Designing The Main Components Of A System For Cheltenham Football Club

Functional Requirements Analysis and Use Case Diagram

Since early times, Cheltenham Football Club has depicted our spectacular town, endeavoring to achieve the largest possible football level for the society and to settle together with Cheltenham’s various other attraction as well as attributes. Cheltenham has developed to become a significant commercial as well as cultural centre, therefore, the football club has advanced via the leagues. Therefore, there is a need for digital transformation that concerns the development of a system that will aid the club in making decisions at a faster rate (Carlsson-Wall, Kraus, and Messner, 2016).

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This objective is necessary for groups across the organizations incorporating finance, sales, product development, human resources, customer service as well as operations and that qualifies to be the major reason why design as well a management of complicated and expertise task is decentralizing. Although, with expectations developing for easy as well as intuitive taskforce innovations just as pressure is creating on business to be more functional agile.

This paper tends to the changing idea of work, the confinements of customary instruments, and how organizations can hope to advance – and proposes another worldview for work the board that will enable them to arrive (Trequattrini, Lombardi, and Battista, 2015). It uses information from a custom overview led amid July and August of 2017 that surveyed a scope of business pioneers crosswise over vast endeavors on their work the executive’s practices and difficulties.

The main purpose of this system is to execute a new web-based information system for the Cheltenham Football club in order to advance their operations. It is primarily focused on helping collection, utilization of data across the club as well as distribution. Various data will be addressed incorporating reports of the match, details of the member as well as knowledge of the football. In additament, the e-community aids in advancing the member interaction as well as sharing of information

1. Use Case Diagram

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Use case diagram refers to the behavior diagrams utilized to show a set of activities that several system or systems might carry out in collaboration with a single or many external clients of the system. Every use case should offer various observable as well as the valuable outcome to the actor or various shareholders of the system (de Sousa et al., 2017). The use case is utilized in a system analysis to establish, organize and clarify the requirements of the system.

1.1. Functional Requirements of the System

Conceptual Class Diagrams

Functional requirements may concern calculations, manipulation of data, processing, and technical details and other given functionality that identify what the system is likely to achieve. Behavioral requirements depicting all uses where the system utilizes the functional requirement are described in use case. The actions of the user are shown as functional requirements, the administrators can view the content of the team, match reports, season as well as profiles of the players.

Administrators can organize the information they are viewing, for instance, an administrator is able to choose to view the only actor of a single team rather than all the players of the entire team (Blanchette et al., 2017). Editors can create details with no important knowledge in programming if the editor produces a report of a match it should be irrelevant for them to choose players which scored, aided a goal. The functional requirements of Cheltenham foot club include the following:

  1. Addition of a new member


Processing of data


An official of the club inputs the information of the new member to account creation.

The data is input by the office staff and guaranteed free from errors for the efficiency of the system.

The client gets a confirmation message of successfully being registered as a member.

Table I

  1. Modification of the details of a member


Processing of data


The user is able to edit his or her profile by adding more information or editing the existing data to replace details in the system. The user can modify details like the name, date he or she joined the club, the date of the end of the contract and the contact details. The user can also change the username in order to login into the system with ease.

In reference to the query deployed the system is capable of updating the details of the member and the information is successfully captured in the system.

The outcome of the process is shown to the user through a message alert.

Table II

  1. Deletion of a member


Processing of data


The official of the club inputs the id of the member who needs to erase from the system.

The member information is displayed for confirmation and verified prior to elimination from the system.

The result of the removal process is shown to the affected member.

Table III

  1. Suspension of a member.


Processing of data


The official enters the id of the member who has not contributed the required fee for consecutive three months.

The information of the member is displayed before being dismissed from the systems.

The user gets the message of dismissal from the system.

Table IV

  1. Recording of match details


Processing of data


The official of the club records the information about the match such as player, date and time of the game, what kind of the tournament, prizes, the result of the game among others.

The details of the match are captured to the system.

The outcome is viewed by the users from their end and also get notified over the same.

Table V

  1. Searching


Processing of data


The official looks up for the significant information required such as needed players by inputting id, find details of the game and be able to command generation of seasonal reports after every three months on all the matches played.

The system displays the details of the id input. It also automatically generated the reports in reference to the command query.

The system displays the details to the official and the reports are viewed by the users for they are notified to check their progress.

  1. Primary use cases

Sign in the use case

Title of the use case

Sign in

Actor of the club

This includes the entire participants or stakeholder which are the players, officials as well as the coaches.


The member is expected to offer the login credentials such as username and password for the system to authenticate.


The user is expected to be registered into the club system.

Events flow

The member is prompted to supply the username and password.

