Designing An Online Shopping System Using HTML And Relational Database
Functional Requirements
For this particular lab assignment, we decided to choose an Online Shopping System. The system is expected to be designed with web development tools like HTML, XML and a relational database.
The purpose of this system is to design an online shopping system application so that the customers can browse through the shop and make their purchase. The system administrator who is under the administration measure will be approving as well as rejecting the requests for shops. He willalso be able to establish a list of shop category.For the data storage of the entire system a relational database is developed i.e. an access database. [1].
With the help of this system the customer’s will be able to manage their cart over the internet to remove or add any product.
The main objective of this documentation is to analyze the requirements of the project. This document is designed in a way that it explains all the functional and the non-functional requirements of the system[2]. This system is expected to provide a feasible and user-friendly environment for maintaining the cart of the customers and for purchasing the products.
The hardware and the software requirements are also mentioned and the whole system is described with the help of diagrams like UML and ER diagrams.
This system’s end users the administrator and the customers as the customers will be adding and removing the products from their cart. The administrator will accept and reject the requests of the customers and will manage the list of shops.
After the completion of the testing part, it was observed that the core functionalities of the software are intact and the system was feasible. The system was running smooth and no errors were observed. The system was also user-friendly and the customers needed no extra skills to use the system. The acceptance criteria is defined when the user and system acceptance testing gets complete. There should not be any problem which makes the functions stop or a problem which may severely affect the functionality of the system. The problem should not have any sort of effect on the business operations and any type of error in the documentation should have no effect on the customer’s operations. If no such problem exists then only the system will be accepted for a long term.
This online shopping system will contain many functions which will help in reducing the time of the customers in going to the store and buying products. The system is designed in a way that it is user friendly and hence can easily be accessible by the audience.
Non-Functional Requirements
Registration: For using the system, i.e. to buy any product the customer should get himself registered. An unregistered user will not be allowed to go through the system and they won’t be able to buy any product.
Login: The customers will be able to login to the system by using their respective valid user ids and passwords to continue shopping.
Manage the cart: The customer is able to manage his cart i.e. he can make an order and can cancel it from the shopping cart.
Payment: The customers can make a payment after placing an order. The payment can be done by credit or debit card and can choose the option of cash on delivery. The whole payment process will be authenticated by third-parties.
Logout: After successfully placing the order the customer will be logged out.
Order status: The customer can again login and check the order status which includes the expected delivery time.
Technical feasibility – It was concluded that this system is technically feasible as there was no use of any extra resources. The customer’s accessibility was kept in mind throughout the design of the project and hence is user-friendly. This feasibility is under the control of the project team and the client.
Commercial Feasibility- The system is economically feasible as it was designed according to the customers. There was no extra cost needed for the development of the system as the system was designed and tested at the same time to check the feasibility.
Operational Feasibility- The idea behind the project is to make shopping easy for the customers and hence it allows the analysis of the customer’s data. Hence, the system is operationally feasible in nature.
Legal / Political Feasibility- There are no political and legal issues which might affect the feasibility of the system.
Ethical Feasibility- This ethical issues are the responsibility of the client and the users and hence it does not affect the feasibility of the design of the system.
Functional requirements are the requirements which are used to describe the abilities along with the functions which the system is able to perform successfully [4].
Access control: The core concept of using the system is based on the registration of the customer on the system. It is mandatory for the customers to get themselves registered first before using the system.In order to use the system, the customers have to get themselves registered and then they have to use their passwords and username to login into the system.
System Feasibility
Administrator: The admin part is the sole place where creation of user account takes place. The database backups of the system are also made at this module.
Login failed: A validation is used in the system according to which if any customer makes use of the wrong username or the password they will be refused to access the system.
Manage users: The admin has the capability of managing user accounts to be used by the system
The system will allow the customers to view the list of ordered products and the order status along with these they can view all the products [5].
The various non-functional requirements which will be there in the system are;
- 24*7 availability
- Authenticate access to the customer’s confidential data
- The architecture is made to provide flexible services and can be extended in the future
- To get the best performance at the peak time the component design is made better [6].
Some other non-functional requirements include,
- Security- The system’s severs must be accessible only to the administrator. The system also makes use of secure socket layer in all the payment transactions.
- Availability- The user should be able to access the system any time as per his availability i.e. the system should be available 24*7.
- Reliability- The system is reliable providing the entire backup in the relational database.
- Portability- The system makes use of HTML and java therefore it is made portable to be used on any operating system for example, Windows as well as Linux. The system will be available on any web browser.
- Maintainability- The relational database is used to maintain the database. The system design is in such a way that the maintainability can be done easily.
According to the validation of the system, the username of the account should be in a defined format. For example, the username should start with a string and end with a number.
For the password, it is compulsory for the user to choose a password which is of more than seven digits and should also consist of a special character.
