Designing A Business Intelligence And Data Warehouse Solution For Lawrence Smith Animal Rescue Hospital

Assignment Overview

This project aims to investigate the problem regards the typical business intelligence design of a company and determining the key business decision requirements of the senior managers of that company which was given in case study. A suitable decision support needs to be chosen according to the data visualization approach. The application design model needs to be identified based on the business requirements and the model need to be designed well. According to the multidimensional model Thomsen diagram will be drawn. The prototype of the business intelligence will be designed in order to the application design. The key performance indicators can be analyzed through Dashboard which will be created using appropriate tool.

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Background Study of Given Case

In Melbourne city, there was a famous hospital named ‘Lawrence Smith Animal Rescue Hospital’ which was found on 1973 and by a vet surgeon. The main specialty of the hospital rather than others is that it treats especially for rescued animals rather than other home pet animals and other financial oriented cases. So that this hospital is running as a non-profit association.  

Background of Company’s Client

In the Lawrence Smith Animal Rescue Hospital, the General Manager is Sasha Gordon.

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As the organization is managed as a not-progit organization, it is fully depends on funding resources. They are getting fund amounts through regula payments given by nearby councils, other animal helping associations and services for rescued animals caught by the members of the council. It deserves donation amounts from animal charity organizations, associate peoples and other animal protecting organizations. People also very tentative to donate some amount for the welfare of rescued animals.

Analyzing Business information of the Organization 

The Lawrence Smith Animal Rescue Hospital organization maintains the following information regularly.

The below information are stored in the form of records and in the hospital management system.

  • Animal Species name
  • Date of the admission
  • The name of admitted by
  • Origin of the animal
  • Name of the staff who admits that animal
  • Address of the Owner
  • Contact Details of the Owner
  • Results of the admitted animal

The information about the animals and their owner were stored in a secured manner. These information can be accessed by the administrator throughout the Access Database and the data entry has been done through Donor Management System.

Identifying the Problem of the Given Case Study

In Lawrence Smith Animal Rescue Hospital, a nurse who was working as a vet nurse voluntarily. In the Year of 2012, that nurse had complicated in the problem of disagreement with the senior manager of the same hospital. The nurse had some trouble while caring about some animals and the general manger, Sasha Gordon. She was disagreement with the management. As the nurse was going to be retired, after a year of authorizing move gave out to media false entitlements of systematically euthanizing animals and wrong doing of funds being provided. As told in the above, all information about animals and funds are kept in Records and in Access Database. The name of the database is Donor Management System. But the information retrieval form database, and integrate them for presenting before new board members is a very difficult process for Sasha and her teammates. Because they are retrieving the information manually throughout formulating work sheets.

Assignment 2a (Business Intelligence Application Design)

The general manager, Sasha Gordon was interrogated and constrained by the new board members and she needs to do arrangements for meeting with association members. This meeting is for the members to ask about their accessibility to access the database information and they needs to watch the act of administrator and the administrator should rely for every queries asked by the board members and workers immediately. So that the proposed system should be able to find their desires and complications that are necessary for the board members and need to analyze the act of administrator and deliver their desire.

Business Requirements

The business requirements of the Lawrence Smith Hospital are given below:

  • Key performance indicators: The administrator of the system should able to determine and measure the budget, result of each rescued people, how the animals are treated and how many animals are treated.
  • Current grants:Analyzing that how the councils took cases and what type of cases and analyzing the council which provides most funding.
  • Income streams: The hospital should able to take the strategic assessment towards their revenues and from donation amounts, generated grants and they can able to do streams comparison.
  • Current donations: The administrator need to analyze the current funding mix from different funding resources. They should know the details about which organization is the most generous, their profiles, and public donors and how has this changed over time?
  • Hospitalemployee works patterns: The business requirement helps to know the relationship among volunteer vet staff and pain staff. 
  • The association desires toward evaluates the animals being euthanized versus the ones getting consistent treatment, which will benefit them to keep track of theprocesses needed for operations.

