Designing A Security System For A Casino: Risk Management Process And Strategies
Assets to be protected
1.1 Assets to be protected.
1.2 Threats and probability of occurrence.
1.3 Impact and consequences of a successful attack.
1.4 Design consideration or strategies to minimise the risk.
1.5 Specific measures relevant to the security risk management
1.5.1 Adjacent areas:
1.5.2 Perimeter protection.
1.5.3 Protection of the important areas:
1.5.4 Security systems and work force:
1.5.5 Security procedures and plans.
Reference list :
The designing of a security system for a casino is not an easy task, since it requires a high degree of security risk management system. The security system of casino is being managed by construction of towers for the Casino Police. There will be two towers that is planned to build. Tower 1 is build for the Casino Police and the Interpol, where as the Tower 2 is for the maintenance of the security in MCI (ministry of communication and Information). There is an extreme necessity of assessing needs of the security management system, before designing a strong security system for a casino. The casino risk managers are involved in the risk management process before they begin the design for development of the casino. The various important steps involved in risk management process are the Asset, identification and characterization, identification of vulnerability of specific assets and selecting the cost effective measures in the implementation of the risk management system.
The assets that are needed to be protected for the complete protection of the Casino are the two towers that are Tower 1 and Tower 2. The main task in the protection of the Casino is being done by the building of two towers, one tower (Tower 1) for the Casino police and the Interpol and the second tower (Tower 2) is meant for the MCI. The tower 1 is being built in order to provide protection through the proper channel of system. Tower v1 is being build up for the Casino Police and Interpol. The Tower 2 is being build up for MCI. The Tower 2 is being built up in such a manner that it plans to occupy the upper 10 floors. The lower floor of Tower 2 will be leased out for the commercial Tenants.
The tower 1 is purposefully building up for the transmission of the signal to the Casino police and the Interpol. This tower is mainly for the security issues to be solved by the Casino police. The tower 2, is also build up in the opposite side basement for MCI. This tower is also meant for the provision of the security that work on the providing of the data to the ministry of communication and information.
This part deals with the assessment with the identification of possible threats that can cause destruction if any risk prevails. The risk managers of the casino are involved in the collection of required information in the form of data analysis by the researcher in respect to the casino risk management system. The investigators of the threat assessment programme are detecting the threats, in order to determine the possible threats that can occur. The most form of the threats that can occurs inside the casino are the involvement of the criminals, barrier of business competitors, involvement of the hackers and the foreign intelligence agencies and the terrorist. Those are the threats that have been detected by the investigators of the risk management system of the casino. The threats are indirect form of the natural disasters and possess the cyber threats like the system virus attacks and the out of service. These threats can be also in the form of the political involvement terror attacks inside the casino. These are the short-term politically motivated protests via cyber means or physical, regardless of the individual or the organisational involvement. For that matter even, the companies or the major banks under the government departments may also be targeted as part of the global attack.
Threats and probability of occurrence
An effective way for the prevention of certain horrified attacks in the casino by the security specialists is to organise the threat data by using the previous data record from the past disaster events and attacks all across the globe in the casino. The data record of the past attacks by different sources will provide the researcher to enable a detailed analysis of the possible threats from the threat assessment program carried out by the investigators. Now it is the responsibility of the investigator to make effective plans and preventive measure to stop the further attack of the possible occurrence of the threats.
There are variable consequences and impacts that can be seen due to the occurring of the possible threats in the casino. There are different categories that can be seen in terms of the negative impact of the disasters in the form of attacks and cyber crimes inside the casinos.
Public health: Effect on the human life and the normal running of the human life styles getting impacted. The physical well-being is also distorted in those consequences. This may involve in the form of fatalities, injuries and illness. The health and hygiene of the public are being equally kept in account of the risk management system, accordingly run the system in order to provide the public with a healthy system of the Casino.
Public safety: The safety to the public visiting the place inside the resort cum Casino. The security system of the Casino cum the resort try to manage the system of the Casino and try to maintain a healthy and safe system to the public visiting to the place inside the Casino. The safety measures are being provide by the risk management system of their sort cum Casino in order time have a quality time effort then public ego are the regular the members of the Casino. The risk management system also port emphasize on the public safety by maintain strong control on the access of the entrance of the Casino.
Economic effect: The economic losses can be in either the form of indirect or the direct form, such as the cost for the remaking of the loss in the infrastructure. It may also involve the cost to respond to and recover the loss in the attacks, downstream costs resulting from the disruption of the product or the loss. This also may involve the long-term cost due to the environmental damage of the infrastructure.