The interfaces of the products will be the login page and the registration form. Apart from this the LCD screen will display the available products and on clicking on the buy button the shopping cart screen gets open.
It is necessary for the workstations to have a RAM of 2GB and 20GB hard disk along with an LCD screen.
The main user and the administrator will be presented with a graphical user interface once they fire up the system. This interface is the only anticipated way of interacting with the system [7].
The hardware’s are required to be connected to the internet with the usage of modem or the Ethernet cross cables.
The system requires languages like PHP, JavaScript, etc. along with this the system also requires the relational database. The customer also needs the web browser.
- IDE:Eclipse
- Technology: JAVA/VB
- Operating system: Windows XP / windows 7 which supports networking
- Database: Access
- Backup & Data Recovery software[8]
- Antivirus software
- Processor Speed:0GHZ or above
- Hard Disk:2 GB hard disk or above
- rocessor:Intel dual core or above
- RAM:1 GB RAM or above
- Uninterruptible power supply to ensure a constant access to data.
- USB flash disk
- NIC for customer and the administrator
The core communication protocols are used for the operation of the system.
SQl: SQL is used to carry out the database operations which are creating tables and solving the queries of the database. It also is used to carry out the backup of the database.
TCP/IP: TCP/IP protocols are used to carry out the communication process in the system. Whenever the database is backed up the whole data is stored on the internet and as a result, there is no loss of data.
Technical Requirements
While determining the feasibility of the project it was concluded for this project there was no need for extra quality requirements.
The administrator should have the knowledge of basic computer skills and the windows programs. The customers are provided with a booklet of “how to use” to make the usage easy for them. Along with this, a training affidavit and programs will be provided to the administrator and the customers for any references.
The software engineering process model which will be used in the system is the waterfall model because the requirements are predefined and the system has to be delivered as a whole. Therefore, first the requirements are designed and then the system is created.
Use Case diagrams are used to define the actions of the system along with the related users i.e. the behavior of the system.The external users are the actors, the set of actions are the use case.
- Client opens the initial Login page of the website
- The Client then enters the Administrator username and password in the corresponding fields.
- The system verifies this information and if correct and matches the rightlevel of access for an Administrator, then it takes them to the Administrator main page.
- Once logged in, the client will have access to perform the main Administrator functions, such as managing Administrator Users.
Actors: End User i.e. Customers
- The user opens the initial Login page of the website
- The user then enters their username and password that they have beenprovided by the Client.
- The system verifies this information and if correct, it takes them to theuser’s main page.
- Once logged in, the user will have access to perform the user functions,such as viewing a product and then ordering it.
Entity Relationship Diagram used to define the relationships of entities which are present in the database. It is also known as the logical structure of databases [9]. With the help of entity relationship diagram, a relational database can be created easily [10].
Context Analysis Diagrams represents the system as a high-level process and the relationship of the system with external entities. It is also known as context level data-flow diagram.
Data Flow Diagram describes how the information flows in a system. They form a basic part of system analysis and design [11].
Class Diagrams are types of diagrams which describe the structure of the project as the system’s classes are shown along with their attributes and methods and the type of relationship between them.
The project is very simple and user-friendly and is designed to make shopping easy for the customers. The system is made simple and hence is easily accessible by all the customers. During the design and development of the system user feasibility was taken into consideration. As a result, the system is the most demanding fundamental system for the public and all the responsible customers.
[1]Inflectra, “What are System Requirements Specifications/Software (SRS)?”, 2016. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 24- Jan- 2018].
[2]K. Wiegers and J.Beatty, Software Requirements 3. Redmond: Microsoft Press,U.S., 2013.
[3]J. Satzinger, R. Jackson and S. Burd, Systems analysis and design in a changing world. Boston, Mass.: Course Technology, 2009.
[4]R. Oshana and M. Kraeling, Software development techniques for embedded and real-time systems. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Newnes, 2013.
[5]M. Shi, “Documenting Software Requirements Specification: A Revisit”, Computer and Information Science, vol. 3, no. 1, 2010.
[6]D. Ameller, C. Ayala, J. Cabot and X. Franch, “Non-functional Requirements in Architectural Decision Making”, IEEE Software, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 61-67, 2013.
[7]J. Prado Leite and J. Doorn, Perspectives on Software Requirements. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2004.
[8]S. Bagui and R. Earp, Database design using entity-relationship diagrams. Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group/An Auerbach Book, 2012.
[9]Inflectra, “Entity Relationship Diagram – Everything You Need to Know About ER Diagrams”, 2018. [Online]. Available: Accessed: 24- Jan- 2018].
[10]Inflectra, “What is Data Flow Diagram (DFD)? How to Draw DFD?” 2012. [Online]. Available:[Accessed: 24- Jan- 2018].
[11]H. Al-Masree, “Extracting Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) From Relational Database Schema”, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 15-26, 2015.