as they enhance development, Example is Zara marketing growth as a result of strong and realistic marketing ethics (Pike and Page, 2014).

Ethics in marketing are very important as they help in controlling marketing activities towards achieving the set objectives important for marketing contribution to the common good and environmental stewardship as discussed below.

Satisfying urgent and basic human needs. Ethics enhances fairness and honesty in dealing with customers. Every customer as well as employees in the marketing sector desire to be related with honest and fair people as they are identified with prosperity, in the same way, fairness and honesty enhanced by ethics in marketing ensures that good deeds prevail between the customer and the market thus creating an environment for a positive relationship development. This ensures that the developed relationship between them it’s relevant to enhance a common role of loyalty as they work together towards marketing goal achievement and in the process enhance environmental maintenance (Grönroos and Gummerus, 2014).

Accountability and Transparency. Ethics in marketing ensures that all individuals involved are accountable to whatever results they give during their marketing activities. This is important to keep every involved person on toes on whatever he or she does. This creates an environment where people are able to share ideas relevant for development at the market place and the marketing activities at large.  This gives basis for individuals in the marketing sector to work together to enhance maintaining a positive and developing working environment. Ethics governing accountability on marketing waste products ensures maintenance of a free environment from pollution as different people come together to ensuring these set ethics are followed to the latter (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014).

Legal Activities

Enhanced profit levels. Business units with realistic guiding ethics and values have high chances of remaining relevant in the long run as they make more profits. This is as a result of maintained order in conducting its business activities both at the market and at individual level. Example, Tata group in India was seen failing due to lack of control ethics in its marketing activities but in setting up clear and realistic ones, the company shot to high level of profits. This brought people together a sign that unity created resulted to organizational development. This is common goal that supported growth and unity among people with positivism that is similarly directed to ensuring the same company cars do not contribute to environmental pollution (Hunt and Vitell, 2006).

Securing the society. Set marketing ethics ensures that even the marketers are protected enough to be able to participate in guarding the laws of the society. Law in the society has been seen acting as a silent spectator in safeguarding the societal environments. With marketing activities and ethics set in place, it’s easier for individuals to follow the societal law as they are reminded of the existing need to take care of the society. Example, an ethic in marketing that dictates no smoking while at work results to lack of smoke emissions for air pollution .This is a common good of no smoking while advertising that it results to air pollution prevention important to maintain the environment free from air pollution.


Marketing is a very crucial process in enhancing success of a business activity. Satisfying customers’ needs and requirement is the main objective of marketing and is enhanced by the 4Ps of marketing that include product, price, place and promotion. The various roles and activities of marketing ensure common good that enhance environmental stewardship. To improve on this, clear marketing strategies should be exercised to help enhance the existing once as well as improve on ethics for a successful marketing process.


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