Designing Effective Marketing Communication Strategy For Tesco Supermarket
Design and Produce Content appropriate to the Channel and Communication Objectives
This report supports to design and produce suitable content by considering different channels and communication objectives. It shows marketing communication objectives for a given organization situation. In last, it also discusses communication strategies, channel choice, and creative content.
The main purpose of selecting a creative message for advertisement and promotion is to target a new classification of consumers in a reliable manner. Tesco supermarket is a retail organization that offers many products and service to their potential consumers. In addition, it is examined that the organization prefers to use online advertising method to promote their goods and services and increase their profitability in the least time and cost (Belch, et al., 2014). Due to the higher competition level, the organization could use modern tools and techniques as well as the internet to endorse goods and services of the organization. Consequently, it would lead to developing the base of consumers, revenue, profitability, and accomplishing objectives of the firm. It assists the company with respect to enhancing the competitive advantages in the target market. In addition, it is examined that integrated marketing communication plan could be imperative for creating content and endorse goods and services in a limited time. Moreover, the consumer service is a key element that could be imperative in the failure and success of Tesco. Therefore, the organization could outsource their promotional and advertisements activity for the accomplishment of their desired goal. It could be effective for obtaining higher benefits at the local and international market (Luxton, Reid, and Mavondo, 2015).
- To offer a suitable message and data to the client and develop interest between competitors and market players.
- To target an appropriate set of consumers by maintaining and educated about the retail industry.
- To make higher communication via advertisements, direct marketing strategies, and promotions
- To increase word of mouth promotion by offering effective communication process together with attract attitude of specified consumers to retain them
- To concentrate on 90% of targeted consumers in both state and local segments of the market in future.
- To enhance AUD$7000 sales volume by practicing the advertising campaign
- To enhance the market share of Tesco by 9% by involving competitors examination
- To enhance AUD$260000 sales revenue by involving advertising
- To enhance AUD$38000 income by involving new IMC elements
- To increase AUD$500000 return on the investment in the upcoming 3 months
- To enhance the probability of Tesco Essentials by 29% in the upcoming 6 months.
Critically evaluate a case study involving communication strategy channel choice, creative content (the content message of that company
Communication mix strategy could be imperative for as it enables to effectively communicate with others and make a reliable decision. It could also be effective for promoting the campaign of the organization in a limited time frame. It could consider creative and attractive message for increasing brand awareness in the least time and list. This strategy is also imperative for getting higher competitive benefits (Andrews, and Shimp, 2017). The communication strategy could consider certain factors that are discussed as below:
The advertising is an important method of communication marketing mix strategy as it is practiced for increasing brand awareness among a specified audience. It could be imperative for the desired goal in the least time and cost. It also supports the company to increase consumer base, profitability, and revenue of the organization. It would also facilitate to increase competition and make higher competitive benefits (Deshpande, 2015).
Personal selling could lead the firm to directly meet their specified consumers and make a marketing plan towards desire objectives and aim of Firm. Tesco could make design towards the campaign promises as it would be imperative for accomplishing the campaign objectives in the least time and cost. Advertisements sort could quite expensive and time-consuming hence organization could use the personal selling method and make higher benefits (Blakeman, 2018).
It is the most effective approach for retaining their consumers and attracts new consumers by considering a campaign. It is significant for the company to improve the performance of a firm by promoting their campaign. It could be promoted by considering mass media with a suitable message. The public relation is the best method for increasing the growth of the firm in the least time and cost.
Content Strategy
Directing marketing could be a combination of the sales promotion and personal selling that could be imperative for increasing the loyalty of consumers towards the consumers. It could be an activity that leads to meet the objectives of Tesco in limited time and cost (Valos, et al., 2016). In addition, it is also examined that direct marketing could be imperative for accomplishing gaining the understanding towards opinion and views of consumers with respect to campaign promises. In addition, it is also examined that direct marketing could also lead the organization to improve their financial situation and make a reliable decision. It will directly influence the huge number of the consumer in the least time and cost (Koekemoer, 2014).
Promotion and marketing could be imperative for the firm with respect to endorse products and services of the firm. Furthermore, the company could concentrate on promoting and advertising for increasing awareness among specified consumers. It could be imperative for retaining the workforces and attracts consumers with respect to the goods and services of firms. Moreover, the media mix could facilitate firm to present their products in a unique way and make a diverse image in the marketplace. Furthermore, the organization use the marketing mix
Moreover, the company should combine their media mix as per the requirement and consumer behavior with market trends (Munoz-Leiva, Porcu, and Barrio-García, 2015). In addition, it is also examined that Tesco will use both traditional as well as a non-tradition method to promote their campaign and make a reliable result. These are certain methods of a traditional and non-traditional method that will be used by Tesco to promote their campaign in the marketplace. It could also be effective for accomplishing goal and objectives of the firm.
