Designing ATM Eye For Security Control: A Biometric Approach
ATM Security Concerns
Discuss about the ATM System Status Analysis Methodology.
The Automated teller machine helps in facilitates the working operation of the bank by providing instant cash to the users according to their requirement. It helps in managing the load of the bank transaction. The working of the ATM machines starts with the verification process of ATM card which is being inserted by the user. The users are provided with the secured PIN number which is used for getting access to the bank account for carrying out required transaction. The PIN numbers helps in preserving the confidentiality of user account from accessing through the third party.
The bank provides the confidential code to the user for money transaction through their debit card and credit card. The customers should take care of their PIN number. It should not be shared with anyone to preserve it from vulnerability attack. The CVV number of the ATM card contains security information which denies the unauthorised accessing for fraud and forgery.
The forgery and the fraud of money can be done by the hackers. The security is the major concern for doing transaction through the ATM machine. The rules of verification and validation procedures should be used for preserving the confidentiality for information in gaining access to the user account. The loss of data confidentiality and integrity of the information can increase the risks of financial loss to the users. In this paper, we are going to focus on the designing of ATM eye for security control over the transaction done from the user account.
The security is the major concern for doing transaction through the ATM machine. The sharing of PIN number with the third party can provide new opportunities to the hacker for doing forgery and fraud. The loss of data confidentiality and integrity of the information can increase the risks of financial loss to the users.
The aim of the research is to focus on the security procedures which are designed for the ATM security so that it can preserve the user accounts from forgery and financial loss. The security mechanism used for securing the user transaction from the ATM machines will be taken under consideration.
- Analysis of working of ATM machine in the current scenario
- Security controls which are used for preserving the ATM transaction from the third party attacks
- New security procedures which are designed for keeping an eye on the transaction from the user account.
- Use of biometric technology in preserving the transaction done through an ATM machine
The technological and the digitization advancement in the ICT working platform give rise to the security concern while carrying out transaction through the online medium. The phishing attack is the most common attack done by the hackers for hacking the confidential information of the user account for transferring their money into their account by making use of ATM credentials such as ATM card number, PIN number, and CVV number (Siddiqui, 2014). The users are getting influenced from the phishing pages created by the hackers and they provide all their bank credentials related to the ATM transaction.
Biometric Recognition Systems for ATM Security
The facilities provided by the banks such as Net banking, ATM transaction, and online payment are some of the data leakages access points where the hacker can get an opportunity to retrieve the confidential information of the user. The hackers can retrieve the confidential information of the user and can transfer the funds from the user accounts to their account which results in big financial loss to the customers. The high security procedures are required for resolving the complexities associated with the ATM transaction system (Yarlikas, 2009). The procedures of verification and validation should be equipped with biometric system which helps in preserving the transaction from the user accounts without getting matched with the biometric recognition system of finger printing, eyes, ears, face, voice, and others. Some of the most commonly used biometric recognition system for securing the confidential information of the user and unauthorised control provided to the third party are finger printing scanning system, face recognition verification system, retina scanning system, and others. Some of them are discussed below:
The fingers prints of the individuals are always remain same. It never change with the passage of time. It is the unique identification code which can be used for securing the user account because only the user can access their account by making use of their finger print as a security code or password (Kirwan, Evans, Donohoe, Kilner, Lamoureux, Atkinson, and Mackendrick, 2015). The verification and validation procedures are used for matching the finger prints of the user with the database.
The scanning of the face helps in recognizing the authenticated user to access their account. The confidentiality of the information can be preserved. The integrity and accuracy of the information helps in preserving from the occurrence of fraud (Cabrerizo, and Baque, 2010).
The retina of the eye is the unique characteristics of all individual. The scanning of the retina helps in protecting the user account from the third party attack because the computer system will provide access to the account after doing successful matching of the retina with the information of retina stored in its database (Cabrerizo, and Baque, 2010).
The geometric pattern of the hand is used for preserving the confidentiality and providing secured password to the system (Woodforth, 2017).
The geometric pattern of the vein system is the good security mechanism for providing security control to the user account. The verification and validation procedures are used for measuring the geometric patter of the vein system of the user hand (Das, 2014).
Fingerprint Scanning System
The authentication to the user account is provided after scanning the Iris of the user eyes (Leemput, Masson, Bigot, and Abitbol, 2013). It is a not a successful technique because the structure of the Iris changes with the passage of time.
The voice recognition system is used for securing the user account from the attack of the third party. The phrase of the sentence is used as a password which is used for analysing the voice of the user. It does not work properly because the different user have different dialects and pronunciation (Yassir, and Nayak, 2012). The computer works on the same pronunciation and dialect which was getting feed into it during the programming of the system.
The literature review helps in analysing that the application of effective biometric system is the successful technique of preserving the user account for the third party. The security procedures works on the sensor system for getting required information about the biometric passwords which are used by the user for preserving their bank account from the third party attacks (Suganya, Nithya, Sunitha, and Preethi, 2015). The following figure shows the working of the ATM machine and biometric security control:
There are some gaps in the security procedures which are used for keeping an eye on the ATM transaction. It helps in carrying out secure transmission of information for accessing the user account. The complexities arises in the biometric security procedures when there is any causality happen to the body part of the individual which is used for biometric recognition for accessing user account.
The monitoring and securing of the ATM transaction through the biometric system is the most effective technology for preserving the confidentiality of the user bank account from the occurrence of fraud and forgery by the third party. The alternative approach should be developed if in case the causality happens to the body part of the user so that they can user their account efficiently.
It can be concluded that the transaction of the ATM machine can be effectively monitored and kept secured by making use of biometric security procedures for accessing the user account. The procedures of verification and validation should be equipped with biometric system which helps in preserving the transaction from the user accounts without getting matched with the biometric recognition system of finger printing, eyes, ears, face, voice, and others.
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