Psychological effect: The effect on the public morale and confidence that is hampered due to these kinds of offences. This leads to the change in the perception of the local citizen on the understanding of the government attitude. This ultimately puts a negative impact on the public’s sense of safety and the well-being of the people staying in the city.
Mission impact: The maintenance of the order, delivery of the public sense of the safety and the well being and the loss of the minimum essential public services in order to ensure the health and safety of the public residing in the city. This leads to the change of the public behaviour and mar questions on the public security under the guidance of the government pressure.
Impact and consequences of a successful attack
The security of the risk management and the design consideration for the tower is build that is based on the security enhancement of building towers in the periphery of the Casino. The towers are building for the Casino police and the Interpol, and the tower 2 is build based on the security of the Casino ministry of communication and information. The Interpol has the intelligence that International crime syndicates are attempting to build inroads into Singapore. The government has decided to build a dedicated premise and complete security for Casino police. This will enable to select the group of the Interpol Officers at the Marina Bay Area. Thereafter the ministry if the information and communication has decided to re locate are the new site for the construction of the separate tower in the new site. These will enable to enforce the following security options.
In depth security: The concept of the security in depth defines the barrier in the design of an effective infrastructure of the Casino. It is one of the concepts that is mostly used in the military field. Through these concepts, the barriers are referred as the lines of the defence in the strategies in the Casino design.
Property line: The property line is the first line of defence for the security management of the casino. The proper infrastructure such as maintaining street lights and fences for the infrastructure maintenance inside casino is provided by superior security management system.
Apart from that the Casino are being provide with the constant monitoring system by inserting camera at the regular area covering the casino periphery. This will help in the detection of the criminal activities that may occur in the interior of the casinos.
Infrastructure security building:
The security managements system can be more effective with the usage of CCTV inside and outside the Casino periphery. This will help in the record maintenance with the video tape recording. To access the control of the employees is the major concern for the risk security management.
Detection and response:
The security system inside the casino has the different functionality such as the detection and the response. These functions are the important asset protection in the security management system. It means the discovery of the advisory action that deals with the security management. The importance of the physical security system is needed to detect the criminal acts, which will be occurring within the organisational premises. Surveillance of the staffs of the casino is done in order to influence the security system of the casino. The detection process also involves the installation of the fire extinguisher in order tom detect if there is any risk of the fire within the casino. This leads to the quick and precise security system as the safety and asset protection of the casino.
1.5.1 Adjacent areas:
The adjacent areas around the two towers that have been build up for the protection of the Casino in such a way that the Casino will be protected from entire of its surrounding. The tower 1 is set to occupy for the Casino police and the Interpol. The tower 2 is made in such a way in order to occupy the upper 10 floors of the tower2 by the MCI i.e. Ministry of communication and information. Those two towers will be connected by the sky bridges at the 5th, 10th and the 15th storeys. Hence at those levels of the floor, the two of the towers are being connected by the sky bridges so that a common platform can be shared. The two towers are being in such a manner that they share a common 5-level basement carpet. The common basement carpet is going to build such that it will house a lock-up capacity of up to 100 persons at the same instant of time. First 3 levels of the Casino Police tower will have a CAFETERIA and an AUDITORIUM CUM EXHIBITION space. These are meant for the public education and the awareness programmes.
Design consideration or strategies to minimise the risk
1.5.2 Perimeter protection
As per the schematic layout of the Tower proposed by the government, there is to be building of two towers in the premises of the Casino. The government has decided to build a Casino protection system according to the ministry of Communication and information (MCI), plans. One of the towers that are Tower 1 is build above the floor that consists of the Cafeteria, auditorium and the exhibition space. It is meant to be building for the Casino Police and the Interpol. The tower 2 is build around 10 floors consisting of the MCI and the Commercial space. There are different functionalities of easy of the accord ring to security features inside the Casino. The sky bridge storeys will connect these two Towers. The two towers are going to share the information and provide awareness programmes inside the public of the Casino (Refer to appendix).
The two towers are being build in such a manner as to provide are secure information system for the Casino Police inside the Casino premises. The perimeter of the Casino is being protected by the two towers meant to be build for the Casino police, the Interpol, and the MCI particularly. The two towers are particularly share by a common 5 level basement car park that is also be a house lock-up capacity of up to 100 persons at any one time. This connectivity is attached to the basement connected to the sea level. The Interpol has the intelligence to stop the International Crime Syndicates that are able to attempt in order to make inroads into Singapore. It is followed by the sea rise place where many family people including their children, are coming to visit the casino. Hence, the casinos are becoming the point of attraction for the tourists from the far areas to have quality with their friends and relatives. This protects the operation of the Casino with the building of the two Towers.
