Designing Interactive Workshop On Conscious Cultures And Management In Global Corporations
The paper is focused in the designing of the workshop based on the topic of the week 10 which is Conscious cultures and management in global corporations. The paper includes the relevant and the interesting activities of the week. Along with that, the paper elaborates the changing views of the global business in the corporate social responsibility. In addition to this, the activities of the paper are based on the four tenets of the conscious business. The paper also elaborates the appropriate timing for the activities and shows the integration of the topics. Apart from that, the paper also identifies barriers which have the potential to cause considerable amount of difficulty to the successful implementation of the activities. Along with that, the paper also includes description of my objectives from the successful accomplishment of the workshop.
The week’s lesson is significant for me in understanding the variation or the change in the role of the business. The conceptual briefing of the role of the business is observed to have two different viewpoints. The first one defines the social responsibility of the business to be only the generation of the profit. However the other one confirms that social responsibility of the business is much more than just generating profit. The role of the business in the second approach is seen to be beyond the legal and governing requirements and responsibilities. The increased responsibility of the modern day business operations is observe to cover various aspects like the human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The week’s lesson had great significance for me in the identification of the needs to align the business operations in accordance to the human rights. The business operation needs to eradicate the human right abuses in order to provide the much needed sustainability. The lesson helped me in the understanding of the effective form of the business operation where the elimination of all sorts of forced labour or the compulsory labour, abolition of the child labour and the elimination of the discrimination on the basis of the employment and occupation will be achieved. In addition to this, an effective business operation will certainly produce the freedom of association and the right to bargain. The business operations need to make sure that it supports the precautionary approaches for the management of the environmental challenges and undertake the initiative to promote the environmental responsibility. The business operation needs to be cleared from all sorts of corruption.
Topic Integration
Activity 1:
The inclusion of the activity will be conducted through the consultation where each of the groups will be responsible for answering the questions regarding the emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and the diversity.
The allocated time for the activity will be two hours as the proper understanding of the principles of the UN global compact will take an hour at least.
The topic educates us regarding the labour and the human rights inside the organization. The labour rights are significant in describing their stand against the forced labour from the employees. The emotional intelligence will certainly help in understanding the emotions of the other person and in the evaluation of the tasks which can be allocated to a particular employee under such situation. The labour rights also supports the protection of the employees against the discrimination on the basis of the race and the culture. The required intelligence to understand the cultural preferences is of great significance in reducing the impact of the discrimination among the members of the organization.
The instruction for ensuring the well facilitation of the activities is to better understand the linking between the cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence and the human, labour rights.
The potential barrier in the successful implementation of the activities is considered to be the lack of understanding of the culture and the cultural differences and apart from that, the technique for the alignment of the business operation with the human and the labour rights. Diversification of Activities:
The answering of the different questions regarding the cultural and emotional intelligence will certainly suit the diversified personalities of the participants.
Activity 2:
In the second activity, the idea was to evaluate the higher purpose. In the activity, a shirt of a renowned company was placed in front of a table and members were asked to evaluate whether the brand of the shirt has the higher purpose or not. The company of the shirt was observed to conduct only one socially responsible campaign where the organization was observed to gift one shirt to the people of Uganda who were suffering from significant poverty and needed them a lot. The gifting of the shirts to the needy people of Uganda was on the basis of one purchases of the company’s customers. So it was a buy 1 gift 1 policy where the company gifted one shirt on the basis of consumption of 1 by the customers.
Facilitation Instructions
The appropriate timing of the activity is considered to be 4 hours.
Integration of the topic and the activity:
The evaluation of the company’s policy whether they are socially responsible or not, are notably in alignment with the evaluation of the higher purpose.
The instruction is this case is to evaluate the company’s records of the business policy from the beginning of it.
The barrier in this case was the confusion regarding the fact that whether the policy of the company is in alignment with the generation of the profit or it is a socially responsible approach from the part of the company for the higher purpose.
Diversification of Activities:
The activity was in place in significant manner for the participants with the diversified personalities for their varied evaluation of the case and the higher purpose.
Activity 3:
In the 3rd activity, the evaluation of the stakeholder orientation is to be conducted. The activity is designed for the same brand chosen in the last activity. Now the activity is designed to make a list of all the stakeholders of the brand within 60 minutes and evaluate whether any of the stakeholders are missed or not. If any of the real life stakeholders are missed, then the evaluation of the real life impact that stakeholder’s exclusion will have on the company, needs to be conducted.
The timing for the activity is considered to be 3 minutes.
Integration of the topic and the activity:
The topic is based on the situation of the conflict between the stakeholders and trade off and the activity identifies the impact of the exclusion of the stakeholder.
The instruction in this case is to be check all the parties associated with the production and business operations of the company before forming the list of the stakeholders.
Potential Barriers:
The barrier in this case is expected to be the difficulties related with the identification of the suppliers as the company might not express notable information regarding the suppliers.
Activity 4:
The 4th activity is the last activity. The activity is designed for the same company that is used in the last 2 activities. The activity is based on the evaluation of the stakeholder orientation, conscious leadership and culture of the company. Along with that, the activity is designed for categorizing the selected company on the basis of four different categories which are Profitable/Virtuous, Not profitable/Virtuous, Profitable/ Not Virtuous and Non profitable/Non Virtuous.
The timing for the activity is 20 minutes.
Integration of the topic and the activity:
The activity is linked to the evaluation of the conscious capitalism for the company.
The instruction for the case is to search for the existence of the financial information of the company.
Potential Barriers:
The barrier in this case can be the access to the financial statement of the organization.
With the designing of the workshop, I hoped to transfer a proper understanding of the cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence and the sense of the diversity to the ones undertaking the workshop. Along with that, I chose to place the shirt of such a company which has significant brand value and has the record of conducting socially responsible campaigns for the society. I intentionally chose the brand to make sure that the individuals undertaking the activities feel ease to find out the higher purpose for the company. Along with that, I wanted to make sure that the individuals have the idea regarding the stakeholders, the orientation of the stakeholders and the impact of the trade off or the exclusion of a particular stakeholder group. Hence my choice of the brand for the shirt was influenced by this and I made the choice of such a company which has notable amount of information regarding the stakeholders. However I knew that the individuals will have to face difficulty in finding the information regarding the suppliers of the company as the company expresses considerably limited amount of information on their suppliers. The chosen company had published the financial statement of it in irregular manner and the choice of the company was conducted with specific focus to provide the ease to the individuals in confirming the category of it.
On a concluding note, the activities are notably in alignment with the four important parts of the topic featured in the week’s lesson for the 10th week. The lesson is seen to be significantly important for providing in depth information regarding the ten principles of the UN global compact and at the same time, it produced notable amount of information regarding the four tenets of the conscious capitalism.