The input data is validated by the system then continues to the process of authentication.

The user is allowed to access the system if the data provided is corrected and verified 

Member registration use case

Title of the use case

Account creation use case


All the entire stakeholder, that is officials, players, and the coaches.


The stakeholders offer the all needed details mandatory to be input into the system to be processed.


The system allows only members of the club to pass through the process of registration. In order to be registered, you must adhere to the rules of the team.


The status of the registered member changes in respect of his or her position like a coach, player, and staff are assigned statuses respectively.

Events flow

A fresh member inputs his or her entire details needed for registration.

The system validates the data.

The new details are stored by the system.

A database records new data.

Table VIII

  1. General use cases

Use case



The club system is concerned with three stakeholders:

Officials – the responsibility of the staff is modifying and updating information on every content of the system.

Players – the main duty of the players is to register account into the club team.

Administrator of the system – he or she maintains the system by ensuring it runs smoothly and corrects the errors in case a mistake is done and updates the users in case of a system upgrade to avoid inconveniences.


The entire activity is concerned with the addition of their relevant information of every player into the system.

Main actors

This use case involves the members of the Cheltenham football club which are the players, coaches and the staff.

Normal activity

The player of the team, staff or the administrator of the system offers the correct sign-in credentials which are verified and authenticated for the permission of access to be granted.

Alternative activity

Error caption is a great concern of this system. The clients enter the incorrect data to the system the access is denied.

Specific requirement

A successful access or account creation is usually effective if it takes the shortest time possible for the system to process like in less than a second.

Updating of players

The responsible staff enters the unique id for the member to view details and he makes the needed changes to the content and saves into the system and the record is updated in respect to that id.

Game cancellation

The coaches and staffs agree to cancel a game and the system administrator post to the users in advance the game which is canceled and for what reason.


The status of the members is updated by the staff in respect of terms and condition like if a member is suspended the member moves to the list of suspended members.


The system administrator services the system of the club by upgrading and making necessary changes if required. He or she also ensures the security of the system.

Table IX

1. Conceptual class diagrams

Management section of the Cheltenham Football club system has been made through a couple of classes which demonstrate the general structure of the structure with no encroachment of the fundamentals. These are delivered from the Unified Modeling diagrams where all of the part qualities are being portrayed in a short joining the manner by which all of the methodologies are dealt with together to comprehend the general system for the club (Kayama, Ogata, Asano, and Hashimoto, 2016). The classes here are demonstrated together with the relationship that incorporates each inquiry. For us to evidently developed a proficient classes diagram then we require a sensible look at the counts in which they require an unusual condition of examination.

1.1. Description of classes and main attributes

Name of the class




This shows every operation that the staff is responsible to undertake such as adding new members, generating reports for all the matches played.






This class depicts the activities of the player such as creating an account, viewing and modifying details and updating them, paying the required fee of registration and contributions of every month.

Id of Player

Player Name

Player Age


This class shows the scheduling of games and all information about games is noted here including scheduled time, the season of the match among others.

The id of the Game

Game Name

Gaming Time

Prize Awarded


The coach is responsible for adding a newly scheduled game in the upcoming game list, view all the players who are training, cancel matches, updates the register of attendance for the players.

Coach Id

Coach Name


Coach Age Description and justification

Every movement of the plan chart brings a profitable outcome, in the midst of part selection, the staff part gets the player purposes of intrigue, enters to the system which favors and a triumphant message appears upon complete enlistment (Zhou, Reniers. and Khakzad, 2016). Later on, the player will proceed to the head and the month to month duty. Generally, we can foresee the course of action of every viewpoint in a circumstance through a predictable technique.

1.1. Description and justification

From that beginning of the arrangement, we find that the match points of interest come as the principal alternative from which the staff part can check for the diversion accessibility. When the amusement is approved, the players can be endorsed (Arora and Bhatia, 2018). Through this, we legitimize that the staff part will consequently refresh the diversion points of interest and print the last report. This graph helps the framework engineer incomprehension of the considerable number of procedures that should be embraced

2. Conclusion

As illustrated above, use cases offer a couple and to an incredible degree pleasing reasons for premium and no powerlessness are these are phenomenal gadgets that each coordinator, structures inspectors, fashioners, and analyzers can prepare at various times of programming life cycle.

It creates because of its straightforwardness and simplicity to pass on the insights. Use cases ought to be just a lone of several different strategies for getting client necessities. Use cases are noteworthy in directing profitable prerequisites, and in that limit, they acknowledge a fundamental occupation in thing definition. Saying that use cases will be utilized on the errand is along these lines a lacking enunciation, and any proposition or process definition that just says, use cases are separated.

3. References

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