1.5.3 Protection of the important areas:
The important areas that needs to be protected is the dedicated premise, where are the two Towers are being build up. For that purpose, the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) is planning to co-locate at the new site. These crucial areas of the Casino have been protected with the help of the strong information system. It is being run with the help of the capturing of the signals through the building of the towers around the Casino for the Casino police, Interpol and the MCI. These are the tower that are the key signal indicators, since these are connected with a strong information system to catch any there is any unwanted activities inside then Casino.
1.5.4 Security systems and work force:
The protective measures to be initiative of the collaborative effort of the management system are in order to provide a high sensitive system of protection inside the Casino. In view of the provision of the protection, the government has decided to build a dedicated premise for the two towers at the Marina Bay Area. The Tower 1 is built for the Casino Police and the Interpol. The 1st three levels of the Casino police Tower will have a cafeteria and an auditorium cum exhibition space. Tower 2 is being build up for the MCI. It is planning to occupy a separate Tower due to the height constraints that is imposed on the new development.
Specific measures relevant to the security risk management
The operation of the Casino has been made flexible inside the operation of the Casino. The flexibility of the Casino operation made the work system to be more sensitive towards any somewhat criminal attracts and tasks inside the area. For that reason the security risk management has build a string intelligence system to protect the data and the information system inside the Casino to fall under the possess of any unwanted people either inside the Casino or outside the Casino. The detection of the possible threat also requires a certain effort on the side of the security risk managers of the Casino cum resort. After the detection of the possible threat, the preventive measures are actually set by the security authorities of the Casino in order to provide a complete security for the normal operation of the functions of Casino. This enables to provide a higher degree of protection of the Casino from the external threat of the Casino. The authorities of the officials then set the preventive measures and the plan of the security are responsible for the protection of the security system of the Casino cum resort. They manage to design appropriate designs and strategies in order to fight against the externals that are mad to the purpose of the destruction of the Casino and cause harm to thousands of people and cause economic condition.
There is protection system applied by the owners and the operation of the commercial office and residential buildings across the Casino place complex. The commercial place and the operators of the security system put the rigorous protective system that makes sure to provide complete security facility. This will enable the security workers of the Casino to be always alert for the upcoming threat and the necessary actions and preventive, measures taken for the protection of the Casino. The common protective measure take for the protection of the Casino are:
- Tower 1 for the Casino police and the Interpol
- Tower 2 for the information security in MCI
There are various other forms of the protective measures initiated for the implementation of a tight security system. This form of training is imparted to the security personnel of the Casino management, so that the securities of the Casino are being controlled under the proper and systematic guidance of the management system. This will enhance the security risk management inside the resort-cum Casino. Hence, the people who are visiting the place with their children can enjoy freely inside the resort. The security system has now limited the access to the control and ten operation of the Casino with time regulatory system.
1.5.5 Security procedures and plans
Assessing threats: The assessing of the risk in the form of assessing of the threat in the context of the terror attacks. It is the ability of the security system to recognise the target the existing security measure. For that purpose, the government has decided to build the two set of the towers at the Marina Bay Area. The two towers are being connected by sky bridges at the 5th, 10th and at the 15th floor. These two towers a share a common 5-level basement that is going to house a lock-up capacity of up to 100 people at one time. It accounts for the identification of the method required for the estimation of the threat inside the casino. The consideration of the method is to tackle the possible threat prevailing inside the casino. It considers the degree of the advisory intent in order to attract the target to avoid such attacks inside the casino. The functionality involves the methods to identify the possible threat and act accordingly. According to the security plans initiated by the ministry of communication and information, the two set Towers are going to be developed in the formation of a strong system of the Security system in the resort cum Casino. There are also many other families that often visit along with their children to spent a quality tome in the wonderful resort in the periphery of the Casino.
The Casino industry has developed tremendously since 1930’s. The security management system of this Casino hence needs to be maintained with the tight level of security within the periphery of the Casino. This initiatives led by the ministry has taken the initiative to provide a Casino Tower infrastructure for the development of the tight security system. Those towers are meant for the providing of the information to the Casino police, Interpol and the MCI. As a result the workload of the Casino Police has increased tremendously.
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Figure: Schematic of the security development of the Casino