Dashboard for a reporting system: Analysis of the hospital’s key performance indicators:

The proposed business intelligence application system should be designed based on the hospital’s business key requirements that are mentioned in previous section. These contraints need to be validated with the revenues and expenses of a hospital’s entire year. This report should be produced in the form of monthly basis and yearly basis. The proposed business intelligence application design should investigate the organizstion;s overall performacen. This application needs to support the hospital organization to categorize the budget assigned initillay and the total cost which includes both revenues and expenditures and thus overall cash flow. Moreover, the hospital organization can retrieve the information easily throughout the database realted to the profits created done and rate of chage of income stream. SO that it iseasy to fetch information about how many awards and donations got from others over the year. The act f each individual workers should be monitored by the administrator and they know the difference between paind and volunteer staff. The application should help in offering provided by the councils and when they gave more donation and total animals from the specific welfare organization. The health facility may also be able to recognize which yielding our bodies and donors are the maximum supportive or grant and donate the most amount which include their frequencies and when the presents and donations are made. In the end, the medical institution may be capable of maintain song of diverse fees (and the associated amounts) that they’re incurring.

Design of the prototype consists of dashboards. These dashboards are used to develop the solution according to the business requirements.

Generally, dashboard is a graphical structure producing tool and used for data management and data visualization. The main purpose of using dashboard is to keep track, show and analyze the overall performance of the organization. The present status of the organization can be viewed as a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis, quarterly basis and yearly basis. It includes the key performance indicators that are related to the organization’s key requirements.

Assignment 2b (Data Warehouse Design)


The above dashboard is explained in detail.

  • The above Dashboard, the financial status is analyzed. Remaining budget is $15044, and Expenses is $45133 and so the organization earned the profit of $25142.
  • Therefore the organization achieved 85%of the target and the expenses are 75%.  So that the profit has been increased as 13% and expenses are increased as 4%.
  • The total rescued animals are treated 522 and it is an increased percentage of 21% rather than other months. The Euthanasia animals are decreased about 13% rather than last month.
  • Then the bar chart shows that the comparison between donations amount versus expenditure. In that year, $23,580 is obtained as the donations over expenses. SO it is profit for the organization.
  • The top most graph shows that the curve indicates that the fundraising has been increased.
  • The top most graph shows that the comparison between organizations business viability, expenses versus revenues. In the year of April 2018, the Revenue expenditure is calculated as $2500 and it is retrieved through comparison between correlation of donations and expenditure.
  • And finally the bottom most graph shows that the revenue grants by comparing the grants amount and expenditure. The obtained Revenue Grants is $3500.

The multidimensional model is also known as conceptual model. Generally, this model is mainly involved in the analysis process of the dimensions of organization and the board members with those dimensions. In this modelling, Thomsen diagrams are used to present the conceptual model.


  • Name of the State
  • Name of the City
  • Name of the Suburb
  • Name of the company


  • Year: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013,……,1987

Month: Fiscal Year: July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June


  • Name of the Staff
  • Date of Birth
  • Sex
  • Name of Country
  • Phone number
  • Email ID


  • Granting Bodies
  • Name of the grant
  • Total Amount
  • Address details
  • General Public
  • Name of person
  • Total Amount
  • Address detail
  • Donations
  • Name of the donor
  • Donation Amount
  • Address Details


  • Animal Species
  • Native


  • Total amount of Revenue
  • Total amount of Sales
  • Total amount of expenses
  • Total amount of profit
  • Total amount of donations
  • Total amount of grants


A suitable decision support is chosen according to the data visualization approach. The application design model is identified based on the business requirements and the model is designed well. According to the multidimensional model Thomsen diagram is drawn. The prototype of the business intelligence is designed in order to the application design. The key performance indicators can be analyzed through Dashboard which is created using appropriate tool.