There are certain methods of Non-traditional mediums that could be considered as a non-tradition medium in the firm named social media, email marketing, and website promotion. These methods could be practiced for accomplishing the aim and objectives of the firm. From the application of the internet, the organization would be capable to easily promote their campaign and get obtain the reliable result (Patti, et al., 2017).
Social media technology is an effective tool for endorsing the goods and services of the firm. The organization could consider certain sources of social media to easily interact with huge numbers of consumers at the same time. It could also allow the firm to understand each consumer personally and comprehend how much they believe to pay for any particular products and services. These sources are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Gmail, and Google. It could be imperative to make a reliable decision in the least time and cost. As a result, Tesco will consider such sources to aids their consumers towards their campaign and obtain a higher amount of profit (Šeri?, Gil-Saura, and Ruiz-Molina, 2014).
Email marketing is another way that assists the organization to directly converse with their potential consumers to their targeted consumers and make a reliable decision. Email marketing strategy could be imperative for promoting the goods and services in the context of new investment in influencing a huge number of consumers. It would also be effective for the firm with respect to improving the market share and international and domestic marketplace (Manser Payne, Peltier, and Barger, 2017).
IMC Communication Objectives
The website promotion could also be imperative for increasing the consumers towards the products and services of the firm. This method facilitates the firm to pool consumers on company websites as compared to other media. Hence, it can be evaluated that the organization should use this method and promote their camping in the least time. In addition, the organization could determine their potential consumers for delivering their services in a systematic way. The appropriate selection of consumer for organization products and services leads the firm to increase the sale of the organization (Lusch, and Vargo, 2014). In addition, it is also evaluated that the organization could consider many sources of digital marketing to promote the campaign and make a favorable decision. Moreover, the primary aim of this IMC is to gain the consumers base, profitability, and revenuer that could be effective for improving the performance of the organization. The digital mediums are practiced for accomplishing the aim and objectives of the firm in the least time and make a favorable decision in the context of the existing situation of the firm.
It is assessed that traditional mediums are not used highly in current times. However, these are beneficial as every medium has its own implication and target customers. Every market is a combination of sundry customer segment and every segment of consumers needs to be targeted via different promotional techniques. There are different traditional media such as newspaper, magazines, radio, television and board hoardings. With the support of these channels, Tesco would be competent to target the consumers who aged between 45-75 years because their reliability extent is more towards the magazines, and newspapers as compared to social media and other digital mediums (Chaudhary, Khan, and Ali, 2017).
Television views in the UK and other global marketplace are not much however, Tesco segmented all types of customers and hence television would be prominent platforms to endorse their products and services among a large number of customers. Television and radio marketing is recognized as one of prominent technique as with the support of the target audience, and creative content could be approached without difficulty and it also aids the Tesco to build brand image between their mindsets that ultimately aid the company to obtain favorable results (Šeric, Gil-Saura, and Ozreti?-Došen, 2015).
Tesco can focus on different technique to assess the content of Tesco such as pre-testing and post-testing. In addition, the company can pre-test the commercial campaign and material to gain the demand of customers. Under this, Tesco would gather the depth data regarding the products and services by entailing the marketing search method. It would lead to pool the high amount of consumers in minimum time and expenses. Moreover, once the result of this evaluation would be attained in the favor of Tesco then, the organization could be succeeding in developing a distinct picture in the marketplace. After that, the company would conduct a post-testing investigation that enables the firm to develop a reliable message and campaign aspects that can directly affect the productivity of Tesco (Tsekouropoulos, Andreopoulou, and Misso, 2015).
Critically Evaluate a Case Study Involving Communication Strategy Channel Choice, Creative Content (the Content Message of that Company)
Recommendations and Conclusion
Tesco should improve their performance with the goal of obtaining competitive benefits. In this way, it can be recommended that Tesco should expand their business operation in both the domestic and international market. Tesco can also introduce the new products and services with the intention of acquiring the market share and targets new customer segments to improve the performance of the company (Fill and Turnbull, 2016).
As per the above discussion, it can be concluded that Tesco is one of the leading supermarkets in the international and domestic market. It can be summarized that the operation of a company could be enlarged in the different nation across the globe. The organization has intended to initiate new products and services as per the different customer segments in order to enhance their market share. Moreover, it can be concluded that integration of communication strategy has been included to attain the objectives of communication and helps to retain the existing, and potential customers and also aids to endorse the new products and services.
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