Designing A Professional Development Workshop On Emotional Intelligence, Cultural, And Diversity Topics
The goal of a workshop is to provide an opportunity for people to discuss various matters and have a permanent solution to the challenge. Apart from that, the workshop offers a chance for different people to share ideas with others and have a better understanding of the topic. However, it is necessary to note that for a workshop to run smoothly, it is essential to have a schedule which gives guidance on the activities that members should discuss and the time allocated for every event. This assignment aims to provide a workshop schedule that presents one of the topics covered week one to twelve. The choice for the assignment is on the topic of emotional intelligence, cultural and diversity. In the second part of the assignment, it will summarize the activities of the workshop schedule.
Activity |
Time allocated for the activity |
Ways in which the topic is integrated |
Instruction to ensure the activity is facilitated well |
Potential barriers to the activity |
Diversity of activity to accommodate all personalities |
Setting up the workshop to ensure that everything is set for the discussion time |
The activity will take thirty minutes, however, there may be deviation due to unavoidable circumstances |
The introduction production will move from one des to another and everyone saying his or her name and where the individual comes from as part of introduction. |
Everyone will have strict amount of time to introduce himself or herself and everyone will not have more time to extend details apart from what the instruction have stated. |
The barrier to this activity is inaudibility of some of the members in the workshop. Apart from that, the public address system may not be able to work well to ensure that everybody get what other people are saying. |
People will sit at random places to ensure that everyone has known new person before the meeting start. |
Introduction of the topic emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and diversity. |
The introductory part of this topic will take fifteen minutes. |
To ensure that everyone contribute to this topic, everyone will try to elaborate his or her understanding concerning the topic before the main speaker talks about the ideas, he has to the members attending the workshop. |
In this activity everyone must contribute the idea he has concerning the topic before the main speaker talks about general idea concerning the topic, this will ensure that everyone has strong understanding of what the workshop needs from every member. |
The potential barrier in this case is lack of proper knowledge concerning the topic and the incapability for an individual to express himself or herself clearly. |
To ensure diversity in this case, members in the workshop will have different ways of expressing their concern. For instance, common facial expressions, having an interpreter to various issues and the white board to show what others are saying. |
Introduction of the sub topics that will be covered under this topic. |
This portion of the activity will go for one hour as the speaker will have to elaborate every subtopic. |
The expert will explain the relation between historical evolution of intelligence theories, the theory of multiple intelligence, contrast different learning styles and the importance multiple intelligence. |
In this portion, it is good for the members to listen to the expert view concerning the sub topics before they start asking questions and adding on what the expert have said. Consequently, it will be a portion that will take most of the time because everyone will have to note down whatever he she understands concerning every topic and what others say in relation to the sub topic. |
The challenge in this activity is the variation in the books that the members may use to refer to in every sub topic of the topic. Different people have their own way on how they define what intelligence and the theories. However, there is the need to have common understanding of every member in the workshop at the end of the day. |
Diversity comes in during the method of communication and taking ideas on how everyone understands intelligence and the contribution of intelligence in the economy and other sectors in the world. From signs and the audios everyone will have a chance to contribute what he or she understands. |
Forming groups to discuss one of the four topics concerning intelligence. |
The activity will take one and half hour to allow members to contribute maximum idea on the topic. |
One group will tackle historical evolution intelligence theories, the second will handle the theory of multiple intelligence, the third will have contrast different learning styles and the last group will have the importance of multiple intelligence. |
In order to achieve the goals of the topic, every group will strictly has set of timelines to complete the discussion and everyone will have a record of what he or she have contributed on the topic. The last instruction is that each group will have one combined presentation. |
The barriers to this activity are that it may take long to group the members in the hall. Secondly, getting people who have the same experience in a particular topic may not be easy. |
Each group will have people who have different capabilities and understanding concerning the topic. As everyone contribute to the topic, each member will have an opportunity to learn and contribute his or her understanding later. There will be also different ways of expressing ideas in the groups to accommodate people with special needs. |
Getting report from the groups concerning what they have discussed on the sub topic of intelligence. |
The activity will take another one and half hour to ensure that every group provide quality overview of the subtopics they have discuss during the group meeting. |
To ensure that the topics flow one after the other, the group that is to handle the evolution and theories of intelligence should present their ideas first followed the next topic in line until the last topic. It will assist to ensure that every person understand the issue of intelligence at the time the time the workshop is coming to completion. |
Each group will only base their discussion on their given topic and every member should have an opportunity to contribute to the sub topic within the stipulated time without extension of time. |
The challenge that can arise during this activity is the delay of other members to finish their sub topic in time, the other members will have to wait for the rest of the groups to finish before beginning the presentation. In some cases, the last group may finish before the first finishes but the rule is to present the four topics in the order. |
During the presentation, there will be an interpreter who can make use of the signals to promote understanding of the ideas. Another step is that the group will make use of pictures to ensure that everyone can understand what the presentation is about. |
The main speaker has the last session to add ideas on the sub topic of intelligence. |
The activity will go on for one and a half hours. |
For consistency, the speaker start about the introduction to intelligence, theories of intelligence to the last topic of multiple intelligence and learning styles. |
The speaker can only use the specific time to complete the presentation and everyone have to be in the room. |
Communication barriers such as audibility. Apart from that the other challenge is misunderstanding of the ideas. |
Various types of presentation styles. |
The objective of the above workshop schedule is to promote understanding of the four subtopics of intelligence which comprises of the history of the evolution of intelligence theories, the theory of multiple intelligence, contrast different learning style and importance of multiple intelligence. The time allocated for each activity varies because of the subtopics that the activity needs to cover.
Another crucial issue is to limit the discussion so that every sub-topic meets the objective of the workshop. The stages of learning the topics during the workshop involve elaboration by an expert after which other people can contribute what they know concerning the topic. Another issue that promotes the understanding of working is the application of groupings. After members have discussed general ideas, they present to other people, and from there, an expert can explain challenging matters that were evident during the discussion. The session should interactive as it involves proceedings from the introduction to multiple intelligence.
The workshop aims at ensuring that everyone grasp the understanding of the four subtopics of the intelligences. However, another essential matter is to promote diversity through the workshop by involving people from different parts of the nation who have ideas on intelligence. People have different ways of expressing themselves, however, regardless of the difference, there is need for understanding. The workshop has incorporated various ways of communication, which include pictures signs and the interpreters hence accommodating challenges that may arise in understanding the content. Another aim of the workshop is to inform the learners various areas that intelligence applies and how it has changed the way different sectors operate.