This project aims to investigate the problem regards the typical business intelligence design of a company and determining the key business decision requirements of the senior managers of that company which was given in case study. The key performance indicators can be analyzed through Dashboard which will be created using appropriate tool. Then the basic concept of data warehouse will be analyzed. The technical architectural design of data warehouse will be discussed and then advantages and disadvantages of architectures will be examined in detail. Data dictionary will be generated for the fact and dimension tables and the main purpose is for ETL process.

The star schema for data warehouse is designed with fact tables that reference to the dimension tables. In each dimension tables, there are associated attributes are presented. These attributes are applied for the construction of dimensional data marts and data warehouses that support the analytic applications of business intelligence.

In the above start diagram, the underlined attributes are primary keys. ‘Communication Event’ is a Fact table. The dimensional tables are Fundraising Campaign, Communication Type, Donation, Animal Treatment and Communication Receipt.


In the above Star diagram is designed for Thomsen diagram 2. The underlined attributes are primary keys. The fact table is ‘Revenue fact’. The dimensional tables are Donor, Grants, Organization, Line Item Invoice and Council Invoice.

The data warehouse mainly aims to store the data. Generally, the data warehouse can be defined as a collected, interrelated and organized data from various data sources in an organization. The main purpose of designing data warehouse is that designing and developing business intelligences in various applications which helps in decision making for the management. It integrates the heterogeneous data from different sources and it produces an analysis output in the form of reports. It is the basic data storage structure. The data stored in data warehouse could not be transformed. But this data can be de-normalized into augmented presentation or scalability. There are various architectures designed and presented for data warehouse according to their advantages and disadvantages related to Art Works Organization and its data management system.

  • Enterprise Data Warehouse

The architecture design of the Enterprise Data Warehouse is a typical and very suitable for storing the data of big corporations. Here, the data are thoroughly examined, analyzed, integrated, documented and collected data from heterogeneous resources. These data are integrated from the extensive fundamentals history of exchange level data. This type of data warehouse is designed for reporting and data analysis and a central constituent of business intelligence.


  • Single database warehouse used to compare all stats from diversely origin into one
  • Centralized database management system and large in scope
  • Detailed and organized data to relieve with various retrieval requests
  • Helps in strategic decision-making
  • Optimizes the origin process


  • Big gauge which often pass to shoot failures
  • Execution is liberal and period dedicated
  • Hard to meet the requirements of every association or distinctive
  • Federated Data Warehouse

Federated Data Mart or Meta-(computer file full of information)/data management is like independent data marts and maps many (computer files full of information) which are independent in nature and are all over the place. This data warehouse supports to eliminate (having more than one for safety or backup purposes) in the system.


  • Development can be done in a parallel manner
  • Involves single set extraction process
  • Helps in related to a plan to reach a goal decision-making
  • Helps in managing ETL processes


  • It causes high operating costs
  • Long-term solutions are not able to be done or reached
  • Historic complex difficulty is uncertain
  • Dependent Data Warehouse

In Dependent data warehouse, there are a unit multiple de-normalized knowledge marts that area unit passionate about knowledge warehouses. The subsections of knowledge of information area unit derived from enterprise data warehouse and systematic to suit into the wants of a company system or application.


  • Supports in decision-making
  • Flexible warehouse such that the upcoming solutions or surprising mistakes can be cooperatively changed something (to help someone)/took care of someone
  • The data from the storage place is (pulled out or taken from something else) to develop expected/looked ahead to intelligences according to the needed things of an organization


  • Complex putting into use
  • Very hard to buy/own/receive all the data needed/demanded from business/project data warehouse
  • Dependent Data Warehouse

Independent Data Mart consists of clear/separate, (separated far from others) and many small dimensional data warehouses for each business unit all over the place, used to extract information (surviving with no outside help).


  • Putting into use time is (producing a lot with very little waste)
  • Aids in decision-making
  • Separate and clear/separate marts for meeting different business needed things
  • Tend to be very successful


  • High operating cost due to (making copies of something/more than one person or company doing the same thing) of data sources
  • Poor putting into use because of many marts
  • Medium to long term problems with (the ability to be made bigger or smaller) and combination
  • Not agreeing/not happening in the same way and combination of different things together that work as one unit

After figuring out the worth, amount, or quality of the advantages and disadvantages of the above described technical related to the beautiful design and construction of buildings, etc., Business/project Data Warehouse is the most appropriate and completely fits to the needed things and systems of Art Works organization which will benefit them to complete their goals and detailed descriptions of exactly what is required and because of this, the recommended structure.

Name of Table &Description

Name of Attribute & Description


This dimension table uniquely identifies different time values

Campaign ID

Primary Key to identify different and unique ID of Campaign

Campaign Name

Attribute for name of Campaign


Attribute for different values of notes

Managing Staff Member ID

Attribute for identifying Managing staff members

Campaign Start Date

Attribute for identifying the starting date of each Campaign

Campaign End Date

Attribute for identifying the completion date of each Campaign

Total Raised from Campaign

Attributes for Total amount raised from different Campaign


This dimension table provides details of the donations made

Donation ID

Primary Key to uniquely identify and provide details of a particular donation

Donation Date

Attribute for displaying the date on which a particular donation was made

Donation Amount

Attribute to display the amount of donation made in dollars


Description attribute to designate how the donation was made and whether it was part of a show or just a walk-in

Organisational Donor ID

Attribute to identify the details of the donor organisation through the organisation’s ID

Contact Donor ID

Attribute to identify the details of the donor individual through the individual’s contact ID

Event ID

Attribute to identify the details of the event in which and for which the donation was made


This dimension table provides details of the grants asked for and thus made towards the organisation

Grant Application ID

Primary Key to uniquely identify the application and details of a grant

Grant Submission Date

Attribute to identify the date on which grant was application submitted

Grant Outcome

Attribute to identify the outcome of the grant application submitted

Grant Amount Applied for

Attribute to identify the amount of grant applied, in dollars, in the application

Amount Granted

Attribute to identify the amount of grant approved and thus given

Amount Received

Attribute to identify the amount of approved grant received till a particular date as compared to the total approved grant


Description attribute to designate how the grant was made and whether it was part of a show or not

Programme ID

Attribute to recognize the details of the programme for which grant was made


This dimension table provides the particulars of the granting organisations who make the grant towards the organisation

Granting Organisation ID

Primary Key to uniquely identify the details of a particular business unit who made the grant


Description attribute to display the name of the granting organisation


Description attribute to display the contact details of the granting organisation

Street Address

Description attribute to display the street address of the granting organisation


Description attribute to display the city where granting organisation is based


Description attribute to display the postcode of the place where granting organisation is based


Description attribute to display the state where granting organisation is based


Description attribute to display the country where granting organisation is based


This fact table provides the revenue generated and expenses incurred by the Art Works organisation

Time Key ID

Foreign Key from Time dimension to identify the time details

Donation ID

Foreign Key from Donation dimension to identify donations details

Sale ID

Foreign Key from Donation dimension to identify sales details

Grant Application ID

Foreign Key from Grants dimension to identify the details of the grants made

Granting Organisation ID

Foreign Key from Granting Organisation dimension to identify the details of the granting organisations who make the grants

Total Revenue

Attribute which calculates and displays total revenue generated from the three revenue/income streams

Total Expenses

Attribute which calculates and displays total expenses incurred


A suitable decision support is chosen according to the data visualization approach. The application design model is identified based on the business requirements and the model is designed well. Then the basic concept of data warehouse is analyzed. The technical architectural design of data warehouse is discussed and then advantages and disadvantages of architectures will be examined in detail. Data dictionary is generated for the fact and dimension tables and the main purpose is for ETL process.

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